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单词 签订
释义 〔Sumbawa〕A volcanic island of south-central Indonesia in the Lesser Sunda Islands west of Flores. The Dutch gained control in 1905 after signing treaties with the local chieftains.松巴哇岛:印度尼西亚中南部的一个火山岛,位于弗洛里斯岛西部的小巽他群岛,1905年荷兰人与当地的酋长签订条约后,获得了对该岛的控制权〔surety〕One who has contracted to be responsible for another, especially one who assumes responsibilities or debts in the event of default.保证人,担保人:签订了合同以对另一个人负责的人,尤指在拖久事件中决定负责或还债之人〔Bulwer〕British politician and diplomat who negotiated the Clayton-Bulwer Treaty (1850) guaranteeing Anglo-American protection of an isthmian canal in Central America.布尔沃,威廉·亨利·利顿·厄尔:(1801-1872) 英国政治家和外交家,代表谈判签订克莱顿-布尔沃条约(1850年),保证英裔美国人对中美洲地峡河道的保护权〔Brest〕 or Formerly Brest-Li.tovsk [-lĭ-tôfskʹ] A city of western European U.S.S.R. on the Bug River near the Polish border. The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, ending World War I on the eastern front, was signed here by Russia and Germany on March 3, 1918. Population, 222,000. 或 原名 Brest-Li.tovsk [-lĭ-tôfskʹ] 布列斯特:苏联欧洲部分西部一城市,位于波兰边界附近的布格河畔。结束了第一次世界大战东线战事的布列斯特一立陶无斯克条约,于1918年3月3日由俄、德双方在此签订。人口222,000〔Chamberlain〕British politician who helped establish the Locarno Pact. He won the 1925 Nobel Peace Prize.张伯伦,(约瑟夫)奥斯特:(1863-1937) 英国政治家,因协助签订《洛迦诺公约》获1925年诺贝尔和平奖〔Karlstad〕A city of southwest Sweden on Lake Vänern west of Stockholm. Chartered in 1584, it was destroyed by fire in 1865. The treaty ending the union of Norway and Sweden was signed here in 1905. Population, 74,324.卡乐斯塔德:瑞典西南部一城市,在维纳恩湖上,位于斯德哥尔摩以西。该市于1584年被特许建立,1865年毁于大火。1905年在该市签订的条约结束了挪威和瑞典的联盟。人口74,324〔Chechnya〕A region of southwest Russia in the northern Caucasus bordering on Georgia. Conquered by Russia in the 19th century, it later formed part of the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Chechnya declared its independence from the USSR in 1991. Russian troops invaded in late 1994, and fighting continued until 1996, when Russia and Chechnya signed an accord calling for an end to hostilities and the opening of negotiations on Chechnya's future political status.车臣:俄罗斯西南部地区,位于与格鲁吉亚共和国接壤的高加索北部。19世纪该地区被俄罗斯征服后成为车臣-印古什自治苏维埃社会主义共和国的一部分。1991年车臣宣告脱离苏联而独立。1994下半年俄罗斯军队入侵车臣,1996年俄罗斯与车臣签订和平条约要求结束对立并开始协商车臣未来的政治地位,至此这场战争宣告结束〔closing〕A meeting for completing a transaction, especially one at which contracts are signed transferring ownership of real estate.转移会议:要完成交易的会议,特别是在其中有签订合约来转移房地产的所有权〔Rethondes〕A village of northern France west-northwest of Rheims. The armistice ending World War I was signed here on November 11, 1918.雷萨德:法国北部一村庄,位于兰斯西北偏西。1918年11月11日在此签订了第一世界大战的停战协议〔partnership〕A legal contract entered into by two or more persons in which each agrees to furnish a part of the capital and labor for a business enterprise, and by which each shares a fixed proportion of profits and losses.