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单词 胸部
释义 〔plate〕A thin cut of beef from the brisket.牛的下部胸肉:牛胸部的一片薄肉〔bosomed〕Having a bosom of a specified kind. Often used in combination:胸部的:拥有某类胸部的。常用于复合词:〔thrush〕Any of numerous migratory songbirds of the family Turdidae, usually having brownish upper plumage and a spotted breast and noted for a clear melodious song.鸫:鸫种的多种迁徒鸣禽之一,身体上部羽毛通常为褐色,胸部有斑点,叫声清脆且有韵律〔jabot〕French [crop of a bird, jabot] ; akin to Old French dialectal .gave [throat, gullet] 法语 [鸟的平头,胸部装饰] ;类似于 古法语方言 ·gave [咽喉,食道] 〔shag〕[Perhaps from its shaggy crest] [可能源于其蓬乱的胸部] 〔thorax〕A part in other vertebrates that corresponds to the human thorax.胸部:其它脊椎动物的身体上和人胸部相应的部位〔chested〕Having a specified kind of chest. Often used in combination:胸的:有特定胸部的。常用于复合词:〔bosom〕The chest of a human being:胸部:人的胸部〔topless〕Of, relating to, or wearing a garment that does not cover the breasts.袒胸的:没有遮住胸部的衣服的;与之有关的;穿这种衣服的〔chesty〕Having a large or well-developed chest or bust.前胸宽阔的,胸部丰满的:胸部或前胸宽阔或者发育良好的〔pneumograph〕A device for recording the force and speed of chest movements during respiration.呼吸描记器:用来记录呼吸时胸部运动的力量和速度的一种装置〔gynecomastia〕Abnormal enlargement of the breasts in a male.男子女性型乳房:男性胸部的异常增大〔thorax〕from Latin thōrāx [breastplate, chest] 源自 拉丁语 thōrāx [胸垫,胸部] 〔breast〕Either of two milk-secreting, glandular organs on the chest of a woman; the human mammary gland.乳房,乳腺:女人胸部两个分泌乳汁的腺状器官之一;人的乳腺〔meadowlark〕Any of various songbirds of the genusSturnella of North America, especially S. magna, the eastern meadowlark, and S. neglecta, the western meadowlark, having brownish plumage, a yellow breast, and a black crescent-shaped marking beneath the throat. 草地鹨:一种产于北美洲的草地鹨 属鸣鸟,尤指东部草地鹨的 东美草地鹨, 和西部草地鹨的 西美草地鹨 ,长有深褐色羽毛,胸部为黄色,喉部下面有黑色新月形标记 〔cesta〕from Latin cista [chest] * see chest 源自 拉丁语 cista [胸部] * 参见 chest〔tight〕a tight feeling in the chest.胸部有一种压迫感〔zoea〕A larval form of crabs and other decapod crustaceans, characterized by one or more spines on the carapace and rudimentary limbs on the abdomen and thorax. 蟹幼体:蟹和其它十足目甲壳纲动物的幼虫形式,其特点是在其背甲上有一个或多个脊椎,而且在腹部和胸部有一个或多个未发展完全的肢体〔constriction〕Fear caused a sudden constriction in my chest.恐惧使我胸部突然感到有点压抑〔millipede〕Any of various crawling, herbivorous myriapods of the class Diplopoda, found worldwide and having a cylindrical, segmented body with two pairs of legs attached to all segments except for the first four in the thoracic region. Also called diplopod 千足虫:一种多足类食草性爬行节肢动物,分布于世界各地,有圆柱形、节肢状身体,除胸部的前四节外所有节都有一对足 也作 diplopod〔pectoral〕A muscle or an organ of the chest.胸部的肌肉或器官〔vuln〕To wound (oneself) by biting at the breast. Used of the pelican, which was once believed to feed its young with its blood, as a heraldic motif and symbol of Christ.