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单词 网络
释义 〔pilot〕A television program produced as a prototype of a series being considered for adoption by a network.试播节目,前导节目:一种作为系列节目中的样本的电视节目,以便让某一网络采纳〔website〕The transition fromWorld Wide Web site to Web site to website seems to have progressed as rapidly as the technology itself. The development of website as a single uncapitalized word mirrors the development of other technological expressions which have tended to evolve into unhyphenated forms as they become more familiar. Thus email has recently been gaining ground over the forms E-mail and e-mail, especially in texts that are more technologically oriented. Similarly, there has been an increasing preference for closed forms like homepage, online, and printout. 从使用World Wide Web(万维网) 一词到 Web site(网络网站) 一词,再到 website(网站) 一词,其渐进过程,似乎就像网络科技本身那样进步快速。当 website 发展成为一个小写单词时,也正反映出其它科技字眼的发展也趋向于成为一般无连字符号单词,而且越来越为人所熟知。所以, email 一字近来已逐渐普遍取代 E-mail 及 e-mail ,尤其是在比较科技类范围的文章中。同样的,也有越来越喜欢采用封闭形态字型的趋势,例如 homepage(首页)、online(在线) 和 printout(印出) 〔freeware〕Software that is available for free, usually over the Internet.免费软件:免费取得的软件,通常自网络上取得〔web〕A complex, interconnected structure or arrangement:网络:一种复杂的、互相联系的组织或安排:〔unsubscribe〕To cancel a subscription, especially to an online publication, service, or mailing list.退订:取消订阅,尤指网络出版物、服务或邮件列表〔counterprogramming〕The scheduling of television programs so as to attract viewers away from programs broadcast simultaneously on another network.反节目安排:一种电视节目时间安排,目的是为把同时广播的另一网络的观众吸引过来〔ping〕A protocol that sends a message to another computer and waits for acknowledgment, often used to check if another computer on a network is reachable.因特网封包探索:将信息传送至另一计算机并等待确认的协议,通常用于检查网络上的另一台计算机是否可用〔network〕A chain of radio or television broadcasting stations linked by wire or microwave relay.广播网:由线路或微波中转站连接的电台或电视台网络〔MPEG〕downloaded an MPEG of the new video from the Internet.从网络上下载这部新电影的动态影像压缩标准文件〔transnational〕"the transnational ramifications of terror networks"(Emanuel Litvinoff)“恐怖组织的跨国分布网络”(伊曼纽尔·利特温诺弗)〔backpropagation〕A common method of training a neural net in which the initial system output is compared to the desired output, and the system is adjusted until the difference between the two is minimized.反向传播,逆传送:训练神经系统网络的普遍方式,将初始系统输出同要求系统输出相比较,然后将系统调整到两输出间差距最小的状态〔triangulation〕The network of triangles so laid out.三角系(或网):做三角测量时划定的三角形构成的网络〔boast〕Some have objected to the use ofboast as a transitive verb meaning "to possess or own (a desirable feature),” as inThis network boasts an audience with a greater concentration of professionals and managers than any other broadcast vehicle. This usage is by now well established, however,and is acceptable to 62 percent of the Usage Panel.有人反对将boast 用作意指“占有或拥有(一种良好素质)”的及物动词, 比如在这家媒体网络拥有比任何其他传播媒介都大的专业人员和管理人员群体 中。 然而这种用法已被广泛接受了,百分之六十二的用法专题使用小组成员同意这种用法〔Internet〕An interconnected system of networks that connects computers around the world via the TCP/IP protocol.因特网:经由传输控制/网络通讯协议连结全世界计算机的网络内部连接系统〔grid〕A network or coil of fine wires located between the plate and the filament in an electron tube.栅极:在电子管中线极和阳极之间的由导电性很好的电线组成的网络或线圈〔Murdoch〕Australian-born American communications magnate whose worldwide media holdings include newspapers and magazines, book publishers, television networks, and film studios.默多克·鲁珀特:澳大利亚裔美国传媒大亨,在全球拥有包括报纸与杂志、书籍出版、电视网络与电影工作室等大众传媒〔radio〕A radio broadcasting organization or network of affiliated organizations.广播电台:无线电广播组织或联合组织的网络〔newbie〕One that is new to something, especially a novice at using computer technology or the Internet.