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单词 联邦
释义 〔Reb〕A Confederate soldier.南军士兵:南方诸联邦的士兵〔FMB〕Federal Maritime Board.联邦海事委员会〔Beltway〕The political establishment of Washington, D.C., including federal officeholders, lobbyists, consultants, and media commentators.环城快道人:华盛顿特区的政治权贵,包括联邦官员、说客、顾问以及媒体评论员〔Volcker〕American economist who served as chairman of the board of governors of the Federal Reserve System (1979-1987).沃尔克,保罗·阿道尔夫:美国经济学家,在1979-1987年间任职于联邦储备系统的董事长〔Manitoba〕A province of south-central Canada. It was admitted to the confederation in 1870. Originally part of a 1670 grant to the Hudson's Bay Company, it was largely settled by immigrants in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Winnipeg is the capital and the largest city. Population, 1,026,241.马尼托巴省:加拿大中南部的一个省。1870年被接纳入联邦。最早是1670年建立的哈得孙湾公司的一部分,19世纪末20世纪初大批移民到此定居。温尼伯是其省会和最大城市。人口1,026,241〔Healy〕Irish nationalist politician who led an 1890 revolt against Charles Parnell and served as the first governor-general of the Irish Free State (1922-1928).希利,提摩太·迈克尔:(1855-1931) 爱尔兰民族主义政治家,1890年领导了反对查尔斯·帕内尔的起义并出任爱尔兰自由联邦总督(1922-1928年)〔Mecklenburg〕A historical region of northeast Germany on the Baltic Sea. It was originally occupied c. sixth centurya.d. by Slavic peoples who were then displaced by Germanic settlements. After 1621 Mecklenburg was divided into two duchies, which joined the German Confederation in 1867. 梅克伦堡州:历史上德国东北部一地区,临近波罗的海。这儿最早在公元 6世纪就有斯拉夫人居住,后为定居于此的日耳曼人所占领。1621年以后,梅克伦堡州被分成两个公爵领地,并于1867年加入了德意志联邦 〔Topeka〕The capital of Kansas, in the northeast part of the state west of Kansas City. Founded in 1854, it became capital when Kansas was admitted to the Union in 1861. Population, 119,883.托皮卡:美国堪萨斯州首府,位于该州东北部、堪萨斯城以西。1854年建立,1861年堪萨斯加入联邦时成为首府。人口119,883〔Madison〕The fourth President of the United States (1809-1817). A member of the Continental Congress (1780-1783) and the Constitutional Convention (1787), he strongly supported ratification of the Constitution and was a contributor toThe Federalist Papers (1787-1788), which argued the effectiveness of the proposed constitution. His presidency was marked by the War of 1812. 麦迪逊,詹姆斯:(1751-1836) 美国第四任总统(1809-1817年)。大陆会议(1780-1783年)和制宪会议(1787年)的成员之一,他坚决支持批准宪法,是《联邦文选》 (1787-1788年)的主要撰稿人之一,在其中他论述了实施宪法的必要性。他的总统任职以1812年战争为标志 〔Missouri〕A state of the central United States. It was admitted as the 24th state in 1821. Under Spanish control from 1762 to 1800, the area passed to the United States through the Louisiana Purchase of 1803. Organized as a territory in 1812, Missouri's application for admission as a slaveholding state in 1817 sparked a bitter controversy over the question of extending slavery into new territories. The Missouri Compromise of 1820 provided for the admission of Maine as a free state and Missouri as a slave state in the following year. Jefferson City is the capital and St. Louis the largest city. Population, 5,137,804.密苏里州:美国中部的一个州。于1821年被接受为第二十四个州。1762年到1800年,此地区处于西班牙的控制下,美国于1803年在路易斯安那购买行动中获得这一地域。1812年成为一个地区。1817年密苏里申请以蓄奴州身份加入联邦导致了关于是否将奴隶制扩大到新地区的争论。1820年的密苏里协议为次年作为自由州的缅因州和作为蓄奴州的密苏里州加入联邦铺平了道路。杰斐逊城是州首府,圣路易斯为最大城市。