单词 | 确立 |
释义 | 〔stereotype〕"Regional stereotypes have been part of America since its founding. . . . Westerners are trendy, Midwesterners are dull, Northeasterners are brainy, and Southerners are lazy"(Brad Edmondson)“地区性旧习自从美国确立起就成为它的一部分…西部人时髦,中西部人木讷,东北部人机智,南方人懒惰”(布拉德·埃德蒙森)〔Nacogdoches〕A city of eastern Texas east of Waco. Settled in 1779 on the site of a Spanish mission founded in 1716, it is today a processing and manufacturing center. Population, 30,872.纳科多奇斯:得克萨斯东部一城市,位于韦科的东面,在1716年建立的西班牙布道团的基础上于1779年正式确立,现在是一个加工业和制造业中心。人口30,872〔root〕To become firmly established, settled, or entrenched.使坚固,使固定:被牢固地树立、扎根或确立〔Eliot〕American-born British critic and writer whose poems "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" (1915) andThe Waste Land (1922) established him as a major literary figure. He also wrote dramas, such as Murder in the Cathedral (1935), and works of criticism. He won the 1948 Nobel Prize for literature. 艾略特,托(马斯)·斯(特恩斯):(1888-1965) 美裔英籍批评家与作家,他的诗作“普鲁福佛洛克的情歌”(1915年)和《荒原》 (1922年)确立了他在文坛的重要地位。他也写作短剧,如 《大教堂谋杀案》 (1935年)和作品评论。他获得了1948年诺贝尔文学奖 〔instate〕To establish in office; install.就职:在一职位上确立;就职〔paradise〕Perhaps the supreme example of the semantic process known as melioration is the wordparadise. In tracing this word from its origins to its present status,we see an elevation, or melioration, of meaning that raises the word to new heights.The history begins with the Avestan (the eastern dialect of Old Iranian) wordpairi-daēza-, "enclosure,” made up ofpairi, "around,” and daēza-, "wall.” The Greek military leader and historian Xenophon, who served with Greek mercenaries in Persia,first used the Greek wordparadeisos adopted from the Avestan wordto refer to the Persian kings' and nobles' parks or pleasure grounds.This Greek word extended to mean "garden" or "orchard" was an obvious choice for translators of the Bible into Greekto use both for the Garden of Eden and the Abode of the Blessed, or heaven.The Greek word was adopted into Late Latin and was used much as we might expect in its biblical senses in ecclesiastical Latin (Late Latinparadīsus ). The Old English wordparadis taken from Latin is found, but our word probably really established itself in Middle English (first recorded before 1200),derived both from Latin and from Old French, which had adopted the word from Latin.paradise. 这个词也许能作为词义进化最典型的例子, 从它的起源到现在的地位,我们可以看到词义的进化或改进把这个词带到了一个新的高度。这个历史过程从意为“领地,圈地”的阿维斯陀语(古伊朗人西部方言)pairi-daeza-, 开始, 由意为“环形的”pairi, 和意为“墙”的 daeza-, 组成。 曾随希腊雇佣军到波斯服役的希腊军事将领和历史学家色诺芬,首先使用了希腊语词paradeisos, , 该词采用了阿维斯陀词,指波斯国王和贵族们的花园或游乐场,这个希腊词衍生到表示“花园”或“果园”,显然是译者在把《圣经》翻译成希腊文时所做出的选择,以用来表明伊甸园和天国或天堂,有这两种含义的希腊词被引入后期的拉丁语中且当它们在教会拉丁文(后期拉丁语paradisus )中意为《圣经》方面的意义时被更广泛地使用, 古英语paradis 一词来自拉丁文, 但我们用的这个词可能在中古英语(首次记录在1200年前)中真正确立了起来,人们发现它源于拉丁文和从拉丁文中采纳了这个词的古法语〔Machaut〕French poet and composer influential in establishing polyphonic song in France.马萧,纪尧姆:法国诗人和作曲家,对在法国确立多音歌曲具有影响〔prove〕To establish the truth or validity of by presentation of argument or evidence.