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单词 腓尼基人
释义 〔Tripoli〕The capital and largest city of Libya, in the northwest part of the country on the Mediterranean Sea. Settled by Phoenicians from Tyre, it has Roman and Byzantine remains. Population, 858,500.的黎波里:利比亚的首都和第一大城市,位于利比亚的西北部,临地中海,最早是提尔的腓尼基人建立,该市保留有罗马的拜占庭式的古迹。人口858,500〔Carthage〕An ancient city and state of northern Africa on the Bay of Tunis northeast of modern Tunis. It was founded by the Phoenicians in the ninth centuryb.c. and became the center of Carthaginian power in the Mediterranean after the sixth century b.c. The city was destroyed by the Romans at the end of the Third Punic War (146 b.c. ) but was rebuilt by Julius Caesar and later ( a.d. 439-533) served as capital of the Vandals before its virtual annihilation by the Arabs (698). 迦太基:非洲北部一古代城邦,位于今突尼斯东北部突尼斯湾沿岸。由腓尼基人于公元前 9世纪创立,并在 公元前 6世纪之后成为地中海上迦太基政权中心。该城在第三次布匿战争结束时( 公元前 146年)被罗马人毁灭,但不久即被尤里乌斯·凯撒重建,此后( 公元 439-533年)在被阿拉伯人灭掉之前(1698年)是汪尔达人的首都 〔Yafo〕A former city of west-central Israel on the Mediterranean Sea. An ancient Phoenician city, it was taken by the Israelites in the 6th centurya.d. and later fell to the Arabs (636), Crusaders (12th century), and Ottoman Turks (16th century). Yafo was inhabited mainly by Arabs until the state of Israel was proclaimed in 1948. Since 1950 the city has been part of Tel Aviv-Yafo. 雅法:以色列中西部以前的城市,临地中海。它是古老的腓尼基人城市,公元 6世纪时被古以色列人占据,随后几易其主,阿拉伯人(636年)、十字军(12世纪)、鄂图曼土耳其(16世纪)。1948年以色列建国前雅法主要居住着阿拉伯人。1950年该市成为特拉维夫-雅法的一部分 〔Utica〕An ancient city of northern Africa on the Mediterranean Sea northwest of Carthage. According to tradition, it was founded c. 1100b.c. by Phoenicians from Tyre. The city declined in the first century b.c. and was finally destroyed by the Arabs c. a.d. 700. 尤蒂卡:非洲北部的一古代城市,临近地中海,位于迦太基的西北。据传它是于公元前 1000年左右由蒂尔城来腓尼基人创立的。此城于 公元前 1世纪左右衰落,最后于 公元 700年左右被阿拉伯人摧毁 〔Dagon〕The chief god of the ancient Philistines and later the Phoenicians, represented as half-man and half-fish.大衮:古代非利士人和后来腓尼基人的主神,以半人半鱼的形象出现〔Mediterranean〕The region surrounding the Mediterranean Sea. Some of the most ancient civilizations flourished in the region, which was dominated for millenniums by Phoenicia, Carthage, Greece, Sicily, and Rome.地中海沿岸地区:地中海周围的地区。一些最古老的文明曾在这里繁荣兴盛。这一地区先后为腓尼基人、迦太基人、希腊人、西西里人以及罗马所统治〔Beirut〕The capital and largest city of Lebanon, in the western part of the country on the Mediterranean Sea. Founded by the Phoenicians, it was an important Greek and Roman trade center. The city has long been the scene of bitter factional fighting. Population, 509,000.贝鲁特:黎巴嫩首都和最大城市,位于地中海岸该国西部。由腓尼基人建立,曾是希腊与罗马重要的贸易中心。该城长期以来一直是民族争端的地域。人口509,000〔Phoenician〕A native or inhabitant of ancient Phoenicia.腓尼基人:古代腓尼基土著人或居民〔Lisbon〕The capital and largest city of Portugal, in the western part of the country on the Tagus River estuary. An ancient Iberian settlement, it was held by the Phoenicians and Carthaginians, taken by the Romans in 205b.c. , and conquered by the Moors c. a.d. 714. Reconquered by the Portuguese in 1147, it flourished in the 16th century during the heyday of colonial expansion in Africa and India. The city was devastated by a major earthquake in 1755. Population, 807,167. 