单词 | 稳定 |
释义 | 〔splitsville〕a rocky relationship headed for splitsville.避免造成仳离的稳定关系〔Calder〕American sculptor who created the mobile in Paris in the early 1930's and also produced immobile abstract sculptures known as stabiles.考尔德,亚历山大:(1898-1976) 美国雕塑家,三十年代早期在巴黎创造了活动雕塑,并且创立了固定的抽象雕塑,即众所周知的稳定风格〔stabile〕Immobile; unchangeable; stable.固定的;不变的;稳定的〔enphytotic〕Of or relating to a plant disease that causes a relatively constant amount of damage each year.植物恒定流行病的:植物恒定流行病的,或与引起每年相当稳定数量损害的植物疾病相关的〔volt〕The International System unit of electric potential and electromotive force, equal to the difference of electric potential between two points on a conducting wire carrying a constant current of one ampere when the power dissipated between the points is one watt. See table at measurement 伏特:电势和电动势的国际系统单位,等于当两点间电力为一瓦特时一根导线传导一安培稳定电流两点间的电势之差 参见 measurement〔uncertain〕Unsteady; fitful:不稳定的;不定的:〔proton〕A stable, positively charged subatomic particle in the baryon family having a mass 1,836 times that of the electron. See table at subatomic particle 质子:重子族群中一种稳定的带正电的中子核,质量为电子的1,836倍 参见 subatomic particle〔firm〕Stock prices are still firm.证券价格仍都很稳定〔oscillate〕To swing back and forth with a steady, uninterrupted rhythm.持续周期性地摆动:以稳定的、不间断的节奏来回摇摆〔dodgy〕Unsound, unstable, and unreliable.不可靠的:不合理的,不稳定的和不可靠的〔poise〕A state of balance or equilibrium; stability.See Synonyms at balance 平衡或均势的状态;稳定 参见 balance〔unsure〕Precarious; unstable; unreliable.不稳定的,不固定的;不可信任的;不可靠的〔temperamental〕a temperamental motor.一台性能不稳定的马达〔stream〕A steady current of a fluid.流:液体稳定的流动〔draw〕To receive on a regular basis or at a specified time:定期支领:稳定地或定期地接受:〔ballast〕To stabilize or provide with ballast.用压载物来稳定或支撑〔kaon〕An unstable meson produced either in an electrically charged form with a mass 966 times that of an electron or in a neutral form with a mass 974 times that of an electron as a result of a high-energy particle collision. Also called K-meson See table at subatomic particle K介子:一种不稳定的介子,由于高能粒子碰撞,在带电结构中产生,其质量为一个电子的966倍;或在不带电的结构中产生,其质量为一个电子的974倍 也作 K-meson 参见 subatomic particle〔burn〕The fire settled down to a steady burn.大火被控制到一个稳定的状况〔Cecil〕English statesman who helped secure the throne for James I after the death of Elizabeth I (1603).塞西尔,罗伯特:(1563?-1612) 英国政治家,伊丽莎白一世去世(1603年)后帮助詹姆斯一世稳定王位〔corrode〕To impair steadily; deteriorate:削弱:稳定地削弱;变坏:〔phthalocyanine〕Any of several stable, light-fast, blue or green organic pigments derived from the basic compound (C6H 4C 2N) 4N 4 and used in enamels, printing inks, linoleum, and plastics. 酞菁染料,苯二甲蓝染料,酞化青染料:从碱化合物(C6H 4C 2N) 4N 4中提取的一种稳定的、耐光的蓝色或绿色有机涂料,用于瓷漆、印刷油墨、漆布和塑料制品中 〔vane〕One of the metal guidance or stabilizing fins attached to the tail of a bomb or other missile.舵:装在火弹或其他导弹尾部的金属导向器或稳定钉之一〔thrive〕To make steady progress; prosper.繁荣稳定地发展;繁荣〔settle〕To begin living a stable and orderly life:安顿下来:过稳定有序的生活:〔age〕To change (the characteristics of a device) through use, especially to stabilize (an electronic device).