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单词 管辖
释义 〔Tatarstan〕An autonomous republic of west-central Russia. The site of a powerful Bulgar state after the 8th century, the region was conquered by Mongols in the 13th century and by Moscow in 1552. The Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic was established in 1920, and in 1991 it declared its independence. Along with Chechnya, the republic was not a signatory to the 1992 treaty that created the Russian Federation, but it did join later, in 1994.鞑靼斯坦共和国:俄罗斯中西部自治共和国。8世纪后是强大的保加利亚人国家所在地,13世纪鞑靼斯坦被蒙古人统治,1552年由莫斯科管辖。鞑靼自治苏维埃社会主义共和国成立于1920年并于1991年宣告独立。鞑靼斯坦共和国和车臣地区都未签署1992年成立俄罗斯联邦的条约,但随后在1994年鞑靼斯坦共和国加入俄罗斯联邦〔rule〕To exercise control, dominion, or direction over; govern.统治,管辖:行使控制,统治或命令;治理〔Tripoli〕A historical region of northern Africa roughly coextensive with the ancient region of Tripolitania. It became part of the Barbary States in the 16th century and later passed to Turkey and Italy.的黎波里:北非历史上的一个工区,大约与古代的黎波里塔尼亚地区同时期存在,16世纪该地区成为巴巴里诸国的一部分,后来归属土耳其和意大利管辖〔jurisdiction〕islands under U.S. jurisdiction; a bureau with jurisdiction over Native American affairs.受美国管辖的岛屿;对印第安人的事务有管辖权的一个局〔pastorate〕A pastor's term of office with one congregation.管辖一届圣会的牧师职位的任期〔Melkite〕A member of a Christian church using the Byzantine rite and belonging to the patriarchates of Alexandria, Antioch, or Jerusalem, especially a Uniat Christian.东仪天主教徒:采用拜占庭式仪式的基督教派之教徒,这些教派属亚历山大主教府、安提阿主教府或耶路撒冷主教府管辖,尤指合并教派之基督教徒〔jurisdiction〕The territorial range of authority or control.管辖区域:管辖或控制的地域〔command〕A military unit, post, district, or region under the control of one officer.管辖的范围:在一位官员控制下的军事单位、所、区或地带〔Kalmyk〕A region of southeast European U.S.S.R. on the Caspian Sea. Settled in the early 17th century by Kalmyk people from central China, it came under Russian control after 1646.卡尔梅克:苏联欧洲部分东南部一地区,濒临里海。来自中国中原的卡尔梅克人于17世纪早期在此定居,1646年后该地区归属俄国管辖〔archdiocese〕The district under an archbishop's jurisdiction.大主教(管辖)区:大主教辖区下的地区〔satrapy〕The territory or sphere under the rule of a satrap.总督管辖区:总督管辖的地区或范围〔develop〕developed the site as a community of condominiums.将这个地方建设成一个共同管辖的社区〔Chalcedon〕An ancient Greek city of northwest Asia Minor on the Bosporus near present-day Istanbul. It was founded in 685b.c. and passed to Rome in a.d. 74. 加尔西顿城:小亚细亚半岛西北一古希腊城市,位于今伊斯坦布尔附近的博斯普鲁斯海峡。建于公元前 685年, 公元 74年转归罗马管辖 〔jurisdiction〕The extent of authority or control:权限:管辖或控制的范围:〔precinct〕A subdivision or district of a city or town under the jurisdiction of or patrolled by a specific unit of its police force.管辖区:城市或城镇的分区或地区,由警察机构的特定单位对其进行管辖或巡逻〔viceroyalty〕A district or province governed by a viceroy.总督管辖的地区或者省份〔extraterritorial〕fishing in extraterritorial waters.在不受司法权管辖的水域捕鱼〔Xizang〕An autonomous region of China in the southwest part of the country north and west of the Himalaya Mountains. Controlled by China since 1720, it became an autonomous province in 1951 and was formally proclaimed an autonomous region in 1965. Xizang is a center of Buddhism. Lhasa is the capital. Population, 1,990,000.西藏:中国西南地区的一个自治区,位于喜马拉雅山脉北部和西部。1720年起属于中国管辖,1951年成为中国一个自治省,1965年正式宣布成为一个自治区。西藏是一个佛教中心。首府拉萨。人口1,990,000〔prefecture〕The district administered or governed by a prefect.管区:古罗马或法国高级官员管辖或统治的地区〔Guizhou〕A province of southeast China. It passed under Chinese suzerainty in the 10th century and became a province in the 17th century. Guiyang is the capital. Population, 29,680,000.贵州:中国东南部一省。公元10世纪起归中国管辖,17世纪成为中国一省。省会为贵阳。