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单词 看法
释义 〔parenthesis〕A comment departing from the theme of discourse; a digression.插话,插曲,穿插:与讨论的主题无关的看法;离题话〔Holley〕American writer whose satires popularized many feminist concerns. Her works includeMy Opinions and Betsy Bobbet's (1873) and Josiah Allen on the Woman Question (1914). 霍莉,玛丽埃塔:(1836-1926) 美国作家,其讽刺文章使许多女权主义者关心的事为大众所知,作品包括《我的观点和贝斯特·博比特的》 (1873年)和 《乔舒亚·亚伦关于女性问题的看法》 (1914年) 〔indifferent〕Detached suggests absence of involvement together with an impersonal point of view: Detached 意指不参与,同时对此有客观的看法〔mind〕He changed his mind when he heard all the facts.他得知事实后改变了看法〔outlook〕A point of view; an attitude:观点:看法;态度:〔fogy〕A person of stodgy or old-fashioned habits and attitudes.老顽固:一个顽固的或在习惯及看法上落伍的人〔limerick〕Etymologies can sometimes be a bit disappointing,as, for example,when one is told thatlimerick is named after a city or county in Ireland without being told why it is so named.Unfortunately, we run into a difficulty here that is not uncommonly faced by etymologists,namely, that no one is precisely sure why this piece of humorous verse was so named.One theory is that it was named for a group of poets who wrote in Limerick in the 18th century;another, that it came from a custom at parties of making up a nonsense verse and following it with a chorus of "Will you come up to Limerick.”In any case,the first limericks appeared in books published in 1820 and 1821,and the form was popularized by Edward Lear in a collection published in 1846.The word itself, however, is not recorded until 1896.Let us sum up by saying:"There once was a verse form named limerick./No one can account for the name of it./Some think from a game/Or from poets it came./If you know please come up to Limerick.”查看词源学后会经常令我们失望,这是因为,比如,当某人得知limerick 是由爱尔兰的一城市(或一个郡的)名字而来, 却并不告知这样命名的原因。不幸的是,我们碰到了一个词源学家经常遇到的难题,那就是,没有一个人能确定为什么这种幽默的诗歌这样命名。一种理论认为它是源于18世纪在利默里克写作的一群诗人;还有一种看法认为它是源于一种集会上的风俗,这种风俗要求写完一毫无意义的诗后众人合唱“你将去利默里克吗”。不管怎样,1820年和1821年出版的这种五行打油诗集子广为流传,爱德华·利尔于1846年出版的集子使这种形式得到普及。但是,这个单词直到1896年才有记载。我们可以通过这么说来总结:“曾经有种诗的形式名叫利默里克。/但没有人能解释它的名字。/有人认为源于一种游戏/或源于一群诗人。/如果你知道就到利默里克来。”〔assent〕I had to acquiesce in her decision despite my private opinion.我不得不默认她的决定,尽管我有我自己的看法〔hallucination〕False or distorted perception of objects or events with a compelling sense of their reality, usually resulting from a mental disorder or as a response to a drug.幻觉:对于事物或事件错误的或扭曲的看法,同时坚信这些看法的真实性 ,它主要产生于精神错乱或药物反应〔bodacious〕Popularized in the comic stripSnuffy Smith, bodacious is probably a blend of the words bold and audacious, whose combined senses are evident in the following description of Sevier County, Tennessee,as"the most bodacious display of tourisma this side of Anaheim" (Los Angeles Times).A more traditional meaning is "remarkable, prodigious": "a bodacious amount of smoke" (Springfield MA Morning Union); "the most bodacious tale of hidden treasure" (Lawrence E. Will). Bodacious can also be an adverbial intensifier: "She's so bowdacious unreasonable when she's raised [irritated] ” (William T. Thompson).Black speech in New York City retains this Southernism asbardacious. Joseph Wright'sEnglish Dialect Dictionary cites the form boldacious, which, as the likely source forbodacious, strengthens the theory that some archaic British expressions are preserved in the speech of the American South.因胆大包天的斯纳费·史密斯 中的连载漫画而家喻户晓。其大概是 bold 和 audacious 两词的组合, 其组合意思在以下对田纳西州的塞费尔县的描述中很明显的:“阿纳海姆的大肆渲染的观光演出” (洛杉矶时报)。一个更传统的意思是“突出的,大量的”: “滚滚浓烟” (斯普林菲尔德·MA·联合晨报); “关于隐藏的宝藏的最迷人传说” (劳伦斯·E·威尔)。 Bodacious 也可用作加强语气的副词: “她被激[怒] 时变得如此不可理喻” (威廉·T·汤普逊)。纽约市的黑人语言还保留了这一南方音bardacious。 约瑟夫·莱特编的英语方言辞典 记录了 boldacious 的形式, 它可能是boadacious 的来源, 这证实了以下的看法:一些古时的英语表达方式仍保留在美国南部方言中〔ammunition〕A means of attacking or defending an argument, thesis, or point of view.炮弹方式:对一种论点、论文或看法攻击或辩护的方式〔referee〕One to whom something is referred, especially for settlement, decision, or an opinion as to the thing's quality.被问询者:特别是为了解决、决定或对某物质量的看法而被询问的人〔short〕a short view of the problem.对问题目光短浅的看法〔aphorism〕A tersely phrased statement of a truth or opinion; an adage.See Synonyms at saying 格言,警句:蕴含真理或看法的精练的语句;警句 参见 saying〔perspective〕Subjective evaluation of relative significance; a point of view:观点,看法:相对重要的客观评估和评价;观点:〔easy〕"the faculty . . . of reducing his thought on any subject to the simplest and plainest terms possible" (Baron Charnwood).