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单词 罗伯特
释义 〔calm〕"I am . . . peaceful as old age tonight" (Robert Browning).“今晚,我如步入老年那样平静” (罗伯特·勃朗宁)〔crucial〕A crucial election is like a signpost because it shows which way the electorate is moving. The metaphor of a signpost, in fact, gives us the sense of the wordcrucial, "of supreme importance, critical.” Francis Bacon used the phraseinstantia crucis, "crucial instance,” to refer to something in an experiment that proves one of two hypotheses and disproves the other. Bacon's phrase was based on a sense of the Latin wordcrux, "cross,” which had come to mean "a guidepost that gives directions at a place where one road becomes two,”and hence was suitable for Bacon's metaphor.Both Robert Boyle, often called the father of modern chemistry, and Isaac Newton used the similar Latin phraseexperimentum crucis, "crucial experiment.” When these phrases were translated into English,they becamecrucial instance and crucial experiment. 决定性选举就象路标一样,因为它显示了全体选民的意向。路标这一比喻实际上向我们表示了crucial 这一词的意义“极其重要的,关键性的”。 弗朗西斯·培根曾用instantia crucis “关键性例子”这一词组来指在某一实验中证明两个假设之一正确和另一假设错误的东西。 培根的这一词组是基于拉丁语crux “十字形”的意思之上的, 它的意思为“在一条路分为两条岔路的地方用于指示方向的路标”,因此它适用于培根的这一比喻。通常被称为现代化学之父的罗伯特·博伊尔和艾萨克·牛顿都用过experimentum crucis “关键性实验”这一类似的拉丁语词组。 当这些词组被译成英语后,就成了crucial instance 和 crucial experiment 这两个词组 〔Harley〕British politician. As chief minister (1710-1714) to Anne he helped negotiate an end to the War of the Spanish Succession (1701-1713).哈力,罗伯特:(1661-1724) 英国政治家,女王安妮的首相(1710-1714年),他促成了一个结束西班牙战争(1701-1713年)的协议〔bond〕"What bonded[the two men] —who spoke rarely and have little personal rapport—was patience and a conviction that uncontrolled inflation endangers . . . society" (Robert J. Samuelson)“[那两人] ——他们很少交谈,个性也不合——而将这两个结合在一起的原因是耐心和共同的信念,即无法控制的通货膨胀威胁着…社会” (罗伯特J.塞缪尔森)〔Venturi〕American architect who led the postmodern reaction to functionalism. His eclectic, sometimes humorous designs often incorporate historical references.文丘里,罗伯特·查尔斯:(生于 1925) 美国建筑学家,曾领导了对实用建筑主义的后现代主义反击。他的颇具幽默感及不拘一格的设计通常含有历史参照因素〔shape〕"He shaped history as well as being shaped by it"(Robert J. Samuelson)“犹如历史创造了完美的他一样,他也塑造了完美的历史”(罗伯特J.塞缪尔森)〔Merton〕American sociologist who proposed that deviant behavior results when a society offers no acceptable means of achieving acceptable goals.默顿,罗伯特·金:(生于 1910) 美国社会学家,他提出当社会不能提供达到可接受目标的可接受手段时,就会有越轨行为发生〔Fosse〕American choreographer and director of Broadway and motion-picture productions, includingCabaret (1972), for which he won an Academy Award. 福斯,罗伯特·路易斯:(1927-1987) 美国百老汇及电影制作的舞蹈设计师、导演,因《酒店》 (1972年)而获得奥斯卡金像奖 〔Cousy〕American basketball player and coach. As a guard for the Boston Celtics (1950-1963), he led the National Basketball Association in assists eight times and led the Celtics to six NBA titles between 1957 and 1963.库西,罗伯特·约瑟夫:美国篮球选手和教练。波士顿凯尔特人队后卫(1950年-1963年),在美国职业篮球联赛(NBA)的八个赛季中都担任助攻,1957年至1963年间他带领该队三次赢得NBA冠军〔Muldoon〕New Zealand politician and prime minister (1975-1984) who enacted economic reforms to counteract the nation's high inflation, unemployment, and national debt.马尔登,罗伯特·戴维:(生于 1921) 新西兰政治家和总理(1975-1984年),他采取经济改革措施来降低国内高通货膨胀、高失业率和国家外债〔Yerkish〕After Robert Mearns Yerkes 源自 罗伯特·明斯 Yerkes〔grok〕[Coined by Robert A. Heinlein in his] Stranger in a Strange Land [由罗伯特·A·海茵莱因在其] 陌生地带的陌生人 〔Vansittart〕British diplomat whose early recognition of the threat of Nazism conflicted with Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain's policy of appeasement.