单词 | 策划 |
释义 | 〔recover〕"By a brilliant coup he has retrieved . . . a rather serious loss" (Samuel Butler).“通过精心的策划,他已经挽回了…… 一个十分严重的损失” (塞缪尔·巴特勒)〔contrive〕To plan with evil intent; scheme:策划:心怀不轨地计划;策划:〔machinate〕To devise (a plot).策划(一个计谋)〔mutinous〕Of, relating to, engaged in, disposed to, or constituting mutiny.See Synonyms at insubordinate 反叛的:与叛乱有关的、参与、策划、趋于或构成叛乱的 参见 insubordinate〔artifice〕 Artifice refers to something especially contrived to lead to a desired result or create a desired effect: Artifice 指为达到某理想结果或制造某预期效果而特别策划的东西: 〔contrive〕To bring about, as by scheming; manage:设法做到:引起或导致,如通过策划;设法做到:〔footwork〕"They've built a corporate empire on dazzling financial footwork"(Christopher Farrell)“他们通过精心的财政策划建立起了共同的企业”(克里斯托夫·法雷尔)〔manipulate〕maneuvering to gain an edge over their corporate competitors. See also Synonyms at handle 策划使他们能比他们共同的对手领先一步 参见同义词 handle〔manned〕a manned spacecraft; several manned lunar landings.载人宇宙飞船;几个人类策划的登月计划〔have〕To be scheduled:策划:被安排在计划之内:〔Stuart〕Pretender to the British throne. The son of James II, he made two unsuccessful attempts to take the throne (1708-1715). The final Jacobite rising (1745-1746), also a failure, was conducted on his behalf by his son Charles Edward Stuart.斯图亚特,詹姆斯(弗朗西斯)·爱德华:(1688-1766) 英国王位的觊觎者詹姆士二世之子,他企图二次攫取王位未获成功(1708-1715年)。最后代表他儿子查尔斯·爱德华·斯图亚特策划的雅各宾派的最后一次起义(1745-1746年)也以失败告终〔honcho〕To direct and manage (personnel and projects):领导:管理(人事和策划):〔on〕gazed on the vista; meditated on his actions.注视着风景;策划他的行动〔Absalom〕In the Bible, a son of David who staged a revolt against his father's kingship and was defeated and killed in the ensuing battle.押沙龙:圣经中大卫的儿子,他策划了一起谋夺父皇王权的叛乱,在随后的搏斗中被击败并杀死〔plot〕To form a plot for; prearrange secretly or deviously:密谋,策划:为…制定一个阴谋;秘密地或阴险地预先准备:〔strategy〕The science and art of military command as applied to the overall planning and conduct of large-scale combat operations.战略术:用于全局性策划与指挥大规模作战的军事指挥的科学与艺术〔case〕To examine carefully, as in planning a crime:踩点:仔细检查,如策划一项犯罪时:〔fatal〕Lethal refers to a sure agent of death that may have been created solely for the purpose of killing: Lethal 指确定的死亡原因,有可能是为谋杀而策划的: 〔frame〕To make up evidence or contrive events so as to incriminate (a person) falsely.诬害捏造:为诬告(某人)而捏造证据或策划事件〔Leontief〕Russian-born American economist. He won a 1973 Nobel Prize for devising the input-output technique of economic analysis.列昂捷夫,瓦斯利:(生于 1906) 俄裔美籍经济学家。因其策划经济学分析的投入一产出技巧而获1973年的诺贝尔奖〔meditate〕To plan in the mind; intend:打算:在脑海中策划,筹划;想要,打算:〔Yamamoto〕Japanese naval officer who planned Japan's naval strategies during World War II, including the attack on Pearl Harbor (1941).山本,五十六:(1884-1943) 日本海军军官,二战期间,他曾策划过日本的海军战略计划,包括对珍珠港的袭击(1941年)〔panel〕A group of people gathered to plan or discuss an issue, judge a contest, or act as a team on a radio or television quiz program.专门小组:聚在一起策划或讨论一个问题、裁判一场比赛或在无线电台或电视台小测验节目中充当一个队的一群人〔replace〕"A conspiracy was carefully engineered to replace the Directory by three Consuls" (H.G. Wells). “细心策划密谋以三个执政官取代督政府” (H.G,威尔斯)。 〔contrive〕contrived a plot to seize power.策划篡权的阴谋〔up〕Occupied with, especially devising or scheming:忙于(尤其是策划和密谋):〔maneuver〕To manipulate into a desired position or toward a predetermined goal:诱使,策划:设法进入设想的位置,或设法使之向某预想的目标发展:〔brew〕brew a plot to overthrow the government.策划一个推翻政府的阴谋〔engineer〕To plan, manage, and put through by skillful acts or contrivance; maneuver.策划,管理:通过技巧的行动或诡计而计划、管理或完成;策划〔operation〕operations The division of an organization that carries out the major planning and operating functions. operations 策划执行部门:一个执行总部重要计划和作战活动的机构分部〔Farley〕American politician who managed Franklin D. Roosevelt's 1932 and 1936 presidential campaigns and served as U.S. postmaster general (1933-1940).法利,詹姆斯·阿洛伊修斯:(1888-1976) 美国政治家,曾策划富兰克林·D·罗斯福的1932年和1936年总统竞选,并任过美国邮政部长(1933-1940年)〔concoct〕To devise, using skill and intelligence; contrive:策划:用技巧或智慧设计;谋划:〔shape〕To plan to bring about the realization or accomplishment of; devise.策划:计划带来…的实现或完成;设计 |
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