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单词 纽约州
释义 〔Susquehannock〕A Native American people formerly located along the Susquehanna River in New York, Pennsylvania, and Maryland. The Susquehannock were extinct by 1763.萨斯奎哈诺克族:美洲一土著民族,以前定居在纽约州、宾夕法尼亚和马里兰州的萨斯奎哈那河。萨斯奎哈诺克族于1763年灭绝〔submarine〕The long sandwich featuring layers of meat and cheese on a crusty Italian roll goes by a variety of names.Submarine, sub, and hero are widespread terms, not assignable to any particular region.Most of the localized terms are clustered in the northeast United States,where the greatest numbers of Italian Americans live.Jane Stern, having studied the great variety of American names for this sandwich, finds that upstate New Yorkers call it abomber, while speakers downstate refer to awedge. In the Delaware Valley,including Philadelphia and southern New Jersey,the sandwich is called ahoagie. In Italian restaurants in New England the menu is likely to include agrinder. Speakers in Miami use the nameCuban sandwich and in Maine,Italian sandwich, but in the southern Midwest, according to Stern, the nameItalian is common, with both Italian and Italian sandwich recapturing the authentic nationality of the sandwich. In New Orleansthe same sandwich is called apoor boy and is likely to be offered in a most un-Italian version featuring fried oysters.在意大利长圆面包上放上几层肉和干酪而做成的长三明治,已有好几个名称。Submarine,sub 以及 hero 是使用最为广泛的名称, 而并非哪个地区的专用。这种三明治的大多数地方性名称集中于美国东北部地区,那里是居住意裔美国人最多的地方。简·斯特恩在对这种三明治的各种美国名称进行研究后发现,纽约州北部的居民称之为bomber(轰炸机) , 而纽约州南部的居民称之为wedge(楔形物) 。 在特拉华河谷,包括费城和新泽西南部,这种三明治叫做hoagie 。 在新英格兰的意大利饭馆的菜单上,它称为grinder 。 迈阿密人则使用古巴三明治 这个名称, 而缅因州人使用意大利三明治 这个名称。 依据斯特恩的研究,在中西部的南部,人们普遍使用Italian(意大利式) 这一名称,或者就叫它 意大利式 ,或者称之为 意大利三明治 。这两个名称都反映了该三明治的原产国。 在新奥尔良,相同的三明治又叫做可怜的男孩 , 而其做法绝对是非意大利式的,因为当中夹有牡蛎〔McKinley〕The 25th President of the United States (1897-1901). His presidency was marked by the Spanish-American War (1898), the annexation of Cuba and the Philippines, an open-door policy with China, and the passage of the Gold Standard Act (1900). He was assassinated by an anarchist in Buffalo, New York.麦金利,威廉:(1843-1901) 美国第25届总统(1897-1901年)。他在职期间的事迹有,发动西班牙-美国战争(1898年),吞并古巴和菲律宾;对华提出门户开放政策;通过金本位法案(1900年)。他在纽约州的布法罗被无政府主义者刺杀〔Rye〕A city of southeast New York on Long Island Sound northeast of New York City. It is primarily residential. Population, 15,083.拉伊:美国纽约州东南部一城市,位于纽约市东北的长岛海峡上。主要是住宅区。人口15,083〔Vermont〕A state of the northeast United States bordering on Canada. It was admitted as the 14th state in 1791. Explored by Samuel de Champlain in 1609, the region was first permanently settled by the British in 1724. Claims to the area were relinquished by Massachusetts in 1781, New Hampshire in 1782, and New York in 1790. Montpelier is the capital and Burlington the largest city. Population, 564,964.佛蒙特州:美国东北部的一个州,与加拿大接壤。它于1791年被接受为美国的第十四个州。1609年塞缪尔·德·查普兰勘探了这个地区,1724年英国人在该地区永远定居了下来。马萨诸塞州、新罕布什尔州和纽约州于1781年、1782年和1790年相继放弃了对这个地区的权利。该州首府为蒙彼利埃,伯林顿是最大的城市。人口564,964〔Lindenhurst〕A village of southeast New York on southern Long Island near Babylon. It is mainly residential. Population, 26,879.林登赫斯特:美国纽约州东南部一村庄,位于巴比伦附近长岛南部,主要为住宅区。