单词 | 硬壳 |
释义 | 〔testaceous〕Having a hard shell or shell-like outer covering:有介壳的:具有一个硬壳或壳状外皮的:〔ostracod〕Any of various minute, chiefly freshwater crustaceans of the subclass Ostracoda, having a bivalve carapace.介形亚纲动物:属介形亚纲的任一种体小的、主要生活于淡水中的甲壳纲动物,长有一对硬壳〔calabash〕A tropical American tree(Crescentia cujete) bearing hard-shelled, gourdlike fruits on the trunk and main branches. Also called calabash tree 炮弹果:美洲的一种热带树木(炮弹果 炮弹果属) ,其树干和主枝条上长带硬壳的、类似于葫芦的果实 也作 calabash tree〔periostracum〕The hard chitinous outer covering of the shell of many mollusks, especially freshwater ones, that protects the shell from the erosive action of water.角质层:许多软体动物,尤指淡水软体动物身体硬壳外包的一层物质,用以防止壳受水的侵蚀作用〔tergite〕A sclerite forming one of the constituents of a tergum.背甲:组成动物背甲几部分之一的一种硬壳〔popcorn〕A variety of corn,Zea mays everta, having hard kernels that burst to form white, irregularly shaped puffs when heated. 爆玉米花:玉米的一种爆花玉米, 具有加热时会爆裂成松软、形状不规则的白色一团的硬壳 〔nutshell〕The shell enclosing the meat of a nut.坚果外壳:包围果果肉的硬壳〔test〕A hard external covering, as that of certain amoebas, dinoflagellates, and sea urchins.甲壳:特定种类的变形虫、双鞭毛虫和海鞘的外部硬壳〔shellfish〕An aquatic animal, such as a mollusk or crustacean, that has a shell or shell-like exoskeleton.贝类,甲壳水生动物:一种具有壳或壳状外骨架的水生动物,例如软体动物或硬壳动物〔lichen〕A fungus, usually of the class Ascomycetes, that grows symbiotically with algae, resulting in a composite organism that characteristically forms a crustlike or branching growth on rocks or tree trunks.地衣:一种真菌类植物,通常属于子囊菌纲,与藻共生形成一种复合有机体,生长于岩石或树干上,多为硬壳状或枝叉状〔pupa〕The nonfeeding stage between the larva and adult in the metamorphosis of holometabolous insects, during which the larva typically undergoes complete transformation within a protective cocoon or hardened case.蛹:全变态昆虫从幼虫到成虫的变形时期的不进食阶段,这一阶段内,幼虫在一种起保护作用的茧或硬壳中独特地完成变形的全过程〔mailed〕Having a hard covering of scales, spines, or horny plate, as an armadillo or a lobster.有甲壳的:有鳞片状、棘状突起或者角质小片状的硬壳,例如象犰狳或者龙虾〔frustule〕The hard, siliceous bivalve shell of a diatom.硅藻细胞壳:硅藻的坚硬含硅的硬壳〔test〕Latin testa [shell] 拉丁语 testa [硬壳] 〔shagbark〕An eastern North American hickory tree(Carya ovata) having shaggy bark, pinnately compound leaves, and hard-shelled nuts with edible seeds. Also called shellbark 粗皮山核桃:一种生长于北美洲东部的山核桃树(小糙皮山核桃 山核桃属) ,生有粗糙的树皮和羽状复叶,结有可食用种籽的硬壳坚果 也作 shellbark〔obtect〕Having the wings and appendages enclosed or covered by a secretion that forms a hard shell or horny case, as the pupae of most butterflies and moths.具被的:翅膀和附器被罩住或为硬壳或角状壳的分泌物所覆盖的,如大多数蝴蝶和蛾的蛹〔scab〕A crust discharged from and covering a healing wound.疮痂:从正在痊愈的伤口上长出并覆于其上的硬壳 |
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