单词 | 罗斯 |
释义 | 〔kvetch〕"a rambling kvetch against the system"(Leonard Ross)“对制度的喋喋不休的乱抱怨”(伦纳德·罗斯)〔Ross〕British naval officer and Arctic explorer whose expeditions (1818 and 1829-1833) in search of the Northwest Passage yielded several geographic discoveries.罗斯,约翰:(1777-1856) 英国海军军官及北极探险家,他在寻找西北航路的探险中(1818和1829-1833年)有许多地理学上的发现〔presume〕Historical linguists posit a common ancestor from which both Romance and Germanic languages descend. Toassume is to accept something as existing or being true without proof or on inconclusive grounds: 历史语言学家认为罗斯语系和德语语系由同一种语言演变而来。 Assume 是指在没有证据或不确定的情况下认为某事是存在的或是真实的: 〔turtle〕Tartaros [Tartarus] Tartaros [塔尔塔罗斯,] 〔stalactite〕The wordsstalagmite and stalactite have confused many a person. A look into the history of the Greek sources of these two words may help.Both words can be traced back to the wordstalassein, "to drip,” which is appropriatesince both words denote deposits in caves formed by the dripping of mineral-rich water.The Greek base from whichstalassein was formed was stalak- and to this base were added several endings that concern us,specifically-ma, a noun suffix most frequently denoting the result of an action, -mo-, a suffix denoting the action of a verb as well as a result, and -to-, an adjective suffix forming verbal adjectives. With these suffixes and the addition of the inflectional endings, as well as a sound change from (k) to (g) before (m),we getstalagma, "that which drops, a drop,” stalagmos, "dropping, dripping of stalactites,” and stalaktos, "dropping, dripping.” Using these Greek words,Olaus Wormius formed the Modern Latin wordstalactītēs, the stalac- part meaning "dripping" and the-ītēs part being commonly used to name fossils and minerals when preceded by a form expressing a physical characteristic, in this case "dripping.” Wormius also used the termstalagmītēs, the stalag- portion expressing the notion of what drops, taken either fromstalagma, "that which drops, a drop,” or stalagmos, "dropping of stalactites.” Stalactītēs and stalagmītēs, of course, are the sources of our English words stalactite (first recorded in 1677), the formation on the tops of caves, and stalagmite (first recorded in 1681), the formation on the bottoms of caves. They have been causing trouble ever since.单词stalagmite 和 stalactite 令许多人混淆。 对这两个词的希腊起源历史进行研究可能会帮助理解。这两个字都能追溯到单词stalassein (“滴下”), 这是很恰当的,因为两个字都表示洞里由富含矿物的水下滴而形成的沉积。形成stalassein 的希腊根源是 stalak- , 在这个根源上加上几个与我们有关的词尾,特别是-ma (往往用来表示动作结果的名词后缀), -mo- (用来表示动词的动作和结果的后缀)和 -to- (形成动词性形容词的形容词后缀)。 通过这些后缀和屈折变化词尾的添加以及在(m)前面由(k)到(g)的变音,我们得到了stalagma (“滴下的东西,一滴”)、 stalagmos “滴,滴下钟乳石”和 stalaktos (“落下,滴下的”)。 利用这些希腊字,奥罗斯·沃米斯组成了现代拉丁单词stalactites , stalac- 意指“滴”。 而-ites 当由一个表示物理特征的形式开头时,通常用来表示化石和矿物,指“滴下”。 沃米斯也使用stalagmites , stalag- 表示滴下的东西的概念, 源于stalagma (“滴下的东西,一滴”)或 stalagmos (“滴下的钟乳石”)。 stalacitites 和 stalagmites ,当然是我们的英语单词 stalactite (首次出现于1677年)即洞穴顶部的形成物和 stalagmite (最早记载于1681年)即洞穴底部的形成物的源头。 