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单词 等待
释义 〔latecomer〕waited for the latecomers to be seated.等待迟到者入座〔waylay〕To lie in wait for and attack from ambush.See Synonyms at ambush 伏击:伏下等待,从隐蔽中攻击 参见 ambush〔bide〕To wait for further developments.等待时机,耐心等待等待更进一步的发展〔tide〕awaiting the next high tide.等待下一次涨潮〔last〕After a lengthy or troublesome wait or delay:好容易才:经过一段长期而艰辛的等待或耽搁:〔end〕"A man awaits his end/Dreading and hoping all"(William Butler Yeats)“一个等待死期的人/惧怕一切又希望一切”(威廉·巴特勒·耶茨)〔judgment〕awaited the judgment of the umpire.等待裁判的意见〔bide〕past tense bided To await; wait for.【过去时态】 bided 等待;等候…〔Beckett〕Irish-born writer whose novels includeMurphy (1938) and Malone Dies (1951). Beckett is known to a wider audience for his absurdist plays, such as Waiting for Godot (1952) and Krapp's Last Tape (1959). He won the 1969 Nobel Prize for literature. 贝克特,塞缪尔:(1906-1989) 爱尔兰裔作家,其小说包括《莫非》 (1938年)和 《马洛纳之死》 (1951年)。因其荒诞剧如 《等待戈多》 (1952年)和 《克拉普最后的磁带》 (1959年)而闻名。获1969年诺贝尔文学奖 〔mark〕To suspend progress for the time being; wait in readiness.暂时停止进行;等待并时刻准备行动〔stack〕A stackup.分层盘旋:飞机等待依次着陆时的定高分层盘旋〔wait〕For more than a hundred years critics have stigmatized the use ofwait on ( and somewhat less frequentlywait upon ) to mean roughly "await" or "wait for,”as inWe are still waiting on the committee vote. This use is so widespread in both educated speech and reputable writingthat the traditional objections have come to seem unnecessary.一百多年来评论家一直贬低wait on ( 有时也较少使用wait upon ) 作为“等待”或“等候”意义的用法,如在我们仍在等待委员会的投票。 这种用处在演讲和写作中用的是如此普遍,以至于原来的反对已经看起来不必要了〔wait〕To remain or rest in expectation:期待,等待:期望中保持或休息:〔stand〕To wait for something, such as a broadcast, to resume.等待(广播重新开始)〔expect〕eagerly awaiting your letter. 热切等待你的来信。 〔Odets〕American playwright known for his powerful works of the Depression era, includingWaiting for Lefty (1935) and Golden Boy (1937). 奥德茨,克利福德:(1906-1963) 美国剧作家,以其描写大萧条时期的作品而闻名,包括《等待老左》 (1935年)和 《金色的男孩》 (1937年) 〔receivable〕Awaiting or requiring payment; due or collectible.应收的:等待或需要报酬的;已到期的或可收取的〔condemn〕damned to everlasting uncertainty;诅咒没完没了的等待〔sure〕Confident, as of something awaited or expected:确信的:有信心的,如对等待的或期待的某事:〔hang〕To wait for a short period of time.稍待:等待一会儿时间〔anxious〕spent an anxious night waiting for the test results.因等待测试结果而度过一个焦虑不安的夜晚〔attend〕To accompany or wait upon as a companion or servant.侍侯,照顾:作为伴侣或仆人伴随或等待〔aggravate〕It is sometimes claimed thataggravate should be used only to mean "to make worse" and not "to irritate.” Based on this view it would be appropriate to sayThe endless wait for luggage aggravates the misery of modern air travel, but not It's the endless wait for luggage that aggravates me the most. But the latter use dates back as far as the 17th century and is accepted by 68 percent of the Usage Panel. As H.W. Fowler wrote, "the extension from aggravating a person's temper to aggravating the person himself is slight and natural,and when we are told that Wackford Squeers [in Dickens'sNicholas Nickleby ] pinched the boys in aggravating places we may reasonably infer that his choice of places aggravated both the pinches and the boys.”有时认为aggravate 应当只被用来表示“加重;使恶化”的意思而不表示“使恼火;激怒”。 根据这种观点,The endless wait for luggage aggravates the misery of modern air travel(无休止地等待行李加重了现代飞机旅行的困难) 这个句子是正确的,而 It's the endless wait for luggage that aggravates me the most(无休止地等待行李最为令我恼火) 这一句则不正确。 但是后一种用法可以追溯到17世纪,并且被百分之六十八的用法使用小组成员所接受。