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单词 种类
释义 〔muskmelon〕Any of several varieties of the melonCucumis melo, such as the cantaloupe, having fruit characterized by a netted rind and edible flesh with a musky aroma. 香瓜:一种香瓜属 甜瓜种类,如罗马甜瓜,果实有网纹、可食用并且有麝香香味 〔proteinoid〕A proteinlike polypeptide formed abiotically from amino acid mixtures in the presence of heat, thought to resemble early evolutionary forms of protein.类蛋白质:一种类似蛋白质的多肽,由氨基酸混合物受热后以无生命的形式形成,人们认为它类似于蛋白质进化过程中的早期阶段〔debut〕These usages are well established in connection with entertainment and the performing artsbut are not entirely acceptable when used of other sorts of introductions,as of products ( 这些用法在与娱乐和表演艺术相关时,已被认可;但被用作其它种类的介绍时没有被完全接受,如对产品的介绍( 〔swallow〕Any of various similar birds, such as a swift.各种类似的鸟,如褐雨燕〔sansevieria〕New Latin Sanseveria [genus name] 新拉丁语 Sanseveria [种类名] 〔breathed〕Having breath of a specified kind. Often used in combination:有…气息的:有特定种类气息的,常用于复合词:〔what〕Which kind, character, or designation:什么:什么种类特性或名称:〔troilite〕A nonmagnetic variety of the mineral pyrrhotite, FeS, present in almost all meteorites and having almost no ferrous iron deficiency.无磁黄铁矿:磁黄铁矿石的无磁性种类,FeS,存在于所有的陨石中且几乎不含铁质〔putdown〕"The comedy fodder ranged from putdowns of British Royalty to . . . Sophie Tuckerisms"(Variety)“喜剧系列范围涉及了从对英国王室的模仿到…索非式衣领”(种类)〔break〕To be separable or classifiable into categories, as data.可分开归入各种类别,如数据〔cuckoo〕A grayish European bird(Cuculus canorus) that has a characteristic two-note call and lays its eggs in the nests of birds of other species. 杜鹃:一种产于欧洲的浅灰色鸟(杜鹃属 大杜鹃) ,其特征是能发出双音节的叫声并把蛋产于其它种类的鸟巢中 〔orris〕Any of several species of iris having a fragrant rootstock, especially a variety of the hybridIris germanica. 鸢尾科植物:一种鸢尾种类植物,有芳香的根状茎,尤指德国鸢尾 的杂交变种 〔wear〕Clothing, especially of a particular kind or for a particular use. Often used in combination:穿戴物:衣物,尤指特殊种类或特殊用处的。常用于复合词中:〔white〕A white breed, species, or variety of animal.白种人,白色动物:白种人、白人或动物中的白色种类〔homogeny〕from homogenēs [of the same race, family, kind] * see homogeneous 源自 homogenēs [属于同一种族、科,种类] * 参见 homogeneous〔heterogenous〕Not arising within the body; derived from another individual or species:异源的:不是在体内出现的;来源于另外的个体或种类的:〔sapsucker〕Any of various small American woodpeckers of the genusSphyrapicus that drill holes in certain trees to drink the sap and eat insects in them, especially S. varius, the common species in the eastern United States, and S. thyrsoides, found in the mountain regions of the western United States. 吸汁啄木鸟:任一种产于美国的吸汁啄木鸟属 小型啄木鸟,在特定种类树木上啄洞并吸食其汁液,吃掉其中的昆虫,尤指美国东部常见的 变色亚属 和生活于美国西部山区地带的 聚伞目亚属 鸟 〔ample〕Large in degree, kind, or quantity:丰厚的:程度、种类或数量很大的:〔poststructuralism〕Any of various theories or methods of analysis, including deconstruction and some psychoanalytic theories, that deny the validity of structuralism's method of binary opposition and maintain that meanings and intellectual categories are shifting and unstable.后结构主义:包含解构和一些精神分析学理论在内的各种分析方法或理论,其反对构造主义中二元对立的有效性,主张意义和知识种类是一直变换不定的〔generalize〕To reduce to a general form, class, or law.