单词 | 羚羊 |
释义 | 〔waterbuck〕Any of several African antelopes of the genusKobus, having curved, ridged horns and frequenting swamps, rivers, and other bodies of water. 水羚:羚羊属的几种非洲羚羊之任一种, 生有弯曲和脊状的角,常出没于沼泽、河流和其它水体 〔impala〕A reddish African antelope(Aepyceros melampus) noted for its leaping ability and having ridged, curved horns in the male. 黑斑羚:一种微红色的非洲羚羊(高角羚 羚羊属) ,以其跳跃能力而著称,雄性有成脊状的、弯曲的角 〔saiga〕Either of two small antelopes(Saiga tatarica or S. mongolia) of the plains of northern Eurasia, having a stubby snout. 高鼻羚羊:欧亚大陆北部平原的两种小羚羊中的一种(驼羚属 高鼻羚羊 或 驼羚属 蒙古羚羊) ,口鼻部短而粗 〔sitatunga〕A medium-sized antelope(Tragelaphus spekei) of central and eastern Africa, having splayed hooves adapted to swampy and aquatic habitats. 泽羚:一种中型羚羊泽羚 ,分布在非洲中部和东部,长有适于潮湿和水中地区的张开的四蹄 〔bontebok〕A rare South African antelope(Damaliscus dorcas or D. pygargus) having a dark reddish coat, a white rump, and a white mark on the face. 南非羚羊:南非的一种稀有羚羊(南非白纹大羚羊 或 白腿牛羚) ,躯干呈深红色,臀部为白色,脸上有白色标记 〔sassaby〕A South African antelope(Damaliscus lunatus) having curved, ridged horns. 南非大羚羊:一种南非羚羊(南非大羚羊 羚羊属) ,长有弯曲并弓起的角 〔kudu〕Either of two large African antelopes(Tragelaphus strepsiceros or T. imberbis) having a brownish coat with narrow, white vertical stripes and, in the male, long, spirally curved horns. 捻角羚:两种非洲大羚羊(大弯角羚 羚羊属 或 小弯角羚 羚羊属) 之一,长有带白色细长竖纹的棕色皮毛,而且雄性有螺旋形弯曲的长角 〔blackbuck〕An antelope(Antilope cervicapra) of India that inhabits open grasslands and in the male has long, spiraled horns and a black coat with white underparts. 印度黑羚:印度一种羚羊(印度羚 羚羊属) ,居住在开阔的草地,其雄性有螺旋形长角,腹部呈白色的黑色皮毛 〔takin〕A large ruminant mammal(Budorcas taxicolor) of the mountains of China, Burma, and the Himalayas, having backward-pointing horns and a shaggy coat. 扭角羚:一种产于中国和缅甸山区及喜马拉雅山脉地区的大型反刍类哺乳动物(羚羊) ,长有弯向身体后方的角和一身粗毛 〔buffalo〕The buffalo is so closely associated with the Wild West that it would seem natural to assume that its name comes from a Native American word, as is the case with the wordsmoose and skunk. In fact, however,buffalo can probably be traced back by way of one or more of the Romance languages, such as Portuguese, Spanish, or Italian, through Vulgar Latin and Latin and ultimately to the Greek wordboubalos, meaning "an antelope or a buffalo.” The buffalo referred to by the Greek and Latin words was, of course, not the American one but rather an Old World mammal, such as the water buffalo of southern Asia.Applied to the North American mammal,buffalo is in fact a misnomer, bison being the preferred term. As far as everyday usage is concerned, however,buffalo, first recorded for the American mammal in 1635, is older thanbison, first recorded in 1774. 野牛同西部荒原联系如此紧密以致人们很自然地认为这个名字源于美洲本地语言,就象这两个词moose 和 skunk。 然而,实际上buffalo 一词可以通过一种或更多种日耳曼语言,如葡萄牙语、西班牙语或意大利语溯源。 通过通俗拉丁语和拉丁语最终追溯到希腊词boubalos 意思是“羚羊或野牛”。 希腊语和拉丁语所指的野牛当然不是美洲野牛,而是东半球的一种哺乳动物,如南亚水牛。就北美哺乳动物来说,buffalo 实际上是用词不当, bison 才是合适的词。 然而就日常用法而言,buffalo 于1635年首次被用于记录美国哺乳动物, 比首次记录于1774年的bison 要早些 〔kid〕The young of a similar animal, such as an antelope.