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单词 缅甸
释义 〔Mandalay〕A city of central Burma on the Irrawaddy River north of Rangoon. Capital of the kingdom of Burma from 1860 to 1885, when it was annexed by the British, it was heavily damaged in World War II. Population, 532,895.曼德勒:缅甸中部的一座城市,位于仰光以北伊洛瓦底江沿岸。是1860年到1885年缅甸王国的首府,1885年被英国吞占,二战中该市遭到极其严重的破坏。人口532,895〔Irrawaddy〕A river of Burma flowing about 1,609 km (1,000 mi) southward to the Bay of Bengal and the Andaman Sea. It is the chief river of the country.伊洛瓦底河:缅甸一河流,全长1,609公里(1,000英里),向南流入孟加拉湾和安达曼海。它是这个国家的主要河流〔Tai〕A member of any of the Tai-speaking peoples of Thailand, Burma, Laos, China, and Vietnam.讲泰语者:泰国、缅甸、老挝、中国和越南中讲泰语的人群中的一员〔Indochina〕A peninsula of southeast Asia comprising Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Burma, and the mainland territory of Malaysia. The area was influenced in early times by India (particularly the Hindu culture) and China.印度支那半岛:东南亚的一个半岛,包括越南、老挝、柬埔寨、泰国、缅甸和马来西亚的大陆部分。历史上这一片地区曾受印度(尤其是印度教文化)和中国的影响〔Chindwin〕A river rising in the hills of northern Burma and flowing about 1,158 km (720 mi) generally south to the Irrawaddy River.亲敦江:发源于缅甸北部丘陵区的河流,流程约1158公里(720英里),大致上向南流入伊洛瓦底江〔Burmese〕The Sino-Tibetan language of Burma.缅甸语:缅甸的汉藏语系语言〔Burmese〕Also Burman A native or inhabitant of Burma. 也作 Burman 缅甸人:缅甸的当地人或居民〔Shan〕A member of any of a group of tribes inhabiting the hills and plateaus of northeast Burma and adjacent parts of China, Laos, and Thailand.掸族:一个居住于缅甸东北部的平原和山区以及中国、老挝及泰国的毗邻地区内的部落成员〔Rangoon〕The capital and largest city of Burma, in the southern part of the country on theRangoon River near its outlet in the Irrawaddy River delta. It was a small fishing village until it became the capital of Burmese kings after the 1750's. Further growth was spurred by the British occupation of the city in 1852. Population, 2,458,712. 仰光:缅甸首都或最大城市,位于该国南部,在仰光河 上,在仰光河注入伊洛瓦底江的河口上,在伊洛瓦底江三角洲的出海处。直到1750年成为缅甸国王首都之前,它一直是一座小渔村。1852年英国人占领该城后,其发展速度迅速加快。人口2,458,712 〔dacoit〕A member of a robber gang in modern India and Burma.印度强盗帮,缅甸强盗帮:在现在的印度或缅甸的强盗帮成员〔Stilwell〕American army officer who commanded Allied forces in China, Burma, and India during World War II.史迪威,约瑟夫·沃伦:(1883-1946) 美国军官,二次世界大战期间指挥在中国、缅甸和印度的盟军〔pariah〕A member of a low caste of agricultural and domestic workers in southern India and Burma.贱民,下等人:在南印度和缅甸从事农业和家务劳动的低等阶层的成员〔lungi〕A cloth, often of brightly colored silk or cotton, that is used as a piece of clothing, especially the traditional skirtlike garment of India, Pakistan, and Burma.长布料,腰布:一块布料,通常是彩色的丝或棉。用作衣服,尤其是印度,巴基斯坦和缅甸的传统的象裙子一样的袍子〔Yunnan〕A province of south-central China bordering on Vietnam, Laos, and Burma. The region was overrun by Mongols in 1253 and became part of China in the 17th century. Kunming is the capital. Population, 34,060,000.