使一般化:赋予一普遍形式、种类或定律〔strain〕An artificial variety of a domestic animal or cultivated plant.人工培植类:家畜或耕作植物的人工培养种类〔schistosome〕New Latin Schistosoma [genus name] 新拉丁语 Schistosoma [种类名称] 〔folk〕Often folks People of a specified group or kind: 常作 folks 特定的人群:特定群体或种类的人:〔corticosterone〕A corticosteroid, C21H 30O 4, that functions in the metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins. 皮质甾酮:一种类皮质激素,C21H 30O 4,其作用于碳水化合物和蛋白质的新陈代谢 〔balsamroot〕Any of several western North American perennial herbs of the genusBalsamorhiza in the composite family, having radiate heads of yellow flowers. The large roots of some species were used as food by certain Native American peoples. 香胶根:一种北美洲西部多年生菊科香胶根属 草本植物,有黄色的辐射状头形花序。有些种类的庞大根系被某些美国印第安人用作食物 〔quamash〕New Latin [species name] 新拉丁语 [种类名称] 〔natured〕Having a nature or temperament of a specified kind. Often used in combination:性情的:一特定种类的性格或性情。经常用于复合词中:〔toothed〕Having teeth, especially of a certain number or type. Often used in combination:有齿的:具有牙齿的、特指具有一定数量或种类的牙齿的。通常使用于复合词中:〔test〕A hard external covering, as that of certain amoebas, dinoflagellates, and sea urchins.甲壳:特定种类的变形虫、双鞭毛虫和海鞘的外部硬壳〔viewership〕A television audience, especially of a particular kind or extent:电视观众:特别是特定种类或者范围的电视观众,:〔paned〕Having a specified kind or number of panes. Often used in combination:有…面的:有特殊种类或数量的块或侧面。常用于复合词:〔skinned〕Having skin of a specified kind. Often used in combination:有…皮的:生有特定种类皮肤的。经常用在合成词中:〔kind〕from Old English gecynd [race, offspring, kind] * see genə- 源自 古英语 gecynd [人种,子孙,种类] * 参见 genə- 〔cotylosaur〕Any of an extinct order (Cotylosauria) of massive primitive reptiles of the Carboniferous and Permian periods that included the ancestors of all of the reptiles. Also called root reptile Also called stem reptile 杯龙类:任何大的原始爬虫类(杯龙类)的已灭绝种类之一,属于包含所有爬虫类的祖先的石炭纪和二迭纪时代 也作 root reptile 也作 stem reptile〔topper〕One that is exceedingly or surpassingly good of its kind.出类拔萃之人:在所属的种类中极其突出,超过常人的人〔differentia〕An attribute that distinguishes one entity from another, especially an attribute that distinguishes one species from others of the same genus.差异:将一个事物与其它事物区分开的特性,特别是指相同种类的物质区分开的特性〔quartz〕A very hard mineral composed of silica, SiO2, found worldwide in many different types of rocks, including sandstone and granite. Varieties of quartz include agate, chalcedony, chert, flint, opal, and rock crystal. 石英:由硅石组成的一种非常坚硬的矿物质,SiO2,广布世界各地,存在于许多不同种类的岩石中,包括沙岩和花岗岩。石英种类包括玛瑙、玉髓、黑矽石、燧石、蛋白石及水晶 〔poetry〕The poetic works of a given author, group, nation, or kind.诗集:某一特定的作者、群体、国家或种类的诗歌作品〔oligochaete〕Any of various annelid worms of the class Oligochaeta, including the earthworms and a few small freshwater forms.寡毛纲动物:任一寡毛纲环节软体虫,包括蚯蚓和一些小的淡水生物种类〔gerbil〕Any of various small, mouselike rodents of the genusGerbillus and related genera of arid regions of Africa and Asia Minor, having long hind legs and a long tail. 沙鼠:一种沙鼠 属及非洲和小亚细亚干旱地区的相关种类的似鼠的小啮齿动物,有长的后腿及尾部




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