单词 | 短小 |
释义 | 〔coccobacillus〕A bacillus that is short and oval in shape.球虫菌:短小的卵形牙孢杆菌〔shuffle〕A short sliding step or movement, or a walk characterized by such steps.曳脚行走:一种短小滑动的步子或移动,或以这种步子为特征的行走〔oleaster〕A small Eurasian tree(Elaeagnus angustifolia) having oblong silvery leaves, fragrant greenish flowers, and olivelike fruit. 沙枣树:一种短小的欧亚树木(沙枣 胡颓子属) 有长方形的银色叶子,淡绿色芳香花朵和橄榄状果实 〔farouche〕"small, farouche poems illustrated with doodles, a cross between Ogden Nash and Blake"(Rosemary Dinnage)“用乱涂的画叙述说明短小而隐晦的诗,一个十字叉在奥格登·纳什和布莱克之间”(罗斯玛丽·丁纳奇)〔divertissement〕A short performance, typically a ballet, that is presented as an interlude in an opera or a play.幕间歌舞节目:歌剧或戏剧节目中幕间上演的短小表演,如典型的芭蕾舞〔riff〕"Those little riffs that had seemed to have such sparkle over drinks by the . . . pool look all too embarrassing in cold print"(John Richardson)“同毫无生气的印刷品中看起来极为窘迫的记者团相比,…那些短小的即兴谈话则好象浮在酒面的泡沫”(约翰·理查森)〔newsreel〕A short film dealing with recent or current events.新闻短片:放映最近或当前事件的短小电影〔epigram〕A short, witty poem expressing a single thought or observation.隽语诗:表示一个简单思想或观察的短小机智的诗〔capybara〕A large semiaquatic rodent(Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) of tropical South America, having short limbs and a vestigial tail and often attaining lengths of more than 1.2 meters (4 feet). 水豚:一种巨大的半水栖啮齿动物(水豚) ,产于南美洲的热带地区,四肢短小,尾已退化,身体长达1.2米(4英尺) 〔album〕A tall, handsomely printed book, popular especially in the 19th century, often having profuse illustrations and short, sentimental texts.精装书:一种大开的、装璜精美的印刷书,在19世纪尤为流行,常载有大量插图及短小而富感伤情调的文章〔skink〕Any of numerous smooth, shiny lizards of the family Scincidae, having a cylindrical body and small or rudimentary legs and living chiefly in temperate and tropical regions.石龙子:一种石龙子科光滑发亮的蜥蜴,生有圆柱形身体和短小的残退化了的腿,主要生活在温带和热带地区〔skit〕A short, usually comic dramatic performance or work; a theatrical sketch.讽剌短文或短剧:通常指喜剧性的生动短小的表演或作品;戏剧滑稽短剧〔intermezzo〕A short movement separating the major sections of a lengthy composition or work.间奏曲:划分一部长篇作品或著作各主要部分的短小乐章〔perilla〕An annual Asian plant(Perilla frutescens) having opposite leaves, a bell-shaped calyx, and flowers with a short, white, tubular corolla. It is widely cultivated as an ornamental and for its oily seeds. 紫苏:一种一年生亚洲植物(紫苏 紫苏属) 有对生叶、钟状花萼和有白色短小管状花冠的花,由于可作为观赏植物和种子可榨油而广泛种植 〔Pekingese〕[pē'kə-nēzʹ, -nēsʹ] Any of a breed of small dog developed in China, having a flat nose, a long-haired coat, short bowed forelegs, and a tail that curls over its back.[pē'kə-nēzʹ, -nēsʹ] 哈巴狗:一种在中国衍生发展长有扁平的鼻子且浑身长毛的小狗,有短小如弓状的前足及卷曲在背上的尾巴〔canzonet〕A short, lighthearted air or song.小坎佐尼:一支短小、轻松的曲子或歌〔fable〕A usually short narrative making an edifying or cautionary point and often employing as characters animals that speak and act like human beings.寓言:一种通常短小的故事,用来表示启发或谨慎的观点,常利用说话或有人的行为的动物为角色〔shirttail〕A brief addition at the end of a newspaper article.附注:报刊上一篇文章后的一个短小说明〔derringer〕A short-barreled pistol that has a large bore and is small enough to be carried in a pocket.迪林格手枪:一种有一个大钻孔轮管,可放在口袋里携带的短小的手轮〔Webern〕Austrian composer whose works, characterized by brevity and tonal dissonance, include two symphonies and a concerto for nine instruments (1934).韦全恩,安东·弗雷德里希·威廉·冯:(1883-1945) 奥地利作曲家。他的作品特征是短小而乐调不和诣,包括两部交响曲和由九种乐器演奏的协奏曲(1934年)〔sketch〕A short, often satirical scene or play in a revue or variety show; a skit.短剧:时事讽刺剧或其他剧种中的一个短小常含讽剌意味的幕或剧;讽刺短剧〔leptocephalus〕One of the small, flat, transparent larvae of eels and certain other fishes, characterized by a long, narrow head.叶鳗:鳗鲡和其他某些鱼短小、扁平且透明的幼仔,其特征是头狭长〔spot〕A short presentation or commercial on television or radio between major programs:插播广告:插播在主要节目间的在电视或电台上的商业性广告节目或短小的演出:〔composition〕A short essay, especially one written as an academic exercise.作文:短小的散文,尤指写成的作业练习〔phocomelia〕A birth defect in which the upper portion of a limb is absent or poorly developed, so that the hand or foot attaches to the body by a short, flipperlike stump.短肢畸形,海豹肢畸形:一种先天性的缺陷,即肢体的上半部分没有或是发育不全,因此手或脚都是靠、短小的鳍状残肢与身体相连〔shorty〕Of less than average size or length:短小的:比一般的尺寸或长度要小或短的:〔vibrio〕Any of various short, motile, S-shaped or comma-shaped bacteria of the genusVibrio, especially V. cholerae, which causes cholera. 弧菌:一种弧菌 属的短小的、游动的、S形或者逗点状的细菌,特别是 霍乱弧菌, 它能够引起霍乱 〔snag〕A short or imperfectly developed branch of a deer's antler.小叉枝:短小的,未发育完全的鹿角分枝〔caption〕A title, short explanation, or description accompanying an illustration or a photograph.标题,说明文字:为插图或照片配的标题、短小说明或描述〔lemming〕Any of various small, thickset rodents, especially of the genusLemmus, inhabiting northern regions and known for periodic mass migrations that sometimes end in drowning. 旅鼠:一种体形短小但很健壮的啮齿目动物,尤指旅鼠 属动物。它居住在北方地区,以其有时以淹死来结束生命的季节性群体迁徙而闻名 〔proverb〕A short, pithy saying in frequent and widespread use that expresses a basic truth or practical precept.See Synonyms at saying 谚语:经常而广泛使用的短小、精悍的格言,表明一个基本的真理或实用的箴言 参见 saying〔turn〕A brief theatrical act or stage appearance.短剧,舞台表演:短小的戏剧或舞台演出〔shuffle〕To move with short sliding steps, without or barely lifting the feet:曳脚走:以短小滑动的步子移动,不或几乎不抬起脚:〔skit〕A short humorous or satirical piece of writing.小品:一种短小、幽默或具讽剌意味的作品〔doxology〕An expression of praise to God, especially a short hymn sung as part of a Christian worship service.荣耀颂:赞美上帝的颂辞,尤指基督教礼拜仪式中的短小颂歌〔tail〕The short closing line of certain stanzas of verse.诗的短小结尾短句:某些诗节的短小结尾诗行 |
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