范恩塔特,罗伯特·吉尔伯特:(1881-1957) 英国外交家,他对纳粹危胁的早期认识与首相内维尔·张伯伦的绥靖政策相冲突〔Longstreet〕American Confederate general. His delay in carrying out Gen. Robert E. Lee's orders contributed to the Confederate defeat at Gettysburg (1863).朗斯特里特,詹姆斯:(1821-1904) 美国邦联军将领。他因延误执行罗伯特·E·李将军的命令而导致邦联军队在葛底斯堡的失败(1863年)〔temper〕"temper its doctrinaire logic with a little practical wisdom"(Robert H. Jackson)See Synonyms at moderate “用一点实践智慧调和其纯理论的逻辑”(罗伯特H.杰克逊) 参见 moderate〔Frost〕American poet whose deceptively simple works, often set in rural New England, explore the relationships between individuals and between people and nature. His collections includeA Boy's Will (1913) and In the Clearing (1962). 弗罗斯特,罗伯特·李:(1874-1963) 美国诗人。他的看似简单的作品常以新英格兰农村为背景,探究人与人及人与自然之间的关系。他的全集包括《少年的意志》 (1913年)和 《林间空地》 (1962年) 〔Oregon〕Abbr. OR,Ore.A state of the northwest United States in the Pacific Northwest. It was admitted as the 33rd state in 1859. Claimed by the United States after Capt. Robert Gray explored the mouth of the Columbia River in 1792, the area was further explored by Lewis and Clark in 1805 and was soon the site of fur-trading posts. TheOregon Country, a region encompassing all the land from the California border to Alaska and the Pacific Ocean to the Rocky Mountains, was held jointly by Great Britain and the United States from 1818 until 1846, when the international boundary was fixed at the 49th parallel. In 1848 the Oregon Territory was created, including all of present-day Washington and Idaho. The state's current boundaries were established in 1853. Salem is the capital and Portland the largest city. Population, 2,853,733. 缩写 OR,Ore.俄勒冈州:美国西北部、太平洋西北沿岸州。1859年作为第33州加入联邦。1792年在船长罗伯特·格雷探险哥伦比亚河口之后,美国宣布拥有其主权,1805年,刘易斯和克拉克对该地区进行了进一步的探险,不久后它成为皮货交易站。俄勒冈地区, 覆盖从加利福尼亚州边界到阿拉斯加州和太平洋直至落基山脉的大片地区,从1818年起英国和美国共同拥有该片地区,直至1846年在北纬49度制定了国界。1848年, 俄勒冈专区 成立,包括今天的华盛顿州和爱达荷州。此州现有边界是1853年制定的。首府为沙连,最大城市为波特拉。人口2,853,733 〔Ashe〕American tennis player who was the first Black player to win the U.S. Open singles championship (1968) and the Wimbledon singles title (1975).阿希,小阿瑟·罗伯特:(生于 1943) 美国网球运动员,是第一个获美国公开个人锦标赛冠军(1968年)和温布尔登个人冠军称号的黑人运动员(1975年)〔destiny〕"Marriage and hanging go by destiny"(Robert Burton)“婚姻与死亡都是命中注定的”(罗伯特·伯顿)〔Taft〕American politician. As a U.S. Senator from Ohio (1939-1953) he was an outspoken conservative who opposed many New Deal policies, resisted American involvement in NATO, and endorsed Joseph McCarthy's investigations of Communist infiltration.塔夫脱,罗伯特·阿方索:(1889-1953) 美国政治家。作为一名来自俄亥俄州的美国参议员(1939-1953年),他是一名直率的保守派成员,曾反对过许多“新政”政策,抵制过美国参与大西洋公约组织,并批准了约瑟夫·麦卡锡对共产党渗透的调查〔Adam〕British architect who led the neoclassical movement in England and is noted for his elegant interior designs and for collaborations with his brotherJames (1730-1794). 亚当,罗伯特:(1728-1792) 英国建筑师,领导英国的新古典主义运动,以其优雅的室内设计和同他兄弟詹姆斯 的合作而出名(1730-1794年) 〔Menzies〕Australian politician who twice served as prime minister (1939-1941 and 1949-1966).孟席斯,罗伯特·戈登:(1894-1978) 澳大利亚政治家,曾两度任职总理(1939-1941年和1949-1966年)〔Burns〕Scottish poet considered the major poetic voice of his nation. His lyrics, written in dialect and infused with humor, celebrate love, patriotism, and rustic life.伯恩斯,罗伯特:(1759-1796) 被认为是其国家重要的有发言权的苏格兰诗人。他用方言写成的、充满幽默感的歌谣歌颂了爱情、爱国主义和朴实的生活〔Dalton〕American outlaw noted for his exploits as a horse thief, train robber, and leader of the Dalton gang, which included his two brothers.