合伙契约:两个人或多个人签订的法律契约,每个人都同意为一个商业实体出一部分资金和劳力,从而每个人都可分享固定比例的一部分利润和承担固定比例的一部分损失〔Rapallo〕A city of northwest Italy on the Ligurian Sea. It is a resort on the Italian Riviera. The treaty proclaiming Fiume (now Rijeka) an independent city was signed here by Italy and Yugoslavia in November 1920. Population, 28,318.拉帕洛:意大利西北部的一城市,位于在利古里亚海上。是意大利海滨休养区和旅游景点。宣布成为现在的独立城市的条约,正是在这于1920年11月由意大利和南斯拉夫共同签订的。人口28,318〔insurance〕Coverage by a contract binding a party to indemnify another against specified loss in return for premiums paid.保险:保险公司根据与另一方签订得契约进行赔偿,一方遭受的特定损失予以补偿〔Fish〕American politician who served as U.S. secretary of state (1869-1877) and negotiated the settlement of the Civil WarAlabama Claims with Great Britain (1871). 费希,汉米尔顿:(1808-1893) 美国政治家,曾任美国秘书长(1869-1877年),与英国协商有关内战的调解并签订了《亚拉巴马》 宣言(1871年) 〔Carter〕The 39th President of the United States (1977-1981), who is credited with establishing energy-conservation measures, concluding the Panama Canal treaties (1978), and negotiating the Camp David accords between Egypt and Israel (1979).卡特,小詹姆斯·厄尔:(生于 1924) 美国第39任总统(1977-1981年),以采取能源保护措施、签署《巴拿马运河条约》(1978年)及商议签订埃及和以色列之间的《戴维营协议》(1979年)而知名〔nonaligned〕A group of 20 nonaligned nations urged a treaty to ban space weapons.二十个不结盟国家敦促签订禁止太空武器的条约〔Massasoit〕Wampanoag leader who aided the Pilgrim colonists and signed a peace treaty with them at Plymouth.马萨索伊特:北美万帕诺亚格印第人的首领,他帮助朝圣殖民者并在普利茅斯签订了和平协议〔Pretorius〕Afrikaner soldier and politician who led the defeat of the Zulus (1838) and negotiated the independence of the Transvaal (1852). His sonMarthinus Wessels Pretorius (1819-1901) founded Pretoria (1855) and was president of the Transvaal (1857-1877) as well as the Orange Free State (1859-1863). 比利陀利乌斯,安德里斯·威廉姆斯·雅各布斯:(1798-1853) 布尔人的战士和政治家,领导打败了祖鲁人(1838年)并签订承认德兰士瓦省独立的条约(1852年)。他的儿子马蒂纳斯·韦塞尔斯·比利陀利乌斯 在1855年建立比勒陀利亚市,曾任德兰士瓦省省长(1857-1877年)和奥兰治自由部的总统(1859-1863年) 〔Versailles〕A city of north-central France west-southwest of Paris. It is best known for its magnificent palace, built by Louis XIV in the mid-17th century, where the treaty ending World War I was signed in 1919. Population, 91,494.凡尔赛:法国中北部的一个城市,位于巴黎西南以西。该城以其由路易十四世于17世纪中期建造的宏伟宫殿而闻名,终结第一次世界大战的条约于1919年签订于此。人口91,494〔Antarctica〕A continent lying chiefly within the Antarctic Circle and asymmetrically centered on the South Pole. Some 95 percent of Antarctica is covered by an icecap averaging 1.6 km (1 mi) in thickness. The region was first explored in the early 1800's, and although there are no permanent settlements, many countries have made territorial claims. The Antarctic Treaty of 1959, signed by 12 nations, prohibited military operations on the continent and provided for the interchange of scientific data.南极洲:主要位于南极圈内,以南极为不对称中心的大陆。约百分之九十五的地方被平均厚度为1.6公里(1英里)的冰层覆盖。该地区首次在19世纪初被勘察,尽管没有永久性居民区,很多国家都提出了领土要求。由十二个国家于1959年签订的《南极公约》,禁止在南极洲进行军事行动,提供并交换科学考察数据〔Portsmouth〕A city of southeast New Hampshire on the Atlantic Ocean. The Treaty of Portsmouth, ending the Russo-Japanese War, was signed at the naval base here in 1905. Population, 25,925.朴次茅斯:美国新罕布什尔州东南部一城市,位于大西洋沿岸。结束俄日战争的朴次茅斯条约于1905年在这个海军基地签订。人口25,925〔deal〕An agreement often arranged secretly, as in business or politics.