单词 | 结果 |
释义 | 〔sequela〕A secondary consequence or result.结果:继发性的后果或结果〔mix〕Merge implies the absorption of one entity into another with resultant homogeneity: Merge 含有把一种实体吸收到另一种中去产生均匀和谐的结果: 〔liable〕Liable, apt, and likely are often used interchangeably in constructions with following infinitives, as inJohn is liable to lose, John is apt to lose, and John is likely to lose. The three words are distinct in meaning.A widely repeated rule holdsthatliable should only be used if the subject would be adversely affected by the outcome expressed by the infinitive. The rule therefore permitsJohn is liable to fall out of his chair if he doesn't sit up straight but notThe chair is liable to be slippery, though constructions of the latter type have long been common in reputable writing.Apt usually suggests that the subject has a natural tendency enhancing the probability of an outcome, and that the speaker is in some way apprehensive about the outcome.Thusapt is more naturally used in a sentence like The fuel pump is apt to give out at any minute than in Even the clearest instructions are apt to be misinterpreted by those idiots (since the instructions are not at fault)or inThe fuel pump is apt to give you no problems for the life of the car (since there is no reason that the speaker should regard such an outcome as unfortunate).Likely is more general than either liable or apt. It ascribes no particular property to the subject that enhances the probability of the outcome:whileJohn is apt to lose the election may suggest that the loss will result from something John does or fails to do, John is likely to lose the election does not. Nor does it suggest anything about the desirability of the outcome from the point of view of either the speaker or the subject.A football coach who saysWe are apt to win may be suspected of sarcasm,and one who saysWe are liable to win may be suspected of having bet on the opposition;onlyWe are likely to win is consistent with the expression of an unambivalent expectation of victory. See Usage Note at likely Liable,apt 和 likely 在如下不定式结构中经常可以互换, 例如 John is liable to lose,John is apt to lose 和 John is likely to lose 。 这三个词的意思是有区别的。一条公认的语法规则认为,只有当主语受不定式所表示的动作或结果的不利影响时,才使用liable 。 因此这条规则允许说如果约翰不坐直身子的话,他很容易从椅子上掉下来的 , 但不允许说椅子可能很滑 , 尽管在规范的写作中,后一种类型的句型已经很普遍了。Apt 通常表示主语有增加某种结果的可能性的自然倾向, 而且说话者对此结果多少有些忧虑。因此,apt 用在句子 燃料泵可能随时停止运转 中,比用在 即使是最明了的指令也有可能被那些白痴误解 中更自然 (因为错的不是指令),也比用在燃料可能不会对你的车的使用寿命带来什么问题 中更合适 (因为说话者没有理由认为这样一个结果很不幸)。Likely 比 liable 或 apt 更具概括性。 它并不说明增加了一个结果的可能性的主语是否具有何特性:句子约翰在选举中可能会失败 可能暗示失败归因于约翰所做的或没能做的某件事, 而句子约翰在选举中有可能失败 则没有这种暗示。 另外,它也没有关于说话者或主语是否喜欢某一结果的暗示。如果一位足球教练说We are apt to win , 他可能带有讽刺意味,但如果他说We are liable to win , 他的意思是他认为他们可能会输;只有说We are likely to win ,才明确表示有希望获胜 参见 likely〔harvest〕To receive (the benefits or consequences of an action).See Synonyms at reap 接受(一种行为所带来的好处或结果) 参见 reap〔train〕A series of consequences wrought by an event; aftermath.后果:由一事件造成的一系列结果;后果〔drawdown〕The act, process, or result of depleting:耗尽:耗尽的行为、过程或结果:〔consequence〕The relation of a result to its cause.因果关系:结果与其原因之间的关系〔dark〕took a dark view of the consequences.对结果持悲观看法〔sequent〕A result; a consequence.后果:结果;随之而来的事〔then〕The case, then, is closed.结果,箱子被关上了〔constriction〕The condition or result of being constricted.压缩:被压缩的情形或结果〔next〕Immediately following, as in time, order, or sequence:下次的,其次的:紧接着的,如在时间上、顺序上或结果上:〔prediabetes〕The condition of having a hereditary tendency or high probability for developing diabetes mellitus, although neither symptoms nor test results confirm the presence of the disease.