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单词 能产生
释义 〔pay〕Yielding valuable metal in mining:有开采价值的:通过开采能产生有价值金属的:〔very〕 as well as by other syntactic criteria.But the status of other participles is still in flux.Some speakers accept phrases such asvery appreciated, very astonished, or very heartened, while others prefer alternatives usingvery much. What is more, some participles allow treatment as adjectives in one sense but not another:one may speak ofa very inflated reputation, for example, but not, ordinarily, of a very inflated balloon. As a result, there is no sure way to tell which participles may be modified by a barevery —syntactic tests such as the use of the participle as an attributive adjective will themselves yield different judgments for different speakers—and writers must trust their ears.When in doubt, the use ofvery much is generally the safer alternative. 也可以由其它句法标准衡量。但是其它分词的位置还仍旧在变动,一些人同意例如very appreciated, very astonished(非常欣赏的,非常惊讶的) 或者 very heartened(极受鼓舞的) 这样的词组, 而另一些人喜欢选择使very much (非常的) 这种用法。 另外,有些分词允许在某些意义上用作形容词,但不能用在其它意义上:例如一个人可以说a very inflated reputation(很好的名誉) ,但一般不说 a very inflated balloon(很鼓的气球)。 这样一来,就很难辨别哪一个分词能只用very 修饰——句法测验, 例如作为一个定语形容词的分词用法,对于不同的说话者能产生不同的判断——作者必须相信他们的耳朵。当有疑问时,very much 的用法通常是一个比较安全的选择 〔violone〕A 16-foot organ stop yielding stringlike tones similar to those of a cello.低音提琴音栓:能产生类似于大提琴弦音的十六尺律音栓〔balsam〕Any of various trees, especially the balsam fir, yielding an aromatic resinous substance.香脂冷杉:一种能产生芳香脂类物质的树木,尤指胶杉〔lamp〕A device that generates light, heat, or therapeutic radiation.灯:一种能产生光、热或者治疗射线的装置〔flint〕A small solid cylinder of a spark-producing alloy, used in lighters to ignite the fuel.(打火机用的)电石:一种由能产生火星的、坚硬的合金小圆柱体,用于点燃打火机燃料〔aequorin〕A protein secreted by certain jellyfish that interacts with seawater to produce bioluminescent light.发光蛋白质:一与海水相互作用能产生生物光的水母所分泌的蛋白质〔mamma〕An organ of female mammals that contains milk-producing glands; a mammary gland.乳房:雌性哺乳动物所具有的一种器官,内有能产生奶汁的腺体;乳腺〔creative〕Productive; creating.能产生的;创造的〔immunocompromised〕Incapable of developing a normal immune response, usually as a result of disease, malnutrition, or immunosuppressive therapy.免疫缺失的:不能产生正常的免疫反应,通常是因疾病、营养不良或免疫抑制治疗而产生的〔conidiophore〕A specialized fungal hypha that produces conidia.分生孢子:一种能产生分生孢子特殊真菌菌丝〔marrowfat〕One of several varieties of pea that produces large seeds. Also called marrow pea 皱粒大豌豆,大豌豆:一种能产生大籽的豌豆 也作 marrow pea〔adrenocorticosteroid〕A steroid derived from the adrenal cortex or one that produces physiological effects similar to those of the adrenal cortex.肾上腺皮质类固醇:得自肾上腺皮质的类固醇或能产生类似肾上腺皮质的生理作用的类固醇〔spider〕Any of numerous arachnids of the order Araneae, having a body divided into a cephalothorax bearing eight legs, two poison fangs, and two feelers and an unsegmented abdomen bearing several spinnerets that produce the silk used to make nests, cocoons, or webs for trapping insects.蜘蛛:一种蜘蛛纲蛛形目动物,身体分成长有八足的头胸部、两只毒牙、两条触角以及一个不分节的腹部,腹部上有几个吐丝器,能产生丝来织网、结茧,或结网以捕捉其他昆虫〔fertile〕fertile thorium 232.能产生裂变物质的钍232〔secretor〕A cell, a tissue, or an organ that produces a secretion.分泌器官:能产生分泌物的细胞、组织或器官〔megakaryocyte〕A large bone marrow cell with a lobulate nucleus that gives rise to blood platelets.巨核细胞:大骨髓细胞,有由小叶组成的能产生血小板的细胞核〔bellows〕An apparatus for producing a strong current of air, as for sounding a pipe organ or increasing the draft to a fire, consisting of a flexible, valved air chamber that is contracted and expanded by pumping to force the air through a nozzle.风箱:能产生强气流的一种装置,如用于探检管状器官或给火增加风量,由一个活动的带有阀门的空气室组成,可通过一喷嘴向空气室打气使之压缩或膨胀〔datura〕Any of several plants of the genusDatura, having large trumpet-shaped flowers up to 25 centimeters (10 inches) long and usually prickly fruits. The leaves and seeds yield alkaloids with narcotic properties. Also called thorn apple 曼陀罗花:一种曼陀罗 属植物,开喇叭状的大花,花高达25厘米(10英寸),有长而且通常是多刺的果实。