小羚羊:如羚羊等的幼小的类似动物〔blesbok〕bok [buck] from Middle Dutch boc bok [羚羊] 源自 中古荷兰语 boc 〔buck〕Antelope considered as a group:羚羊群:被看成一个群体的羚羊:〔blesbok〕A South African antelope(Damaliscus albifrons) having curved horns and a large white mark on its face. 南非白面大羚羊:南非一种羚羊(南非白脸大羚羊) ,有弯曲的角,脸部有大的白色标记 〔kob〕An orange-brown antelope(Kobus kob) of southeast Africa. 水羚羊:一种产于非洲东南部的棕黄色羚羊(水羚属 水羚) 〔kid〕To bear young. Used of a goat or an antelope.下崽,产子:(用于山羊或羚羊)下崽〔serow〕Any of several goat antelopes of the genusCapricornis, of mountainous regions of eastern Asia, having short horns and a dark coat. 长鬃山羊:一种东亚山区长鬃山羊属 的羚羊,长有短角和深色毛皮 〔gazelle〕Any of various small, swift antelopes of the genusGazella and related genera of Africa and Asia, characteristically having a slender neck and annulate horns. 瞪羚:一种瞪羚属 小型的、行动敏捷的羚羊及其有血缘关系的非洲或亚洲羚羊,以有一细长的脖子和环状角而闻名 〔duiker〕Any of various small African antelopes of the generaCephalopus or Sylvicapra, having short, backward-pointing horns. 小羚:泛指非洲产的小羚羊属 或 羚羊属 的若干种小型羚羊,常有短而后弯的角 〔flock〕 Herd is used of a number of animals, especially cattle, herded by human beings;or of wild animals such as antelope, elephants, and zebras;or of whales and seals.Applied to people,it is used disparagingly of a crowd or of the massesand suggests the gregarious aspect of crowd psychology. Herd 用来指一群牛等由人放养的动物;或是羚羊、大象和斑马等野生动物;也可指鲸或海豹。用于指人时,是对一群人或群众的蔑称,并且暗指大众心理的群体性特征。〔nilgai〕A large, long-legged antelope(Boselaphus tragocamelus) of India, the male of which has short, sturdy horns and a tuft of long hair under the chin. 鹿牛羚:印度产的一种大型长腿羚羊(鹿牛羚 羚羊属) ,雄兽生有短且强健的角且下鄂部下面有一撮长毛 〔addax〕An antelope(Addax nasomaculatus) of northern Africa having long, spirally twisted horns. 旋角羚,弓角羚:北非的一种羚羊(旋角羚 螺角羚羊属) ,具有长且螺旋形弯曲的角 〔oryx〕Any of several African antelopes of the genusOryx, including the gemsbok, having long, straight or slightly curved horns and a hump above the shoulders. 长角羚羊:一种非洲长角羚 属的羚羊,包括长角羚,长有笔直或略为弧形的长角且背部前方有隆起 〔gemsbok〕A large antelope(Oryx gazella) of arid regions of southern Africa, having long, sharp, straight horns, a tufted tail, and distinctive black and white markings on the head. 南非大羚羊:一大型羚羊(长角羚 羚羊属) ,生于南部非洲干旱地区,有长、尖而直的角,尾巴成束状,头部上有很明显的黑色和白色标记 〔antelope〕Any of various swift-running ruminant mammals of the family Bovidae, native to Africa and Asia and having long horns and a slender build.羚羊:一种奔跑速度极快的反刍类羚羊科哺乳动物,产于非洲和亚洲,体形纤细有长角〔goa〕A gazelle(Procapra picticaudata) native to Tibet and having backward-curving horns in the male. 藏原羚:一种(原羚 羚羊属) 的瞪羚,原产于西藏,雄性有一对后弯的角 〔antelope〕An animal, such as the pronghorn, that resembles a true antelope.叉角羚:一种类似真正羚羊的动物,如叉角羚〔nyala〕Any of several African antelopes of the genusTragelophus, having vertical stripes on the sides of the body, including especially T. angasi of southeast Africa, the male of which has spiral horns and long black hair along the neck and the underside. 林羚:一种非洲林羚 属羚羊,身体两侧有垂直条纹,尤指生长于非洲东南部的 安氏林羚 ,其雄性有螺旋形角,并且在脖子周围和下侧有长长的黑毛 |
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