里斯本:葡萄牙首都和最大的城市。位于太加斯河湾区域的西部。它是一个古老的伊比利亚人定居点,曾被腓尼基人和迦太基人占有。公元前 205年被罗马人占领,并于 公元 714年被摩尔人征服,1147年葡萄牙人重新征服该城。在16世纪向非洲和印度的殖民扩张的全盛时期最为繁荣,在1755年一场大地震中被夷为平地。人口807,167 〔Palermo〕A city of northwest Sicily, Italy, on the Tyrrhenian Sea. Founded by Phoenicians c. eighth centuryb.c. , it later became a Carthaginian military base and was conquered by Rome in 254-253. The Arabs held the city from a.d. 831 until 1072, when it became capital of the independent kingdom of Sicily (until 1194). Population, 699,691. 马勒莫城:意大利西西里西北部城市,濒临第勒尼安海。腓尼基人建城于公元前 8世纪,后来它成为迦太基人的一个军事基地并于254-253年被罗马人征服。从 公元 831到1072年,阿拉伯人控制该城,当时它成为西西里独立王国的首都(直到1194年)。人口699,691 〔sack〕The wordsack may seem an odd candidate for preserving a few thousand years of history, but this word for an ordinary thing probably goes back to Middle Eastern antiquity.Sack owes its long history to the fact that it and its ancestors denoted an object that was used in trade between peoples. Thus the Greeks got their wordsakkos, "a bag made out of coarse cloth or hair,” from the Phoenicians with whom they traded. We do not know the Phoenician word,but we know words that are akin to it,such as Hebrewsaq and Akkadian saqqu. The Greeks then passed the sack, as it were, to the Latin-speaking Romans, who transmitted their wordsaccus, "a large bag or sack,” to the Germanic tribes with whom they traded, who gave it the form .sakkiz (other peoples as well have taken this word from Greek or Latin, including speakers of Welsh, Russian, Polish, and Albanian).The speakers of Old English, a Germanic language, used two forms of the word,sæc, from .sakkiz, and sacc, directly from Latin; the second Old English form is the ancestor of oursack. sack 这个词具有几百年的历史看起来可能很奇怪, 但这个词用来指一件普通的物品大概可追溯到古代中东。Sack 的长久历史归功于它和它的前身,即指用于人们之间贸易的一个物品。 因此希腊人从与他们做买卖的腓尼基人处得到sakkos 这个词,指“用粗布或毛发制成的袋子”。 我们不懂腓尼基语指什么,但知道一些与它相关的词,如希伯莱语中的Saq 和阿卡德语中的 Saqqu。 希腊人于是又把这个词传到说拉丁语的罗马人中,罗马人把他们的词saccus (“大袋子,大麻袋”)传给与他们做贸易的日耳曼人部落,他们用 Sakkiz 这种形式 (其他民族也从希腊语或拉丁语中得到这个词,其中包括说威尔士语、俄语、波兰语和阿尔巴尼亚语的人们)。讲古英语(一种日耳曼语言)的人用这个词的两种形式:源自sakkiz 的 sæc 和源自拉丁语的 sacc ; 这第二种古英语的形式是我们现在的sack 的前身 〔Semite〕A member of a group of Semitic-speaking peoples of the Near East and northern Africa, including the Arabs, Arameans, Babylonians, Carthaginians, Ethiopians, Hebrews, and Phoenicians.闪米特人:居住在近东和北非的讲闪语的一群民族中的成员,包括阿拉伯人阿拉姆人迦太基人、埃塞俄比亚人、希伯来人和腓尼基人〔Phoenicia〕An ancient maritime country of southwest Asia consisting of city-states along the eastern Mediterranean Sea in present-day Syria and Lebanon. Its people became the foremost navigators and traders of the Mediterranean by 1250b.c. and established numerous colonies, including Carthage in northern Africa. The Phoenicians traveled to the edges of the known world at the time and introduced their alphabet, based on symbols for sounds rather than cuneiform or hieroglyphic representations, to the Greeks and other early peoples. Phoenicia's culture was gradually absorbed by Persian and later Hellenistic civilizations. 腓尼基:亚洲西南部的一个古代海边国家,由地中海东部沿岸的城邦组成,位于今叙利亚和黎巴嫩境内。直到公元前 1250年,腓尼基人一直是地中海地区最闻名的航海家和商人,并建立了许多殖民地,包括北非的迦太基。腓尼基人到过当时所知的世界边缘,他们把基于声音符号而不是楔形或象形文字的字母表,介绍给希腊人和其他早期民族。