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单词 绝对的
释义 〔teetotal〕Total; absolute.完全的;绝对的〔very〕Complete; absolute:完整的;绝对的〔relativism〕A theory that conceptions of truth and moral values are not absolute but are relative to the persons or groups holding them.相对主义:认为真理的概念及道德价值不是绝对的而是相对于持有它们的人或集团的理论〔deadly〕Absolute; utter:绝对的;完全的:〔categorical〕Being without exception or qualification; absolute.See Synonyms at explicit 绝对的:没有例外或限制的;绝对的 参见 explicit〔implicit〕Having no doubts or reservations; unquestioning:深信不疑的,绝对的:无疑问的或无保留的;无疑问的:〔autarchy〕Absolute rule or power; autocracy.独裁:绝对的统治或统治权;专制〔Platonism〕The philosophy of Plato, especially insofar as it asserts ideal forms as an absolute and eternal reality of which the phenomena of the world are an imperfect and transitory reflection.柏拉图哲学:柏拉图的哲学,尤指宣称理念形式是绝对的和永恒的实在,而世界中实在的现象却是不完美的和暂时的反映〔unlimited〕Without qualification or exception; absolute:无穷的:未加限定的或没有例外的;绝对的〔absolute〕Unqualified in extent or degree; total:绝对的:在范围或程度上绝对的;完全的:〔equal〕It has been argued thatequal is an absolute term— two quantities either are or are not equal—and hence cannot be qualified as to degree.Therefore one cannot logically speak ofa more equal allocation of resources among the departments. However, this usage was accepted by 71 percent of the Usage Panel in an earlier survey.What is more, objection to the usage betrays a widespread but questionable assumptionthat it is in mathematics and logic that we find the model of accuracy most appropriate to the everyday use of language,a supposition that also underlies traditional grammatical discussions of words such asunique, parallel, and center. According to this account,the "precise" or "literal" meaning ofequal is realized in the use of the equal sign in an arithmetic expression such as 5 + 2 = 7; and the ordinary-language uses of the term,though they may be permissible,represent "loose" or "imprecise" extensions of that sense.But in fact the mathematical concept of equality is a poor model for using the wordequal to describe relations between things in the world. As applied to such things,statements of equality are always relative to an implicit standard of tolerance.When someone saysThe two boards are of equal length, we assume that the equality is reckoned to some order of approximation determined by the context;if we did not,we would be required always to usenearly equal when speaking of the dimensions of physical objects. What is more,we often want to predicate equality of things that do not admit of quantitative measurement,as when we sayThe college draft was introduced in an effort to make the teams in the National Football League as equal as possible, orThe candidates for the job should all be given equal consideration. In all such cases,equality is naturally a gradient notionand so is amenable to modification in degree.This much is evident from the existence of the wordunequal. The prefixun- attaches only to gradient adjectives: we sayunmanly but not unmale; and the worduneven can be applied to a surface (whose evenness may be a matter of degree) but not to a number (whose evenness is an either-or affair). ·The adverbequally is generally regarded as redundant when used in combination with as, and the following examples employingequally as were termed unacceptable by 63 percent of the Usage Panel in an earlier survey: 单词equal 一向被认为是一个很绝对的词语—— 两个数量要么相同要么不同——这样就不能有程度上的差别。所以,如果有人说在各部门间对资源更公平的分配 ,那么就不合逻辑了。 但是这种用法在早先的用法调查中被百分之七十一用法使用小组的人接受。而且,对这种用法的反对体现出了一种很流行但却值得怀疑的假设,那就是我们从数学和逻辑中得出适用于日常语言准确性的实例,而这种假设也可从我们对一些词,如unique,parallel 和 center 传统的语法讨论中体现出来。 根据这个解释,equal “准确”或“书面”的意思则是由在算术表达式,如5+2=7中所运用的相同的符号而表达清楚的; 而该词在日常语言中的用法,虽然被允许,但却代表了其含意“松散”或“不严谨”的引申。但是实际上用数学概念上的相等来运用equal 这个词描述世上各种事物之间的关系是一个很差劲的例子。 