协议:经常秘密签订的协定,如生意上或政治上的协定〔Locarno〕A town of southern Switzerland at the northern end of Lake Maggiore. First mentioned in 749, it passed to Milan in 1342 and was taken by the Swiss in 1512. The Locarno Pact between Germany and various European powers was signed here on December 1, 1925, in an effort to promote peace and maintain existing territorial borders. The city is today a popular resort. Population, 14,300.洛迦诺:瑞士南部一镇,位于马奏列湖北端。在749年被首次提到,1342年被转让给米兰公国并于1512年被瑞士占领。1925年12月1日德国和其他欧洲国家在此签订《洛迦诺公约》,以此来促进和平并维持现存领土边界。今天该城是一著名游览胜地。人口14,300〔Silesia〕A region of central Europe primarily in southwest Poland and northern Czechoslovakia. Settled by Slavic peoples c.a.d. 500, the region was long contested by various states and principalities. After World War I Silesia was partitioned among Germany, Poland, and Czechoslovakia. Much of the Czechoslovakian section passed to Germany and Poland after the signing of the Munich Pact in 1938. Germany occupied Polish Silesia from 1939 to 1945, and after World War II Poland annexed most of German Silesia. Upper Silesia, in southern Poland, is an important industrialized area. 西里西亚:欧洲中部一地区,主要位于波兰西南部和捷克斯洛伐克北部。公元 500年斯拉夫民族在此定居,长期以来各国和各公国都对该地区进行争夺。第一次世界大战以后,西里西亚被德国、波兰和捷克斯洛伐克分割。1938年慕尼黑条约签订以后,捷克斯洛伐克所占的那部分归入德国和波兰。1939年至1945年德国占领了波兰属西里西亚,第二次世界大战后波兰合并了大部分德属西西里亚。波兰南部的 上西里西亚 是一个重要的工业区 〔Jay〕American diplomat and jurist who served in both Continental Congresses and helped negotiate peace with Great Britain (1782-1783). He was the first chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1789-1795) and negotiated a second agreement with Great Britain, Jay's Treaty (1794-1795).杰伊,约翰:(1745-1829) 美国外交家、大陆会议主席,主持与英国签订和平条约(1782-1783年)。他是美国最高法院第一任首席法官(1789-1795年),并同英国第二次签订了“杰伊条约”(1794-1795年)〔indenture〕A deed or legal contract executed between two or more parties.合同,契约:两方或多方间签订的契约或具法律效力的合同〔bargain〕finally reached a bargain with the antique dealer over the lamp.最后和这古董商签订了关于这个灯的买卖合约〔beneficial〕signed a contract that is advantageous to our company;签订一项对我们公司有利的合同;〔Roussillon〕A historical region of southern France bordering on Spain and the Mediterranean Sea. Originally inhabited by Iberians, it became part of Roman Gaul after c. 121b.c. and later changed hands many times, eventually becoming a Spanish possession that was transferred to France by the Treaty of the Pyrenees (1659). 鲁西荣:法国南部与西班牙和地中海接界的一个历史地区,古伊比利亚人最初在此定居,公元前 121年该地区开始成为古罗马高卢的一部分,后来多次易手,最终成为西班牙人的领地,签订比利牛斯条约(1659年)后转交给法国 〔Cushing〕American lawyer, politician, and diplomat who as special envoy to China (1843-1845) negotiated a treaty that opened five Chinese ports to American trade.库欣,迦勒:(1800-1879) 美国律师、政治家和外交家,他在担任驻华特使期间(1843-1845年)签订了一个条约,条约规定清政府开放五个港口与美国通商〔Baring〕British financier and public official who concluded the treaty between Great Britain and the United States that defined the border between Canada and Maine (1842).巴林,亚历山大:(1774-1848) 英国金融家和国家官员,参加了英国同美国的谈判并签订了确定加拿大与缅因边界的条约(1842年)




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