“用最简单、最清楚的词语表达他对任何问题看法的才能” (拜伦·查伍德)。〔stand〕To refuse to change one's position or opinion.坚持不变,固守:拒绝改变某人看法或者意见〔converse〕To engage in a spoken exchange of thoughts, ideas, or feelings; talk.See Synonyms at speak 交谈:进行交流思想、看法或感情的谈话;交谈 参见 speak〔cohort〕Perhaps because of its original military meaning,cohort usually implies a somewhat negative judgment. A phrase such asthe President and his cohorts might therefore be better used by critics of the President than by defenders. 也许由于它原来的军事意义,cohort 通常表示某些否定的看法。 因此,例如总统和他的一帮人 也许会更好地由总统的批评者而不是支持者使用 〔subject〕 Theme refers especially to a subject, an idea, a point of view, or a perception that is developed and expanded on in a work of art: Theme 则特指在一艺术作品中发展及描述的题目、概念、观点或看法〔peg〕Our opinion of him went up a few pegs after he did the dishes.他洗完碗碟后我们对他的看法有所改善〔better〕To change one's mind about (a course of action) after reconsideration.对…有更高评价:重新考虑之后改变对(一行为过程)的看法〔add〕To formulate an opinion of:评定,看法:形成对…的意见:〔add〕added up the other competitors in one glance.一眼就形成对其他参赛者的看法〔version〕A description or an account from one point of view, especially as opposed to another:描述,看法:某人或从某一角度的一种描述或者说法,特别是与另一种相对立的:〔pronouncement〕An authoritative statement.看法:权威性的表述〔stance〕Mental posture; point of view:理性态度;看法〔favor〕Friendly or favorable regard; approval or support:好感,喜爱:友好的或喜爱的看法;赞扬或支持:〔reading〕He gave us his reading of the situation.他给我们讲了对局势的看法〔phase〕Angle suggests a limitation of perspective,frequently with emphasis on the observer's own point of view: Angle 是暗示了看法的局限性,常着重于观察者自身的观点: 〔agnostic〕"I favored European unity, but I was agnostic about the form it should take"(Henry A. Kissinger)“我赞成欧洲的统一,但对其所应采取的形式我不发表看法”(亨利..基辛格)〔brownie〕[Sense 3, from the notion of the sprite as a tiny brown man] [释义3,源于认为小精灵是微小的棕色人的看法] 〔kludge〕The wordkludge is not "etymologist-friendly,” having many possible origins,none of which can be definitively established.This term, found frequently in the jargon of the engineering and computer professions,denotes a usually workable but makeshift system, modification, solution, or repair.Kludge has had a relatively short life (first recorded in 1962 although it is said to have been used as early as 1944 or 1945) for a word with so many possible origins. The proposed sources of the word, Germanklug, kluge, "intelligent, clever,” or a blend ofklutz and nudge or klutz and refudge, do not contain all the necessary sounds to give us the word,correctly pronounced at least.The notions thatkludge may have been coined by a computer technician or that it might be the last name of a designer of graphics hardware seem belied by the possibility that it is older than such origins would allow.It seems most likely that the wordkludge originally was formed during the course of a specific situation in which such a device was called for.The makers of the word,if still alive,are no doubt unaware that etymologists need informationso they can stop trying to "kludge" an etymology together.单词kludge 不是“词源学家的朋友”, 有很多可能的来源,每一个都不能准确成立。这个词,经常在工程和电脑业的行话中找到,表示一个通常能工作但是临时凑合的系统、修改、解答或修理。作为一个有这么多可能的来源的词,kludge 却有一个相对小的年纪(1962年第一次有记载,尽管据说早到1944年或1945年就已经使用)。 该词被推荐的来源是德文klug, kluge “聪明的,灵巧的”, 或者klutz 和 nudge 的混合或 klutz 和 refudge 的混合, 没有包含能向我们给出这个词的所有必需的声音,至少是正确的发音。kludge 可能是由电脑技术人员杜撰的或者它可能是图形显示硬件的一名设计者的姓, 这些看法由于它比这些来源能允许的时间要早的可能性而被误解。看起来最可能的是单词kludge , 最早是在需要这样的设备的特定环境中形成的。这一单词的制造者,如果还健在的话,毫无疑问意识不到词源学家需要此类信息,这样他们才能终止“临时搭配”成一个词源的努力〔Kleenex〕"It's an attitude that comes from looking at countries—and people—as ‘dispensable,’ the Kleenex school of foreign policy"(Mary McGrory)“它是一种来自于把国家——和人民——看成是‘非必需’的看法,即克里内克斯流派对外政策的态度”(玛丽·麦格罗里)〔moderate〕One who holds or champions moderate views or opinions, especially in politics or religion.温和主义者:持有或主张中庸看法或观点的人,尤指在政治或宗教上〔Weltanschauung〕A comprehensive philosophy of the world or of human life.世界观、人生观:对世界或人生的综合看法〔prejudice〕An adverse judgment or opinion formed beforehand or without knowledge or examination of the facts.See Synonyms at predilection 偏见:未经了解或查明事实而预先所形成的反面的判断或看法 参见 predilection〔pronounce〕To declare one's opinion; make a pronouncement:发表意见:宣称某人自己的看法;宣称:〔word〕May I say a word about that?我可以就此说说我的看法吗?〔mistaken〕a mistaken view of the situation.对形势的错误看法




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