证明:通过提示论据或证据来确立真实性或有效性〔habitual〕Established by long use; usual:惯常的:由长久使用而确立的;通常的:〔Cromwell〕English politician who proposed the legislation that established the monarch as head of the established church (1534).克伦威尔,托马斯:(1485?-1540) 英国政治家,主张确立以国王为英国国政首领的立法(1534年)〔Colorado〕A state of the west-central United States. It was admitted as the 38th state in 1876. First explored by the Spanish in the 16th and 17th centuries, the region was added to the United States through the Louisiana Purchase (1803) and a cession by Mexico (1848). The Colorado Territory was organized in 1861. Denver is the capital and the largest city. Population, 3,307,912.科罗拉多州:美国中西部的一个州,1876年被确认为第38个州。于16和17世纪首先被西班牙人探险发现,通过路易斯安那购买(1803年)和墨西哥的割让(1848年)而加入美国版图。科罗拉多的区划正式确立于1861年,丹佛是其首府和最大城市。人口3,307,912〔precedent〕a landmark decision that set a legal precedent.确立了法律判例的里程碑式的决定〔entrench〕To fix firmly or securely:确立,使处于牢固地位:〔habit〕 Custom is either individual or group behavior as established by long practice and especially by accepted conventions: Custom 是指由于长时间的实践;尤其是公认传统确立的个人或群体的一种行为方式: 〔Fulbright〕American politician who as U.S. senator from Arkansas (1945-1975) proposed the Fulbright Act (1946), which established an exchange program for American and foreign educators and students.富布赖特,詹(姆斯)·威廉:(生于 1905) 美国政治家,曾任美国阿肯色州参议员(1945-1975年),于1946年提出富布赖特法案,确立了美国与外国的学者和学生到对方国家交流进修的方案〔barrel〕Abbr. bar.,bbl,bbl.,bl.Any of various units of volume or capacity. In the U.S. Customary System it varies, as a liquid measure, from 31 to 42 gallons (120 to 159 liters) as established by law or usage. See table at measurement 缩写 bar.,bbl,bbl.,bl.一桶液量之单位:许多体积或容量单位的任一个。在美国惯用系统中,它作为液体测量单位,数值在被法规或惯用法确立的数值31加仑到42加仑(120到159升)之间变动 参见 measurement〔unsettled〕Not fixed or established:变动的:不固定的或确立的:〔sneak〕Snuck is an Americanism first introduced in the 19th century as a nonstandard regional variant ofsneaked. But widespread use ofsnuck has become more common with every generation. It is now used by educated speakers in all regions,and there is some evidence to suggest that it is more frequent among younger speakers thansneaked is. Formal written English is naturally and properly more conservative than other varieties, of course,and heresnuck still meets with much resistance. Many writers and editors have a lingering unease about the form,particularly if they recall its nonstandard origins.In fact, our consolidated citations, exhibiting almost 10,000 instances ofsneaked and snuck, indicate thatsneaked is preferred by a factor of 7 to 2. And 67 percent of the Usage Panel disapproves ofsnuck. Nevertheless, in recent yearssnuck has been quietly establishing itself in formal writing. An electronic search of a wide range of reputable publications turns up hundreds of citations forsnuck, not just in sports writingbut in news columns and commentary: Snuck 是一个美国独创词, 19世纪作为sneaked 的不标准的地方变体被首次引入。 在每一代,snuck 这个词都得到了广泛应用。 现在,任何地区受过教育的人都使用它,而且证据显示在年轻的使用者中,它比sneaked 更加常用。 