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单词 看待
释义 〔pensive〕Thoughtful voters viewed the proposed legislation with alarm. 深思熟虑的投票人谨慎地看待这一立案法律 〔idolize〕To regard with blind admiration or devotion.See Synonyms at revere 1盲目崇拜:用盲目的羡慕或崇拜的眼光看待 参见 revere1〔see〕I don't see him as a teacher.我不把他当老师看待〔vilipend〕To view or treat with contempt; despise.轻蔑;看不起:带着轻蔑看待或对待;轻视〔worship〕To regard with ardent or adoring esteem or devotion.See Synonyms at revere 1敬重:带着热烈的、敬爱的崇拜或敬重看待 参见 revere1〔dislike〕To regard with distaste or aversion.不喜欢,厌恶:不喜欢或厌恶地看待〔contemn〕To view with contempt; despise.See Synonyms at despise 藐视:以轻视的眼光看待;藐视 参见 despise〔wonder〕Often Wonder A monumental human creation regarded with awe, especially one of seven monuments of the ancient world that appeared on various lists of late antiquity. 常作 Wonder 奇观:以敬畏看待的不朽的人类创造,尤指列于近古各种表中的古代世界七大奇观之一〔naff〕In the dual tradition of looking to one's betters for models of how to use language and American obeisance to British usage,let us look at two British words spellednaff. One is an adjective,meaning "clichéd, unstylish" (first recorded in 1969),that may be derived from dialectal wordssuch asnaffhead, "simpleton,” or niffy-naffy, "stupid.” The othernaff is a verb, usually used in the imperative in combination withoff (first recorded in 1959). This is the delicate injunction that members of the royal family such as Princess Anne have used in requesting members of the press to beat it.The origin ofnaff is unknown, but it has been suggested thatnaff may be related to an older English slang term naf, meaning "the female sexual organ.” Naf has been derived from a backward spelling offan, from fanny. 在看待如何使用语言的模式和美语遵从于英语那个更好的两个传统上,让我们看两个拼写为naff 的美语单词。 一个是形容词,表示“过时的,老调的”(首次记录于1969年),可能源于方言单词,如naffhead “傻子”或 niffy-naffy “愚蠢的”。 另一个naff 是动词, 通常用于命令语气与off 连用(首次记录于1959年)。 这是王室家族成员如安娜公主在要求报刊成员禁用时所使用的微妙禁令。Naff 不知源自何处, 但它表明naff 有与旧英语俚语 naf 相关的迹象表示“女性生殖器官”。 Naf 源于从fanny 而来的逆序拼写形式 fan 〔disdain〕To regard or treat with haughty contempt; despise.See Synonyms at despise 鄙视、鄙弃:以高傲的鄙视来看待或对待;轻视 参见 despise〔fetishize〕To make a fetish of:搞物神崇拜:把…当作神物对待或看待〔admire〕To regard with pleasure, wonder, and approval.钦佩,赞赏,羡慕:以愉快、惊奇及赞同的心情看待〔look〕To regard in a certain way:认为,看待:用某种方式看待〔majority〕When it refers to a group of persons or things that are in the majority,it may take either a singular or plural verb,depending on whether the group is considered as a whole or as a set of people considered individually.So we sayThe majority elects (not elect ) the candidate it wants (not they want ), since the election is accomplished by the group as a whole;butThe majority of the voters live (not lives ) in the city, since living in the city is something that each voter does individually. ·Majority is often preceded by great (but not by greater ) in expressing emphatically the sense of "most of": 当它是指处于多数地位的一组人或事物时,其动词既可以用单数也可以用复数,取决于把这个集体当作一个整体来看待还是当作个别的人的组合。所以我们说大多数人选举了 (不用 elect ) 他们所想要的候选人 (不用 they want ), 因为选举是由一个作为整体的群体所完成的;但是大多数投票者住在 (不用 lives ) 市区, 因为住在城市里是每个投票人作为个人所做的事情。Majority 的前面往往加一个 great (但是不加 greater ), 用来强调指出“大多数”的含义: 〔clerisy〕Educated people considered as a group; the literati.文人,学者:被作为一个群体看待的受过教育的人;文人〔reputation〕The general estimation in which a person is held by the public.名声:公众看待某人的总的评价〔complected〕Complected has a long history in American folk speech, showing up, for example, in 1806 in the journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition: “[The Indians] are . . . reather lighter complected . . . than the Indians of the Missouri" (Meriwether Lewis).Complected has long been treated as a dialectal term in dictionaries, but it actually should be regarded as informal Standard English,since its wide distribution (including New England, the Midwest, the South, and elsewhere)disqualifies it as a true regionalism.Its use by one western Texas informant quoted inDARE extends its semantic domain beyond skin color to general appearance: "a fat-complected man.” Complected 在美国民间传说中有一段很长的历史, 例如,1806年,在路易斯和克拉克的探险旅行中: “ …相对密苏里印第安人的脸色白皙一些” (玛丽维瑟尔·路易斯)。