人口5,137,804〔Arthur〕The 21st President of the United States (1881-1885) who became President after the assassination of James A. Garfield. He supported the 1883 Pendleton Act, which created the Civil Service Commission to regulate federal appointments.阿瑟,切斯特·阿朗:(1829-1886) 美国第二十一任总统(1881-1885年),他是在詹姆斯·A·加菲尔德遇刺后成为总统的。支持1883年彭德尔顿法案,该法案建立文官委员会来管理联邦的任命制度〔Smalls〕American Union soldier and politician. After being forced to serve in the Confederate Navy, he took command of a ship and delivered it to Union forces. Smalls subsequently became a captain (1863-1866) and the highest-ranking Black officer in the Union Navy. He later served as a U.S. representative from South Carolina (1875-1879 and 1881-1887).斯默思,罗伯特:(1839-1915) 美国北方联邦战士和政治家。在被迫参加南方邦联海军后,指挥了一条船并把它交给北方联邦军队。斯默思后来成为一名上尉(1863-1866年)和北方联邦海军中职位最高的黑人军官。他后来成为南卡罗来纳州的代表进入众议院(1875-1879和1881-1887年)〔Houston〕American general and politician who fought in the Texan struggle for independence from Mexico and became president of the Republic of Texas (1836-1838 and 1841-1844). When Texas was admitted to the Union, he served as U.S. senator (1845-1859) and governor (1859-1861).休斯顿,塞缪尔:(1793-1863) 美国将军及政治家,曾参与得克萨斯从墨西哥争取独立的斗争,后成为得克萨斯共和国总统(任期为1836-1838年和1841年-1844年)当得萨克斯加入联邦后,他于1845年-1859年当选为美国国会参议员,并于1859年-1861年当选为州长〔federation〕The act of federating, especially a joining together of states into a league or federal union.结盟:结成同盟,尤指一些国家联合在一起组成团体或联邦组织的行为〔Fed〕Often fed A federal agent or official. 常作 fed 联邦代理人或官员〔too〕There has been a cutback in federal subsidies. Too, rates have been increasing. 联邦补助下调了。而同时,物价却上涨了。 〔Carroll〕American political pamphleteer and adviser who wrote prolifically for anti-Catholic and pro-Union causes. In 1862 she published a pamphlet that outlined what was to become President Abraham Lincoln's constitutional theory concerning the rebellious states.卡洛尔,安娜·埃拉:(1815-1893) 美国政治小册子作者及顾问,为反对天主教和拥护联邦的事业而撰写了大量著作。她于1862年发表了一本小册子,描画了日后成为亚伯拉罕·林肯总统论述叛乱各州的宪法理论的大致轮廓〔Roseau〕The capital of Dominica, in the Windward Islands of the West Indies. It is a port on the southwest coast of the island. Population, 9,348.罗索:多米尼加联邦首都,位于西印度群岛的向风群岛上,是该岛西南部海岸的港口之一。人口9,348〔federal〕A supporter of the Union during the American Civil War, especially a Union soldier.联邦主义者:美国内战期间联邦的支持者,特指联邦士兵〔secession〕Often Secession The withdrawal of 11 Southern states from the Union in 1860-1861, precipitating the U.S. Civil War. 常作 Secession 脱离联邦:在1860年到1861年间,美国有十一个州从联邦中脱离,引发了美国内战〔FNMA〕Federal National Mortgage Association.联邦国民抵押协会〔FMCS〕Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service.联邦仲裁与调解局〔FPC〕Federal Power Commission.联邦动力委员会〔Alberta〕A province of western Canada between British Columbia and Saskatchewan. It joined the confederation in 1905. Wheat and cattle farming were the basis of the province's economy until the discovery of oil and natural gas in the early 1960's. Edmonton is the capital and the largest city. Population, 2,237,724.亚伯达省:加拿大西部一省份,位于不列颠哥伦比亚省和萨斯喀彻温省之间。于1905年加入联邦。在六十年代初发现石油和天然气以前,小麦种植和养牛业为该省经济的主要支柱。埃德蒙顿为该省首府及最大的城市。人口2,237,724〔inholding〕A privately owned parcel of land within the boundaries of a federal preserve, especially within a national park or national seashore.