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单词 科学
释义 〔forestry〕The science and art of cultivating, maintaining, and developing forests.森林学:有关耕种、养护和发展森林的科学和艺术〔anatomy〕The science of the shape and structure of organisms and their parts.解剖学:研究有机物及组成部分形状和结构的科学〔politician〕One who is skilled or experienced in the science or administration of government.政治家:在政府的科学或管理上老练的或有经验的人〔impinge〕"One of a democratic government's continuing challenges is finding a way to protect . . . secrets without impinging the liberties that democracy exists to protect"(Christian Science Monitor)“民主政府的不断挑战是要找到一条途径,以在不侵害受民主保护的自由的情况下保护…机密”(基督教科学箴言报)〔lean〕"Company leaders know their industries must be lean to survive"(Christian Science Monitor)“公司首脑们知道他们必须节俭才能维持事业”(基督教科学箴言报)〔pharmaceutics〕(used with a sing. verb)The science of preparing and dispensing drugs.(与单数动词连用)制药学,药剂学:制药和配药的科学〔empiricism〕Employment of empirical methods, as in science.经验方法的运用,例如在科学〔science〕The observation, identification, description, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation of phenomena.科学:对现象进行观察、认知、描述、实验性的研究及理论上的解释〔astronomy〕The scientific study of matter in outer space, especially the positions, dimensions, distribution, motion, composition, energy, and evolution of celestial bodies and phenomena.天文学:外层空间事物的科学研究,尤指天体及天文现象的位置、大小、分布、运动、构成、能量及演化的科学〔telekinesis〕The movement of objects by scientifically inexplicable means, as by the exercise of an occult power.心灵遥感:以科学无法解释的方式使物体运动,如通过超自然力量的运用〔scientist〕A person having expert knowledge of one or more sciences, especially a natural or physical science.科学家:在一门或多门科学中有专家知识的人,尤指在自然或物理科学〔agriculture〕The science, art, and business of cultivating the soil, producing crops, and raising livestock; farming.农艺;农业:关于耕地、生产农作物和饲养牲畜的科学、工艺和行业;农业〔fideism〕Reliance on faith alone rather than scientific reasoning or philosophy in questions of religion.信仰主义:只信赖信仰而不相信科学的推理方法或对信仰提出质疑的哲学〔Stetson〕American religious leader who founded the first Christian Science congregation in New York City (1888).斯泰森,奥古斯塔·爱玛·西蒙斯:(1842-1928) 美国宗教领袖,他在纽约建立了第一个基督教科学会(1888年)〔application〕the application of science to industry.在工业上对科学的应用〔futurology〕The study or forecasting of potential developments, as in science, technology, and society, using current conditions and trends as a point of departure.未来学:一门以当前状况和趋势为出发点,对如科学、技术和社会潜在的发展作出预测或研究的学科〔conscionable〕"Ignoring[disadvantaged minorities] is no more conscionable today than it was in the riot-scorched America of 20 years ago" (Christian Science Monitor)“现在对下层少数民族 的忽视情况并不比20年前动乱纷起时的美国好” (基督教科学箴言报)〔mathematical〕from mathēma mathēmat- [science, learning] 源自 mathēma mathēmat- [科学,知识] 〔Ayurveda〕The ancient Hindu science of health and medicine.古印度健康及医药科学〔aquaculture〕The science, art, and business of cultivating marine or freshwater food fish or shellfish, such as oysters, clams, salmon, and trout, under controlled conditions.水产养殖:在控制条件下,科学、艺术及商业性培植海水或淡水食用鱼或介壳类,如牡蛎、蛤、鲑及鳟鱼〔ALGOL〕An algebraic computer language for solving primarily mathematical and scientific problems using algorithms.算法语言:一种使用算法来解决首要的数学和科学问题的代数计算机语言〔kosher〕"consolidating noneditorial functions of the papers, which is kosher"(Christian Science Monitor)“加强报纸除评论以外的其它职能,这是合法的”(基督教科学箴言报)〔Draper〕British-born American chemist and historian noted for contributions to the fields of photography and telegraphy. His historical works includeHistory of the Conflict between Religion and Science (1874). 