道尔顿,罗伯特:(1867-1892) 美国侠士,以其英勇行为出名,曾为盗马贼、劫车者和道尔顿帮的首领,其中包括他的两个兄弟〔nation〕"Historically the Ukrainians are an ancient nation which has persisted and survived through terrible calamity"(Robert Conquest)“从历史上来说,乌克兰民族是一个从可怕的灾难中幸免和保留下来的古老的民族”(罗伯特·康奎斯特)〔krewe〕"They . . . watched a parade of bands and New Orleans-style floats run by krewes throwing necklaces of colored beads"(Robert Reinhold)See Regional Note at beignet “他们…看着一队乐手和克鲁们开的新奥尔良风格彩车,那些人在上面抛着彩珠项链”(罗伯特·赖恩豪德) 参见 beignet〔disgrace〕"Between the possibility of being hanged in all innocence, and the certainty of a public and merited disgrace, no gentleman of spirit could long hesitate" (Robert Louis Stevenson).“在有可能被无辜绞死和一定要公开并丢脸之间,有灵魂的先生们决不会长久地犹豫不决” (罗伯特·路易斯·斯蒂文森)。〔Doon〕A river, about 48 km (30 mi) long, of southeast Scotland flowing throughLoch Doon to the Firth of Clyde south of Ayr. The river is immortalized in the poetry of Robert Burns. 顿河:苏格兰东南一河流,流程约48公里(30英里),流经顿湖 汇入亚尔克莱德河口的福斯湾。该河因在罗伯特·柏恩的诗中而享有盛名 〔Kirchhoff〕German physicist noted for his research in spectrum analysis, optics, and electricity.基尔霍夫,古斯塔夫·罗伯特:(1824-1887) 德国物理学家,以他对光谱分析,光学,和电学的研究著名〔Gettysburg〕A town of southern Pennsylvania east-southeast of Chambersburg. It was the site of a major Union victory in the Civil War (July 1-3, 1863), which checked Robert E. Lee's invasion of the North. The battle and Abraham Lincoln's famous Gettysburg Address (delivered at the dedication of a cemetery here on November 19, 1863) are commemorated by a national park. President Dwight D. Eisenhower's farm, a national historic site, is also in Gettysburg. Population, 7,194.葛底斯堡:宾夕法尼亚南部钱伯斯堡东南偏东的一城镇。是美国内战(1863年7月1日-3日)中一次较重要的联邦军胜利遗址,这次胜利抑制了罗伯特·E·李对北方的入侵。建立了一座国家公园以纪念这次战役和阿伯罕姆·林肯的葛底斯堡演讲(发表于1863年11月19日在此举行的公墓落成典礼的献辞上)。德怀特·D·艾森豪威尔总统的农场,一个具有历史意义的遗址也在葛底斯堡。人口7,194〔Hancock〕American Civil War general who defeated Robert E. Lee and George Pickett in the Gettysburg Campaign (1863).汉考克,温菲尔德·斯科特:(1824-1886) 美国南北战争时期的将军,1863年在葛底斯堡战役中打败了罗伯特·E·李和乔治·皮克特〔Browning〕British poet. Overcoming ill health and the jealous objections of her tyrannical father, she eloped to Italy with Robert Browning and married him in 1846. Her greatest work,Sonnets from the Portuguese (1850), is a sequence of love poems written to her husband. 勃朗宁,伊丽莎白·巴雷特:(1806-1861) 英国诗人。她克服了疾病和她暴虐父亲的专横反对,与罗伯特·勃朗宁私奔到意大利,并于1846年与他结婚。其杰作《葡萄牙十四行诗集》 (1850年),是一部写给她丈夫的爱情组诗 〔Grier〕American jurist who served as an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1846-1870).格里尔,罗伯特·库珀:(1794-1870) 美国法学家,曾任美国联邦最高法院陪审大法官(1846-1870年)〔York〕A cape of northwest Greenland in northern Baffin Bay. It was used as an exploration base by Robert E. Peary, who discovered its famous iron meteorites.约克角:格林兰岛西北一海角,位于巴芬湾北部,在此地发现著名铁陨星的罗伯特·E.·皮里将这作为一勘探基地〔Schumann〕German composer known particularly for his song cycles, piano works, and symphonies. A leading romanticist, he encouraged and influenced Chopin and Brahms.舒曼,罗伯特:(1810-1856) 德国作曲家,尤以声乐套曲,钢琴曲和交响乐著名。浪漫主义的主要代表,他曾鼓励及影响过肖邦和勃拉姆斯〔Altman〕American film director and screenwriter whose film credits includeM*A*S*H (1970), for which he won an Academy Award, and The Player (1992). 阿特曼,罗伯特:美国电影导演和编剧,他的电影成就包括1970年获得奥斯卡奖的《外科医生》 以及1992年的 《超级大玩家》 〔Fitzsimmons〕British-born American prizefighter who won middleweight (1891), heavyweight (1897), and light-heavyweight (1903) titles.费茨西门兹,罗伯特·普罗米修斯:(1862-1917) 美籍英国职业拳击手,曾获中量级(1891年),最重量级(1897年)和次重量级(1903年)冠军〔where〕"Generally, I knew where he was at, but couldn't always tell where he was coming from" (Robert M. Adams).See Usage Note at why “通常来说,我知道他在什么地方,但我却不总能说出他从哪里来” (罗伯特·M·亚当斯) 参见 why〔Hutchins〕American educator who was president (1929-1945) and chancellor (1945-1951) of the University of Chicago.哈钦斯,罗伯特·梅纳尔:(1899-1977) 美国教育家,曾任芝加哥大学校长(1929-1945年)和名誉校长(1945-1951年)〔tincture〕"a faint tincture of condescension"(Robert Craft)“一丝卑躬屈膝的表情”(罗伯特·克拉弗特)




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