单词 | 穆斯林 |
释义 | 〔Medina〕A city of western Saudi Arabia north of Mecca. Mohammed lived here after fleeing from Mecca in 622. The Mosque of the Prophet, containing Mohammed's tomb, is a holy site for Moslem pilgrims. Population, 290,000.麦地那:沙特阿拉伯西部一城市,位于麦加以北。穆罕默德自622年逃离麦加后就住在这儿。建有穆罕默德陵墓。穆罕默德清真寺是穆斯林教徒朝寺的圣地。人口290,000〔crusade〕Often Crusade Any of the military expeditions undertaken by European Christians in the 11th, 12th, and 13th centuries to recover the Holy Land from the Moslems. 常作 Crusade 十字军远征:在11、12或13世纪欧洲的基督教徒为了从穆斯林手中收复圣地而发动的军事远征〔marabout〕A Moslem hermit or saint, especially in northern Africa.穆斯林隐士或圣徒,尤指生活在非洲北部〔Sind〕A historical region of southern Pakistan along the lower Indus River. Inhabited since prehistoric times, it was held by Moslem dynasties from the 11th century until 1843, when it was annexed to British India. Sind became part of Pakistan in 1947.信德:巴基斯坦南部一历史性地区,位于印度河下游沿岸,史前就有人在此居住,从11世纪到1843年前一直被穆斯林王朝所统治,1843年并入英属印度1947年信德成为巴基斯坦的一部份〔Hui〕A member of a Moslem people of northwest China, descended chiefly from the Han and an important minority of the Chinese population; a Chinese Moslem.回族:中国西北部穆斯林族成员,主要是汉族的后代,并且是中华民族一个很重要的少数民族;中国穆斯林〔dahabeah〕from Dahabīy [golden, the Golden One, name of the gilded barge of the Moslem rulers of Egypt] 源自 Dahabīy [金黄色的,金黄色号,埃及穆斯林王公乘坐的镀金大游艇的名字] 〔djellaba〕A long, loose, hooded garment with full sleeves, worn especially in Moslem countries.穆斯林斗篷:长大、宽松、有长袖且带头罩的斗篷,尤见于穆斯林国家〔ihram〕The sacred dress of Moslem pilgrims, consisting of two lengths of white cotton, one wrapped around the loins, the other thrown over the left shoulder.戒衣:穆斯林教徒朝圣时的服装,由两条白色的棉花带织成,一条围在腰部,另一条搭在左肩〔Tyre〕An ancient Phoenician city on the eastern Mediterranean Sea in present-day southern Lebanon. The capital of Phoenicia after the 11th centuryb.c. , it was a flourishing commercial center noted for its purple dyestuffs and rich, silken clothing. Tyre was besieged and captured by Alexander the Great in 332 b.c. and was finally destroyed by Moslems in a.d. 1291. 蒂尔:一个古代腓基尼的首都,位于今在的黎巴嫩南部地中海东部。公元前 11世纪后是一个繁荣的商业中心,以其紫色染料和华丽丝织品而著称。亚历山大大帝于 公元前 332年所围并占攻了蒂尔,蒂尔最终于 公元 1291年被穆斯林毁掉 〔circumcision〕A religious ceremony, as in the Jewish or Moslem faith, in which someone is circumcised.行割礼:犹太教和穆斯林教的宗教仪式,在仪式里进行割包皮活动〔azan〕The Moslem summons to prayer, called by the muezzin from a minaret of a mosque five times a day.祈祷召唤,叫拜:穆斯林对祈祷者的召唤,由报呼祷告时刻的人从清真寺伊斯兰教尖塔上每天呼唤5次〔Moor〕A member of a Moslem people of mixed Berber and Arab descent, now living chiefly in northwest Africa.摩尔人:一群由柏柏尔人和阿拉伯人后裔混合组成的穆斯林人,现在主要居住于非洲西北部〔mosque〕A Moslem house of worship.清真寺院:穆斯林教徒进行圣拜的地方〔haj〕A pilgrimage to Mecca during Dhu’l Hijja, made as an objective of the religious life of a Moslem.朝圣:在回历十二月期间去麦加朝觐,这是穆斯林宗教生活的一个人生目标〔ihram〕The sacred state of Moslem pilgrims in wearing this dress, during which time they practice great self-denial.受戒:穆斯林教徒朝圣时穿上这种衣服所处的神圣状态,在此期间他们必须进行严格的修行〔Mogul〕A member of the Moslem dynasty founded by Baber that ruled India until 1857.蒙兀儿王朝的一员:由巴卑尔建立的、统治印度直到1857年的穆斯林王朝的一员〔Jerusalem〕The capital of Israel, in the east-central part of the country in the West Bank. Of immense religious and historical importance, the city was occupied as far back as the fourth millenniumb.c. and became the capital of King David c. 1000 b.c. Destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar in the sixth century b.c. , it was later ruled by Greeks, Romans, Persians, Arabs, Crusaders, and Turks and by Great Britain under a League of Nations mandate. Israeli forces took control of the city in 1967. Jerusalem is considered a holy city to Jews, Moslems, and Christians. Population, 446,500. 耶路撒冷:以色列的首都,位于西岸上该国中东部。该城在宗教上和历史上极大的重要性可以追溯到公元前 4000年, 公元前 1000年成为大卫王国的首都。于 公元前 6世纪被尼布甲尼撒毁灭。后被希腊人、罗马人、波斯人、阿拉伯人、十字军和土耳其统治过,最后受国际联盟的托管国英国控制。以色列军队在1967年控制该城。耶路撒冷是犹太教、穆斯林和基督教的圣地。