正如H·W·福勒写道,“从使一个人的脾气变得更坏到使一个人恼火的延伸是微小和自然的,当我们看到威克福特·斯贵尔斯[出自狄更斯的小说尼古拉斯·尼克尔贝 ]往令人恼火的地方拧孩子们时, 我们可以合理地推断出他所选择的地方既加剧了拧的疼痛又令孩子们大为恼火。”〔juror〕One who awaits or is called for service on a jury.陪审团成员候选人:等待或要求进入陪审团提供服务的人〔torture〕the torture of waiting in suspense.在不知结果中等待的痛苦〔rent〕When young people talk about theirrents, that is, their parents, they are using a slang term that is of interest to language historians, if not necessarily thrilling for parents themselves. The term is a prime example of one of the fundamental characteristics of slang, which continually creates novel ways of expressing what are often rather ordinary things (if parents may be considered ordinary things). Slang has recently produced two expressions for "parents" that have gained wide currency— rents and parental units. Both expressions demonstrate slang's use of unusual or creative linguistic means to achieve novelty of expression. While there are many slang terms, such as bod for body or rad for radical, that result from the clipping of unstressed syllables, rents is a clipping that drops a stressed syllable, much like the similar term za, "pizza.” The desire to coin new ways of referring to things also leads speakers of slang to use circumlocutions like knuckle sandwich for "punch.” Parental units falls into this category. It plays on the jargon of bureaucrats and social science, in which the world is viewed as so much data waiting to be quantified. The appearance of terms such as rents and parental units also shows that all available styles and levels of language can be grist for slang's mill—so long as the material is perceived as irreverent, funny, or just plain cool. 年轻人谈论他们的rents (即父母)时,即使肯定不会令他们的父母感到兴奋,他们却使用了一个令语言历史学家很感兴趣的俚语。Rents是俚语一个基本特色的典范,这一基本特色就是不断创造新颖词汇来表示通常极为普通的事物(如果父母会被认为是普通事物的话)。最近俚语中产生了两个"父(母)亲"的词语并被普遍使用── rents 和 parental units 。这两个词语表明俚语用不同寻常的或创造性的语言工具来获取表达上的新颖。虽然因省略非重读音节产生了许多俚语词汇,如用 bod 指body、用 rad 指radical,但 rents 却是省略重读音节后的部分,非常类似相近词汇 za "pizza(比萨饼)"。期望创造指代事物的新词也使得满口俚语的人运用赘语,如用 knuckle sandwich 指"punch(用拳击)"。 Parental units 也属于赘语的范围。它用作官僚主义者的行话以及科学术语,因为对于官僚主义者和科学工作者来讲世界就是等待量化的大量数据。诸如 rents 和 parental units 这些俚语的出现也表明语言现有的全部风格和水平都是俚语的有益补充──只要认为内容是不敬的、有趣的或者纯粹扮酷的 〔queue〕A line of waiting people or vehicles.行列:排队等待的人或车辆〔hold〕To wait for something wanted or requested, especially to keep a telephone connection open.稍待:尤指不挂上电话以等待想要的或要求的事物〔sweat〕To await (something) anxiously:焦急地等待(某物):〔eternity〕waited in the dentist's office for an eternity.在牙医的办公室里无休止的等待〔lay〕To be waiting to attack:等待进行攻击:〔slug〕To wait for or obtain a ride to work by standing at a roadside hoping to be picked up by a driver who needs another passenger to use the HOV lanes of a highway.等搭便车,等共乘车:希望能搭上便车而站在路边,等待需要另一位乘客以便使用公路专用车道的司机〔detainer〕A writ authorizing the further detention of a person in custody, pending further action.继续拘留状:继续拘留某人等待进一步审理的文书〔sit〕To be patient and await the next move.耐心等待:耐心地等待下一次行动〔breach〕waiting for the whale to breach.等待鲸跃出水面〔ease〕put the soldiers at ease while waiting for inspection.等待检阅时让士兵们稍息〔lurk〕To lie in wait, as in ambush.潜伏:如在伏击时潜伏等待〔antsy〕The long wait made the children antsy.漫长的等待使孩子们坐立不安起来〔long〕Having a holding of a commodity or security in expectation of a rise in price:囤积居奇的:持有货物或证券等待物价上涨的:〔put〕To persuade to delay further action:设法使…等待:劝说使…拖延下步行动:




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