自那以后它们就常造成一些麻烦〔Nasby〕See David Ross Locke 参见 戴维·罗斯 Locke〔Tartar〕alteration influenced by Latin Tartarus [Tartarus] 受 拉丁语 Tartarus的影响 [塔尔塔罗斯(即阴间)] 〔confidence〕"You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face" (Eleanor Roosevelt). “每当你经历一次真正的危险,你的力量、勇气和信心就会增加一次” (爱琳娜·罗斯怀特)。〔cry〕"I weep for what I'm like when I'm alone" (Theodore Roethke). “我为我孤独时的样子而哭泣” (西奥多·罗斯克)。〔Odoacer〕Germanic tribal leader who in 476 deposed Romulus Augustulus (reigned 475-476), bringing the Western Roman Empire to an end.奥多埃塞:日尔曼部落首领,在476年废黜罗慕罗斯·奥古斯都(475-476在位),结束了西罗马帝国〔Ross〕British physician. He won a 1902 Nobel Prize for discovering that mosquitoes transmit malaria.罗斯,罗纳德:(1857-1932) 英国医生,因发现蚊子是传播疟疾的媒介而获1902年诺贝尔奖〔Norse〕Of, relating to, or being the branch of the North Germanic languages that includes Norwegian, Icelandic, and Faeroese.北日尔曼语的:有,与…有关,或是北日尔曼语的,包括挪威语,冰岛语和费罗斯语〔Kennedy〕American banker and industrialist who served as ambassador to Great Britain (1937-1940). With his wife,Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy (born 1890), he raised nine children, three of whom became prominent politicians. 肯尼迪,约瑟夫·巴特里克:(1888-1969) 美国银行家,工业家,曾任驻英国大使(1937-1940年),与其妻罗斯·菲茨杰拉德·肯尼迪 (生于1890年)共抚养了九个孩子,其中三个成为显赫的政治家 〔Lee〕American burlesque entertainer who also wrote best-selling mystery novels, includingThe G-String Murders (1941). 李,吉普赛·罗斯:(1914-1970) 美国通俗歌舞艺人,他也从事畅销神秘小说的写作,包括《G弦谋杀者》 (1941年) 〔Cressida〕A Trojan woman in medieval romances who first returns the love of Troilus but later forsakes him for Diomedes.克瑞西达:中世纪浪漫文学中的一个特洛伊妇女,她开始时回报特洛伊罗斯对她的爱,但后来又因为狄俄墨得斯而背弃了他〔Rexroth〕American writer and translator known especially for his poetry, collected in volumes such asThe Phoenix and the Tortoise (1944) and In Defense of Earth (1956). 雷克斯罗斯,肯尼思:(1905-1982) 美国作家及翻译家,尤以其诗作著称,集于合订本如《凤凰与乌龟》 (1944年)及 《地球防御》 (1956年) 〔surreal〕"grim, surreal political critiques"(Lloyd Rose)“严厉的、超现实主义的政治批评”(劳埃德·罗斯)〔Ross〕American politician who was elected (1924) to complete her deceased husband's term as governor of Wyoming (1925-1927), thereby becoming the first woman governor in the United States.罗斯,奈烈·泰洛:(1876-1977) 美国政治家,1924年当选为美国怀俄明州州长(1925-1927年)以完成她已故丈夫的任期,由此而成为美国第一位女州长〔turtle〕perhaps alteration of Vulgar Latin *tartarūca [feminine of] .tartarūcus [of Tartarus] 可能为 俗拉丁语 *tartarūca的变化 ·tartarūcus的阴性词 [属于塔尔塔罗斯的] 〔awash〕"Some of America's big cities are awash in vacant office space"(Ross K. Baker)“美国一些大城市充斥着空空的办公室”(罗斯K.巴克)〔Rose〕American impresario and songwriter who producedCrazy Quilt (1931) and other musical comedies and wrote several popular songs, including "Me and My Shadow.” 罗斯,比利:(1899-1966) 美国乐团指挥及歌曲作者,他创作了《疯狂的棉被》 (1931年)和其它音乐喜剧,还写了一些包括“我和我的影子”等流行歌曲 〔euhemerism〕After Euhemerus , fourth-century b.c. Greek philosopher 源自 尤希麦罗斯 , 公元前 4世纪古希腊哲学家 〔jet〕"Any man might . . . hang around . . . jetting tobacco juice"(Ross Lockridge, Jr.)“任何人都有可能吐着烟草汁闲荡”(小罗斯·洛克里奇)〔binge〕"The story is like a fever dream that a disturbed and imaginative city-dweller might have after binging on comics"(Lloyd Rose)“这故事象是一群失去控制的、富于想象力的城市居民在放纵嘻闹之后做的狂热之梦”(劳埃德·罗斯)〔Greenhow〕American Confederate spy. A prominent Washington, D.C., socialite, she obtained and disseminated information on Union troop movements (1861-1862). Exiled to the South, she continued her activities and ultimately drowned while attempting to evade the Union blockade of Wilmington, North Carolina.