菜鸟,新手:新手,尤指刚会用计算机或刚会上网络的新手〔input〕Current, electromotive force, or power supplied to an electric circuit, network, or device.电流,电能,电力:供给电路、网络或设备的电流、电动力量或电力〔connectivity〕a phone company that offers excellent Internet connectivity.提供极佳网络联机的电话公司〔anastomosis〕The connection of separate parts of a branching system to form a network, as of leaf veins, blood vessels, or a river and its branches.并接,联结:分支系统的不同部分结合后形成一个网络,如叶脉,血管,或河流及其支流〔losingest〕"help turn around one of the network's losingest nights of the week"(Washington Post)“有助于扭转其中一个网络在一周中最不成功的一夜”(华盛顿邮报)〔tissue〕An interwoven or interrelated number of things; a web; a network:一些相互交织或相互联系的事物;网;网络〔interbank〕interbank borrowing; an interbank network of automated teller machines.同业拆借;同业间的自支取款机网络〔FTP〕A communications protocol governing the transfer of files from one computer to another over a network.文件传输协议:网络上一种管理文件传输的通讯协议〔webcam〕A camera designed to take digital photographs and transmit them over the Internet or other network.网络摄影机:用来处理数字相片以及将其传送到因特网上或其它网络的摄影机〔rete〕An anatomical mesh or network, as of veins, arteries, or nerves.网,丛:解剖的网状物或网络,如静脉、动脉或神经网〔internetwork〕An interconnected system of networks, especially computer networks.网络工作:网络的交互连结系统,特别是计算机网络〔extranet〕An extension of an institution's intranet, especially over the World Wide Web, enabling communication between the institution and people it deals with, often by providing limited access to its intranet.外部网络:一种企业内部网络的延伸,尤其是指经由万维网,让利用该网络的企业及使用者得以藉此通讯,通常藉由提供使用者限制性使用企业内部网络的方式〔digerati〕"the chasm between the high claims of the digerati and the misadventures of the novice Net user"(Publisher's Weekly)“数字精英的高要求及网络新手两者不幸之间的隔阂”(每周刊)〔ISP〕Internet service provider网络服务提供商〔themed〕Some have criticized the network for rejecting two gay-themed commercials.Some have criticized the network for rejecting two gay-themed commercials(有些人已经针对拒绝两个同性恋广告的网络提出批评)。〔Java〕A trademark used for a programming language designed to develop applications, especially ones for the Internet, that can operate on different platforms.爪哇语言:用于开发应用程序的程序语言标志,尤指可在不同平台运行的网络应用程序〔tentacle〕an espionage network with far-reaching tentacles.触角伸得很远的谍报网络〔soul〕"It saddens me that this network . . . may lose its soul, which is after all the quest for news"(Marvin Kalb)“我感到很伤心,这个网络…可能要失去其精华,即所有对信息的寻找”(马文·卡尔布)〔maze〕An intricate, usually confusing network of interconnecting pathways, as in a garden; a labyrinth.曲径,迷津:花园中彼此相连的道路的错综的、使人迷惑的网络;曲径〔braided〕Flowing in an interconnected network of channels that divide and reunite:交错流动的:在分而又合的交错连结的渠道网络中流动的:〔birth〕Until recently, the use ofbirth as a verb meaning "to bear (a child)” has been confined to Southern speech: "Heap o' good it do a woman to birth a mess o' young uns and raise 'em and then have 'em all go off to oncet" (Marjorie K. Rawlings).Recently, however, the nonstandard Southern usage has coincided with widespread usage of verbs derived from nouns, such asparent, network, and microwave. Birth in this new usage is most commonly found in its present participial form and is used as an adjective in the compound birthing room. 以前birth 意为生育(孩子)的动词用法仅限于南方语言: 一个女人生养一大堆孩子,然后他们都一起离开家庭,这对于她来说有很大好处。” (玛乔里·K·罗林斯)。但是最近,这种不标准的南方用法与广泛使用名词作动词的用法相吻合,如作父母,连网络 和 传送微波。 Birth这种新的用法常见于现在分词形式并用于合成词中的形容词 育婴室 〔netizen〕A person who is a frequent or habitual user of the Internet.网民,网虫:常常或习惯于使用网络的人〔technostructure〕A network of skilled professionals who control such a corporate system.技术专家体制:控制这样的组织系统的网络或熟练的专业人员




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