单词 | 统一 |
释义 | 〔Cornell〕American businessman and philanthropist who helped develop and unify telegraph systems in the United States and founded Cornell University (1868) with Andrew D. White.康奈尔,以斯拉:(1807-1874) 美国商人,慈善家,帮助发展并统一了美国的电报系统,并与安德鲁·D·怀特一起建立了康奈尔大学(1868年)〔anarchism〕"He was inclined to anarchism; he hated system and organization and uniformity"(Bertrand Russell)“他倾向于反强权;他憎恨制度、组织和统一”(伯特兰·罗素)〔Theseus〕A hero and king of Athens who slew the Minotaur and united Attica.西塞期:雅典的英雄和国王,他杀了米诺陶并统一阿提卡〔syncretize〕To reconcile and unite (differing religious beliefs, for example), especially with partial success or a heterogeneous result.调和,溶合:使(如,不同的宗教信仰)和谐一致和统一起来,尤指获得部分成功或仍有不同的结果〔consolidate〕To unite into one system or whole; combine:合并:把…联合起来或统一;合并:〔Denmark〕A country of northern Europe on Jutland and adjacent islands. It was unified in the 10th century by the Viking king Harold Bluetooth (died 985), who converted the people to Christianity. Denmark controlled England briefly in the 11th century and was united with Sweden until 1523 and with Norway until 1814. Copenhagen is the capital and the largest city. Population, 5,112,130.丹麦:欧洲北部的一个国家,建立在日德兰半岛及其邻近的岛上。10世纪斯堪的纳维亚国王哈罗德·布鲁士斯(死于985年)统一该地,并使这儿的人民皈依为天主教徒。该国在11世纪控制着英格兰,直到1523年才与瑞典统一,1814年丹麦与挪威统一。首都哥本哈根是最大的城市。人口5,112,130〔sheared〕Shaped or finished by shearing, especially cut or trimmed to a uniform length:剪切过的:通过剪切成形或完成的,尤指切割或裁剪到统一长度:〔Colbert〕French politician who served as an adviser to Louis XIV. Colbert reformed taxes, centralized the administration, and improved roads and canals in an effort to encourage trade.考伯特,简·巴蒂斯特:(1619-1683) 法国政治家,曾做路易十四的顾问。柯尔贝尔改革税制,统一行政权并致力于修建道路、运河以鼓励贸易〔dominant〕"My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union" (Abraham Lincoln).“在这场斗争中我的首要目标是挽救统一” (亚伯拉罕·林肯)。〔articulate〕articulate statewide nursing programs.统一制订全国范围的护理计划〔Schuman〕French politician who served as prime minister (1947-1948) and promoted the economic and military unity of European nations.舒曼,罗伯特:(1886-1963) 法国政治家,1947-1948年任总理,为欧洲国家的经济和军事统一起到了促进作用〔Wise〕Bohemian-born American religious leader who united Reform Jewish organizations in the United States.怀斯,艾萨克·梅耶:(1819-1900) 波希米亚裔的美国宗教领袖,他统一了美国的犹太人教改革派〔weber〕The SI unit of magnetic flux equal to the magnetic flux that in linking a circuit of one turn produces in it an electromotive force of one volt as it is uniformly reduced to zero within one second. See table at measurement 韦伯:磁通量的国际单位,等于当磁通量在一秒钟内被统一地减弱为零时在它联接的一圈电路内产生一伏特电动势时的磁通量 参见 measurement〔ECM〕European Common Market.欧洲统一大市场〔agreement〕Harmony of opinion; accord.一致:意见的和谐统一;一致〔agnostic〕"I favored European unity, but I was agnostic about the form it should take"(Henry A. Kissinger)“我赞成欧洲的统一,但对其所应采取的形式我不发表看法”(亨利..基辛格)〔monolithic〕a monolithic worldwide movement.世界范围内的统一运动〔uniform〕Conforming to one principle, standard, or rule; consistent.一律的,统一标准的:统一于一个原理、标准或规则;一致的〔agree〕Accord implies harmonious relationship, unity, or consistency, as in feeling or essential nature: Accord 暗示融洽的关系,统一或一致,如在感情或主要性质方面: 〔blank〕A manufactured article of a standard shape or form that is ready for final processing, as by stamping or cutting:坯:生产出的有统一规格的只需接受最后一道工序的物件,如需盖章或切割等工序:〔Ebert〕German politician who as president of the German Republic (1919-1925) attempted to unite his country after its defeat in World War I and suppressed Hitler's attempt to establish a dictatorship in Bavaria (1923).艾伯特,弗雷德里希:(1871-1925) 德国政治家,任德意志共和国总统(1919-1925年)期间曾试图统一第一次世界大战中的国土,并遏制了希特勒在巴伐利亚建立独裁的企图(1923年)〔Capet〕A dynasty of French kings (987-1328), includingHugh Capet (940?