单词 | 着地 |
释义 | 〔pratfall〕A fall on the buttocks.坐跌:屁股着地的跌倒〔flatfoot〕pl. flat.feet[-fēt'] A condition in which the arch of the foot is abnormally flattened down so that the entire sole makes contact with the ground.【复数】 flat.feet[-fēt'] 平足:足弓反常扁平而使整个足底都着地的病状〔afloat〕Drifting about; moving without guidance.漂流地(的):漂流着地(的);没有目标地移动着地(的)〔kneel〕To go down or rest on one or both knees.曲膝,下跪:使单膝或双膝落下或着地〔pirouette〕A full turn of the body on the point of the toe or the ball of the foot in ballet.皮鲁埃特旋转:芭蕾舞中,用脚指的一点或脚尖着地的身体旋转〔plantigrade〕Walking with the entire sole of the foot on the ground, as human beings, bears, raccoons, and rabbits do.跖行的,脚掌着地行走的:用足的整个底部在地上行走的,如人、熊、浣熊和兔子〔method〕The basset, in the manner of hunting dogs,dashed across the field, nose to the ground.短腿猎犬,以猎犬独有的样子,在田野里疾跑,鼻子着地。〔headlong〕With the head leading; headfirst:头部先着地地;头冲前地:〔genuflect〕To bend the knee or touch one knee to the floor or ground, as in worship.屈单膝:屈膝或一膝着地以示敬慕〔handspring〕A gymnastic feat in which the body is flipped completely forward or backward from an upright position, landing first on the hands and then on the feet.前手翻腾跃:一项身体从笔直的姿势翻一整圈,先是手着地再是脚着地的体操技艺 |
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