单词 | 终于 |
释义 | 〔end〕Eventually; ultimately:最终地;终于:〔include〕"Through the process of amendment, interpretation and court decision I have finally been included in ‘We, the people’” (Barbara C. Jordan).“经过修正、阐述,最终经法庭判定,我的名字终于被收入了《我们,人民》这本书中 (巴巴拉·C·乔丹)。〔level〕I finally found my own level in the business world.我终于在生意场上找到了自己的位置〔pop〕At last the cottage popped into view.最后村舍终于闯入眼帘〔kick〕The engine finally kicked over.引擎终于启动了〔rid〕He was finally able to rid himself of all financial worries.他终于能使自己摆脱所有的财政忧虑〔look〕Things are at last looking up.情况终于有所改观〔quarry〕finally quarried out the genealogy from hundreds of sources.终于从上百份原始资料中发现了家谱〔open〕At last the frightened witness opened up and told the truth.这名吓坏了的目击者终于直言不讳说出了事实〔conquer〕I finally conquered my fear of heights.See Synonyms at defeat 我终于克服了我的惧高症 参见 defeat〔cogitable〕Since the discovery of the vaccine, annihilation of the disease is at last cogitable.自从发现疫苗,消灭疾病终于是可以想象的〔sink〕The meaning finally sank in.意思终于被领会了〔remember〕finally remembered the address.最后终于想起了那个地址〔ultimately〕At last; in the end; eventually.最后;最终;终于〔estrange〕Political disagreements led to quarrels that finally estranged the two friends.政治上的不同观点使两个朋友争执,最后终于导致破裂;〔decide〕"The lama waved a hand to show that the matter was finally settled in his mind" (Rudyard Kipling).“这个喇嘛挥挥手表示那个问题终于在他心里得到了解决” (拉得雅得·吉卜林)。〔mill〕Tomill, in Western U.S. English, means "to halt a cattle stampede by turning the lead animals.”In theOxford English Dictionary we find this 19th-century example of the verb: "At last the cattle ran with less energy, and it was presently easy to ‘mill’ them into a circle and to turn them where it seemed most desirable" (Munsey's Magazine).This usage ofmill comes from the resemblance of the cattle's circular motion to the action of millstones. A related intransitive sense of the verb is better known in Standard English: A crowd milled around in the street. Originally this sense ofmill also meant "circular motion"; now it means "to move around in churning confusion"with no pattern in particular.Mill 这个词在美国西部所说的英语中, 意为“通过让领头牲畜绕圈子跑来制止牛群的惊跑”。在牛津英语词典 中, 我们可以找到该动词19世纪用法的例子: “最后牛群终于跑得快没劲儿了,这时候可以容易地驱赶头牛,把其它牛绕进圈子里,然后把它们赶到最合适的地方去” (芒西杂志)。Mill 的这种用法来自牛群绕圈跑与磨石运作的相似之处。 该词作不及物动词时所具有的与此相关的意义在标准英语中更为常见: 一群人在大街上兜圈子。 Mill 的这一含义本来亦指“旋转运动”; 现在它指“在旋涡般的混乱中到处移动”,不再有其它特指〔pin〕was finally able to pin down the cause of the disease.最后终于确定病因〔rack〕was finally able to get some rack.终于能睡会儿觉了〔due〕You finally received your due.你终于得到了你应得的〔Agenais〕A historical region of southwest France. Ruled by England at various times during the Hundred Years' War, it finally passed to France after 1444.阿让奈:法国西南部一个具历史意义的地区,英法“百年战争”期间曾多次被英国统治。1444年后终于归还法国〔run〕He finally became tired of running after her.他追求她终于追烦了〔quits〕I am finally quits with the loan.我终于还清了贷款〔estrange〕His persistent antagonism caused his wife to be alienated from him.固执的对立终于使得妻子疏远了他。〔Stuyvesant〕Dutch colonial administrator. The last Dutch governor (1646-1664) of New Netherland, he was unpopular for his harsh leadership and in 1664 was forced to surrender the colony to England.斯图佛逊,彼得:(1592?-1672) 荷兰殖民统治者,他是新荷兰的最后的一位荷兰的统治者(1646-1664年),因为其残酷的统治而不受人们欢迎,终于1664年被迫将该殖民地拱手让给英国〔sack〕finally got the sack after a year of ineptitude.不称职地工作一年后终于被解雇〔roof〕Angry tenants finally raised the roof about their noisy neighbors.愤怒的房客终于对吵闹喧哗的邻居提出强烈抗议〔slacken〕I slackened the line to let the fish swim. The tension in the board room finally slackened.我放松了鱼线让鱼游一游。