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单词 短暂
释义 〔flare〕A brief, wavering blaze of light.See Synonyms at blaze 1闪光:短暂而摇曳的光 参见 blaze1〔wiggle〕To move or cause to move from side to side with short irregular twisting motions:无规则地前后摆动:从一边到另一边略带有不规则弯曲地短暂移动或引起这种移动:〔squall〕A brief, sudden, violent windstorm, often accompanied by rain or snow.飑:短暂、突然且猛烈的风暴,通常伴随着雨或雪〔pase〕One of several usually one-handed maneuvers in bullfighting in which the matador presents and moves the cape to attract a close, passing charge of the bull.斗牛士的一种动作:斗牛中几种通常为单手的动作中的一种,斗牛士摆出和抖动披肩,将牛引到近处发起短暂的进攻〔click〕A brief, sharp, nonresonant sound:喀哒声:一种短暂、尖利、不延续的声音:〔flush〕A brief sensation of heat over all or part of the body.发热:全身或局部的短暂热感〔short〕Appearing to pass quickly:短暂的:似乎很快就过去的:〔flirtation〕A superficial and usually temporary romance.轻浮的恋爱事件:表面的且常常是短暂的恋爱事件〔ephemeral〕Lasting for a markedly brief time:短暂的:只存在很短一段时间的:〔trice〕A very short period of time; an instant:一刹那:一段很短暂的时间。一瞬间:〔whiff〕A brief, passing odor carried in the air:一阵气味:大气中携带的短暂、一时的气味:〔moment〕 Jiffy andflash occur principally in combinations preceded by in a; in a jiffy means in a short space of time,whilein a flash suggests the almost imperceptible duration of a flash of light: Jiffy 和flash 主要出现在前面有 in a;in a jiffy 的组合词里, 用来指短暂的时间,而in a flash 指一闪或一亮的、几乎难以察觉到的时间持续: 〔brush〕The central meaning shared by these verbs is "to make light and momentary contact with something in passing": 这些动词共同的主要意义是:“经过时与物体轻微短暂地接触一下”: 〔flashy〕Giving a momentary or superficial impression of brilliance.闪烁的,炫耀的:给人以短暂或表面印象的光彩或才华的〔momentarily〕For a moment or an instant.暂时地,短暂〔glint〕A momentary flash of light; a sparkle.闪光:短暂的闪光;闪耀〔transient〕Passing with time; transitory:短暂的:随时间消逝的;短暂的:〔fugitive〕Something fleeting or ephemeral.短暂易逝的事物:飞逝的或昙花一现的事物〔flaw〕A passing storm; a squall.短暂的风暴:一阵子风暴天气;飑〔still〕"life being very short, and the quiet hours of it few" (John Ruskin).“生命短暂,而其宁静的日子更短” (约翰·罗斯金)。〔mute〕Pronounced with a temporary stoppage of breath, as the sounds (p) and (b); plosive; stopped.停顿的:发音时气流自短暂闭塞的,如辅音(p)和(b);爆裂的;停顿的〔existence〕our brief existence on earth.我们在地球上短暂的生存〔moment〕A brief, indefinite interval of time.瞬间:一个短暂的、不确定的时间间隔〔matter〕"Spirit is the real and eternal; matter is the unreal and temporal"(Mary Baker Eddy)“精神是真实的、永恒的;物质是不真实的、短暂的”(玛丽·贝克·艾迪)〔claustrophobic〕Clinically speaking,claustrophobic denotes a pathological disposition to feel terror in closed spaces. But like other terms from clinical psychology (narcissism and schizophrenic, for example), the word has been applied more loosely in general usage:at first to refer to a temporary feeling of being closed in (as in 客观地说,claustrophobic 表示了一种在封闭空间里感到恐惧的病理倾向。 但象其它来自临床病理学的词汇(例如narcissism 和 schizophrenic )一样, 该词已经被应用于更广泛的普遍意义了:首先是指被关禁时的短暂感受(如 〔stopover〕A place visited briefly in the course of a journey.中途停留地:旅途中间作短暂访问的地方〔flare〕To burst into intense, sudden flame.突发火焰:突然爆发出剧烈的、短暂的火焰〔flicker〕A brief movement; a tremor.短暂的运动;震动〔blessing〕A short prayer said before or after a meal.谢饭:饭前或饭后的短暂感恩祷告〔aoristic〕Of or being the verbal aspect that expresses a momentary or completed action, especially in past time.不定过去时的,不定过去式的:动词体的或是动词体的,表示短暂动作或已完成动作的,尤指过去时间内〔flash〕A sudden, brief, intense display of light.闪光:突然的、短暂的、强烈的光的显现〔infatuation〕An object of extravagant, short-lived passion.令人痴迷之物:激起强烈而又短暂感情的物体〔affair〕A romantic and sexual relationship, sometimes one of brief duration, between two people who are not married to each other.风流韵事,绯闻:两个没有婚姻关系的人之间浪漫的和性的关系,有时是短暂〔stay〕A brief period of residence or visiting.居住期间:居住或访问的短暂期间〔Aubrey〕English antiquarian and writer whoseBrief Lives, published posthumously, contains character sketches of his notable friends, including Thomas Hobbes, John Milton, and Francis Bacon. 奥布里,约翰:(1626-1697) 英国古董收藏家及作家,其作品《短暂的生命》 于逝世后发表,包括对其著名朋友的性格刻划,包括托马斯·霍布斯,约翰·密尔顿,及弗朗西斯·培根 〔Wallace〕Scottish patriot who led resistance against the English and briefly gained control of Scotland in 1298.华莱士,威廉:(1272?-1305) 苏格兰爱国者,他领导了抵制英格兰运动,并在1298年短暂地控制了苏格兰〔devotional〕A short religious service.献身的:一种短暂的宗教服务〔flashlight〕A brief, brilliant flood of light from a photographic lamp.闪光:摄影灯发出的短暂而明亮的一大片光〔transience〕The state or quality of being transient.稍纵即逝:短暂易逝的状态或性质〔retrograde〕Of or relating to the brief, regularly occurring, apparently backward movement of a planetary body in its orbit as viewed against the fixed stars, caused by the differing orbital velocities of Earth and the body observed.后退的:行星所做的短暂有规律的运动的,以静止星体为参照物进行观察时,这种运动显然是后退的,这是由地球和所观察天体具有不同的轨道速度引起的




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