咬伤胸部:咬伤(某人的)胸部。用于指鹈鹕,其曾被认为以自身其血液喂食子女,作为基督的纹章主题和象征〔bustier〕from buste [bust] * see bust 1源自 buste [胸部] * 参见 bust1〔fluorouracil〕An antineoplastic agent, C4H 3FN 2O 2, used especially in the treatment of cancers of the skin, breast, and digestive system. 氟脲嘧啶:一种含氟的嘧啶碱基,C4H 3FN 2O 2,尤其用于治疗皮肤、胸部和消化系统的癌症 〔sternum〕A long flat bone in most vertebrates that is situated along the ventral midline of the thorax and articulates with the ribs. The manubrium of the sternum articulates with the clavicles in human beings and certain other vertebrates. Also called breastbone 胸骨:位于多数脊椎动物延胸部中线并与肋骨相连的一块长而平的骨头,人类和一些其它脊椎动物胸骨的胸骨柄与锁骨相连 也作 breastbone〔cuirass〕A piece of armor for protecting the breast and back.上半身铠甲:用来保护胸部和背部的那块铠甲〔lumpectomy〕Surgical excision of a tumor from the breast with the removal of a minimal amount of surrounding tissue.乳房肿瘤切除术:通过去除少量周围组织德手术摘除胸部肿瘤〔pouter〕One of a breed of pigeons capable of distending the crop until the breast becomes puffed out.球胸鸽:能将其嗪囊膨胀起直至胸部突起的鸽子〔osmeterium〕An eversible glandular sac on the first thoracic segment of many caterpillars that secretes an unpleasant-smelling substance to ward off predators.丫腺:许多鳞翅目幼虫胸部第一节的可翻转腺囊,能散发难闻气味驱走捕食者〔mastopexy〕Plastic surgery in which the breasts are lifted or reshaped.乳房整型手术:将胸部隆起或改造的整型外科手术〔breast〕The superior ventral surface of the human body, extending from the neck to the abdomen.胸部:人体的上身腹部表面,从脖子延伸到腹部〔yellowhammer〕A small bunting(Emberiza citrinella) of Europe and western Asia having bright yellow plumage on the head, neck, and breast. 黄鵐:产于欧洲和西亚的小鵐(黄鵐) ,头部、颈部和胸部的羽毛呈鲜黄色 〔thorax〕The part of the human body between the neck and the diaphragm, partially encased by the ribs and containing the heart and lungs; the chest.胸部:人体颈部和膈之间被肋骨部分包围的部分,内有心脏和肺;胸部〔ruddock〕An Old World robin(Erithacus rubecula) having olive-brown upper plumage and a conspicuous orange breast. 歌鸲:旧大陆的一种知更鸟(欧亚鸲) ,上层羽毛黄褐色,胸部呈现明显的桔黄色 〔asthma〕A chronic respiratory disease, often arising from allergies, that is characterized by sudden recurring attacks of labored breathing, chest constriction, and coughing.气喘(病):一种长期的呼吸系统疾病,通常由过敏症引起,特征是呼吸剧烈,胸部收缩,及咳嗽等的突然复发〔galah〕An Australian cockatoo(Cacatua roseicapilla) having pale blue-gray plumage and a pink breast. 粉红凤头鹦鹉:澳大利亚产的一种鹦鹉(粉红凤头鹦鹉 桃红鹦鹉) ,具有淡蓝灰色羽毛和粉红色胸部 〔redstart〕A European bird(Phoenicurus phoenicurus) having grayish plumage and a rust-red breast and tail. 红尾鸲:一种羽毛为灰色、胸部和尾部为锈红色的欧洲鸟类(红尾鸲) 〔sternum〕from Greek sternon [breast, breastbone] * see ster- 2源自 希腊语 sternon [胸部,胸骨] * 参见 ster- 2〔breastplate〕A piece of armor that covers the breast.胸铠,护卫:一件护卫胸部的盔甲〔chested〕large-chested; a white-chested horse.大胸部的;一匹白胸的马




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