当然,正式的文字英语自然要比其它语体保守一些,在这里,snuck 一词还是受到了排挤。 许多作家和编辑对这个词的形式有一种长久的反感,特别是联系到它不标准的起源。实际上,在我们反复验证过的显示约一万个使用sneaked 和 snuck 的引文中, 表明sneaked 受到青睐的程度为七比二。 用法专题使用小组成员中百分之六十七的人的反对snuck 一词。 但是,最近几年,snuck 在正式文体中也悄悄确立了它的地位。 对一系列著名出版物的电子扫描调查显示出几百处使用snuck 的地方, 而且不光是在体育文章中,在新闻专栏和评论中也有使用: 〔locator〕One that locates, as a person who fixes the boundaries of mining claims.勘探地界者:定位的人,如一个确立矿区申请购买地边界的人〔borderline〕A line that establishes or marks a border.边界线:确立或标志边界的线〔institutionalize〕To make part of a structured and usually well-established system:使机构化:使成为一个组织的,通常确立很好的系统的一部分:〔Clayton〕American public official who as secretary of state (1849-1850) negotiated the Clayton-Bulwer Treaty with Great Britain (1850), establishing the neutrality of a proposed canal across Central America.克莱顿,约翰·米德尔顿:(1796-1856) 美国政府官员,曾任国务卿(1849-1850年),与英国达成克莱顿-布尔沃条约(1850年),确立了穿越中美的运河其中立地位〔Vega〕Spanish playwright whose enormous body of works, includingFuenteovejuna (c. 1619), established the national drama of Spain. Nearly 500 of his more than 2,000 plays are extant. 维加,洛佩·德:(1562-1635) 西班牙剧作家,他的包括《绵羊的产地》 (公元1619年)在内的庞大的作品体系确立了西班牙的民族戏剧。在他的两千多部剧本中,尚存将近五百部 〔superman〕Overman and Beyondman hardly seem likely names for a superhero, but perhapsOverman might be "leaping tall buildings at a single bound" had the German word Übermensch been translated differently than it was. However, Nietzsche's term for the ideal superior man was translated into English assuperman, first recorded in a work by George Bernard Shaw published in 1903. Such a term comes to us through a process called loan translation, or calque formation,whereby the semantic components of a word or phrase in one language are literally translated into their equivalents in another language,GermanÜbermensch, made up of über, "super-,” and Mensch, "man,” thus becoming superman. Becauseüber- can also be translated "beyond" and "over,” we also findoverman and beyondman as calques for the word Übermensch, but they did not take root.Shaw, in a letter written before 1917, noted that"some of our most felicitous writers . . . had been using such desperate and unspeakable forms as Beyondman, when the glib Superman was staring them in the face all the time.”Hence, when it came to naming a new comic strip hero,Superman was the logical choice, a name first recorded in 1938. Overman 和 Beyondman 看上去几乎不象超级英雄的名称, 但是,如果将德语中 Übermensch 这个单词译作不同于原有的译法时,那么,也许 Overman 可能是“纵身一跃就能跃过高楼大厦”。 然而,尼采给予理想超人的名称译成英语为Superman , 这个词最早见于乔治·萧伯纳的出版于1903年的一部作品中。这个词是通过借译而来的,或者说是通过仿造而来的,在以上这样的过程中,一个词或词组的语义成分被直译成另一语言中的与之相对应的成分。德语单词 Übermensch 是由 uber (即英语中"super-”之意)和 Mensch (即英语中"man"之意)组成的,这样的话,此词在英语中就成了 Superman 。 因为 über 也可译为"beyond"和"over", 所以我们发现 躡ermensch 也被借译为 overman 和 beyondman 。 但是,这两个词并没有在英语中确立下来。萧伯纳在写于1917年之前的一封信中说道:“一些措辞最巧妙的英语作家,竟一直使用象Beyondman这种令人绝望而又无法形容的词,却对一直面对面盯着他们的‘Superman’视而不见”。这样,当要命名一个新的连环漫画中的英雄时,Superman 一词就成了理所当然的选择,这个名称首次记录于1938年 |
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