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单词 神话中
释义 〔pixy〕A fairylike or elfin creature, especially one that is mischievous; a playful sprite.小精灵,小淘气:神话中的小精灵,尤指那种很淘气的;小调皮〔uranium〕The element uranium, whose discovery has been so vital to our nuclear age, owes its name to a preceding scientific discovery, that of the planet Uranus.Sir William Herschel, who discovered Uranus in 1781, named the planetGeorgium sidus, "the Georgian planet,” in honor of George III.Some also called itHerschel, but convention prevailed and the planet came to be calledUranus (the form in Modern Latin and English),the name of a heavenly deity like the rest of the planets.Called Uranus in Latin mythology and Ouranos in Greek,this god of the heavens was chosen because he was the father of Saturn (Greek Cronos), the deity of the planet next in line,who was the father of Jupiter (Greek Zeus), the deity of the next planet.The name of this new planet was then used in the name of a new chemical element,uranium, discovered eight years later by M.H. Klaproth. Klaproth, a German scientist, gave it the Latin nameuranium in honor of the discovery of Uranus. Uranium passed into English shortly thereafter, being first recorded in the third edition of theEncyclopedia Britannica, published in 1797. 元素铀的发现对现今的核子时代是至关重要的。它的名称是据在它之前发现的天王星命名的。威廉·赫歇尔爵士于1781年发现了天王星,并起名为Georgium sidus, “乔治的行星”, 用来纪念乔治三世。有人称之为赫歇尔, 但传统的力量更巨大,最终这颗行星被称之为Uranus (现代拉丁文和英语形式),如用其余的行星一样是用天神的名字命名的。在拉丁神话中被称作优拉纳斯神,而在希腊神话中被作优拉诺斯神,之所以选中这个天神因为他是萨图恩(希腊神话中为克洛诺斯)的父亲,而萨图恩是和他临近的行星;他还是朱庇特(希腊神话中的宙斯)的父亲,而宙斯又是下一颗临近的行星。这颗新行星的名字又用来命名一种新发现的化学元素,铀 是由M.H.克拉普罗特八年后发现的。 克拉普罗特这位德国科学家给予它铀 这种拉丁字母是为了纪念 天王星的发现。 Uranium在这之后不久进入英语, 首次出现于1797年出版的大不列颠百科全书 的第三版中 〔afreet〕A powerful evil spirit or gigantic and monstrous demon in Arabic mythology.恶魔:阿拉伯神话中的威力无穷的恶魔,巨大而丑陋的神〔troglodyte〕A member of a fabulous or prehistoric race of people that lived in caves, dens, or holes.史前穴居人:神话中的或史前的居住在洞、穴中的人种中的一个成员〔mythical〕the mythical unicorn.神话中的独角兽〔tragopan〕Latin tragopān [fabulous bird] 拉丁语 tragopān [神话中的鸟] 〔Aladdin〕In theArabian Nights, a boy who acquires a magic lamp and a magic ring with which he can summon two jinn to fulfill any desire. 阿拉丁:在天方夜谭 神话中的一个少年,用获得的神灯和魔术指环召唤两个神怪来实现任何愿望 〔Sigurd〕A warrior hero in Norse myth who wins an accursed hoard of gold, awakens Brynhild from her enchanted sleep, marries a princess, and is slain through Brynhild's jealous contrivance.西格德:挪威神话中的英雄武士,他赢得了一笔受到诅咒的珠宝,使布伦希尔德从受魔力控制的梦境中醒来,后来他娶了一位公主,因布伦希尔德的妒嫉他被谋杀〔heroic〕Of, relating to, or resembling the heroes of literature, legend, or myth.英雄的:文学、传说或神话中的英雄的,类似这样的英雄的〔ogress〕A female giant or monster in legends and fairy tales that eats human beings.吃人女妖:传说或神话中吃人的女巨人或女妖怪〔Niflheim〕The realm of the dead in Norse myth.