当该词应用于生活中的事物时,相等的观念往往与暗含的容忍相关联。当有人说两块木板同样长 时, 我们会认为由于上下文的关系,相等可以被看作大约近似;如果我们不这样想,那么当我们谈到物体的尺寸时,就要经常使用nearly equal 。 另外,我们常常会预测和数量无关的事物的相同性,比如我们会说,引入大学的要求是为了使全国足球联合会中的各队尽可能平等 , 或者应给予该项工作的应征者同等的考虑 。 在所有这些例子中,相等是个可变化的概念,所以可在程度有所不同。Unequal 这个词的存在就是很好的证明。 un- 这个前缀只附加于有程序变化的形容词, 我们说unmanly 但不说 unmale ; 而uneven 这个词只能用于某物的表面(其平坦可有程度上的差别), 而不能用于数目(数目只能说相等或不相等)。Equally 这一副词在与 as 连用时通常被认为是多余的, 在早先的用法调查中,以下这些使用equally as 的句子遭到百分之六十三使用小组的人反对: 〔relative〕Dependent on or interconnected with something else; not absolute.See Synonyms at dependent 相对的:依靠于或与其他事物相互关联的;不绝对的 参见 dependent〔complete〕Complete is sometimes held to be an absolute term likeperfect or chief, which is not subject to comparison. Nonetheless, it can be qualified asmore or less, for example. A majority of the Usage Panel accepts the example Complete 有时具有绝对的意味, 就象非比较形容词perfect 或 chief 。 然而,它可以用more 或 less 来修饰。 绝大多数用法专题使用小组成员接受下面的句子: 〔fatal〕"Such doctrines, if true, would be absolutely fatal to my theory"(Charles Darwin)“这些教条如果是真的,将对我的理论有着绝对的毁灭性”(查尔斯·达尔文)〔certainty〕"There is no such thing as absolute certainty, but there is assurance sufficient for the purposes of human life" (John Stuart Mill). “没有绝对的必然性这样的东西,但有足够满足人们生活目的的信心” (约翰·斯图亚特·穆勒)。〔dictatorial〕Authoritarian implies the expectation of unquestioning obedience: Authoritarian 意指期望绝对的服从: 〔monarch〕A sole and absolute ruler.唯一和绝对的统治者〔honor〕"There is no country in which so absolute a homage is paid to wealth" (Ralph Waldo Emerson).“没有一个国家对财富显示如此绝对的敬意” (拉尔夫·华尔多·爱默生)。〔direct〕Lacking compromising or mitigating elements; absolute:顽强的,绝对的:没有妥协或缓和因素的;绝对的〔blank〕Absolute; complete:绝对的;完全的:〔total〕Complete; utter; absolute:完全的;彻底的;绝对的〔law〕Something, such as an order or a dictum, having absolute or unquestioned authority:(命令,格言)具有绝对的权威:具有绝对的或不可置疑的权威的事物,如命令或法官的意见:〔shogun〕The hereditary commander of the Japanese army who until 1867 exercised absolute rule under the nominal leadership of the emperor.幕府将军:日本军队世袭的领导者,在1867年以前他有绝对的权力,在名义上他接受天皇的领导〔empery〕Absolute dominion or jurisdiction; sovereignty.帝权:绝对的统治权或管辖权;君权〔main〕Exerted to the utmost; sheer:发挥到最大程度的;绝对的〔crashing〕Total; absolute:完全的;绝对的〔accompany〕 However,by is quite commonly used in sentences of the second type, and the usage is grammatically defensible.The phrase introduced withby normally represents the subject of a related active sentence; thus, the sentenceThe salmon was accompanied by a delicious watercress salad is the unexceptional passive of the sentence A delicious watercress salad accompanied the salmon. By the same token,with can be used with persons when they are the instruments of an act of accompanying performed by someone else. We can sayThe Secret Service accompanied the candidate with six burly bodyguards, or we can use the passiveThe candidate was accompanied with six burly bodyguards (by the Secret Service). The choice between the two prepositions really depends on the intended sense.Although the traditional rule may serve as a guide to which sense is likely to feel the most natural,it should not be taken as a categorical stricture.但是by 在第二种形式的句子中也常用, 而且这种用法在语法上是可行的。由by 引导的短语一般表示一相关主动句中的主语; 因此句型伴有可口的水田芥菜色拉的鲑鱼 就是 用可口的水田芥菜色拉来搭配鲑鱼 这类句型的必然被动语态。 同样,当某些人是其他人所安排的陪同活动中的工具的时候,with 也可用于人。 我们可以说特工处派了六个强壮的保镖护随候选人, 或者我们可以用被动态用六个强壮的保镖护随候选人(是由秘密机关安排的)。 事实上是基于使用意图而在这两个介词之间进行选择的。虽然以传统的语法规则为导引可使人感到含义上极为自然,但不能就此认为这是绝对的限制〔plain〕Sheer; utter; unqualified:全然的,绝对的〔strict〕Complete; absolute:完整的;绝对的〔tyrannize〕To exercise absolute power:施行绝对的权力:〔unmitigated〕Without qualification or exception; absolute:绝对的:不带限定或没有例外的;绝对的〔unqualified〕Not modified by conditions or reservations; absolute:绝对的:没有被条件或保留意见所限定的;绝对的〔unquestioning〕Not marked by or exhibiting uncertainty or indecision:绝对的:未带有不确定或犹疑的,或未表现出不确定或犹疑的:〔absolutism〕An absolute doctrine, principle, or standard.