单词 | 经文 |
释义 | 〔motet〕A polyphonic composition based on a text of a sacred nature and usually sung without accompaniment.经文歌:一种复调乐曲,以宗教作品的经文为歌词,通常无伴奏演唱〔dharma〕Knowledge of or duty to undertake conduct set forth by the Buddha as a way to enlightenment.经文:佛祖指导信徒修行的经文或关于佛的启蒙知识〔pseudepigrapha〕A body of texts written between 200b.c. and a.d. 200 and spuriously ascribed to various prophets and kings of Hebrew Scriptures. 圣经次经:写于公元前200年 到 公元后200年 的一批经文,假托希伯来圣经中的各先知和国王所写 〔Hagiographa〕from Late Greek [from neuter pl. of] hagiographos [written by inspiration, scriptural] 源自 后期希腊语 源自hagiographos的中性复数 [缘灵感而作的,经文的] 〔ayatollah〕’āyah [Koranic verse, miracle] ’āyah [可兰经经文,奇迹] 〔melisma〕A decorative passage of several notes sung to one syllable of text, as in Gregorian chant.花唱:经文中在一个音节上唱的一组修饰性音符,如格利高里圣歌中所唱者〔hermeneutics〕The science and methodology of interpretation, especially of scriptural text.解释学:解释的科学与方法论,尤指对《圣经》经文的解释〔pseudepigrapha〕Spurious writings, especially writings falsely attributed to biblical characters or times.伪经:伪造的经文,尤指假托圣经人物或圣经时代所写的经文〔gospel〕Often Gospel A lection from any of the first four books of the New Testament included as part of a religious service. 常作 Gospel 圣餐仪式经文:摘自新约圣经福音书作为基督徒圣餐仪式一部分的诵读的译文〔Erasmus〕Dutch Renaissance scholar and Roman Catholic theologian who sought to revive classical texts from antiquity, restore simple Christian faith based on Scripture, and eradicate the improprieties of the medieval Church. His works includeThe Manual of the Christian Knight (1503) and The Praise of Folly (1509). 伊拉斯默斯,狄赛德留斯:(1466?-1536) 荷兰文艺复兴时期学者,罗马天主教神学家,他试图使古代的古典经文复兴,恢复基于《圣经》的朴素的基督教信仰,消除中世纪教的一些不当行为,他的作品包括《基督教骑士手册》 (1503年)和 《愚人颂》 (1509年) 〔memento〕Middle English [commemoration of the living or the dead in the Canon of the Mass] 中古英语 [弥撒经文中为生者或死者祈祷的祷文] 〔tefillin〕The phylacteries worn by Jewish men.经文护符匣:犹太人穿戴的经匣〔sutra〕Also sut.ta [s‹tʹə] Buddhism A scriptural narrative, especially a text traditionally regarded as a discourse of the Buddha. 也作 sut.ta [s‹tʹə] 【佛教】 经,经典:经文性的叙述文,尤指传统上认为是释迦牟尼讲道的文本〔reader〕A layperson or minor cleric who recites lessons or prayers in church services.读经师:在教堂仪式中背诵经文或祈祷书的神职人员或职位较低的牧师〔canon〕Canon The part of the Mass beginning after the Preface and Sanctus and ending just before the Lord's Prayer. Canon 弥撒中的祭献经文:弥撒中始于序言和《圣哉经》之后,结束于主祷经之前的一个部分〔anagoge〕A mystical interpretation of a word, passage, or text, especially scriptural exegesis that detects allusions to heaven or the afterlife.神秘解释:对可查出的关于天堂或死后典故的基督教经文的词、段落或文章的神秘解释〔Origen〕Greek Christian philosopher known for his interpretations of the Old Testament, contained inHexapla. 奥利金:希腊天主教哲学家,以其对旧约全书的解释而著称,其解释包含在《六种经文合璧》 一书中 |
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