私人拥有的联邦土地:在联邦所有区域内私人拥有的一片土地,尤指在国家公园或国家海滨公园内〔Page〕American writer and diplomat remembered for his nostalgic works about the Old South, such asTwo Little Confederates (1888) and Red Rock (1898). 佩奇,托马斯·纳尔逊:(1853-1922) 美国作家和外交家,以其对旧南部的怀旧作品而被人们纪念,如《两个南部小联邦分子》 (1888年)和 《红岩石》 (1898年) 〔soviet〕Often Soviet Of or relating to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. 常作 Soviet 苏联的:苏维埃社会主义共和国联邦的或与之有关的〔federal〕Favorable to or advocating federation:支持联邦的:支持或拥护联邦的:〔Richland〕A city of southeast Washington on the Columbia River west-northwest of Walla Walla. It was developed in 1943-1945 to house employees of the nearby Hanford Atomic Works. Federal management of the city was relinquished in 1958. Population, 32,315.里奇兰德:华盛顿东南部一城市,位于哥伦比亚河畔沃勒尔的西北偏西。它发展于1943-1945年,为附近的汉福德原子工事的雇员提供房屋。该城的联邦管理被放弃于1958年。人口32,315〔FICA〕Federal Insurance Contributions Act.联邦保险援助行动〔comprise〕 While this distinction is still maintained by many writers,comprise is increasingly used, especially in the passive, in place of compose: The Union is comprised of 50 states. In an earlier survey, a majority of the Usage Panel found this use ofcomprise unacceptable. See Usage Note at include 虽然许多作家仍然坚持这个规则,但是comprise 越来越多地取代了 compose:联邦包括50个州。 在早先的调查中,大多数用法专题使用小组成员认为comprise 的这种用法是不可接受的 参见 include〔FHA〕Federal Housing Administration.联邦房建管理局〔parkland〕Alaska's vast federal parkland.阿拉斯加辽阔的联邦公用地〔federation〕A league or association formed by federating, especially a government or political body established through federal union.联邦政府,联合会:通过联盟组成的团体或组织,尤指通过联邦工会而建立的政府或政治团体〔coffer〕stole money from the union coffers.从联邦金库盗窃金钱〔Yorktown〕A village of southeast Virginia on the York River north of Newport News. It was the site of Cornwallis's surrender of the British forces (1781) in the American Revolution. During the Civil War Union troops occupied the town after a siege lasting from April to May 1862.约克镇:美国弗吉尼亚州东南一村庄,位于约克河河畔、纽波特斯北部。是独立战争期间英军康华利斯投降(1781年)所在地,美国内战期间,历经1862年四至五月的围城之后,联邦军队占领了约克镇〔Mills〕American architect and engineer who designed a number of government buildings in Washington, D.C., including the General Post Office and the Washington Monument.米尔斯,罗伯特:(1781-1855) 美国建筑家及工程师,曾为华盛顿特区设计了数座政府大厦,包括联邦邮局和华盛顿纪念碑〔Saskatchewan〕A province of south-central Canada. It joined the Confederation in 1905. The French established trading posts in the area c. 1750, but the first permanent settlement was made by the Hudson's Bay Company in 1774. The region became part of the Northwest Territories in 1870. Regina is the capital and the largest city. Population, 968,313.萨斯喀彻温省:加拿大中南部一省份,于1905年加入联邦,法国于18世纪50年代在此设立贸易点,但第一个永久居留地却是由休斯敦湾公司于1774年建立的。1870年该区成为西北地区的一部分。里贾纳是本省首府和最大城市。人口968,313〔Lindsay〕American playwright and producer who collaborated with Russel Crouse on a number of musical comedies, includingRed, Hot, and Blue (1936) and State of the Union (1946). 林赛,霍华德:(1889-1968) 美国剧作家和电影制片人,与拉塞尔·克鲁斯合作了一系列音乐喜剧,包括《红色,亮蓝色》 (1936年)和 《联邦》 (1946年) 〔Greenspan〕American economist who was appointed chairman of the board of governors of the Federal Reserve System in 1987.格林史班,艾伦:美国经济学家,于1987年被指派为联邦储备体系管理董事会主席




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