人口446,500 〔Rajab〕The seventh month of the year in the Moslem calendar. See table at calendar 七月:穆斯林日历的第七个月 参见 calendar〔Sogdian〕Of or relating to an ancient Iranian people whose homeland was in the area around Samarkand and who had established settlements throughout Chinese Turkistan before the advent of Islam.索特人的:原居住于撒马尔干地区古伊朗人的或是与其相关的,他们在穆斯林来到之前便已遍布突厥地区〔ghazi〕Often used as a title for such a warrior.回教勇士,穆斯林英雄:经常被用来作为这种勇士的头衔〔ghoul〕An evil spirit or demon in Moslem folklore believed to plunder graves and feed on corpses.食尸鬼:穆斯林教传说中一种邪恶的灵魂或魔鬼,他们盗掘坟墓并吃死尸〔Tuareg〕A member of a Moslem, Berber-speaking people inhabiting the western and central Sahara and western Sahel of northwest Africa.柏柏尔人:说柏柏尔语的穆斯林民族的一支,居住在撒哈拉西部和中部以及非洲西北的西撒黑尔〔Damascus〕The capital and largest city of Syria, in the southwest part of the country. Inhabited since prehistoric times, the city became a thriving commercial center under the Romans and was a Saracen stronghold during the Crusades. Population, 1,259,000.大马士革:叙利亚的首都和最大城市,位于叙利亚西南部。史前时代就有人居住,在罗马统治时成为繁华的商业中心,在十字军东征期间是穆斯林的大本营。人口1,259,000〔Rafsanjani〕Iranian religious and political leader who served as president from 1989 to 1997. A founding member of the Islamic Republican Party, he sought to improve Iran's economy and its relations with the West.拉夫桑贾尼,阿里.雅克布.哈什米:伊朗宗教与政治领袖,1989年至1997年任总统。作为穆斯林共和党的创始成员,他谋求改善伊朗的经济及其与西方的关系〔begum〕A Moslem woman of rank.王后,公主,贵妇:指穆斯林贵族妇女〔Moro〕A member of any of the predominantly Moslem Malay tribes of the southern Philippines.摩洛人:在南部菲律宾的主要的穆斯林部落中的一员〔Jidda〕A city of west-central Saudi Arabia on the Red Sea. Ruled by the Turks until 1916, Jidda has long been used as a port by Moslem pilgrims making the journey to Mecca. Population, 1,300,000.吉达:沙特阿拉伯中部偏西城市,位于红海沿岸。1916前一直受土耳其统治,吉达长期以来是穆斯林朝圣者通往麦加城的旅行港口。人口1,300,000〔Jat〕A member of a peasant caste residing in the Punjab and other areas of northern India and Pakistan, comprising Moslem, Hindu, and Sikh groups.贾特人:居住在旁遮普平原、印度和巴基斯坦北部地区的由穆斯林、印度教和锡克教徒组成的农民阶层〔jihad〕A Moslem holy war or spiritual struggle against infidels.圣战:穆斯林反对异教徒的圣战或神圣斗争〔Qom〕A city of west-central Iran south-southwest of Tehran. It has been a Shiite Moslem center since early Islamic times and a pilgrimage site since the 17th century. Population, 424,000.库姆:伊朗中西部一城市,位于德黑兰西南偏南。从早期的穆斯林时代起,它就是什叶派穆斯林的中心,从17世纪起成为朝圣胜地。人口424,000〔Kanuri〕A member of a Moslem people in the Bornu region west of Lake Chad in northeast Nigeria.卡努里人:尼日利亚东北部乍得湖西部博努地区的穆斯林居民中的一员〔Saracen〕A Moslem, especially of the time of the Crusades.穆斯林,尤指十字军东侵时期的穆斯林〔Kaaba〕A Moslem shrine in Mecca toward which the faithful turn to pray.天房:麦加的穆斯林神殿,虔诚的穆斯林教徒向它祈祷〔Safar〕The second month of the year in the Moslem calendar. See table at calendar 回历二月:穆斯林历法中一年的第二个月 参见 calendar〔Abkhaz〕A member of the predominant, traditionally Muslim or Orthodox Christian ethnic group of Abkhazia.阿伯卡茨人:阿伯卡茨民族中占优势且传统上为穆斯林或东正基督教的一员〔Abbasside〕An Arabic dynasty (750-1258) that expanded the Moslem empire. It was named for al-Abbas (566?-652), paternal uncle of the prophet Mohammed.阿拔斯王朝:一阿拉伯王朝(750-1258年),它使穆斯林帝国得以扩大。得名于先知穆罕默德的叔父阿拔斯(566?-652年)〔dervish〕A member of any of various Moslem ascetic orders, some of which perform whirling dances and vigorous chanting as acts of ecstatic devotion.(穆斯林)狂舞托钵僧,苦行僧:穆斯林禁欲僧侣,他们常以旋转的舞蹈和大声交谈表示其对宗教的狂热的虔诚〔taj〕A tall conical cap worn by Moslems as a headdress of distinction.锥形高帽:穆斯林教徒所戴的一种圆锥形高帽,作为表示地位的头饰〔Maharashtra〕A historical region of west-central India. It was controlled by the Moslem rulers of India from the early 14th to the mid-17th century and incorporated by the British into the province of Bombay in the 19th century. The Marathi-speaking section of the region became a separate state in 1960.马哈拉施特拉邦:印度历史上中西部的一个地区。从14世纪早期到17世纪中期由印度的穆斯林统治者控制,到19世纪被英国人并入孟买省。说马拉地语的那部分地区在1960年成为一个独立的邦〔Chechen〕A member of the predominant, traditionally Muslim ethnic group of Chechnya.车臣穆斯林份子:车臣主要传统穆斯林势力族群团体的成员 |
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