单词 | 破坏 |
释义 | 〔done〕Doomed to death or destruction.注定要死的或破坏的〔Angkor〕A major archaeological site in northwest Cambodia and the capital of the Khmer empire from the 9th to the 15th century. The ruins include two important Hindu temple complexes, Angkor Wat (12th century) and Angkor Thom (13th century). The site has been extensively damaged by warfare.吴哥窟:柬埔寨西北的重要考古遗址,曾是9世纪至15世纪高棉帝国的首都。废墟包括两座重要的印度教庙宇建筑,吴哥窟(12世纪)和吴哥寺(13世纪)。该地曾在战乱中被严重地破坏〔cutworm〕The larva of various moths of the family Noctuidae that feed on and destroy a wide variety of plants.切根虫:任一种夜蛾科的蛾子幼虫,取食并破坏多种植物〔disturb〕To break up or destroy the tranquillity or settled state of:使骚动,使不安:打断或破坏安宁或安定的状态:〔shatter〕The act of shattering.破坏:破坏的行为〔Mesopotamia〕An ancient region of southwest Asia between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in modern-day Iraq. Probably settled before 5000b.c. , the area was the home of numerous early civilizations, including Sumer, Akkad, Babylonia, and Assyria. It declined in importance after Mongol invaders destroyed its extensive irrigation system in a.d. 1258. 美索不达米亚:古代西南亚介于底格里斯河和幼发拉底河之间的一个地区,位于现在的伊拉克境内。可能在公元前 5000年以前就开始有人在此定居。这一地区孕育了众多的人类早期文明,其中包括苏美尔文明、阿卡德文明、巴比伦文明和亚述文明。蒙古侵略者在 公元 1258年破坏了该地区发达的灌溉系统之后,这一地区的重要性就此减小 〔destruction〕The cause or means of destroying:破坏的原因或手段:〔dynamite〕To blow up, shatter, or otherwise destroy with or as if with dynamite.破坏:用或象是用炸弹破坏、爆炸或其他形式的破坏〔decay〕The destruction or decomposition of organic matter as a result of bacterial or fungal action; rot.腐烂:有机物质由于细菌的活动而受到的破坏或分解;腐烂〔wastage〕Loss by deterioration, wear, or destruction:损耗:由于腐败、磨损或破坏导致的消耗:〔corrosive〕Gradually destructive; steadily harmful:逐渐破坏:渐渐破坏的;不断有害的:〔injury〕Damage or harm done to or suffered by a person or thing:伤害:对人或事所做的、人或事遭受的破坏或伤害:〔drunk〕A drunken man at the table beside us ruined our evening. 一个醉汉在我们旁边的桌旁,破坏了晚上的气氛。 〔cook〕To ruin (one's) chances:破坏(某人的)机遇:〔read〕"I can read abandonment in a broken door or shattered window"(William H. Gass)“我能够通过破坏门和窗户来发现荒废的遗迹”(威廉H.加斯)〔decimate〕To inflict great destruction or damage on:毁损:使…遭受巨大破坏或损失:〔improper〕Indecorous implies violation of the mores or manners of polite society: Indecorous 是指对文明社会的规范和礼仪的破坏: 〔paralyze〕To impair the progress or functioning of; make inoperative or powerless:制止,破坏:阻碍进展或发挥功能;使无效或无力:〔counterplot〕To oppose or subvert one plot with another.用一计策反对或破坏另一计策〔Quito〕The capital of Ecuador, in the north-central part of the country. Settled by the Quito people, it was captured by the Incas in 1487 and held by the Spanish from 1534 until 1822. The city has frequently been damaged by earthquakes. Population, 890,355.基多:厄瓜多尔首都,位于这个国家的中北部。最初由基多人定居,1487年被印加人占领,1534年至1822年为西班牙占领。该城经常遭地震破坏。人口890,355〔freedom〕"the intolerable license with which the newspapers break . . . the rules of decorum" (Edmund Burke). “被报纸利用来破坏文学准则的令人难忍受的破格” (爱德蒙·伯克)〔sink〕To bring to a low or ruined state; defeat or destroy.使败落:使进入低下或被毁的状况;击败或破坏〔consequent〕tried to prevent an oil spill and the consequent damage to wildlife.尽量避免漏油以及随之发生的对野生动植物的破坏〔incursion〕homes damaged by the incursion of floodwater.被侵入的洪水破坏的房屋〔Pinkerton〕Scottish-born American detective. His agency was notorious for breaking strikes and disrupting labor efforts to unionize.平克顿,阿伦:(1819-1884) 苏格兰裔的美国侦探。其行为因破坏罢工和破坏了劳动者统一的努力而恶名昭彰〔mar〕To inflict damage, especially disfiguring damage, on.损坏:对…实施破坏,尤指那种损坏外形的破坏〔pasteurization〕The act or process of destroying most microorganisms in certain foods, such as fish or clam meat, by irradiating them with gamma rays or other radiation to prevent spoilage.射线杀菌法:破坏某种食品,如鱼或蚌肉内的大部分微生物的行为或过程,通过γ射线或其它放射线辐射的防止变质〔antibiotic〕Destroying life or preventing the inception or continuance of life.抗生的:破坏或防止生命开始或延续的〔counterplot〕A plot or scheme intended to subvert another plot.反计策:意在破坏另一计谋的计策或计划〔wasted〕Deteriorated; ravaged:破坏的;毁坏的:〔demyelinate〕To destroy or remove the myelin sheath of (a nerve fiber), as through disease.脱髓鞘:经由疾病而破坏或除去(神经纤维中的)髓鞘〔subvert〕To destroy completely; ruin:毁灭:彻底地破坏;摧毁:〔solecism〕A violation of etiquette.失礼:对礼节的破坏〔pith〕To sever or destroy the spinal cord of, usually by means of a needle inserted into the vertebral canal.破坏脊髓:刺或破坏其脊髓,通常用一根针扎进脊柱中〔stamp〕To extinguish or destroy by or as if by trampling underfoot:(通过跺)根除或破坏:〔attrit〕To destroy or kill (troops, for example) by use of firepower:耗损,消耗:用火力破坏或杀伤(如军队等):〔ecocide〕Heedless or deliberate destruction of the natural environment, as by pollutants or an act of war.生态灭绝:对自然环境的无意或有意的毁灭,如污染或战争引起的破坏〔chart〕is charting a course to destruction.正详细制定破坏路线〔caloric〕A hypothetically indestructible, uncreatable, highly elastic, self-repellent, all-pervading fluid formerly thought responsible for the production, possession, and transfer of heat.热质:曾被认为是使热量产生、贮存和传输的一种假想的不可破坏的、不可创造的、有高度弹性的、自斥的且到处都有的流体〔twist〕To pull, break, or snap by turning:破坏,弄断:用扭的方法拉、折断或剪切: |
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