使稳定:通过使用来改变(一件器材的特征),尤其是使(一件电器)稳定〔swing〕Oscillate refers to steady, uninterrupted back-and-forth motion, as that of a pendulum;in an extended sense it denotes vacillation, as between conflicting purposes: Oscillate 指钟摆式的稳定而连续的前后运动;广义地表示在冲突性目标之间的徘徊: 〔march〕Advancing steadily; progressing:稳定地前进的;行进的:〔emotion〕A state of mental agitation or disturbance:激动:心智激动或不稳定的状态:〔Schacht〕German banker. As director of the national bank (1923-1930 and 1933-1939) he stabilized the currency and curtailed the inflation that had plagued Germany since World War I.沙赫特,(贺拉斯·格里利)雅尔玛:(1877-1970) 德国银行家,作为国家银行(1923-1930及1933-1939年)的总裁,他稳定了货币并控制住了自第一次世界大战以来困扰德国的通货膨胀〔fix〕To put into a stable or unalterable form:定型,使深植:进入一种稳定或无法改变的形式:〔who〕The traditional rules that determine the use ofwho and whom are relatively simple: who is used for a grammatical subject, where a nominative pronoun such as I or he would be appropriate, andwhom is used elsewhere. Thus, we writeThe actor who played Hamlet was there, sincewho stands for the subject of played Hamlet; andWho do you think is the best candidate? where who stands for the subject of is the best candidate. But we writeTo whom did you give the letter? sincewhom is the object of the preposition to; andThe man whom the papers criticized did not show up, sincewhom is the object of the verb criticized. ? Considerable effort and attention are required to apply the rules correctly in complicated sentences.To produce correctly a sentence such asI met the man whom the government had tried to get France to extradite, we must anticipate when we writewhom that it will function as the object of the verb extradite, several clauses distant from it.It is thus not surprising that writers from Shakespeare onward should often have interchangedwho and whom. And though the distinction shows no signs of disappearing in formal style,strict adherence to the rules in informal discourse might be taken as evidence that the speaker or writer is paying undue attention to the form of what is said, possibly at the expense of its substance.In speech and informal writingwho tends to predominate over whom; a sentence such asWho did John say he was going to support? will be regarded as quite natural, if strictly incorrect. By contrast, the use ofwhom where who would be required, as inWhom shall I say is calling? may be thought to betray a certain linguistic insecurity. ? When the relative pronoun stands for the object of a preposition that ends a sentence,whom is technically the correct form: the strict grammarian will insist onWhom (not who ) did you give it to? But grammarians since Noah Webster have argued that the excessive formality ofwhom in these cases is at odds with the relative informality associated with the practice of placing the preposition in final position and that the use of who in these cases should be regarded as entirely acceptable. ? The relative pronounwho may be used in restrictive relative clauses, in which case it is not preceded by a comma, or in nonrestrictive clauses, in which case a comma is required.Thus, we may say eitherThe scientist who discovers a cure for cancer will be immortalized, where the clausewho discovers a cure for cancer indicates which scientist will be immortalized, orThe mathematician over there, who solved the four-color theorem, is widely known, where the