阴间:北方神话中的阴间世界〔Yggdrasil〕The great ash tree that holds together earth, heaven, and hell by its roots and branches in Norse mythology.乾坤树:北欧神话中以其根部和枝干聚拢土地、天堂和地狱的大桉树〔halcyon〕A fabled bird, identified with the kingfisher, that was supposed to have had the power to calm the wind and the waves while it nested on the sea during the winter solstice.神翠鸟:一种神话中的鸟,人们认为它即是翡翠鸟,据说当它在冬至期间在海上筑巢时,具有平息风浪的力量〔Tiu〕The Germanic god of war and the sky.蒂乌:日耳曼神话中的战争和天空之神〔Dagan〕The Babylonian god of the earth.达甘:巴比伦神话中的大地之神〔giant〕A being in folklore or myth similar to one of these beings.巨人:民间传说或神话中与以上的人种相似的人〔euhemerism〕A theory attributing the origin of the gods to the deification of historical heroes.历史英雄即诸神说:一种认为神话中诸位神祗是源自历史上神化的英雄人物的理论〔Isis〕An ancient Egyptian goddess of fertility, the sister and wife of Osiris.伊希斯:古埃及神话中的生育女神,为奥西里斯的妹妹和妻子〔asphodel〕In Greek poetry and mythology, the flowers of Hades and the dead, sacred to Persephone.常春花:在希腊诗歌和神话中,冥府和死者的花对于珀尔塞福涅是神圣的〔basilisk〕A legendary serpent or dragon with lethal breath and glance.蛇怪:神话中的一种毒蛇或恶龙,它的气息和目光能使人致命〔Wotan〕A German god identified with Odin.沃坦:德国神话中相当于奥丁的神〔Hel〕The Norse underworld of the dead not killed in battle.冥界:北欧神话中非战死者幽灵所去之处〔Eridanus〕Greek Eridanos [mythical river associated with the myth of Phaeton] 希腊语 Eridanos [与非尔顿神话有关的一条神话中的河流] 〔mythical〕Of or existing in myth:神话的:神话的或存在于神话中的:〔Siegfried〕The warrior hero of theNibelungenlied and other Germanic medieval epics, whose story is essentially that of his Norse prototype Sigurd. 齐格弗里德:尼贝龙根之歌 以及其它中世纪日耳曼民族史诗中的英雄武士,其故事从本质上来说同于北欧神话中的原型西格德 〔Hel〕The Norse goddess of death and the underworld; the daughter of Loki.赫尔:北欧神话中的死亡女神和冥界女王;洛基的女儿〔peri〕In Persian mythology, a beautiful and benevolent supernatural being or fairy, earlier regarded as malevolent.妖精:波斯神话中美丽且仁慈的超自然生物或精灵,过去曾被视为魔怪〔Eblis〕The principal evil spirit or devil of Islamic mythology.埃不里斯魔王:伊斯兰神话中的恶魔头或魔鬼〔griffin〕A fabulous beast with the head and wings of an eagle and the body of a lion.狮身鹰首兽:神话中的野兽,有鹰的头和翅膀及狮子的身体〔halcyon〕from Greek halkuōn [a mythical bird, kingfisher] 源自 希腊语 halkuōn [一种神话中的鸟,翡翠鸟] 〔dreamtime〕The time of the creation of the world in the mythology of the Australian aborigines:澳大利亚土著神话中的开天辟地时期:〔Inanna〕The chief Sumerian goddess, associated with fertility, the natural world, and war, and later equated with the Babylonian Ishtar.依南那神:闪族的主要神祇,掌管有关土地的丰饶、自然世界、战争,之后并与巴比伦的伊斯塔(神话中的女神)视为同等〔cockatrice〕Middle English cocatrice [basilisk] 中古英语 cocatrice [神话中的蛇怪] 〔Norn〕Any of the three goddesses of fate in Norse myth.诺恩:北欧神话中命运三女神之一〔George〕Christian martyr and patron of England who, according to legend, slew a fearsome dragon.圣乔治:基督教殉教者及英国的守护神,据神话中说,他杀死了一条可怕的龙〔Trojan〕from Trōs [the mythical founder of Troy] 源自 Trōs [神话中特洛伊的建立者]




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