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单词 老人
释义 〔bitter〕"He was already a bitter elderly man with a gray face"(John Dos Passos)“他已经是一个面色灰白的充满怨气的老人。”(约翰·道斯·帕索斯)〔weak〕"a poor, infirm, weak, and despis'd old man" (Shakespeare). “一个可怜的、蹒跚的、虚弱的且被人看不起的老人” (莎士比亚)。〔haggard〕"a tall, bent old man, wasted almost to a skeleton" (W.H. Hudson).“一个弯着腰的高个子老人,瘦得差不多只剩下一具骨架” (W·H·哈德逊)。〔trust〕"Confidence is a plant of slow growth in an aged bosom: youth is the season of credulity" (William Pitt). “信心是老人心中缓慢生长的植物;年轻是易轻信的时期” (威廉姆·匹特)。〔beautiful〕"In the highlands, in the country places,/ Where the old plain men have rosy faces,/ And the young fair maidens/ Quiet eyes" (Robert Louis Stevenson). “在高原,在乡村/简朴老人的泛红的脸,/年轻美丽的少女们,/恬静的双眼” (罗伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森)〔yonder〕The adverbyonder, from Old English geond, is not exclusively Southern but is more frequently used there than in any other region of the United States,and not only by older or uneducated speakers.Yonder is not merely a Southern synonym for there, which in the South tends to mean "only a few feet from the speaker.”Yonder carries with it an inherent sense of distance farther than "there" and is used if the person or thing indicated can be seen at all: the shed over yonder. Or it might be nearby but completely out of sight, as in the next room.副词yonder ,来自古英语的 geond, 并不是南方专用的,但是比美国任何其它地区都更常用,而且也不仅仅是老人或未受教育者才用它。在南方yonder 并不仅仅是 there 的同义词, 它还表示“距说话者仅几英尺开外”。Yonder 带有比"there"距离更远这一内在的含义, 并用于表示所示的人或事在视线以内: 那边的窝棚 ,或者极为相近但完全在视线以外,如在另一个房间内〔infirmary〕A place for the care of the infirm, sick, or injured, especially a small hospital or dispensary in an institution.医院,医务室:一个照料老人、病人或伤员的地方,尤指小型医院或诊所〔Methuselah〕An extremely old man.玛士撒拉式的老人:年岁极高的老人〔moan〕an old man who still moans about his misspent youth.一个仍为浪费青春而痛心疾首的老人〔elderly〕"an old man's eagle mind" (William Butler Yeats). “老人鹰般敏锐的思维” (威廉·巴特勒·叶芝)。 〔sheika〕Arabic šayCa [old woman, matron] [feminine of] šayC [old man, sheik] * see sheik 阿拉伯语 šayCa [老妇人,女总管] šayC的阴性词 [老人,首领] * 参见 sheik〔love〕The devotion of the aged couple is inspiring.老人的挚爱是催人奋进的。〔aged〕Elderly people considered as a group. Used withthe. 老人:做为总称的老年人。和定冠词the 连用 〔virgule〕A diagonal mark ( / ) used especially to separate alternatives, as inand/or, to represent the word per, as in miles/hour, and to indicate the ends of verse lines printed continuously, as in Old King Cole/Was a merry old soul. 斜线号:一种斜线符号,尤用于对选择加以区分,如和/或者 ,表示 每… 这一词,如 英里/小时 ,和在诗尾表示连续打印行,如 老国王考勒/是一个快乐的老人 〔lean〕"an old man, very tall and spare, with an ascetic aspect" (William H. Mallock). “一位很高也很精瘦的老人,一副苦行僧的样子” (威廉·H·马尔洛克)。 〔senile〕In earlier writings one finds phrases such as "asenile maturity of judgment" and "green and vigorous senility, ” demonstrating that these two words have not always been burdened with their current negative connotations. Senile and senility are examples of pejoration, the process by which a word's meaning changes for the worse over time.Even thoughsenile (first recorded in 1661) and senility (first recorded in 1778) initially had neutral senses such as "pertaining to old age,” it is probable that the weakness (in particular the mental weakness) that sometimes accompanies old age eventually caused negative senses to predominate.Certainly some pejorative associations were present in Latinsenīlis, "relating to an old man, aged,” the ultimate source of both words, and in related Latin words such assenēscere, which could mean "to deteriorate with age.” But it seems that pejorative associations have taken over these words in English through general usage,perhaps because average life expectancy has risen steadily over the years.在较早的文学作品中人们可以找到形如“判断力Senile(老练) 成熟”和“精力旺盛的有魄力的 Senility(老态龙钟) ”的短语,表明这两个词一直没有表示他们流行的消极的含义。 Senile 和 senility 是词义转贬的范例, 即一个词的意思随时间变化变得越来越坏。