clausewho solved the four-color theorem adds information about a person already identified by the phrase the mathematician over there. ? Some grammarians have argued that onlywho and not that should be used to introduce a restrictive relative clause that identifies a person. This restriction has no basis either in logic or in the usage of the best writers;it is entirely acceptable to write eitherthe man that wanted to talk to you or the man who wanted to talk to you. ? The grammatical rules governing the use ofwho and whom apply equally to whoever and whomever. See Usage Note at else ,that ,whose 确定用法的传统规则who 和 whom 相对简单: who 语法上用作主语,同 I 或 he 等主格代词的位置相同, 而whom 用于别处。 这样,我们写The actor who played Hamlet was there (演哈姆雷特的演员在那边), 因此who 代表的是 played Hamlet 的主语。 在句子Who do you think is the best candidate? (你认为谁是最好的候选人?)中 who 代表 is the best candidate 的主语。 但是我们说To whom did you give the letter? (你把信给谁了?), 因为whom 是介词 to 的宾语; 在句子The man whom the papers criticized did not show up, (报纸上批评的那个人没有来), 因为whom 是动词 criticized 的宾语 。在复杂的句子里,正确应用这些规则需要相当的努力和注意。正确地造出如I met the man whom the government had tried to get France to extradite (我遇到了政府曾努力让法国引渡的那个人)这样的句子, 在写whom 之前我们必须预知它将作动词 extradite 的宾语, 尽管两个词离得很远。这也就难怪自莎士比亚以来的作家经常把who 和 whom 交换使用了。 尽管在正式文体中两者区别仍然存在,但如果在非正式的交谈中严格地遵守这些规则会被认为说话者或作者可能不顾内容而过分注视说话的形式。在口语和非正式书面语中,who 趋向于代替 whom; 人们会认为象Who did John say he was going to support? (约翰说他将支持谁?)这样句子很自然,尽管严格来说它是不正确的。 相反,在应该用who 的地方用 whom 则显出一种语言上的不稳定, 如Whom shall I say is calling? (我说是谁在打电话?)。 当关系代词替代句尾的介词宾语时,whom 在理论上是正确的形势: 严格的语法坚持Whom (而不是 who ) did you give it to?(你把它给谁了?) 但从诺·韦伯斯特以来的语法学家认为whom 在这种情况下过分正式,而把介词放在句尾相对来说又不正式,这就有了矛盾,所以在这种情况下用 who 完全可以接受。 关系代词who 可以用在限定关系从句中,前面不要加逗号, 也可用在非限定关系从句中,则需要加逗号。所以我们既可以说The scientist who discovers a cure for cancer will be immortalized (发现治愈癌症的方法的科学家将会因此而不朽), 在此处从句who discovers a cure for cancer 指这样的科学家将会不朽, 也可以说The mathematician over there, who solved the four-color theorem, is widely known (在那边的数学家非常出名,他解决了四色定理), 从句who solved the four-color theorem 给已经由短语 the mathematician over there 确定了的人增加了一些有关他的信息。 有些语法学家认为只有who 而不是 that 可以连接表示人的限定性关系从句。 这种限制在逻辑上没有根据,在最优秀作家的用法中也未有根据;无论说the man that wanted to talk to you (想要跟你说话的那个人)或 the man who wanted to talk to you 都是完全可以接受的。 有关who 和 whom 的语法规则同样适用于 whoever 和 whomever 参见 else,that,whose〔disequilibrium〕Loss or lack of stability or equilibrium.不平衡,失调:失去或缺少稳定或平衡〔glow〕To shine brightly and steadily, especially without a flame:发光:发出明亮而稳定的光,尤指无焰的光:〔temperamental〕Likely to perform unpredictably; undependable:性能不稳定的:其表现有不可预测的可能的;不可靠的:〔shake〕To be unsteady; totter or waver.不稳,摇摆:不稳定;摇动或摇曳〔carborane〕Any of a class of stable compounds containing carbon, hydrogen, and boron.碳硼烷:一种含碳、氢和硼的稳定化合物〔stable〕Resistant to change of position or condition; steadfast.稳定的:保持位置或状态不变化的;稳固的〔stream〕A steady current in such a flow of water.这样水流的稳定的水流〔staple〕Produced or stocked in large quantities to meet steady demand:经常需要的:大量生产或贮存以满足稳定的需求的:〔antithesis〕A figure of speech in which sharply contrasting ideas are juxtaposed in a balanced or parallel phrase or grammatical structure, as in对偶:一种将强烈对立的想法并列于稳定、对等的短语或语法结构中的修辞方法,如在: |
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