人口26,879〔shivaree〕Shivaree is the most common American regional form of charivari, a French word meaning "a noisy mock serenade for newlyweds"and probably deriving in turn from a Late Latin word meaning "headache.”The term, most likely borrowed from French traders and settlers along the Mississippi River,was well established in the United States by 1805;an account dating from that year describes a shivaree in New Orleans: "The house is mobbed by thousands of the people of the town, vociferating and shouting with loud acclaim . . . many[are] in disguises and masks; and all have some kind of discordant and noisy music, such as old kettles, and shovels, and tongs. . . . All civil authority and rule seems laid aside" (John F. Watson).The wordshivaree is especially common along and west of the Mississippi River, giving it an unusual north-south dialect boundary (most dialect boundaries run east-west in the United States).Alva L. Davis and Raven I. McDavid, Jr., callshivaree "one of the most widely distributed folk terms borrowed by American English from any European language.” Some regional equivalents arebelling, used in Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Ohio; horning, from upstate New York, Rhode Island, and western New England; andserenade, a term used chiefly in the South Atlantic states. Shivaree 是 charivari 这个词在美国的最普通的地方形式, charivari是个法语词,意思是“一种为新婚夫妇演奏的喧闹的嘲弄式小夜曲”,这个词本身可能是从一个意思为“头痛”的后期拉丁文演变而来。这个词极有可能是从密西西比河沿岸的法国商人和拓居者那儿借用而来,到了1805年这个词已经在美国深深地扎根了;一份可以追溯到这一年的记录描写了新奥良的演奏这种小夜曲的情况: “房子里挤满了成千从镇上来的人,喧嚷着,叫喊着,大声欢呼…许多人 化了装,带了面具,所有的人都搞出某种不和协、喧闹的音响,比如用旧水壶,铲子,钳子…一切世俗的权威和规则好象已经被放到了一边” (约翰F·华生) 。shivaree 这个词在密西西比河沿岸和该河以西尤为常见, 这样密西西比河就成了一个不寻常的方言区的南北分界线(而在美国大多数方言区的分界线都是东西向的)。阿尔瓦·L·戴维斯和小拉文·I·麦克戴维把shivaree 这个词称为“美国英语从欧洲语言中借来的民间用语中流传最广的一个”。 其它地方方言中相当于这个词的词有belling 在宾夕法尼亚州、弗吉尼亚西部和俄亥俄州流传; 纽约州上半部份,罗德岛州,新英格兰西部的horning , 而大西洋沿岸南部各州主要用serenade 这个词 〔Greenwich〕[grĕnʹĭch, grĭnʹ-, grēnʹwĭch'] A town of southwest Connecticut on Long Island Sound near the New York border. Settled in 1640, it is mainly residential. Population, 58,441.[grĕnʹĭch, grĭnʹ-, grēnʹwĭch'] 格林威治:美国康涅狄格州西南部长岛湾边的城市,靠近纽约州边界。始建于1640年, 现主要为居民区。人口58,441〔Johnson〕American architect who designed the New York State Theater at Lincoln Center (1964) and the American Telephone and Telegraph Headquarters Building (1978), both in New York City.约翰逊,菲利普·科特尤:(生于 1906) 美国建筑师,设计了林肯中心的纽约州剧院(1964年)以及美国电话电报指挥大楼(1978年),生于纽约市〔Lackawanna〕A city of western New York on Lake Erie south of Buffalo. It is an industrial center. Population, 20,585.拉克万纳:美国纽约州西部的一个城市,位于布法罗市以南,艾略湖畔。它是一个工业中心。人口20,585〔Erie〕One of the Great Lakes, bounded by southern Ontario, western New York, northwest Pennsylvania, northern Ohio, and southeast Michigan. A vital part of the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Seaway system, it is linked with the Hudson River by the New York State Barge Canal.伊利湖:五大湖之一,四周分别为安大略省南部,纽约州西部,宾夕法尼亚州西北部,俄亥俄州北部及密歇根州东南部,作为五大湖--圣劳伦斯河系统的重要部分,它通过纽约州的驳运运河与哈得孙河相连〔Levittown〕An unincorporated community of southeast New York on western Long Island east-southeast of Mineola. It was founded in 1947 as a low-cost housing development for World War II veterans. Population 53,286.莱维敦:美国纽约州东南部的一个非社团的社区,位于米尼奥拉东南偏东长岛西部。