前驱糖尿病:有发展成糖尿病的遗传趋势或很大可能性的状况,尽管没有任何症状或检查结果来证明疾病的存在〔cause〕The producer of an effect, result, or consequence.缘故,原因:一种影响、结果或后果的制造者〔decomposition〕The act or result of decomposing; disintegration.分解或分解结果;分裂〔Crassus〕Roman politician and general who joined Julius Caesar and Pompey in the first triumvirate to challenge the senate's power (60). Hungry for military glory, he invaded Parthia and was killed in battle.克拉苏,马库斯·李锡尼:(115?-53) 罗马政治家和将军。他与尤里乌斯·凯撒和庞培组成了前三头政治,以对抗元老院的权力(60年)。在贪术战功的欲念驱使下,他进犯安息帝国,结果在战场上被杀死〔misadventure〕from mesavenir [to result in misfortune] 源自 mesavenir [结果不幸] 〔camouflage〕The method or result of concealing personnel or equipment from an enemy by making them appear to be part of the natural surroundings.伪装,掩饰:通过使人或设施看起来像自然环境的一部分来隐藏他们不被敌人觉察的方法或结果〔line〕At a point or an end in the future.将来的某一点或结果〔work〕To have the desired effect or outcome; prove successful:成功:有想要的效果或结果;证明成功的:〔demonstration〕An illustration or explanation, as of a theory or product, by exemplification or practical application.验证:对理论或结果等用例子或实际应用说明或解释〔therefore〕For that reason or cause; consequently or hence.所以:因为那原因或结果,所以或因此〔effect〕"Judging from the results I have seen . . . I cannot say . . . that I agree with you" (William H. Mallock).Anoutcome is a result but more strongly than result implies finality and may suggest the operation of a cause over a relatively long period: “从我看到的后果来看…我不能说…我同意你” (威廉·H·马洛克)。outcome 作为一种结果比 result 要强烈, 表示最终结果或原因作用了较长一段时间以后的结果: 〔effect〕Something brought about by a cause or an agent; a result.结果:由某种原因或行为而产生的事;结果〔miosis〕Constriction of the pupil of the eye, resulting from a normal response to an increase in light or caused by certain drugs or pathological conditions.缩瞳:眼睛瞳孔的缩小,是对光线增强的正常反应结果或由某些药物或病理学情况而引起〔convert〕To change (something) into another form, substance, state, or product; transform:变换:使(某物)转变成另一种形式、物质、状态或结果;使转化:〔ordeal〕A method of trial in which the accused was subjected to physically painful or dangerous tests, the result being regarded as a divine judgment of guilt or innocence.神判法:让被控诉的人接受痛苦或危险的考验的一种审判方法,结果被视为神对其是否有罪或清白的审定〔turn〕To have a sensation of revolving or whirling, especially as a result of dizziness or giddiness.晕旋:有回旋或旋转的感觉,尤指是头晕或旋转的结果〔thereupon〕In consequence of that; therefore.因此:结果;因此〔reward〕A satisfying return or result; profit.赢利,收益:令人满意的回报或结果;利益〔baleful〕baneful effects of their foreign policy. 他们对外政策的致命结果。 〔cementation〕The act, process, or result of cementing.粘结:胶结的动作、过程或结果〔effect〕"Every cause produces more than one effect" (Herbert Spencer).Aconsequence also follows a cause and is traceable to it, but the relationship between them is less sharply definable: “每个原因可产生多个结果” (休伯特·斯宾塞)。consequence 也由原因引起并可追溯到该原因, 但两个词间的关系并不能严格界定: 〔overplay〕To overestimate the strength of (one's holding or position) with resulting defeat:过高估计:过高估计(自己具有的或自己地位的)力量,结果导致了失败:〔work〕To function very well or have a very good effect or outcome.运行得特别好或有很好的效果或结果〔bear〕peach trees that bear every summer.桃树每年夏天结果〔bioassay〕Determination of the strength or biological activity of a substance, such as a drug or hormone, by comparing its effects with those of a standard preparation on a test organism.生物鉴定:通过将其结果与对试验生物所做标准制剂的比较,来鉴定一种物质的强度或生物活性,如药或激素〔cliffhanger〕A contest so closely matched that the outcome is uncertain until the end.扣人心弦的紧张比赛:比分十分接近的比赛,结果直到结尾才见分晓〔finish〕finished the injured horse with a bullet.一枪结果了那只受伤的马〔ramification〕A development or consequence growing out of and sometimes complicating a problem, plan, or statement:结果:对有时复杂的问题、计划或陈述的发展或由其所造成的后果: |
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