德雷珀,约翰·威廉:(1811-1882) 英裔美籍化学家与历史学家,因其在摄影技术及电报技术领域的贡献而著名。其历史著作包括《宗教与科学冲突的历史》 (1874年) 〔ethnology〕The branch of anthropology that deals with the origin, distribution, and characteristics of the races of humankind.人种学:是人类学中研究各人种的起源、分布和各自特征的分支科学〔telecommunication〕Often telecommunications (used with a sing. verb)The science and technology of communication at a distance by electronic transmission of impulses, as by telegraph, cable, telephone, radio, or television: 常作 telecommunications (与单数动词连用)电信学:通过发射电报、电缆、电话、无线电、或电视等电脉冲进行远距离通讯的科学和技术:〔Huxley〕British biologist who championed Darwin's theory of evolution. His works includeZoological Evidences as to Man's Place in Nature (1863) and Science and Culture (1881). 赫胥黎,托马斯·亨利:(1825-1895) 英国生物学家,达尔文进化论的支持者。他的著作包括《动物学中人类在自然中地位的证明》 (1863年)和 《科学与文化》 (1881年) 〔Noyes〕British poet whose works, traditional in style, concern nature and science, English history, and his conversion to Catholicism.诺伊斯,艾尔弗雷德:(1880-1958) 英国诗人,其作品具有传统风格,内容涉及自然与科学,英国历史和他的对天主教的皈依〔rejig〕"a series of measures to . . . rejig the monetary system"(Christian Science Monitor)“重新调整货币体系…的一系列的措施”(基督教科学箴言报)〔technology〕The application of science, especially to industrial or commercial objectives.技术:科学的应用,尤指为了工业或商业的目的〔Frazer〕British anthropologist who examined the importance of magic, religion, and science to the development of human thought in his most famous work,The Golden Bough (1890). 弗雷泽,詹姆斯·乔治:(1854-1941) 英国人类学家,在其最著名的作品《金枝》 (1890年)中研究了巫术、宗教和科学对于人类思想发展的重要性 〔logic〕The study of the principles of reasoning, especially of the structure of propositions as distinguished from their content and of method and validity in deductive reasoning.逻辑:一门研究推理规律的科学,尤其是研究命题中区别于内容的结构和演绎推理中的方法和有效性〔sedimentology〕The science that deals with the description, classification, and origin of sedimentary rock.沉积学:研究沉积岩的记述、分类和来源的科学〔privatize〕"The strike . . . was called to protest the . . . government's plans to break up and privatize the deficit-ridden national railway system"(Christian Science Monitor)See Usage Note at -ize “号召罢工…是为了抗议…政府解散受赤字苦的国家铁路系统而将其私有化的计划”(基督教科学箴言报) 参见 -ize〔pike〕"a policy . . . allowing for little flexibility if an important new singer comes down the pike"(Christian Science Monitor)“一种…给显露头角的重要歌手很少灵活性的政策”(基督教科学箴言报)〔votary〕"the cultured votary of science" (Francis Marion Crawford). “有修养的科学信徒” (弗朗西丝·玛利昂·克劳弗德)。 〔economics〕"Economics are slowly killing the family farm"(Christian Science Monitor)“经济情况正在使家庭农场慢慢解体”(基督教科学箴言报)〔dampen〕"trade moves . . . aimed at dampening protectionist pressures in Congress"(Christian Science Monitor)“贸易流动…目的在于抑制贸易保护主义在议会中形成的压力”(基督教科学箴言报)〔Comte〕French philosopher known as the founder of positivism. He also established sociology as a systematic study.康德,(伊西多尔)奥古斯特(玛丽·弗朗索瓦):(1798-1857) 法国哲学家,以实证主义创始人闻名。他还使社会学成为系统的科学〔active〕"a vigorous crusader against apartheid and government press restrictions" (Christian Science Monitor).强烈“反对种族歧视和政府新闻限制的社会运动者” (基督教科学箴言报)。〔Mafia〕“[He] is one of the personal mafia that [the chancellor] brought with him to Bonn" (Christian Science Monitor)“[他] 是 [总理] 带到波恩去的同僚之一” (基督教科学箴言报)




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