葛琳皓,罗斯·奥尼尔:(1815?-1864) 美南北战争时期南方著名的间谍,华盛顿特区的社交界名人。她获取并传递了关于北方军队行动的情报(1861-1862年)。被驱逐回南方后她继续从事谍报活动。 在企图逃离被北方围困的北卡罗来纳州的威明顿时被抓获并淹死〔Damrosch〕German-born American musician who was the first to conduct Wagnerian opera at New York's Metropolitan Opera House. His sonWalter Johannes Damrosch (1862-1950) continued the tradition, introducing Wagner's works throughout the United States. 达姆罗施,利奥波德:(1832-1885) 第一位在纽约大都会歌剧院演奏瓦格纳歌剧的德裔美籍音乐家,他的儿子瓦尔特·约翰尼斯·达姆罗斯 (1862-1950年)继承了这一传统,在美国巡回演出介绍了瓦格纳的作品 〔Roth〕American writer whose witty and ironic fiction, including the comic novelPortnoy's Complaint (1969), concerns middle-class Jewish life. 罗斯,菲利普·米尔顿:(生于 1933) 美国作家,他诙谐讽刺的小说描写有关中产阶级犹太人的生活,如喜剧长篇小说《波特诺伊的抱怨》 (1969年)等 〔Ross〕Cherokee leader who reluctantly directed the forced removal of the Cherokee from Georgia to the Oklahoma Territory (1838-1839) along a route called the Trail of Tears.罗斯,约翰:(1790-1866) 美国彻罗基印第安人酋长,被迫率领彻罗基人从乔治亚州踏上“眼泪之路”而迁徙至俄克拉荷马州居留地(1838-1839年)〔treatment〕"the right to equal treatment in the criminal and juvenile justice system"(Susan C. Ross)“在刑事和少年犯罪法律体制中受到同等对待的权利”(苏珊C.罗斯)〔Parker〕American writer noted for her satirical wit. She was drama critic forVanity Fair (1916-1917) and book critic for the New Yorker (1927-1933). 帕克,多罗斯·罗斯柴尔德:(1893-1967) 因其讽刺性的机智而闻名的美国作家。是《名利场》 的戏剧评论员(1916-1917年)和 《纽约人》 的著作批评家(1927-1933年) 〔Locke〕American satirist who edited theToledo Blade (1865-1871). 洛克,戴维·罗斯:(1833-1888.) 美国讽刺作家,编辑有《托勒多之剑》 (1865-1871年) 〔farouche〕"small, farouche poems illustrated with doodles, a cross between Ogden Nash and Blake"(Rosemary Dinnage)“用乱涂的画叙述说明短小而隐晦的诗,一个十字叉在奥格登·纳什和布莱克之间”(罗斯玛丽·丁纳奇)〔Troilus〕A son of King Priam of Troy, depicted as Cressida's lover in medieval romance.特洛伊罗斯:特洛伊国王普里阿摩斯的一个儿子,在中世纪的传奇故事中被描绘成克雷西达的情人〔Typhon〕A monster with one hundred heads, thrown by Zeus into Tartarus.堤丰:有一百个头的怪物,被宙斯扔进了塔尔塔罗斯〔comix〕"the countercultural . . . comix of the sixties and early seventies, with their explicit criticism of American society"(Lloyd Rose)"60年代和70年代初的反主流文化地下出版书籍,有他们明显批评美国社会的内容”(劳埃德·罗斯)〔marriage〕"the most successful marriage of beauty and blood in mainstream comics"(Lloyd Rose)“主流喜剧中血和美的成功结合”(劳埃德·罗斯)〔Philistine〕"our plastic, violent culture, with its philistine tastes and hunger for novelty"(Lloyd Rose)“我们易受影响的扭曲的文化,趣味低级而且缺乏新颖性”(劳埃德·罗斯)〔jet〕"such myriad and such vivid jets of images"(Henry Roth)“如此繁多而生动的意象流泻而出”(亨利·罗斯)〔Hobbs〕A city of southeast New Mexico near the Texas border southeast of Roswell. Oil and natural gas were discovered in the area in 1927. Population, 29,115.霍布斯:美国新墨西哥州东南部一城市,临近得克萨斯州边界,位于罗斯威尔城东南部。1927年在此地区发现了石油及天然气。人口29,115〔Gordon〕American actress and screenwriter who debuted on Broadway inPeter Pan (1915). Her many films included Rosemary's Baby, for which she won an Academy Award (1968). 戈登,鲁思:(1896-1985) 美国女演员兼电影编剧人,她凭《彼得·潘》 (1915年)进入百老汇。她演过许多电影,其中有 《罗斯玛丽的孩子》 ,这使她获得了1968年的奥斯卡奖 |
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