单词 | 纳入 |
释义 | 〔Louisburg〕A town of Nova Scotia, Canada, on eastern Cape Breton Island. It is near the site of the fortress of Louisbourg, built c. 1712-1740 by the French to guard the entrance to the Gulf of St. Lawrence. In 1758 the fort fell to a British land and sea attack, which reduced it to rubble. A national historical park here includes reconstructed portions of the complex.路易斯堡:加拿大新斯科夏的一个城镇,位于布莱顿岛的东部角上,路易斯堡的碉堡附近。此碉堡由法国人于1712到1740年建成,用来保护圣·劳伦斯河湾的入口。1758年这个要塞纳入英国版图,但海上战争使之毁坏。在此建造一个国家历史公园,包括重建的该建筑体的某些部分〔lava〕Lava was appropriately named by people living near Mount Vesuvius.The only active volcano on the European mainland, Vesuvius has erupted frequently since Pompeii and Herculaneum were buried by it ina.d. 79. The Neapolitans who lived in the vicinity took a word in Italian,lava, meaning "a stream caused suddenly by rain,” and applied it to the streams of molten rock coming down the sides of Vesuvius. The term was then taken into Standard Italian,where it came to mean the rock in both its molten and its solidified states.The Italian word in all its senses was borrowed into English around the middle of the 18th century (1750 being the earliest date of record).火山岩这一恰当的名称是由生活在维苏威火山附近的居民命名的。维苏威火山是欧洲大陆唯一的活火山,自从公元 79年庞贝和赫库兰尼姆被它埋没以来,它一直频繁爆发。 生活在附近的那不勒斯人用意大利语中的一个单词lava 指代从维苏威火山上流淌下来的熔化岩石流,而这个词的本意是“由雨水骤然形成的溪流”。 这一词语被纳入标准意大利语,意为处于熔化或凝固状态的岩石。大约在18世纪中期,这一意大利单词和其含义都被借用到英语之中(最早的记录见于1750年)〔take〕To take into consideration.把…纳入考虑范围〔intake〕The act of taking in.纳入:纳入的行为〔Utah〕A state of the western United States. It was admitted as the 45th state in 1896. First explored by the Spanish in 1540, the region was settled in 1847 by Mormons led by Brigham Young. Salt Lake City is the capital and the largest city. Population, 1,727,784.犹他州:美国西部一个州。在1896年它作为第四十五个州被纳入美国。在1540年首次由西班牙人探险,在1847年由布里格姆·扬格率领的摩门教徒在此地区居住。盐湖城是此州的首府及最大城市。人口1,727,784〔stateside〕Especially since World War II,the adverbstateside has commonly been used by Americans traveling abroad to mean "to, toward, or in the United States.” During the postwar period the term gained currency among Alaskans,familiar with the feeling of being far removed from the rest of the continental United States.They adoptedstateside into their vocabularies as a way of referring to their fellow Americans to the south.Russell Tabbert of the University of Alaska observesthatstateside "has some currency primarily as a noun modifier, but also as an adverbial,” as in this instance: "Most of the owners live in Anchorage; some 14 1045384764ve stateside" (Alaska Magazine).It may or may not be capitalized.Stateside, the lower states, the South, and ( the ) Outside are all used in Alaska to denote "the 48 contiguous states.” All these terms, however, are losing out tothe Lower 48, which, as Tabbert points out,is always spelled in Alaska with a capital L and with Arabic numerals.尤其从二战以来,副词stateside 已普遍被旅行在外的美国人用于指“到、去或在美国”。 战后时期这一词语在阿拉斯加人中广为使用,他们对远离美国大陆其它各州的感觉再熟悉不过了。他们将stateside 纳入他们的词汇, 用作指南边的美国同胞。阿拉斯加大学的鲁赛尔·塔贝特发现,stateside “主要用作名词修饰语,但也用作副词”, 如下例: “大部分所有者住在隐居之处;大约占14的人们住在美国大陆” (《阿拉斯加杂志》)。它可以大写也可以不大写。Stateside,the lower states,the South 和( the ) Outside 在阿拉斯加都被用于指"48个美国本土的州”。 但是所有这些说法都没有the lower 48 使用普遍, 塔贝特指出,这个用法在阿拉斯加州总是被拼写成带大写L和阿拉伯数字的形式〔include〕To consider with or place into a group, class, or total:放入,算进去:纳入或包括进一个组织、阶层或整体:〔enter〕To become a component of; form a part of:使纳入:是…的一部分;构成…的一部分:〔introject〕To incorporate (characteristics of a person or an object) into one's own psyche unconsciously.使形成内心形象:下意识地将(人或物的特征)纳入自己的心灵〔bracket〕To include or exclude by establishing specific boundaries.明确类别:用设立明确边界的方法纳入或排除〔include〕Include, like the remaining terms,more often implies an incomplete listing: Include 和其余的几个词语一样,更多是指不完全的纳入: 〔enter〕Financial matters entered into the discussion.财政问题纳入讨论之列〔Gomel〕A city of western European U.S.S.R. north of Kiev. First mentioned in 1142, it was controlled alternately by Russia and Poland, passing finally to Russia in 1772. Population, 465,000.戈麦尔:苏联欧洲部分的西部城市,在基辅的北面。1142年才第一次有这个名字,由俄国和波兰轮流控制,于1772年最后纳入俄国版图。人口465,000〔structuralize〕To form, organize, or incorporate into a structure.形成,组织或使纳入结构〔Wari〕A pre-Incan empire with links to the contemporaneous civilization at Tiahuanaco, developing around the 10th century in the Peruvian highlands and spreading to encompass more than half of modern-day Peru before collapsing around 1200.瓦里帝国:与同时期的蒂亚瓦讷科文明有关连的前印加帝国,约十世纪在秘鲁高原发展起来,在1200年瓦里帝国瓦解前将大半个今日的秘鲁纳入版图〔introduce〕To put inside or into; insert or inject.纳入,放入:置于…里面或内部;插入或注入〔number〕To include in a group or category:列入:纳入一组或一个范围内:〔receive〕To take in, hold, or contain:容纳:纳入、拥有或包含:〔include〕 Comprehend andembrace usually refer to the taking in of subordinate elements as part of something broader: Comprehend 和embrace 通常指纳入一些附属性的成分: |
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