始建于1947年,当时是为第二次世界大战的退休军人提供低价住房。人口53,286〔ironic〕In 1969 Susie moved from Ithaca to California where she met her husband-to-be, who, ironically, also came from upstate New York ( 1969年苏茜从伊塔卡搬迁到了加利福尼亚并在那儿遇到了她未来的丈夫,而具有嘲弄意味的是,他也是从上纽约州来的( 〔Smith〕American politician. He served as governor of New York (1919-1920 and 1923-1928) and was defeated in the 1928 presidential election by Herbert Hoover.史密斯,阿尔弗烈德·伊曼纽尔:(1873-1944) 美国政治家。1919至1920年和1923至1928年担任纽约州州长,1928年在总统竞选中败于赫伯特·胡佛〔Poughkeepsie〕A city of southeast New York on the Hudson River north of New York City. Settled by the Dutch in 1687, Poughkeepsie is the seat of Vassar College (chartered 1861). Population, 28,844.波基普西:美国纽约州东南部城市,临哈得孙河,位于纽约市以北。1687年荷兰人开始在此定居。波基普西是瓦萨尔学院(成立于1861年)的所在地。人口28,844〔olicook〕Originally brought to the Hudson Valley of New York by settlers from the Netherlands, a few items of Dutch vocabulary have survived there from colonial times until the present.The wordolicook, meaning "doughnut,” comes from Dutcholiekoek —literally, "oil cake.” And the Dutch wordkill for a small running stream is used throughout New York State. Stoop, "a small porch,” comes from Dutchstoep; this word is now in general use in the Northeast and beyond.开始是由荷兰裔的定居者将荷兰语的一些词汇带到纽约州的哈得逊河流域,而这些词从殖民时代一直到现在一直被使用。单词olicook 的意思是“炸面圈”, 它源于荷兰语的oliekoek ——字面意思是油炸饼。 而在荷兰语中指一条流动的小溪的词kill ,在美国纽约州广泛使用。 stoop 即“小火把”, 源自荷兰语stoep 。 这个词在美国东北及以外地区被广泛使用。〔Munsee〕One of the two Algonquian languages of the Delaware peoples, spoken in northern New Jersey, downstate New York, and western Long Island.蒙西语:美国特拉华人所说的两种阿尔贡金语之一,通用于新泽西州北部、纽约州南部区和西部长岛〔Iroquois〕A Native American confederacy inhabiting New York State and originally composed of the Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, and Seneca peoples, known as the Five Nations. After 1722 the confederacy was joined by the Tuscaroras to form the Six Nations. Also called Iroquois League 易洛魁:美洲土著居民邦联,居住在纽约州,最初包括莫霍克,奥内达,奥农达加,卡尤加,和塞纳卡等族人,被称作为五国。1722年后,塔斯卡洛拉人加入邦联,组成了六国 也作 Iroquois League〔Oswego〕A city of north-central New York at the mouth of theOswego River, about 37 km (23 mi) long, on Lake Ontario northwest of Syracuse. A British trading post was founded in Oswego c. 1722. It is now a trade, shipping, and industrial center. Population, 19,195. 奥斯威戈:美国纽约州中北部城市,位于奥斯威尔河 (此河约有37公里长,合23英里)河口,濒安大略湖,在锡拉丘兹西北。1722年一个英国贸易站在奥斯威戈建立。现在它已成为贸易、航运和工业中心。人口19,195 〔Piedmont〕A plateau region of the eastern United States extending from New York to Alabama between the Appalachian Mountains and the Atlantic coastal plain.皮埃蒙特山麓高原:美国东部一高原地区,从纽约州延伸至阿拉巴马州,位于阿巴拉契亚山脉和大西洋沿岸平原之间〔Mohawk〕A Native American people formerly inhabiting northeast New York along the Mohawk and upper Hudson valleys north to the St. Lawrence River, with present-day populations chiefly in southern Ontario and extreme northern New York. The Mohawk were the easternmost member of the Iroquois confederacy.莫霍克民族:美国土著民族,早先居住在纽约东北沿莫霍克河和哈得孙河谷北部,圣劳伦斯河以北。今天的人口主要在安大略湖以南和纽约州最北部。莫霍克族是易洛魁联盟最东部的成员〔George〕A glacial lake of northeast New York in the foothills of the Adirondack Mountains south of Lake Champlain. Discovered in 1646, it was the site of numerous battles during the French and Indian War and the American Revolution. Today the lake is the center of a large recreational area.