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单词 给予的
释义 〔trust〕"What reliance could they place on the protection of a prince so recently their enemy?” (William Hickling Prescott). “他们怎能相信一个新近成为他们敌人的王子所给予的保护呢?” (威廉姆·希克林·普莱斯哥特)。〔sentence〕The penalty meted out.课刑:给予的刑罚〔stiff〕To tip (someone) inadequately or not at all, as for a service rendered:不给小费,小费给得很少:对于所给予的服务给(某人)不恰当的小费或根本不给小费:〔unstinting〕Bestowed liberally:大量地给予的〔allowance〕Something, such as money, given at regular intervals or for a specific purpose:津贴,补贴,零用钱:在定期的间隔或为特定目的而给予的某物,如钱:〔favorable〕Granting what has been desired or requested:给予的:提供所想要的或要求的:〔votive〕Given or dedicated in fulfillment of a vow or pledge:还愿的:为完成一个誓约或誓言而给予的或供奉的:〔amnesty〕A general pardon granted by a government, especially for political offenses.大赦,赦免:政府对犯法行为、尤其是政治罪给予的普遍赦免行为〔accolade〕Those who have received so many accolades that they have no fear of getting it in the neck may have to reconsider their situation.In tracingaccolade back to its Latin origins, we find that it was formed from the prefixad-, "to, on,” and the noun collum, "neck,” which may bring the wordcollar to mind. From these elements came the Vulgar Latin word.accollāre, which, in turn, was the source of Frenchaccolade, "an embrace.” An embrace was originally given to a knight when dubbing him,a fact that accounts foraccolade having the technical sense "ceremonial bestowal of knighthood,” the sense in which the word is first recorded in English in 1623.那些接受了如此多的拥吻以致不怕再在颈部接受的人,也许应考虑一下他们所处状况。追溯accolade 的拉丁文辞源, 我们可以发现它是由前缀ad- “到在…之上”之意和名词 collum, “颈部”之意, 这词使我们想起collar 一词。 从这些成分组成俗拉丁词accollare, 而这词反过来又成为法语词accolade, “拥抱”的词源。 原来是指骑士授予时所给予的拥抱,这事实可解释accolade 一词带“授予骑士称号的典礼”的意义, 这个词带这种意义在英语中是在1623年第一次使用〔sanction〕Support or encouragement, as from public opinion or established custom.鼓励,支持:公众舆论或习俗给予的支持或鼓励〔appanage〕The leaders of the opposition party agreed to accept another government's appanages, and in doing so became an officially paid agency of a foreign power.反对党领导人同意接受另一政府给予的特殊待遇,这样一来就成了外来势力正式资助的代理人〔prize〕Something offered or won as an award for superiority or victory, as in a contest or competition.See Synonyms at bonus 奖赏,奖品:如在竞争或在比赛中给予的或力求获得的作为对胜利或优胜的嘉奖的东西 参见 bonus〔comfort〕enjoying the comfort of my favorite chair.享受我最心爱的椅子所给予的舒服〔subvention〕Middle English subvencioun [a subsidy by the state] 中古英语 subvencioun [国家给予的补助金] 〔shrift〕Absolution given by a priest.宽恕:神父给予的解罪〔sufferance〕Sanction or permission implied or given by failure to prohibit; tacit consent; tolerance.容忍,默许:未予阻止而暗示或给予的准许或许可;缄默的同意;默许〔freebie〕An article or service given free:赠品:免费给予的物品或服务:〔advance〕Made or given ahead of time:预先的:提前完成或提前给予的〔take〕To accept (something owed, offered, or given) either reluctantly or willingly:接受:勉强的或情愿地接受(所欠的、提供的或给予的某物):〔grace〕A favor rendered by one who need not do so; indulgence.恩惠:无义务而给予的帮助;恩惠〔dative〕from Latin (cāsus) datīvus [(case) of giving] translation of Greek dotikē (ptōsis) 源自 拉丁语 (cāsus) datīvus [给予的(格)] 希腊语 dotikē (ptōsis) 的翻译 〔close〕Giving or spending with reluctance; stingy.小气的,吝啬的:不情愿给予的或花费的;吝啬的〔bounty〕A reward, inducement, or payment, especially one given by a government for acts deemed beneficial to the state, such as killing predatory animals, growing certain crops, starting certain industries, or enlisting for military service.See Synonyms at bonus 奖励:报酬、奖励或酬劳,尤指政府因对某种被视为有益于国家的行为而给予的奖励,如捕杀野兽、种植某些农作物、开办某些实业或参军等 参见 bonus〔allowance〕An amount that is allowed or granted:限额;定量:允许或给予的数量:〔unreserved〕Given without reservation; unqualified:无保留的:不加保留地给予的;未加限定的:〔subvention〕An endowment or a subsidy, as that given by a government to an institution for research; a grant of financial aid.经费,援助:赠与或津贴,如政府拨给一机构作研究之用者;给予的财政援助〔reward〕Money offered or given for some special service, such as the return of a lost article or the capture of a criminal.See Synonyms at bonus 酬金:为某些特殊服务提供或给予的金钱,例如丢失物品的归还或犯罪分子的捕获 参见 bonus〔testimonial〕Something given in appreciation of a person's service or achievement; a tribute.奖品:对某人的服务或成就表示赞赏而给予的事物;颂词〔appanage〕Something extra offered to or claimed by a party as due; a perquisite:应得权益,特殊待遇:额外给予的或当事人要求得到的应得权益;特权:〔stake〕A race offering a prize to the winner, especially a horserace in which the prize consists of money contributed equally by the horse owners.赛马奖金:给胜者奖利的赛跑,特别是马赛,所有的奖金都是马主们平均给予的〔rendition〕The act of rendering.给予:给予的行为〔generosity〕Liberality in giving or willingness to give:慷慨:给予的慷慨或原意给予:〔patronage〕Support or encouragement proffered in a condescending manner:施惠:恩赐的态度所给予的帮助或鼓励:〔eleemosynary〕Contributed as an act of charity; gratuitous.See Synonyms at benevolent 免费的:作为慈善行为给予的;免费的 参见 benevolent〔honorary〕Holding an office or title given as an honor, without payment:(职位,职务等)无报酬的:作为荣誉而拥有的职位或给予的头衔的,没有报酬:〔promise〕To commit oneself by a promise to do or give; pledge:允诺,保证:通过要做或要给予的承诺来表明自己;发誓:〔giveback〕A cutback in employee wages or benefits conceded by a labor union in acknowledgment of unfavorable economic conditions or in exchange for other benefits.削减,福利归还:雇员工资的削减,或是对由劳动工会承认的在不利经济条件下给予的津贴的削减,或是为了交换其它利益而给予的津贴的削减〔praise〕Commend suggests moderate or restrained approval, as that accorded by a superior: Commend 表示类似于上级所给予的温和而有节制的赞扬: 〔cover〕Strategic protection given by armed units during hostile action:掩护:战争形势下武装部队所给予的战略性保护:〔baksheesh〕A gratuity or tip, paid to expedite service especially in some Near Eastern countries.酒钱,小费:因快捷的服务而给予的赏金或小费,尤指在一些近东国家里




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