董事会会议室里的紧张气氛终于松弛了下来〔absolute〕Of, relating to, or being a word, phrase, or construction that is isolated syntactically from the rest of a sentence, asthe referee having finally arrived in The referee having finally arrived, the game began. 独立的,分离的:在句法上与句子其它部分相分离的一个单词、词组或结构,如:裁判最终到了 在 裁判终于到了,比赛开始了 之中 〔run〕Our supplies finally ran out.我们的供给终于耗尽了〔time〕Within an indefinite time; eventually:最后,终于:在不定的时间内;最终:〔Tripoli〕A city of northwest Lebanon on the Mediterranean Sea north-northeast of Beirut. Probably founded after the seventh centuryb.c. , it was capital of a Phoenician federation and later flourished under the Seleucid and Roman empires. Tripoli was captured by the Arabs in a.d. 638 and taken by the Crusaders in 1109 after a long siege. Population, 198,000. 的黎波里:黎巴嫩西北部的一个城市,临地中海,位于贝鲁特东北偏北方。很可能建于公元前 7世纪以后,曾是腓尼基联邦的首府,后来在塞琉古王朝和罗马帝国的统治下繁荣一时。 公元 638年,的黎波里被阿拉拍人占领,1109年十字军骑士在对它进行了长时间的包围后终于攻占了它。人口198,000 〔opportunity〕When the star was taken ill, the understudy finally got her first big break.当主角生病时,替补终于得到了第一次大好机会。〔free〕a people who were at last freed from fear.终于解除了恐惧的人〔rise〕finally got a rise out of her.她终于怒火中烧〔modern〕The wordmodern, first recorded in 1585 in the sense "of present or recent times,” has traveled through the centuriesdesignating things that inevitably must become old-fashionedas the word itself goes on to the next modern thing.We have now invented the wordpostmodern, as if we could finally fixmodern in time, but evenpostmodern (first recorded in 1949) will seem fusty in the end, perhaps sooner thanmodern will. Going back to Late Latinmodernus, "modern,” which is derived frommodo in the sense "just now,” the English wordmodern (first recorded at the beginning of the 16th century) was not originally concerned with anything that could be later considered old-fashioned. It simply meant "being at this time, now existing,” an obsolete sense today.Beginning in the later 16th century, however, we see the word contrasted with the wordancient and also used of technology in a way that is clearly related to our own modern way of using the word.Modern was being applied specifically to what pertained to present times and also to what was new and not old-fashioned.Thus in the 19th and 20th centuries the word could be used to designate a movement in art,which is now being followed by postmodernism.单词modern 首次于1585年以“现在的或最近的时代”的意义被记载, 它已经历了数个世纪,表明必然会变得过时的事物,就象这个词本身也会继续走向更加现代。现在我们已发明了单词postmodern, 仿佛我们终于能及时固定住modern 的了, 但即使是postmodern (首次于1949年记载)最终也会显得过时, 也许比modern 更快。 可追溯至近代拉丁词modernus “现代的”, 源自表示“刚才”意思的modo , 英语单词modern (首先在16世纪初被记载)原本与后来被认为过时的事物没有任何联系。 它只意味着“现时的,现存的”,今天已废弃了的一个意思。然而从16世纪晚期我们看到这个词成为ancient 的反义词并且用于科技, 其意义与我们现在使用的意义明显相关。Modern 当时特指现时的事物, 也指新的且不过时的事物。因此在19世纪和20世纪这个词能被用来表示艺术上的一个运动,现在尾随其后的是后现代主义〔prayer〕Her prayer for rain was granted at last.她盼雨的祈求终于实现了〔Iliad〕The older of the two surviving ancient Greek epic poems, traditionally ascribed to Homer but containing material composed orally over several centuries. It begins with the wrathful withdrawal of the Greek hero Achilles from the fighting in the Trojan War and ends after his return to slay the Trojan hero Hector.伊里亚特叙式诗:两首仅存的古代希腊史诗中较古老的那一首,长久以来传为荷马所著,但包含着数个世纪以来以口述所创作的内容,其内容描述期间始于希腊英雄阿契里斯在特洛伊战争的打斗中愤怒地撤退,终于他回来杀害了特洛伊英雄海克特之后〔lure〕With tact and perseverance he inveigled her into becoming his law partner. Todecoy is to trap or ensnare by cunning or deception: 凭着机智和不懈努力,他终于劝说她成为自己的法律合伙人。 Decoy 意为通过狡诈或欺骗手段陷害或诱捕: 〔over〕eventually got my point over.最后终于把我的观点讲清楚了 |
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