单词 | 群众 |
释义 | 〔flock〕A group of people under the leadership of one person, especially the members of a church.群众:一群在同一个人领导下的人,尤指同一教派的成员们〔Toller〕German writer noted for his expressionistic plays, includingTransfiguration (1919) and Man and the Masses (1920). 托勒尔,厄恩斯特:(1893-1939) 德国作家,以其表现主义戏剧而著称,作品包括《变形》 (1919年)和 《群众和人》 (1920年) 〔back〕Barriers held the crowd back.栅栏将群众挡住了〔signal〕The peace treaty was the signal for mass celebrations.和平协议的签署引发群众盛大的欢庆〔Areopagus〕pagos [stiff mass, hill] from pēgnunai pag- [to stick, stiffen] * see pag- pagos [强硬的群众,小山] 源自 pēgnunai pag- [粘接,增强] * 参见 pag- 〔patriarch〕the patriarch of the herd.群众里年高德劭的人〔ochlophobia〕An abnormal fear of crowds.群众恐怖症:一种不正常的害怕人群的心理〔Shays〕American Revolutionary soldier and insurrectionist who with a band of armed men raided a government arsenal in Springfield, Massachusetts, to protest the state legislature's indifference to the economic plight of farmers (1787). The raid, known as Shays's Rebellion, was quashed by militia.谢伊斯,丹尼尔:(1747?-1825) 美国革命战士和起义者,他和一队武装群众袭击了马萨诸塞州的斯普林菲尔德市的一个政府军火库,以抗议政府立法对农民经济困境的漠视(1787年),这次被称作谢伊斯起义的袭击被民团镇压〔put〕a mob that put the thief to flight.迫使小偷逃跑的群众〔rank〕ranks A body of people classed together; numbers: ranks 群众:归类在一起的人们;成员:〔million〕Often millions The common people; the masses: 常作 millions 大众:普通老百姓;群众:〔contemporary〕The mass murderer was given three concurrent life sentences.那个屠杀群众的凶手被同时判处并执行三个无期徒刑。〔sense〕Intellectual interpretation, as of the significance of an event or the conclusions reached by a group:公众意见:由一群众作出的对事件的重要性或结论的理智解释:〔paramilitary〕Of, relating to, or being a group of civilians organized in a military fashion, especially to operate in place of or assist regular army troops.准军事的,辅助军事的:属于、有关或是由群众成的军队形式的,尤指代替或帮助正规军队作战的〔niche〕"One niche that is approaching mass-market proportions is held by regional magazines"(Brad Edmondson)“正在接近群众市场比例的领域被地方性杂志占据着”(布拉德·埃德蒙森)〔people〕"those who fear and distrust the people, and wish to draw all powers from them into the hands of the higher classes"(Thomas Jefferson)“那些害怕且不信任群众的人,想把所有的权力都集中到上层阶级手上”(托马斯·杰弗逊)〔Canetti〕Bulgarian-born writer whose works, all written in German, include a novel,The Tower of Babel (1935), and Crowds and Power (1960), a study of mass psychology. He won the 1981 Nobel Prize for literature. 卡内提,伊莱亚斯:(生于 1905) 保加利亚裔作家,其作品全部用德文写成,包括小说《巴别塔》 (1935年)和一本关于大众心理学研究的专著 《群众和权力》 (1960年)。他于1981年获诺贝尔文学奖 〔effigy〕The deposed dictator was burned in effigy by the crowd.群众焚烧退位独裁者的模拟像〔anonymous〕"a very great, almost anonymous center of people who just want peace"(Alan Paton)“很多的,几乎都是无名的群众只是想要和平”(艾伦·佩顿)〔charge〕a speaker who knows how to charge up a crowd.知道如何鼓动群众的演说者〔pull〕a performer who pulls large crowds.这个演员吸引了大批群众〔queasy〕"He is not queasy about depicting mass violence, in some circumstances, as a legitimate instrument of social transformation"(Shaul Bakhash)“在某些情况下,他能接受将群众暴力视为社会变革的合法工具”(肖尔·巴克哈什)〔obedient〕"replacing the troublemakers with more submissive people from the masses of unemployed" (Suzanne Muchnic).One who isdocile is receptive to being taught and willing to be led, supervised, or directed by another: “以失业群众中顺从者取代惹事生非者” (苏珊娜·穆什尼克)。一个docile 的人易接受教导且愿意被别人领导、监督和指挥: 〔Eastman〕American writer and editor noted for his social and literary criticism. Founder and editor ofThe Masses (1913-1918) and The Liberator (1919-1922), he wrote Enjoyment of Poetry (1913) and many other books. 伊斯曼,马克斯·福雷斯特:(1883-1969) 美国作家和编辑,以其社会和文学评论著名。他是《群众》 (1913-1918年)和 《解放者》 (1919-1922年)两杂志的创始人及编辑。他写过 《愉悦的诗情》 (1913年)等书 〔enlighten〕"Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppression of body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day"(Thomas Jefferson)“普遍启迪人民群众,暴君和压迫阶级的主体和心智就会象魔鬼在黎明时分一样消逝”(托马斯·杰斐逊)〔gazillion〕"The crowd cheered wildly . . . as gazillions of balloons poured down from the rafters"(Tom Shales)“群众疯狂欢呼…当无数的汽球自椽中倾泄而出”(汤姆·夏乐)〔chant〕the chant of the crowd at the rally.集会群众单调而有节奏的喊叫〔herd〕The multitude of common people regarded as a mass:民众:被看作群众的许多普通人:〔magnetize〕a campaign speech that magnetized the crowd.吸引了集会群众的竞选演说〔depopulate〕populārī [to ravage] from populus [people, throng] populārī [破坏,蹂躏] 源自 populus [人民,群众] 〔legislature〕An officially elected or otherwise selected body of people vested with the responsibility and power to make laws for a political unit, such as a state or nation.立法机关:由官方选举或由被规定具有责任和权力制定法律的群众中挑选而组成的政治单位,如州或国家的立法机关〔hail〕The crowds hailed the boxing champion.群众向这位拳击冠军喝彩〔gather〕The parade gathered a large crowd.游行引来许多群众〔flock〕 Herd is used of a number of animals, especially cattle, herded by human beings;or of wild animals such as antelope, elephants, and zebras;or of whales and seals.Applied to people,it is used disparagingly of a crowd or of the massesand suggests the gregarious aspect of crowd psychology. Herd 用来指一群牛等由人放养的动物;或是羚羊、大象和斑马等野生动物;也可指鲸或海豹。用于指人时,是对一群人或群众的蔑称,并且暗指大众心理的群体性特征。〔scatter〕 Disperse implies the complete breaking up of the mass or aggregate: Disperse 暗指彻底地驱散群众或人群: 〔throng〕A large group of people gathered or crowded closely together; a multitude.See Synonyms at crowd 1群众:聚集或紧拥在一起的一大群人 参见 crowd1〔combustion〕Combustion within the populace slowly built up to the point of revolution.群众的愤怒已到了一触即发来革命的程度〔many〕The majority of the people; the masses:大多数人;群众: |
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