叶子和种子能产生带有麻醉特性的有机含氮碱 也作 thorn apple〔sandarac〕A coniferous evergreen tree(Tetraclinis articulata) of Spain and northern Africa, having flattened branches, scalelike leaves, and bark that yields a hard, brittle, translucent resin used in varnishes. 香松树:一种生长于西班牙与非洲北部的常青针叶树(柏松属 山达树) ,有扁平的树枝和鳞状叶子,树木能产生一种用于清漆的硬、脆、半透明的树脂 〔real〕"what the actual things were which produced the emotion that you experienced" (Ernest Hemingway).“那些能产生你所经历过的感情的真实事物是什么” (欧内斯特· 海明威)。〔inulin〕A polysaccharide with the general formula (C6H 10O 5) n that is found in the roots of various composite plants and yields fructose when hydrolyzed. 菊粉:一般公式为(C6H 10O 5) n的多聚糖,发现于各种菊科植物的根部,水解时能产生果糖 〔gonad〕An organ in animals that produces gametes, especially a testis or an ovary.性腺:动物身上的一种器官,能产生配子,特别是指睾丸或卵巢〔cogeneration〕A process in which an industrial facility uses its waste energy to produce heat or electricity.利用废能发电:工厂使用废能产生热或电的过程〔redia〕A larva of certain trematodes that is produced within the sporocyst and that can give rise to additional rediae or to cercariae.雷迪氏幼虫:形成于胞蚴中能产生新的雷迪氏幼虫或尾蚴的吸虫幼虫〔lucky〕Believed to bring good luck:据信能产生好运的:〔microevolution〕Evolution resulting from a succession of relatively small genetic variations that often cause the formation of new subspecies.微进化:由一系列相对较小通常能产生新的亚科的基因变异引起的进化〔sapodilla〕An evergreen tree(Manilkara zapota) of Mexico and Central America, having latex that yields chicle and edible fruit with sweet yellow-brown flesh. 人心果树:一种生长于墨西哥及中美洲的常青树(人心果 铁线子属) ,具有能产生糖胶树胶的乳液,果实可食用,有黄棕色甜果肉 〔high〕Of, relating to, or being the gear configuration or setting, as in an automotive transmission, that produces the greatest vehicular speed with respect to engine speed.高档的:能产生相对于发动机速度的最大机车速度的传动装置或设备,如汽车的变速档〔bathos〕An abrupt, unintended transition in style from the exalted to the commonplace, producing a ludicrous effect.突降法:一种突然的,意外的变化,在文体上从庄严崇高降至平庸可笑,能产生一种意想不到的效果〔burn〕 Burn, the most general, applies to the effects of exposure to a source of heator to something that can produce a similar effect: Brun 最常见的用法是用来形容接触一个热源,或其它能产生相似效果的东西作用之后的结果: 〔neurohypophysis〕The posterior portion of the pituitary gland, having a rich supply of nerve fibers and releasing oxytocin and vasopressin.神经垂体:脑下垂体的后侧部分,能产生丰富的神经纤维和释放催产素和血管加压素〔dynamo〕A generator, especially one for producing direct current.发电机:发电机,尤指能产生直流电的那种〔plant〕Any of various photosynthetic, eukaryotic, multicellular organisms of the kingdom Plantae characteristically producing embryos, containing chloroplasts, having cellulose cell walls, and lacking the power of locomotion.植物,树:植物界中具有光合作用的,真核生物的多细胞生物体,其特征能产生胚,含有叶绿素,具有纤维素构成的细胞壁,且缺乏运动的能力〔babassu〕A Brazilian feather-leaved palm(Orbignya barbosiana) having hard-shelled fruits whose seeds yield an edible vegetable oil. 巴西榈:巴西羽叶棕榈(巴拉苏奥比尼亚棕 奥比尼亚棕属) 有硬壳果实,其种子能产生食用植物油 〔trisaccharide〕A carbohydrate that yields three monosaccharides upon hydrolysis.三糖:完全水解时能产生三个单糖的一种糖〔mammal〕Any of various warm-blooded vertebrate animals of the class Mammalia, including human beings, characterized by a covering of hair on the skin and, in the female, milk-producing mammary glands for nourishing the young.哺乳动物:任一种包括人类在内的哺乳动物纲的温血脊椎动物,其特点是皮肤上有一层毛,雌性具有养育幼崽的能产生奶汁的乳腺〔effectual〕Producing or sufficient to produce a desired effect; fully adequate.See Synonyms at effective 有效的:能产生或足以产生预定效果的;完全充足的 参见 effective〔efficacious〕Producing or capable of producing a desired effect.See Synonyms at effective 灵验的:能产生或产生所期的效果的 参见 effective〔target〕A structure in a television camera tube with a storage surface that is scanned by an electron beam to generate a signal output current similar to the charge-density pattern stored on the surface.靶电极:电视摄像管中的一种结构,其记忆表面被一束电子流扫描后能产生与该表面上存储的电荷密度方式相似的一束信号并输出电流




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