-996), who was elected king in 987, thereby permanently removing the Carolingians from power, and ruled until his death. The expansion of territory and centralization of power under the Capets began the movement toward a unified France. 卡佩王朝:法兰西的一个王朝(987-1328年),其中有雨果·卡佩 (940?-996年),他于987年被推选为国王并因此永久地使加洛林王室丧失了权力。他一直统治到逝世时为止。卡佩王朝期间的领土扩张和中央集权开始了统一法兰西的运动 〔Sana〕The capital of Yemen, in the western part of the country. Settled in ancient times, it became the capital of North Yemen in 1962 and the capital of united North Yemen and Southern Yemen in 1990. Population, 277,800.萨那:也门首都,位于该国家西部,古代即有人居住,1962年成为北也门首都,1990年成为南北也门统一后的首都。人口277,800〔mix〕Tradition and innovation are merged in this new composition.传统与创新和谐地统一在这个新的作品当中。〔demote〕a detective who was busted to uniformed traffic patrol for insubordination;因不服从命令而被降级到穿统一制服的交通巡逻队的侦探;〔confederate〕United in a confederacy; allied.被统一入联盟;联盟的〔reunify〕To cause (a group, party, state, or sect) to become unified again after being divided.使重新统一:使(团体、党派、国家或教派)在被分裂之后重新成为统一〔unity〕The combination or arrangement of parts into a whole; unification.统一:将各部分结合或安排成一整体;统一〔Europeanism〕Belief in or support of the economic or political unification of Europe.欧洲主义:坚信或支持欧洲经济或政治的统一联合〔Menes〕King of Egypt who founded the first dynasty uniting Upper and Lower Egypt.美尼斯:埃及之王,统一上埃及和下埃及而建立埃及第一王朝〔Memphis〕An ancient city of Egypt south of Cairo. Reputedly founded by Menes, the first king of united Egypt, it retained its primacy until the conquest of Egypt by Alexander the Great. Its remains include an extensive necropolis.孟菲斯:埃及一古老城市,位于开罗以南。据说该城是由统一埃及的第一位国王美尼斯建立的,在亚历山大大帝占领埃及之前它一直保持原状。该地遗物包括大面积的史前坟墓〔miscellaneous〕Varied stresses absence of uniformity: Varied 强调不存在统一: 〔Attica〕An ancient region of east-central Greece around Athens. According to Greek legend, the four Attic tribes were unified into a single state by the Athenian king Theseus.阿提卡:希腊中东部雅典周围的一古老地区。根据古希腊传说,四个阿提卡部落由雅典国王西修斯统一为一个部〔regiment〕To subject to uniformity and rigid order.管制:统一地和严格地管制〔institutional〕Characteristic or suggestive of an institution, especially in being uniform, dull, or unimaginative:单调为主的:为机构特有或暗含的,特别指统一,枯燥,缺乏想象力的:〔sect〕A small faction united by common interests or beliefs.派系:出于共同的利益或信仰而统一起来的派系〔literature〕"Literature must be an analysis of experience and a synthesis of the findings into a unity"(Rebecca West)“文学必须是对经验的分析和对新发现的综合统一”(丽贝卡·韦斯特)〔Korea〕A peninsula and former country of eastern Asia between the Yellow Sea and the Sea of Japan. Site of an ancient civilization dating to the 12th centuryb.c. , the peninsula was united as a kingdom in the 7th century a.d. and despite a Mongol invasion (13th century) remained unified until the Japanese occupation of 1910 to 1945. The peninsula is now divided between North Korea and South Korea. 朝鲜半岛:东亚的一个半岛和先前的国家,位于黄海和日本海之间。古代文明的所在地,可追溯到公元前 12世纪。 公元 7世纪,朝鲜半岛统一成为一个王国。尽管蒙古军队(13世纪)入侵,朝鲜一直保持统一,直到1910年至1945年被日本占领。朝鲜半岛现在被分成韩国和朝鲜 〔Fillmore〕The 13th President of the United States (1850-1853), who succeeded to office after the death of Zachary Taylor. He struggled to keep the nation unified but lost the support of his Whig Party by attempting to enforce the Fugitive Slave Act in the North.菲尔莫尔,密拉德:(1800-1874) 美国第13任总统(1850-1853年),在扎卡里·泰勒死后继任总统。他为保持国家的统一而斗争,但因试图使《逃亡奴隶法》在北方生效而失去了他所在的辉格党的支持〔crusade〕A vigorous concerted movement for a cause or against an abuse.See Synonyms at campaign 圣战:赞成某一事业或反对某一弊病而进行的有力的统一运动 参见 campaign |
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