乔治湖:美国纽约州东北的冰川湖,位于尚普兰湖以南的阿迪朗达克山麓小丘上。1646年被发现,是法印战争和美国独立战争中多次战役的地点。今天该湖是一个大的休养娱乐地区的中心〔Field〕American jurist known for his efforts to codify New York State law and regularize court procedures.菲尔德,戴维·达德利:(1805-1894) 美国法律专家,以努力编纂纽约州法律和规范法庭程序著称〔Dunkirk〕A city of western New York on Lake Erie southwest of Buffalo. It is in a grape-growing region. Population, 15,310.敦刻尔克:美国纽约州西部城市,位于巴伐洛城西南方向的伊利湖畔,是为葡萄产区,人口15,310〔Albany〕The capital (since 1797) of New York, in the eastern part of the state on the west bank of the Hudson River at the head of deep-water navigation. The early 17th-century Dutch settlement Fort Orange was renamed Albany when the English took control in 1664. Population, 101,082.奥尔巴尼:美国纽约州首府(自1797年以来),位于纽约州东部哈得孙河西岸,是哈得孙深水航道的起点。1664年英国人控制了17世纪早期建立的荷兰定居地奥兰治要塞,并将其改名为奥尔巴尼。人口101,082〔Pittsfield〕A city of western Massachusetts northwest of Springfield near the New York border. It is a center of the Berkshire Hills resort area. Population, 48,622.匹兹菲尔德市:美国马萨诸塞州西部的一座城市,位于靠近纽约州边界的斯普林菲尔德西北部。该市是波克夏山游览区的中心。人口48,622〔Chisholm〕American politician who as a U.S. representative from New York State (1969-1983) sought an end to the Vietnam War and advocated educational and social reforms.奇泽姆,谢利·安尼塔·圣希尔:(生于 1924) 美国政治家,1969年至1983年间为纽约州众议员时试图结束越南战争并且倡导教育和社会的改革〔Oneida〕A city of central New York east-northeast of Syracuse. The Oneida Community, a Utopian society established in 1848 by John Humphrey Noyes, was nearby. It prospered through its manufacture of silverware and was reorganized in 1881 as a joint stock company. Population, 10,810.奥奈达:位于锡拉库兹东北部偏东、纽约州中部的一座城市,由约翰汉佛尔在1848年建立乌托邦社会,又称奥奈达社区,就在附近。它拥有繁荣的银器制造业,并于1881年改建为股份制公司。人口10,810〔Queens〕A borough of New York City in southeast New York on western Long Island. It was first settled by the Dutch in 1635 and became part of Greater New York in 1898. Population, 1,951,598.昆斯区:美国纽约市一独立自治区,位于纽约州东南、长岛西部。1635年,最初是荷兰人定居,1898年成为大纽约的一部分。人口1,951,598〔Utica〕A city of central New York east-northeast of Syracuse. Settled in 1773 on the site of Fort Schuyler (established in 1758), it developed as an industrial center after the opening of the Erie Canal in 1825. Population, 68,637.尤蒂卡:纽约州中部一城市,位于锡拉丘兹的东北偏东方向。在1773年在原斯凯勒堡(建于1758年)旧址上有人开始定居,在1825年伊利运河开航之后发展成为工业中心。人口68,637〔Roosevelt〕The 32nd President of the United States (1933-1945). Governor of New York (1929-1932), he ran for President with the promise of a New Deal for the American people. His administration was marked by relief programs, measures to increase employment and assist industrial and agricultural recovery from the Depression, and World War II. He was the only U.S. President to be reelected three times (1936, 1940, and 1944). He died in office.罗斯福,富兰克林·德拉诺:(1882-1945) 美国第三十二任总统(1933-1945年),任美国纽约州州长(1929-1932年)参加总统的竞选诺言是为美国人民实施新政,他的政策以实行和计划、采取措施增加就业、协助工业和农业从大萧条中及复苏,参加第二次世界大战为显著特征。他是唯一一位连任三届(1936,1940和1944年)的美国总统,死于任上〔Eastchester〕A community of southeast New York, a residential suburb of New York City. Population, 18,537.东彻斯特:美国纽约州东南部一社区,是纽约市的市郊住宅区。人口18,537〔Brentwood〕An unincorporated town of southeast New York on central Long Island. It is mainly residential. Population, 48,800.