单词 | 精通 |
释义 | 〔eristic〕One given to or expert in dispute or argument.辩论家:从事或精通论辩的人〔aesthetician〕One versed in the theory of beauty and artistic expression.美学家:精通美学理论和艺术表达的人〔witch〕"A witch of a writer,[she] is capable of developing an intensity that verges on ferocity" (Peter S. Prescott)“作为一个精通其业的作家,[她] 能够制造一种近于凶猛的紧张状况” (彼得S.普雷斯科特)〔strong〕students who are strong in chemistry.精通化学的学生〔conversant〕Familiar, as by study or experience:精通的:(如通过学习或经历)熟悉的:〔learn〕To gain knowledge, comprehension, or mastery of through experience or study.学习:通过经验或学习获得知识、理解或精通〔Hispanist〕A specialist in Spanish language or literature or in the languages and literatures of Spain, Portugal, and Latin America.西葡文化研究者:精通西班牙语言或文学专家,西班牙、葡萄牙、拉丁美洲语言或文学专家〔strategist〕One who is skilled in strategy.战略家:精通战略或兵法之人〔musical〕Devoted to or skilled in music.爱好音乐或者精通音乐的〔rubrician〕A person learned in the rubrics of ritual.研究教仪者:精通宗教礼拜仪式的人〔proficiency〕The state or quality of being proficient; competence.熟练,精通:熟练的性质或状态;内行〔train〕To make proficient with specialized instruction and practice.See Synonyms at teach 培训:通过特殊指导及实践精通 参见 teach〔witch〕One particularly skilled or competent at one's craft:专家:非常善于或精通自己行业的人:〔classicist〕One versed in the classics; a classical scholar.精通古典者;古典学者〔mastership〕The skill or dexterity of a master.才能,精通:专家高超或娴熟的技艺〔proficient〕Having or marked by an advanced degree of competence, as in an art, vocation, profession, or branch of learning.熟练的,精通的:在艺术、职业、技能或学术方面有造诣的〔bidialectal〕Using two dialects of the same language.精通两种方言的:使用同一种语言的两种方言的〔rhythmist〕One who is an expert in or has a keen sense of rhythm.精通韵律或对之有敏锐感受的人〔well〕Skillfully or proficiently:熟练地,精通地:〔mastery〕Her mastery of economic theory impressed the professors.她对经济的精通给教授们留下了深刻的印象〔woodsman〕A man who works or lives in the woods or is versed in woodcraft; a forester.森林居民:工作或生活于森林中或精通木工手艺的人;森林居民〔command〕Ability to control or use; mastery:能力:控制或使用的能力;精通:〔dan〕Any of 12 levels of proficiency at the grade of black belt in martial arts such as judo and karate.段:在东方武术中,黑腰带的级别精通达12级中的任一级,如柔道和空手道〔master〕To make oneself a master of:精通,熟练:使自己成为…的精通者,掌握:〔Cicero〕Roman statesman, orator, and philosopher. A major figure in the last years of the Republic, he is best known for his orations against Catiline and for his mastery of Latin prose.西塞罗,马库斯·图留斯:(106-43) 罗马政治家、演说家和哲学家。共和时期最后几年的主要人物,以同喀提林的雄辩和对拉丁散文的精通而闻名〔conversance〕The state of being conversant; familiarity.熟悉:熟悉、精通的状态;熟识〔cosmopolitan〕So sophisticated as to be at home in all parts of the world or conversant with many spheres of interest:四海为家的,兴趣广泛的:经验极为丰富可以四海为家的,对各行各业都精通的:〔naturalist〕One versed in natural history, especially in zoology or botany.博物学家:精通自然历史,尤其是动物学和植物学的人〔verse〕To familiarize by study or experience:使熟练或者精通:〔proficient〕Skilled implies sound, thorough competence and often mastery, as in an an art, a craft, or a trade: Skilled 指在艺术、手艺或商业等方面熟练、完全胜任且常为精通的: 〔master〕Highly skilled or proficient:精通的,熟练的,优秀的:〔topographer〕One who is skilled in topography.地形学者:精通地形学的人〔dialectician〕One who practices or is skilled in dialectic.辩证学家:精通或熟练辩证法的人〔Masaccio〕Italian painter of the Florentine school whose revolutionary use of linear perspective and mastery of light and shade profoundly influenced Renaissance painting.马萨乔:意大利佛罗伦萨画派画家,他革新运用的直线透视法以及其对光与影的精通对文艺复兴时期的绘画产生深远影响〔metaphysician〕One who specializes or is skilled in metaphysics.玄学家:专攻玄学或精通玄学的人〔didactic〕Greek didaktikos [skillful in teaching] 希腊语 didaktikos [精通教学] 〔ritualist〕An authority on or a student of ritual.仪式研究者,精通仪式者:仪式的权威人士或研究人员〔conversant〕conversant with medieval history.精通中世纪历史〔versed〕Acquainted through study or experience; knowledgeable or skilled:通晓的,精通的:通过学习或者经验而熟练的;博学的或者熟练的:〔Goethe〕German writer and scientist. A master of poetry, drama, and the novel, he spent 50 years on his two-part dramatic poemFaust (published 1808 and 1832). He also conducted scientific research in various fields, notably botany, and held several governmental positions. 歌德,约翰·沃尔夫贡·冯:(1749-1832) 德国作者和科学家。精通诗歌、歌剧和小说。他花了50年时间写了二部戏剧长诗《浮士德》 (出版于1808年和1832年)。他也致力于各个领域的科学研究,在植物学方面享有盛誉,并在几次政府担任职务 |
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