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单词 绳索
释义 〔fairlead〕A device such as a ring or block of wood with a hole in it through which rigging is passed to hold it in place or prevent it from snagging or chafing.导索器:绳索穿过其中以固定绳索或防止绳索受到磨损的设备,如一圆环或有一洞的木块〔rope〕To catch with a rope or lasso.用绳索或套索抓住〔tether〕A rope or chain for holding an animal in place, allowing it a short radius in which to move about.绳索:栓动物的绳或链,允许动物在小范围内活动〔sisal〕A Mexican and Central American plant(Agave sisalana) widely cultivated for its large, sword-shaped leaves that yield stiff fibers used for cordage and rope. 波罗麻:一种分布在墨西哥和中美洲的植物(波罗麻 龙舌兰属) ,因该植物的剑状大叶子能够提取出用于制造绳索的硬纤维而被广泛种植 〔match〕An easily ignited cord or wick, formerly used to detonate powder charges or to fire cannons and muzzleloading firearms.导火线:一种过去用于引爆雷管或点燃火炮和火器的易燃绳索〔headfast〕A mooring rope or chain that secures the bow of a ship to a wharf.系绳:使船首靠在码头的系泊绳索或链〔lash〕To secure or bind, as with a rope, cord, or chain.用绳捆扎:如用绳子、绳索或链条固定或绑紧〔outrigger〕A projecting beam or spar run out from the side of a vessel to help in securing the masts or from a mast to be used in extending a rope or sail.舷外框架:为了帮助固定桅而从船边突出来的,或为了用于延伸绳索或帆而从桅上突出来的横梁或圆材〔hemp〕The tough, coarse fiber of the cannabis plant, used to make cordage.大麻纤维:大麻植物的坚韧而粗的纤维,用于制造绳索〔doubtful〕Doubtful that the cord would hold, we strengthened it.绳索恐怕不能支撑,让我们使它坚固一点〔cable〕A strong, large-diameter, heavy steel or fiber rope.缆绳,绳索:高强度的、直径大的、高强钢质或纤维质的绳子〔moor〕To secure a vessel or an aircraft with lines or anchors.用绳索或锚停泊船只或飞机〔corset〕A close-fitting undergarment, often reinforced by stays, worn to support and shape the waistline, hips, and breasts.紧身内衣:一种紧身内衣,通常用绳索加固,穿来支撑和使腰线、臀部和胸部成形〔halter〕A rope with a noose used for execution by hanging.绞索:有一个活套的绳索以吊死被判死刑的人〔rope〕A cord with a noose at one end for hanging a person.绞索:一端有活绳结用来绞死人的绳索〔tackle〕A system of ropes and blocks for raising and lowering weights of rigging and pulleys for applying tension.索具:由升降索上升降重物的绳索、铁块和用来施加压力的滑轮所组成的一套系统〔breeching〕A rope formerly used to secure the breech of a cannon to the side of a ship to control the recoil.驻退索:以前用于把炮尾缚牢在船侧以控制炮身后退的绳索〔stay〕A rope used to steady, guide, or brace.牵索:用于加固、引导或支撑的绳索〔foresheet〕A rope used in trimming a foresail.前桅帆脚索:用于平衡前桅帆的绳索〔dragline〕A line used for dragging.拉索,导索:用于拖拉的绳索〔whipping〕Material, such as cord or thread, used to lash or bind parts.用来抽打的绳索:用于鞭笞或捆缚部件的材料,如线或绳〔moor〕To be secured with lines or anchors:用绳索或锚停泊的:〔hackamore〕A rope or rawhide halter with a wide band that can be lowered over a horse's eyes, used in breaking horses to a bridle.辔头:一种绳索或生皮笼头,带有一条宽带,可以用来遮住马的眼睛,用于勒停马匹〔eyehook〕A hook attached to a ring at the end of a rope or chain.眼钩:在绳子或绳索头上连着的线上的钩子〔moor〕To make fast (a vessel, for example) by means of cables, anchors, or lines:系泊:以缆索、锚或绳索进行系固(例如,船只):〔tieback〕A decorative loop of fabric, cord, or metal for parting and draping a curtain to the side.窗帘钩:一种用织物、绳索或金属制成用于把窗帘拉开并挂到一边的装饰性的环〔buntline〕A rope that keeps a square sail from bellying when it is being hauled up for furling.帆脚索,篷缆:用来使卷收船帆时船帆鼓起的绳索〔cringle〕A small ring or grommet of rope or metal fastened to the edge of a sail.索环:一种固定于帆船边沿的绳索或金属上的小环圈或索眼〔surge〕The part of a windlass into which the cable surges.锥形部:绞盘中卷进绳索的部分〔gasket〕Perhaps alteration of French garcette [small cord] [diminutive of] garce [girl] 可能为 法语 garcette的变化 [小的绳索] garce的小后缀 [女孩] 〔fusee〕A cone-shaped pulley with a spiral groove, used in a cord- or chain-winding clock to maintain even travel in the timekeeping mechanism as the force of the mainspring lessens in unwinding.均力圆锥轮:一种用在绳索式或链条式钟表里的带螺旋状槽的圆锥轮,当钟表走动而发条动力减少时,用来维持计时装置的平稳运行〔couple〕from Latin cōpula [bond, pair] 源自 拉丁语 cōpula [绳索,对] 〔ripcord〕A cord pulled to release the pack of a parachute.开伞索:用力拉来松开降落伞包的绳索〔lien〕French [tie, bond] 法语 [纽带,绳索] 〔cleat〕A piece of metal or wood having projecting arms or ends on which a rope can be wound or secured.羊角,系索耳:金属或木配件,有突出的臂或末端,绳索可绕上或收紧〔cordon〕from Old French [diminutive of] corde [cord] * see cord 源自 古法语 corde的小后缀 [绳索] * 参见 cord〔lifeline〕A line used to raise and lower deep-sea divers.升降索:用来提升或放低深海潜水员的绳索〔lanyard〕A cord with a hook at one end used to fire a cannon.拉火绳:一头带钩用于为大炮点火的绳索〔unreeve〕To withdraw (a rope, for example) from an opening, such as a block or thimble.抽出:将(比如,一条绳索)从一个开口(比如一个龙骨墩或一个索端嵌环)抽出〔towline〕A line used in towing a vessel or vehicle.拖绳:用来拖船只或车辆的绳索




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