人口29,680,000〔diocese〕The district or churches under the jurisdiction of a bishop; a bishopric.主教管区:主教管辖地区或教堂;主教管区〔Minden〕A city of northwest Germany on the Weser River south of Bremen. Settled in Roman times, it was founded c. 800 as a bishopric by Charlemagne. Minden joined the Hanseatic League in the 13th century and passed to Prussia in 1814. Population, 75,419.明登:德国西北部一城市,位于不来梅以南的威悉河畔。罗马帝国时代有人定居,公元800年查里曼大帝将其建为主教营区。13世纪明登加入汉萨同盟,1814年转由普鲁士管辖。人口75,419〔people〕A body of persons living in the same country under one national government; a nationality.同胞:住在同一国家、受同一政府管辖的一些人;民族〔emirate〕The nation or territory ruled by an emir.酋长国:酋长管辖的国家和地区〔constabulary〕The district under the jurisdiction of a constable.治安官管辖区:受一名治安官管辖的地区〔Pondicherry〕A city of southeast India on the Bay of Bengal south-southwest of Madras. It consists of four former French coastal settlements whose administration was transferred to India in 1954. Population, 162,636.本地治里:印度东南部一城市,濒临孟加拉湾,位于马德拉斯西南偏南。它由四个原先的法国人聚居点组成,1954年被划给印度管辖。人口162,636〔raj〕Dominion or rule, especially the British rule over India (1757-1947).主权,统治:管辖或统治,尤指英国对印度的统治(1757-1947年)〔Tangier〕A city of northern Morocco at the west end of the Strait of Gibraltar. Founded in Roman times and later controlled by a variety of powers, including Portugal and Great Britain, it was administered as part of an international zone from 1923-1924 until 1956. Population, 266,346.丹吉尔:摩洛哥北部一城市,位于直布罗陀海峡的西端。该城建于古罗马时代,后来被许多强国控制过,其中包括葡萄牙和大不列颠,从1923-1924年直到1956年这一期间丹吉尔被作为一个国际共管区的一部分来管辖。人口266,346〔Grudziadz〕A city of north-central Poland on the Vistula River northeast of Bydgoszcz. Founded by the Teutonic Knights, it passed to Poland in 1466 and was ruled by Prussia from 1772 to 1919. Population, 93,900.格鲁琼兹:波兰中北部一城市,位于维斯图拉河上,在彼得哥什东北。由条顿骑士建立,1466年归波兰管辖,1772到1919年由普鲁士统治。人口93,900〔obedience〕A sphere of ecclesiastical authority.管辖:教会权力的范围〔satrapy〕A nation, state, territory, or area controlled as if by a satrap:辖地:仿佛被一个总督管辖的国家、州、地区或地域:〔Dover〕The capital of Delaware, in the central part of the state. Founded in 1683 on orders from William Penn, it became capital in 1777. Population, 27,630.多佛尔:位于美国特拉华州中部的首府。建城于1683年,当时受威廉·潘管辖,1777年成为首府。人口27,630〔dominion〕Control or the exercise of control; sovereignty:统治:统治,管辖;主权:〔Cumbria〕An ancient Celtic kingdom of northwest England. The southern part came under Anglo-Saxon control c. 944; the northern portion passed to Scotland in 1018.坎布里亚:英格兰西北部的一个古凯尔特王国。它的南部在944年被盎格鲁-撒克逊人控制;它的北部地区在1018年被划归苏格兰管辖〔Plock〕A city of central Poland on the Vistula River west-southwest of Warsaw. Known since the tenth century, it passed to Prussia in 1793 and to Russia in 1815. It reverted to Poland after World War I. Population, 114,500.普洛克:波兰中部一城市,位于华沙西南偏西、维斯拉河畔。它从10世纪起为人所知,相继于1793年和1815年由普鲁士和俄罗斯管辖。第一次世界大战后它归属波兰。人口114,500〔Eaton〕English colonial administrator in America who founded and governed (1638-1658) the New Haven colony.伊顿,狄奥斐卢斯:(1590-1658) 英国驻美殖民地总督,他建立并管辖(1638-1658年)纽黑文殖民地〔tallage〕An occasional tax levied by the Anglo-Norman kings on crown lands and royal towns.摊派税:盎格鲁-诺曼国王不定期地向王室领地和所管辖城镇征收的税〔archbishop〕A bishop of the highest rank, heading an archdiocese or a province.大主教,主教长:最高级别的主教,领导一大主教(管辖)区或一个省〔classis〕The district or churches governed by such a body.长老监督会辖制的教区:由这种机构管辖的教区或教堂〔arsenal〕A governmental establishment for the storing, development, manufacturing, testing, or repairing of arms, ammunition, and other war materiel.军火库:政府管辖的负责储存,发展,生产,试验或修理武器,弹药以及其他战备物资的机构




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