云南:中国中南部一省份,与越南、老挝和缅甸接壤。1253年被蒙古人占领,17世纪成为中国的一部分,首府昆明。人口34,060,000〔kyat〕A basic unit of currency in Burma. See table at currency 缅元:缅甸的基本货币单位 参见 currency〔Karen〕A member of a Thai people inhabiting southern and eastern Burma.克伦人:居住在缅甸南部和东部的泰族居民〔Thant〕Burmese diplomat who served as the secretary-general of the United Nations (1961-1971).萨尼:(1811-1863) 缅甸外交家,曾住联合国秘书长(1961-1971年)〔Burmese〕Of or relating to Burma or its people, language, or culture.缅甸的:缅甸的、缅甸人的、缅甸语言的、缅甸文化的或与其有关的〔pya〕A unit of currency in Burma. See table at currency 缅分:缅甸的一种货币单位 参见 currency〔dacoit〕A member of any of the robber bands of India and Burma who formerly lived in the hills and attacked in armed gangs, usually on horseback.武装土匪,强盗:印度或缅甸强盗集团的成员,以前住在山上,武装进行抢劫,通常骑在马背上〔Attlee〕British politician who as prime minister (1945-1951) formed the Labor government that established the National Health Service, expanded public ownership of industry, and granted independence to India (1947) and Burma (1948).艾德礼,克雷芒·理查德:(1883-1967) 英国政治家,任首相(1945-1951年)期间组成了建立国民医疗服务体系的工党政府,扩大了公众对工业的所有权,授予印度(1947年)和缅甸(1948年)独立权〔Salween〕A river of southeast Asia rising in eastern Tibet and flowing about 2,816 km (1,750 mi) east then south through Burma into the Gulf of Martaban.萨尔温江(怒江):东南亚一条河流,源于西藏东部,流程约2,816公里(1,750英里),向东然后向南经缅甸注入马达班湾〔takin〕A large ruminant mammal(Budorcas taxicolor) of the mountains of China, Burma, and the Himalayas, having backward-pointing horns and a shaggy coat. 扭角羚:一种产于中国和缅甸山区及喜马拉雅山脉地区的大型反刍类哺乳动物(羚羊) ,长有弯向身体后方的角和一身粗毛 〔Kunming〕A city of southern China southwest of Chongqing. The Chinese terminus of the Burma Road during World War II, Kunming is the capital of Yunnan province. Population, 1,080,000.昆明:中国南部一城市,位于重庆西南。二战期间为中国缅甸公路的终点站。昆明是云南省的省会。人口1,080,000〔Burma〕A country of southeast Asia on the Bay of Bengal and the Andaman Sea. Site of an ancient kingdom, Burma was a province of British India from 1886 until 1948, when it gained its independence. Rangoon is the capital and the largest city. Population, 35,313,905.缅甸,曼马:一东南亚国家,位于孟加拉湾和安达曼海岸边。作为一个古代王国的所在地,缅甸从1886年到1948年取得独立前一直是英属印度的一个省。仰光是首都和最大的城市。人口35,313,905〔Martaban〕An arm of the Andaman Sea off southern Burma.马达班湾:缅甸南部安达曼海的一个海湾〔Moulmein〕A city of southern Burma on the Gulf of Martaban east of Rangoon. The chief town of British Burma from 1826 to 1852, it is a port and commercial center. Population, 219,991.毛淡棉:缅甸南部城市,位于仰光以东的马达班湾畔。1826到1852年英属缅甸的主要城镇,是海港兼商业中心。人口219,991〔Bengal〕An arm of the Indian Ocean bordered by Sri Lanka and India on the west, Bangladesh on the north, and Burma and Thailand on the east.孟加拉湾:印度洋的一个海湾,西面以斯里兰卡和印度为界,北面以孟加拉国为界,东面以缅甸和泰国为界〔Mon〕A member of a Buddhist people inhabiting an area of eastern Burma and adjacent parts of Thailand.孟人:居住于缅甸东部和泰国附近地区的一个信奉佛教的民族的成员




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