Complected 这个词长期以来在字典中一直被当作方言看待, 但是它实际上应该算作非正式标准英语,它的使用是如此广泛(包括新英格兰、中西部、南方和其它地区),所以它不是地区性的。据一位得克萨斯州西部的提供消息者在DARE 中所引用的用法已延伸了其语义上的范围,即从专指肤色到指整体形象: “一个肥胖男人” 〔subjunctive〕Of, relating to, or being a mood of a verb used in some languages for contingent or hypothetical action, action viewed subjectively, or grammatically subordinate statements.虚拟的:属于、有关或构成一种或一组动词形式的,这种形式是用来说明被表示的行为或状态不是事实,而是思想上认为是可能发生的,或带着某些情感来看待的事情〔misesteem〕To fail to regard with deserved esteem.不尊重:不能以尊重态度看待〔sniff〕To regard something in a contemptuous or dismissive manner:鄙视:用瞧不起或不重视的态度看待某物:〔regard〕To look upon or consider in a particular way:看待:以某种特殊的方式看待或思考:〔apprehension〕"A prudent mind can see room for misgiving, lest he who prospers should one day suffer reverse" (Sophocles). “谨慎的心灵能用忧虑怀疑看待机会,以免一时成功的人某天会遭受不幸” (索弗克斯)〔think〕To judge or regard; look upon:看待:判断或认为;思考:〔look〕To regard with contempt or condescension.轻视:以轻蔑或屈尊的态度看待〔MacNeice〕Irish-born British poet whose works, published inBlind Fireworks (1929) and other collections, treat social issues in a detached, often ironic manner. 麦克尼斯,(腓特烈)·路易斯:(1907-1963) 爱尔兰裔英国诗人,作品刊登在《眩目的焰火》 (1929年)和其它集子中,他的诗以超然的、经常讽刺性的笔调看待社会问题 〔elderly〕pl. elderly (used with a pl. verb)Older people considered as a group. Often used withthe : 【复数】 elderly (与复数动词连用)对老年人的总称:被当作群体看待的老年人,经常与定冠词the 连用: 〔set〕To value or regard something at the rate of:评估:以…的多少来评价或看待某事物:〔scorn〕To consider or treat as contemptible or unworthy.轻蔑:以轻视或不足取的态度看待或对待〔mistrust〕To regard without trust or confidence.怀疑:没有信任或信心地看待〔Beauvoir〕French writer, existentialist, and feminist whose works includeThe Second Sex (1949) and The Coming of Age (1970), a study of how different cultures view old age. 博瓦尔,西蒙尼·德:(1908-1986) 法国作家、存在主义者和女权主义者,其作品有《第二性》 (1949年)和对不同文化如何看待年老的研究 《老年的到来》 (1970年) 〔couple〕When used to refer to two people who function socially as a unit,as ina married couple, the wordcouple may take either a singular or a plural verb, depending on whether the members are considered individually or collectively: 当用来表示作为一个单位来行使社会功能的两个人时,如在一对已婚夫妇 中, 单词couple 既可以带单数动词也可以带复数动词, 这取决于两个人是被单个或集体地看待的: 〔cattle〕Human beings, especially when viewed contemptuously or as a mob.人:人,特别是指被蔑视或作为贱民看待〔group〕Grouptakes a plural verb when the persons or things that constitute it are considered individually: 当组成该群的人或物体被单独看待,那么Group后面跟动词复数: 〔treasure〕To keep or regard as precious; value highly.See Synonyms at appreciate 珍视:把…作为珍贵的事物保存或看待;高度地评价 参见 appreciate〔dramatize〕To present or view in a dramatic or melodramatic way.戏剧性:以戏剧性的或传记性的方式表现或看待〔plus〕 (compareTwo cows plus two cows makes four cows ). This situation suggests thatplus in these uses should be regarded as a particular kind of conjunction, which joins two elements that are taken together as a single entity,the way the conjunctionand does in a sentence such as Peas and carrots is Sophie's favorite combination. · The usage ofplus in he construction industry has been hurt by the rise in rates. Plus which, bad weather has affected housing starts is not well established in formal writing, nor is the use ofplus introducing an independent clause, as inShe has a great deal of talent, plus she is willing to work hard. (试比较Two cows plus two cows makes four cows )。 这种情况暗示我们plus 在这些用法中应作为特殊的连词来看待, 这种连词联结被视为一整体的两个成分,就象连词and 在 Peas and carrots is Sophie's favorite combination 这样的句子中一样。 Plus 在 建筑业受到了利率提高的损害。 此外,糟糕的天气也影响了房屋的兴建一句中的用法在正式的书面写作中是未被广泛接受的, plus 引导一个独立句的用法亦是如此, 如在她极有天赋,加上她又愿意努力工作。 〔discount〕To regard with doubt or disbelief.不相信,不信任:怀疑地或不全信看待〔guarded〕We view these changes with guarded optimism.我们以审慎的乐观看待这些变化〔mixed〕viewed the change in management with mixed emotions; a closet full of mixed outfits.See Synonyms at miscellaneous 用矛盾的心情看待管理人员中的变动;一个装满各种工具的壁橱 参见 miscellaneous〔proletarian〕From Latin prōlētārius [belonging to the lowest class of Roman citizens (viewed as contributing to the state only through having children)] 源自 拉丁语 prōlētārius [属于罗马公民中最低的阶级(这种分法是通过生养孩子对政府做贡献而看待)]




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