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单词 结果的
释义 〔mean〕means (used with a sing. or pl. verb)A method, a course of action, or an instrument by which an act can be accomplished or an end achieved. means (与单数或复数动词连用)方法,手段:用于完成一个行动或取得一个结果的方法、手段或工具〔sterile〕Not producing or incapable of producing seed, fruit spores, or other reproductive structures. Used of plants or their parts.不结果的:不产生或不能产生种子、果实孢子或其它繁殖结构的。用于植物或其部分〔anxious〕Anxious has a long history of use roughly as a synonym for eager, but many would prefer that the distinction between the two words be maintained and thatanxious be used only when its subject is worried or uneasy about the anticipated event. In the traditional view, one may sayWe are anxious to see the strike settled soon but notWe are anxious to see the new show of British sculpture at the museum. Fifty-two percent of the Usage Panel rejectsanxious in the latter sentence. But general adoption ofanxious to mean "eager" is understandable, at least in colloquial discourse,since it provides a means of adding emotional urgency to an assertion,in its implication that the subject's desire for a certain outcome is so strong that frustration of that desire will lead to unhappiness.Note, in this connection, the analogous use of sentences such asI'm dying to see your new baby in informal style. Anxious 在很长一段时间以来,一直大致作为 eager 的同义词来用, 但很多人喜欢保留这两个词之间的区别,即只有当主体对预测事件忧虑不安时才用anxious 。 在传统观点看来,可以说我们渴望看到罢工问题很快解决 , 但不能说我们渴望在博物馆里见到新的英国雕塑展览。 52%的用法使用小组成员反对anxious 在后一个句子中的用法。 但通常用anxious 来表示"eager"是可以理解的, 至少在口语中是这样,既然它加强了某一主张在感情上的迫切性,它隐喻的一层意思就是,主体对某一特定结果的愿望是如此强烈,以至于这种欲望受挫就会导致不愉快。注意与此有关的类似句子如我很渴望见到你们新出生的孩子 也是非正式的 〔stalactite〕The wordsstalagmite and stalactite have confused many a person. A look into the history of the Greek sources of these two words may help.Both words can be traced back to the wordstalassein, "to drip,” which is appropriatesince both words denote deposits in caves formed by the dripping of mineral-rich water.The Greek base from whichstalassein was formed was stalak- and to this base were added several endings that concern us,specifically-ma, a noun suffix most frequently denoting the result of an action, -mo-, a suffix denoting the action of a verb as well as a result, and -to-, an adjective suffix forming verbal adjectives. With these suffixes and the addition of the inflectional endings, as well as a sound change from (k) to (g) before (m),we getstalagma, "that which drops, a drop,” stalagmos, "dropping, dripping of stalactites,” and stalaktos, "dropping, dripping.” Using these Greek words,Olaus Wormius formed the Modern Latin wordstalactītēs, the stalac- part meaning "dripping" and the-ītēs part being commonly used to name fossils and minerals when preceded by a form expressing a physical characteristic, in this case "dripping.” Wormius also used the termstalagmītēs, the stalag- portion expressing the notion of what drops, taken either fromstalagma, "that which drops, a drop,” or stalagmos, "dropping of stalactites.” Stalactītēs and stalagmītēs, of course, are the sources of our English words stalactite (first recorded in 1677), the formation on the tops of caves, and stalagmite (first recorded in 1681), the formation on the bottoms of caves. They have been causing trouble ever since.单词stalagmite 和 stalactite 令许多人混淆。 对这两个词的希腊起源历史进行研究可能会帮助理解。这两个字都能追溯到单词stalassein (“滴下”), 这是很恰当的,因为两个字都表示洞里由富含矿物的水下滴而形成的沉积。形成stalassein 的希腊根源是 stalak- , 在这个根源上加上几个与我们有关的词尾,特别是-ma (往往用来表示动作结果的名词后缀), -mo- (用来表示动词的动作和结果的后缀)和 -to- (形成动词性形容词的形容词后缀)。 通过这些后缀和屈折变化词尾的添加以及在(m)前面由(k)到(g)的变音,我们得到了stalagma (“滴下的东西,一滴”)、 stalagmos “滴,滴下钟乳石”和 stalaktos (“落下,滴下的”)。 利用这些希腊字,奥罗斯·沃米斯组成了现代拉丁单词stalactites , stalac- 意指“滴”。 而-ites 当由一个表示物理特征的形式开头时,通常用来表示化石和矿物,指“滴下”。 沃米斯也使用stalagmites , stalag- 表示滴下的东西的概念, 源于stalagma (“滴下的东西,一滴”)或 stalagmos (“滴下的钟乳石”)。 stalacitites 和 stalagmites ,当然是我们的英语单词 stalactite (首次出现于1677年)即洞穴顶部的形成物和 stalagmite (最早记载于1681年)即洞穴底部的形成物的源头。 