尽管senile (首次记载于1661年)和 senility (首次记载于1778年)最初具有中性的意义,例如“关于老年的”, 可能是伴随老年出现的衰弱(特别是智力衰弱)最终导致了反面的意思居支配地位。当然有一些词义转贬的联系表现在拉丁文中的senilis (“关于老人的,老年的”),是这两个词的最早的词源, 和与之相关的拉丁词如senecer ,意为“随年纪恶化”。 但是看起来在英语中通过广泛的使用词义转贬的联系已经取代了这些词,可能是由于平均估计寿命随时代发展稳步上升〔geezer〕An eccentric old man.See Usage Note at adage 奇怪的老人 参见 adage〔presbyter〕from Greek presbuteros [from comparative of] presbus [old man] * see per 1源自 希腊语 presbuteros 源自presbus的比较级 [老人] * 参见 per 1〔presbyopia〕Greek presbus [old man] * see per 1希腊语 presbus [老人] * 参见 per 1〔party〕Party is unexceptionable when used to refer to a participant in a social arrangement, as inShe was not named as a party in the conspiracy. It is this sense that underlies the legal use of the term,as when one speaks of theparties to a contract. The legal use has in turn led to the presence of the word in many fixed expressions,such asinjured party and third party. Butparty is also widely used as a general substitute for person, as inWould all parties who left packages at the desk please reclaim their property. This usage has been established for many centuries,but in the Victorian era it came to be associated with the language of the semieducated(theOxford English Dictionary describes it as "shoppy"), and it has been the subject of many later criticisms.This use ofparty may have been reinforced by its modern adoption by telephone operators. In other contexts,when used in earnest,it may be perceived as a superfluous variant forperson. But the jocular use of the term is well established,particular in references such asa wise old party. Party 用作指一项社会活动的参与者是很常见的, 如她不是这一阴谋的参与者。 正是这一意义构成了这一词的法律用法,如人们说及 parties to a contract 。 这种法律用法反过来又使得这一词出现在许多固定的短语中,如injured party 和 third party。 但party 也被广泛地用于对 person 的泛称, 如在所有将包裹放在桌子上的人请来认领他们的东西。 这种用法已确立了许多个世纪,但在维多利亚时代,它开始与受过部分教育的人的语言联系起来(牛津英语词典 把它描述为“三句话不离本行的”), 并且它已成为后来许多批判家批评的对象。Party 的这一用法由于话务员的经常采用而被强化了。 在其它的上下文中,当用于严肃的场合时,它可以被视作是person 不必要的变体。 但这一词诙谐的用法确立已久,尤其在提及如一个精明的老人〔pappus〕Latin [old man, down on certain seeds] 拉丁语 [老人,种子上的种子] 〔Ernst〕German-born artist and a founder of Dada and surrealism. Noted for his use of frottage and collage, he explored the subconscious through his stylistically varied works, such as the paintingOld Man, Woman, and Flower (1923). 厄恩斯特,马克斯:(1891-1976) 出生于德国的艺术家,达达主义和超现实主义的创始人,他以直接在纸上擦出不同形状和基本花纹的作画方法和抽象拼贴画法著名,并且通过多种形式的作品探索潜意识,如他的绘画《老人、女人和花》 (1923年) 〔healthy〕"a vigorous old man, who spent half of his day on horseback" (W.H. Hudson).“一位每日有半天光景呆在马背上的精力充沛的老人” (W·H·哈德逊)〔oldster〕An elderly person.老人,上了年纪的人〔wander〕"An old man's wit may wander" (Tennyson). “一个老人也可能胡思乱想” (坦尼桑)。 〔home〕home care for the elderly.老人的家庭看护〔help〕"Mr. Harding thought . . . of the worn-out, aged men he had succored" (Anthony Trollope).See also Synonyms at improve “哈丁先生想到…那些得到过他救济的穷人和老人” (安东尼·特罗洛普) 参见同义词 improve〔brave〕The doughty old man battled his illness with fierce determination.坚强的老人用巨大毅力与疾病作斗争。〔senate〕from senex sen- [old, an elder] * see sen- 源自 senex sen- [老的,一个老人] * 参见 sen- 〔Nestor〕Often nestor A venerable and wise old man. 常作 nestor 年高德勋的智慧老人〔Theravada〕thera [an elder] from Sanskrit [old, venerable] from sthaviraḥ [old man] from sthavira- [old, venerable] * see stā- thera [一位年长者] 源自 梵文 [老的,年高的] 源自 sthaviraḥ [老人] 源自 sthavira- [老的,年高的] * 参见 stā- 〔codger〕A somewhat eccentric man, especially an old one.怪癖的老人:行为有些古怪的人,尤指老人〔past〕an elderly person with a distinguished past.拥有辉煌过去的老人〔per〕Extended form*pres- in compound *pres-g wu- , "going before" ( *g w-u- , going; see g wā- ). presbyter , ( priest ); presbyopia , from Greek presbus , old, old man, elder. 衍生形式*pres- ,在复合词 *pres-g wu- 之中, “走在前面的” ( *g w-u- , 出去,进展; 参见 gwā- ). presbyter , ( priest ); presbyopia , 源自 希腊语 presbus , 老的, 老人, 年长者.




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