单词 | 第六 |
释义 | 〔sextile〕from sextus [sixth] * see s(w)eks 源自 sextus [第六] * 参见 s(w)eks 〔sestet〕from sesto [sixth] 源自 sesto [第六] 〔Shavuot〕A feast held on the sixth and seventh days of Sivan in commemoration of the revelation of the Law on Mount Sinai and the celebration of the wheat festival in ancient times. Also called Pentecost 五旬节:在犹太教历第六和第七天进行庆祝的节日,是纪念西奈山上的律法启示,并庆祝古时的麦收节 也作 Pentecost〔major〕Equivalent to the distance between the tonic note and the second or third or sixth or seventh degrees of a major scale or mode:长调的:相当于主音音符与大调的第二或第三或第六和第七度之间的距离的:〔Callisto〕One of the four brightest satellites of Jupiter and the sixth in distance from the planet. Originally sighted by Galileo, it is the largest planetary satellite.卡利斯托卫星:木星最亮的四颗卫星之一,是距木星第六远的卫星。最初为伽利略所发现,它是最大的行星卫星〔siesta〕from Latin sexta (hōra) [sixth (hour), midday] [feminine of] sextus [sixth] * see sext 源自 拉丁语 sexta (hōra) [第六(小时),中午] sextus的阴性词 [第六的] * 参见 sext〔sextillion〕Latin sextus [sixth] * see sextile 拉丁语 sextus [第六] * 参见 sextile〔Juliet〕The satellite of Uranus that is sixth in distance from the planet.朱丽叶星:天王星的卫星,是距天王星第六远的卫星〔vespers〕The sixth of the seven canonical hours.七小时祈祷中的第六小时〔Sistine〕from sextus [sixth] * see sext 源自 sextus [第六] * 参见 sext〔sext〕from Latin sexta (hōra) [sixth (hour)] [feminine of] sextus [sixth] * see s(w)eks 源自 拉丁语 sexta (hōra) [六(小时)] sextus的阴性词 [第六] * 参见 s(w)eks 〔six〕The sixth in a set or sequence.第六:在一组中按顺序数的第六〔bissextile〕sextus [sixth, because the sixth day before the Calends of March (February 24) occurred twice every leap year] * see sext sextus [第六,因为古罗马历三月初一(二月24日)往前推的第六天每一闰年出现两次] * 参见 sext〔sixth〕The ordinal number matching the number six in a series.第六:在一组中与数字六相配的序数〔Saturn〕The sixth planet from the sun and the second largest in the solar system, having a sidereal period of revolution about the sun of 29.5 years at a mean distance of about 1,425,000,000 kilometers (886,000,000 miles), a mean diameter of approximately 119,000 kilometers (74,000 miles), and a mass 95 times that of Earth.土星:距太阳第六远的行星,是太阳系中第二大行星,绕日公转周期29.5年,公转平均半径约1,425,000,000公里(886,000,000英里),平均直径大约119,000公里(74,000英里),质量是地球的95倍〔Virgo〕The sixth sign of the zodiac in astrology. Also called Virgin 室女宫:天文学上的黄首宫的第六宫 也作 Virgin〔sestina〕from sesto [sixth] 源自 sesto [第六] 〔Mimas〕The satellite of Saturn that is sixth in distance from the planet.土卫一:距离土星第六远的土星卫星 |
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