绝对论:绝对的教条、原则或标准〔unexceptional〕Not subject to exceptions; absolute.See Usage Note at unexceptionable 不服从例外;绝对的 参见 unexceptionable〔unconditional〕Without conditions or limitations; absolute:无条件的;无限的;绝对的〔parallel〕In its mathematical usageparallel is an absolute term— two lines either do or do not intersect—and as such does not admit of qualification as to degree.Some grammarians have arguedthat this restriction should apply as well to nontechnical uses of the word.According to this logic,one may not sayThe two roads have been made more parallel, except perhaps as a loose way of saying what is rendered more precisely by expressions such asmore nearly parallel. Like the analogous objection that has been made to the comparison ofequal, the point betrays a misconception about the relation between mathematical concepts and their ordinary-language equivalents.Applied to objects in the world,parallel can only denote a rough approximation to a geometric ideal. A pair of rails or parked cars cannot be truly parallel in the mathematician's sense of the termbut only more or less so,just as a road or shelf cannot be truly straight in the geometric sensebut nonetheless may be described as very straight or relatively straight.The grammarians' compunctions make even less sense when applied to metaphorical uses ofparallel, as inThe difficulties faced by the Republicans are quite parallel to those that confronted the Democrats four years ago, in which the intended meaning has nothing to do with the possibility of intersectionbut instead suggests the structural correspondence of two distinct situations.In this sense, parallelism is clearly a matter of degreeand the wordparallel can be modified accordingly. See Usage Note at equal ,perfect ,unique 在数学用法中,parallel 是一个绝对的表达法—— 两条线要么相交,要么就不相交——它既没有限定性也没有程度差别。一些语法学家曾提出,这种限制也应该适用于该词在非科技方面的用法,按照这种逻辑,人们不能说这两条路已被修得更加平行了, 除非作为用例如更接近于平行 这样的表达方法更精确地表示的东西的不够精确的说出方法。 象对equal 的比较所做的类似反对一样, 这个观点使数学概念与普通用语中等价词之间的关系引起误解。当运用到世间的实物时,parellel 仅能指与几何理想状态大致接近的状况。 一对铁轨或停放的车辆不可能按数学家对于这个术语的理解来真正地相互并行,而不过是大致平行而已,正如公路和架子不可能是真正几何意义上的笔直,但仍可被描绘成很直的或相对而言的笔直。在用到parallel 的比喻用法时,语法学家的不安就更显得意义不大了, 例如:共和党人所面临的重重困难与四年前民主党人遇到的困难十分相似, 在这句话中,该词的引申意义与相交的可能性毫无关系,然而它暗指了两种不同情况结构上的一致。在此意义上,相似性明显是程度的问题,相应地,parallel 一词也能被其它词限定修饰了。 参见 equal,perfect,unique〔sheer〕Considered or operating apart from anything else:绝对的:完全的、纯粹的、被单独考虑或独自起作用的:〔mathematical〕Absolute; certain.绝对的;确定无疑的〔perfect〕Perfect has often been described as an absolute term like chief and prime, hence not allowing modification bymore, quite, relatively, and other qualifiers of degree. But the qualification ofperfect has numerous reputable precedents (most notably in the preamble to the U.S. Constitution in the phrase"in order to form a more perfect Union" ). What is more, the stricture is philosophically dubious.There can be no mathematically perfect forms in nature;therefore to say that any actual circle is "perfect"can mean only that it approximates the geometric ideal of circularity,a quality that it can obviously have to a greater or lesser degree.By the same token,perfect freely allows comparison in examples such as There could be no more perfect spot for the picnic, where it is used to mean "ideal for the purposes.”See Usage Note at complete ,equal ,parallel ,unique Perfect 常被描述成诸如 chief 和 prime 的绝对术语, 因此不能跟more、quite或relatively 等修饰词及其它程度限定词。 但是对perfect 的限定可有大量规范的前饰词 (最突出的例子是在美国宪法的引言部分"in order to form a more perfect Union" )。 但是,这种限定在哲学上来说是模糊的。自然界中不可能有数学般标准的形式;因此要说任何既定的圆是“绝对的”,都只意味着近似于理想状态的几何圆,这显然只能是或多或少具备的特性。同样地,perfect 在一些例子如 那儿应该是更适合野餐的地方 中任意地允许比较, 此处意为“达到意图的理想方式” 参见 complete,equal,parallel,unique




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