布伦特伍德:美国纽约州东南部一无法人地位的城镇,位于长岛中部。它主要是住宅区。人口48,800〔Irondequoit〕A town of western New York west of Rochester. It was settled in 1791. Population, 52,322.艾恩得科特:纽约州西部城镇,在罗切斯特以西。它建于1791年。人口52,322〔Genesee〕A river rising in northern Pennsylvania and flowing about 241 km (150 mi) generally northward across western New York to Lake Ontario.杰纳西河:发源于宾夕法尼亚州北部的一条河,流程约241公里(150英里),大体上向北穿过纽约州西部注入安大略湖〔tump〕The verbtump, used almost invariably with over in the intransitive sense "to fall over"and the transitive sense "to overturn,”is in common use in the South.The editors of theDictionary of American Regional English have collected evidence of its use in Arkansas, Texas, and Kentucky; it is also common in Alabama, Tennessee, and Georgia.This example supplied byDARE is typical: "When he brushed against the coffee table his Coke tumped over" (Little Rock, Arkansas, informant).But another citation, taken from Gregory Jaynes's parody of detective fiction, "In New York State: Who Poisoned the Pudding?” in the June 17, 1985, issue ofTime, indicates that tump may not be exclusively Southern: "At the end he tumps over into his rice pudding, poisoned. Whodunit?” As for its ultimate origin,tump is probably related to tumble as a separate development from the same Old English verbtumbian. 动词tump 几乎总是和 over 连用, 作不及物动词表示“倾倒,翻倒”,也可作及物动词表示“弄翻,翻转”,这个词在南部普遍使用。美国方言词典 的编辑们收集证据证明这个词用于阿肯色州、得克萨斯州和肯塔基州, 也普遍用于阿拉巴马州,田纳西州和佐治亚州。美国区域英语词典 中提供的这个例句很典型: “当他擦过咖啡桌时,他的可乐打翻了” (阿肯色州小石城,密告者)。但是从格里高利·杰恩斯的模仿侦探小说的作品《在纽约州:谁往布丁里下了毒?》(该作品刊登于1985年6月17日出版的时代 )中摘录的另一处引文却显示 tump 不一定只在南方使用: “最后,他跌倒在自己的稻米布丁中,被毒死了。谁干的?” 至于这个的词的最终来源,tump 可能与 tumble 有关, 它们分别从同一个古英语动词tumbian 发展而来 〔Corning〕A city of southern New York near the Pennsylvania border west of Elmira. The city is famous for its glassworks dating from 1868 and its glass museum. Population, 12,953.科宁:宾夕法尼亚西部与埃尔迈拉搭界附近纽约州南部城市。此城市以其源于1868年的玻璃制品和玻璃博物馆闻名于世。人口12,953〔Seneca〕A Native American people formerly inhabiting western New York from Seneca Lake to Lake Erie, with present-day populations in this same area and in southeast Ontario. The Seneca are the westernmost member of the original Iroquois confederacy.塞内加族:早期居住在纽约州西部从塞尼卡湖到伊利湖的地区,现今居住在同一地区和安大略省东南地区的北美印第安族,塞内加族是早期的易洛魁联盟的最西部的成员〔Kenmore〕A village of western New York on the Niagara River north of Buffalo. It is mainly residential. Population, 17,180.肯莫尔:美国纽约州西部一村庄,位于布法罗北方尼加拉河上。主要作为居住区。人口17,180〔Manhattan〕A borough of New York City in southeast New York, mainly onManhattan Island at the north end of New York Bay. Peter Minuit of the Dutch West Indies Company bought the island in 1626 from the Manhattan Indians, supposedly for some $24 worth of merchandise. The settlement of New Amsterdam, renamed New York when the English assumed control in 1664, quickly spread from the southern tip of the island, eventually becoming the financial, commercial, and cultural center of the United States. Population, 1,487,536. 曼哈顿区:美国纽约州东南部纽约市里的一个拥有自治权的区,主要位于曼哈顿岛 上,即纽约湾的北头。据说荷兰西印度公司一名叫彼得·米纽伊特的职工在1626年用仅值约24美元的货物从居住于曼哈顿的印第安人手中购得此岛。始建时名为新阿姆斯特丹,1664年英国人接管时改称纽约。这儿的定居点迅速发展到了该岛的南头,最终成为了美国的金融、商业和文化中心。人口1,487,536




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