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单词 股票
释义 〔Babson〕American financial statistician who in September 1929 forecast a sharp drop in stock prices, thereby correctly predicting the stock market crash of October 1929.巴布森,罗杰·沃德:(1875-1967) 美国金融统计学家,他在1929年9月预测股票将剧烈下跌,从而准确地预言了1929年10月股票市场的崩盘〔ESOP〕A plan under which the employees of a company or corporation acquire its capital stock.雇员股票拥有计划:促进雇员拥有本公司股票的计划〔spinoff〕A divestiture by a corporation of a division or subsidiary by issuing to stockholders shares in a new company set up to continue the operations of the division or subsidiary.资产分派:指公司将分公司或子公司的资产以股票形式分派给新建立起来以继续原来分公司或子公司业务的公司的股东〔paper〕"billions more invested in American stocks, bonds, certificates of deposit, and other paper"(Christian Science Monitor)“在美国股票、公债、储蓄和其它商业证券方面的数十亿投资”(基督教科学箴言报)〔water〕To increase (the number of shares of stock) without increasing the value of the assets represented.发行虚股:增加(股票的数量)却并没有提高所代表的资产价值〔fail〕Failure to receive the proceeds of a transaction, as in the sale of stock or securities, by a specified date.交割失信:在股票或抵押品售出后,未能在规定日期内办理交接手续〔point〕A unit equal to one dollar, used to quote or state variations in the current prices of stocks or commodities.点:一种相当于一美元的单位,用来报出或陈述股票或商品现价的变化〔bullish〕Causing, expecting, or characterized by rising stock market prices:证券市场股票价格上涨的:引起,期望于或特点是证券市场价格上涨的:〔doubtful〕a questionable stockbroker. 不正当的股票经纪人 〔right〕Often rights A privilege of subscribing for a particular stock or bond. 常作 rights 认股权:认购特定的股票或债券的特权〔underwrite〕To agree to buy the unsold part of (stock not yet sold publicly) at a fixed time and price.同意买下:同意在规定的时间和价格购买(尚未公开销售的股票)的未售出部分〔right〕A stockholder's privilege of buying additional stock in a corporation at a special price, usually at par or at a price below the current market value.优惠权:通常以票面价值或低于市场价格的特殊价格在公司中购买增资股票的优惠认股权〔excess〕unit sales in excess of 20 million.股票售价超过两千万〔corner〕A speculative monopoly of a stock or commodity created by purchasing all or most of the available supply in order to raise its price.垄断:通过购买所有的或大部分的可获得的供应品以期提高其价格,而对股票或商品的一种投机的控制〔sensitive〕sensitive stocks.行情起落的股票〔worth〕stocks having a worth of ten million dollars.价值一千万美元的股票〔stockjobber〕A stock-exchange operator who deals only with brokers.股票经纪人:只与经纪人交易的股票操作者〔stockbroker〕One that acts as an agent in the buying and selling of stocks or other securities; a broker.证券经纪人:股票或其他证券买卖的代理人;经纪人〔pyramid〕To pyramid stocks.连续投机:用累进方式经营股票〔gamble〕I took a gamble that stock prices would rise.我冒着股票可能上涨的风险〔average〕To buy or sell more goods or shares to obtain more than an average price.维持(有利的)平均价格:买进或卖出额外的货物或股票以维持高于平均的价格〔split〕Having been split. Used of stocks.离析的。用于股票〔fall〕a stockbroker who fell on hard times.股票经纪人处于困难时期〔underwriter〕One that guarantees the purchase of a full issue of stocks or bonds.证券包销商:保证购买全部发行的股票或公债的人〔corner〕To form a corner in (a stock or commodity):垄断:(在股票或商品中)形成垄断:〔pyramid〕To speculate in (stock) by making a series of buying and selling transactions in which paper profits are used as margin for buying more stock.使用:通过一系列的买进和卖出的交易,在这里证券利润被用做买进更多股票的保证金,而进行(股票)投机〔public〕To become publicly owned, by launching shares of stock onto the open market:公开发售股票:通过把股票投入公开市场而使…成为公众所拥有:〔oversell〕To contract to sell more of (a stock or commodity) than can be delivered.卖空:签约售卖超过所提供之量(股票或商品)〔industrial〕A stock or bond issued by an industrial enterprise.工业股票股票:工业企业发行的股票或债券〔active〕active stock and bond markets.忙碌的股票和证券市场〔unlisted〕Relating to or being stock or securities not listed on a stock exchange.未上市的:关于或是未在一家股票交易所上市的股票或证券的〔noncallable〕Of or relating to a provision of some bond and preferred stock issues that prohibits the issuer from redeeming the security before a certain date or until maturity.不能未到期先行偿还的:属于或关于一些债券的规定以及优先偿付股票的发行的,禁止发行者在某一固定日期到时前偿还证券的〔underwrite〕To guarantee the purchase of (a full issue of stocks or bonds).认购:保证购买(全部发行的股票或公债)〔boast〕He bragged that his father was the most successful stockbroker on Wall Street.他吹嘘他父亲是华尔街上最成功的股票经纪人。〔point〕A unit equal to one percent, used to quote or state interest rates or shares in gross profits.百分点:等于一个百分点的单位,用来报出或陈述利率或以毛利计算的股票〔weak〕a weak market for oil stocks.石油股票有下跌趋势〔mutualize〕To set up or reorganize (a corporation) so that the majority of common stock is owned by customers or employees.使互利化,互利改组:建立或组织(一个公司)使大部分的普通股票由顾客或者雇员拥有〔fund〕funds The stock of the British permanent national debt, considered as public securities. Used withthe. funds 公债:英国永久国债股票,当作公共有价证券使用。与the 连用 〔short〕To sell (a stock that one does not own) in anticipation of making a profit when its price falls; make a short sale.卖空:预计到价格下跌时可盈利而卖(自己并不拥有的股票);卖空〔buckshee〕"If they deposit these shares, too, in the scheme, they will get further buckshee shares on a one-for-one basis"(Economist)“如果按照计划,他们将这些股票存积起来,那么在一对一的基础上他们将会得到更多的额外股”(经济学家)




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