腓尼基文化逐步地被波斯文化和后来的古希腊文化所吸收 〔Sardinia〕An island of Italy in the Mediterranean Sea south of Corsica. Settled by Phoenicians, Greeks, and Carthaginians before the sixth centuryb.c. , the island was taken by Rome in 238 b.c. and later fell to the Vandals (fifth century a.d. ) and the Byzantines (early sixth century). Numerous European powers controlled the island before 1720, when it passed to the House of Savoy and became the nucleus of the Kingdom of Sardinia. Victor Emmanuel II of Sardinia became the first king of Italy in 1861. 撒丁尼亚:意大利地中海中的一个岛屿,位于科西嘉岛南面。在公元前 6世纪前由腓尼基人、希腊人和迦太基人居住,该岛于 公元前 238年被罗马人占领,然后又分别被汪达尔人( 公元 5世纪)和拜占庭人(6世纪早期)占领该岛,于1720年归入萨瓦王朝统治下,成为撒丁王国的中心,在此以前该岛曾被许多欧洲力量控制过。维克多·伊曼纽尔二世(撒丁王国国王)于1861年成为意大利第一位国王 〔Bizerte〕A city of northern Tunisia on the Mediterranean Sea northwest of Tunis. It was founded by the Phoenicians and is today a major port and naval base. Population, 62,856.比塞大:突尼斯北部一城市,位于突尼斯市西北地中海岸。由腓尼基人建立,现在是主要港口和海军基地。人口62,856〔Hermon〕The highest peak, 2,815.8 m (9,232 ft), of the Anti-Lebanon Range on the Syria-Lebanon border. It was sacred to the worshipers of Baal and is considered the traditional site of Jesus's transfiguration.哈蒙峰:在叙利亚、黎巴嫩边界的安替黎巴嫩山脉的最高峰,海拔2,815.8米(9,232英尺)。对古腓尼基人信奉的太阳神的崇拜者来说,此山是圣山,据认为是耶稣改变形象的地方〔Phoenician〕The Semitic language of ancient Phoenicia.腓尼基语:古代腓尼基人讲的闪族语言〔Phoenician〕Of or relating to ancient Phoenicia or its people, language, or culture.腓尼基的,腓尼基人的:古代腓尼基或其民族、语言或文化的〔Ashtoreth〕The ancient Syrian and Phoenician goddess of sexual love and fertility.阿什托雷思:古代叙利亚和腓尼基人的性爱与繁殖女神〔Sousse〕A city of northeast Tunisia on an inlet of the Mediterranean Sea. Founded in ancient times by the Phoenicians, it was an important city under the Romans and Carthaginians and later under the Arabs (9th-11th centuries) and the French (19th-20th centuries). Population, 69,530.苏萨:突尼斯东北部的一个城市,位于地中海的一个海湾沿岸。远古时代时腓尼基人创建,是一个重要的城市,先是处于罗马人与迦太基人的统治之下,后被阿拉伯人(9世纪至11世纪)和法国人(19世纪至20世纪)控制。人口69,530〔Ibiza〕A Spanish island of the Balearic Islands in the western Mediterranean Sea southwest of Majorca. The island attracts tourists and artists and has Roman, Phoenician, and Carthaginian ruins.伊维萨岛:巴利阿里群岛的一个西班牙的岛,位于地中海西部、马略卡岛西南。这岛吸引着游客和艺术家,并有罗马人、腓尼基人和迦太基人的遗迹〔Sicily〕An island of southern Italy in the Mediterranean Sea west of the southern end of the Italian peninsula. It was colonized from the 8th centuryb.c. by Greeks, who displaced the earlier Phoenician settlers. The next conquerors were Carthaginians, who in turn were conquered by Romans in the 3rd century b.c. After a succession of other rulers the island came under the control of the Normans in the 11th century a.d. and formed the nucleus of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, consisting of Sicily and southern Italy. The island continued to change hands until a later kingdom was conquered by Giuseppe Garibaldi in 1860 and became part of unified Italy. 西西里:意大利南部一岛屿,位于意大利半岛南端以西的地中海。从公元前 8世纪起成为希腊殖民地,希腊人赶走了早期定居在此的腓尼基人。迦太基人成为下一个征服者,他们在 公元前 3世纪又被罗马人所征服。在经过其他人相继统治之后, 公元 11世纪该岛被置于诺曼人管辖之下,并形成了两西西里王国的核心部分,由西西里和意大利南部组成。该岛继续多次易手,直到1860年朱森珀·加里波第征服了最后一个王国为止,它成为统一后的意大利的一部分




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