自那以后它们就常造成一些麻烦〔valid〕Producing the desired results; efficacious:有效的:产生所要结果的;有效的:〔process〕A series of actions, changes, or functions bringing about a result:过程,程序:一系列导致某一结果的行动、变化或作用:〔consequentialism〕The view that the value of an action derives solely from the value of its consequences.结果主义:行为的价值主要是源自于其结果的价值的观点〔corollary〕Consequent; resultant.随之而来的;结果的〔cause〕These nouns denote what brings about or is associated with an effect or result. A这些名词意指带来或关于某种影响或结果的原因。〔calculation〕Careful, often cunning estimation and planning of likely outcomes, especially to advance one's own interests.深思熟虑:认真的、常是机敏的对可能结果的估计和计划,特指为提高个人的利益〔midwife〕One who assists in or takes a part in bringing about a result:促成者:帮助或参与促成某一结果的人:〔accounting〕The bookkeeping methods involved in making a financial record of business transactions and in the preparation of statements concerning the assets, liabilities, and operating results of a business.会计学,会计制度:涉及经济交往中财会纪录的制作和准备有关财产,债务, 和企业运行结果的报告的制作方法〔acarpous〕Producing no fruit; sterile.不结果的:不产果实的;不能生产的〔emergent〕Occurring as a consequence; resultant.作为结果而产生的;结果的〔perform〕Effect suggests the power of an agent to bring about a desired result: Effect 指某因素造成预定结果的力量: 〔efficient〕Acting directly to produce an effect:生效的:直接产生某一结果的〔surgical〕Resulting from or occurring after surgery.外科手术引起的:外科手术结果的或发生在外科手术后的〔favorable〕These adjectives describe what is indicative of a successful outcome.这些形容词是对成功结果的表达。〔sequent〕Following as a result; consequent.结果的:作为结果产生的;随之而来的〔electrophoretogram〕A record of the results of an electrophoresis, such as a filter paper on which the components of a mixture are deposited as they migrate under the influence of an electric field.电泳图:电泳结果的记录图,比如一个混合物的成分在电场的作用下移动而沉积在其上的滤纸〔sterile〕Unfruitful literally means not bearing fruit or offspringand figuratively means not having a useful result: Unfruitful 字面意思为不结果实或生育的,比喻意义为没有一个有用结果的〔northing〕The difference in latitude between two positions as a result of a movement to the north.南北距:作为向北运动结果的两个地点之间的纬度差距〔fruitage〕The process, time, or condition of bearing fruit.结果实:结果的过程、时间或条件〔dispose〕To put (business affairs, for example) into correct, definitive, or conclusive form.处理,处置:使(如事务)成正确的、确定的或有结果的形式〔Tridentine〕Of or relating to the decrees, reforms, or results of that council:遵照特兰特会议决议的:属于或关于那次会议的决议,改革或结果的〔prognosis〕A prediction of the probable course and outcome of a disease.预后:对疾病的发作及结果的预言〔fructuous〕Fruitful; productive.结果的;多产的〔audacious〕Fearlessly, often recklessly daring; bold.See Synonyms at adventurous ,brave 勇敢的,无畏的,敢于冒险的:无所畏惧的,常指不顾结果的大胆;鲁莽的 参见 adventurous,brave〔subservient〕Useful as a means or an instrument; serving to promote an end.有用的:作为一种有用的手段或工具,有助于促成结果的〔minority〕A group or party having fewer than a controlling number of votes.少数派,少数党:投票票数不足以控制结果的一派或一党〔inefficacy〕The state or quality of being incapable of producing a desired effect or result.无效果:无能力产生预期效果或结果的状态或性质〔cause〕The one, such as a person, an event, or a condition, that is responsible for an action or a result.起因:对某种行为或结果的发生产生作用的人、事或条件〔floricane〕The flowering and fruiting stem of a biennial plant, especially of a bramble.花茎:两年生植物开花并结果的茎,尤指有刺灌木的〔coattail〕Immediately following or as a direct result of:紧随其后或作为直接结果的〔contributory〕Helping to bring about a result.有助于…的:有助于促成某一结果的〔tachograph〕A machine that records the measurements of a tachometer, especially one in a vehicle recording its speed and the times at which it was driven.速度记录器:一台记录转速表上的测量结果的机器,尤其是一辆运输工具上记录其速度和它被驾驶时间的一台机器〔calculated〕Undertaken after careful estimation of the likely outcome:算清了的:经过仔细估计取得其可能结果的〔monocarpic〕Flowering and bearing fruit only once.只有一次开花和结果的〔calculate〕These verbs refer to the determination of a result, such as expense, through the use of mathematical methods.这些动词表示通过使用数学方法对结果的确定,如花费。〔unfruitful〕Not productive of a good or useful result.See Synonyms at sterile 无结果的,无成效的:不产生商品或有用结果的 参见 sterile




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