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单词 看作
释义 〔see〕To consider to be; regard:把…看作;当作:〔count〕Count yourself lucky.把你自己看作幸运者〔atomism〕The understanding of society as a set of independent wills, based on a belief in the priority of individual over cooperative values:个体论:以个体利益高于集团利益的价值观念为基础,将社会看作一系列个体意志的看法:〔aggregate〕A total considered with reference to its constituent parts; a gross amount:总数;合计:把聚集的各部分看作一个总数;总数:〔liken〕To see, mention, or show as similar; compare.看作、当作或显示相似的;比较〔Fosdick〕American religious leader who maintained that scientific and psychiatric advances should not be considered threatening to religion.福斯迪克,哈里·埃默森:(1878-1969) 美国宗教领袖,主张不应该把科学和精神病学的进步看作是对宗教的威胁〔environment〕"We shall never understand the natural environment until we see it as a living organism"(Paul Brooks)“只有把自然环境看作一个活的有机体,我们才会理解它”(保罗·布鲁克斯)〔regard〕I regard him as a fool.我把他看作一个傻瓜〔consider〕To think or deem to be; regard as.See Usage Note at as 1认为或相信;把…看作 参见 as1〔ragamuffin〕Perhapsragamuffin should be seen as an example of melioration, or improvement in the sense of a word, since it can now be used rather affectionately of children who are normally far from dirty or unkempt.In any event,even its use for an unkempt child or man represents something of an improvementover one of its earliest uses.Ragamuffin was a name given to a demon in Piers Plowman, an allegorical poem of the 14th century. This name was once thought to be the source of our word,but researches at theMiddle English Dictionary have shown that the word was used as the last name of a woman, Isabella Ragamuffyn, earlier in the 14th century (1344), before the poem was composed.The word even then had the sense "ragged lout, tattered oaf,”though it was found only in names.The elementraga- is probably from the Middle English adjective raggi, "ragged,” also used of the devil in the sense "shaggy" and as a name.The element-muffin is probably from Middle Dutch moffel or muffe, "mitten.” 也许ragamuffin 这个词应该看作词义变良或改善的例子, 因为它现在可以用来充满感情地指那些按常规来说远非肮脏或不整洁的孩子。不论如何,即使它被用来指那些不整洁的孩子或大人的时候,其用法较最初也有了很大提高。Ragamuffin 是14世纪的一部寓言诗 犁者码头 中一个魔鬼的名字。 这个名字一度被认为是本词的来源,但对中世纪英语词典 的研究表明这个词曾在14世纪早期(1344年)用作一位妇女的姓,伊莎贝拉·拉格姆芬, 这早于那首诗创作之前。这个词甚至还曾有衣裳破烂的粗人、褴褛的呆子的意思,尽管此词仅见于姓名。构词成分raga- 可能源自中古英语的形容词 raggi “破烂的”, 也曾以“毛长而参差不齐”这个意思用于魔鬼和人名。构词成分-muffin 可能来自中世纪荷兰语中 moffel 或意为“连指手套”的 muffe 〔likely〕But the unmodified use oflikely is common enough in educated writing, and though it might be better avoided in highly formal style,it should not be regarded as incorrect: 但在受过教育的人的写作中,likely 前不加任何修饰的用法很普遍, 虽然在非常正式的文体中最好避免这种用法,但不应该将它看作是不正确的用法: 〔disfavor〕To view or treat with dislike or disapproval.不喜欢;冷淡:认为不喜欢,或把…看作是责难〔esteem〕To regard as; consider:把…看作;以为:〔Platonic〕Plato did not invent the term or the concept that bears his name,but he did see sexual desire as the germ for higher loves.Marsilio Ficino, a Renaissance follower of Plato,used the termsamor socraticus and amor platonicus interchangeably for a love between two human beings that was preparatory for the love of God. From Ficino's usagePlatonic (already present in English as an adjective to describe what related to Platoand first recorded in 1533) came to be used for a spiritual love between persons of opposite sexes.In our own centuryPlatonic has been used of relationships between members of the same sex. Though the concept is an elevated one,the term has perhaps more often been applied in waysthat led Samuel Richardson to have one of his characters inPamela say, "I am convinced, and always was, that Platonic love is Platonic nonsense.”柏拉图并没有发明带有他名字的术语或概念,但他的确将性欲看作更高层次爱的根源。文艺复兴时期柏拉图的信徒马尔西利奥·菲奇诺,交替地使用术语amor socraticus 和 amor platonicus 表示为上帝之爱准备的两个人之间的爱。 按照菲奇诺的用法Platonic (已作为一个形容词在英语中出现, 描述与柏拉图有关的事物,首次记录于1533年)逐渐被用来指异性之间的精神恋爱。在我们这个世纪,Platonic 已用于指同性伙伴之间的关系。 尽管这个词的概念是高尚的,但这个术语可能被更多地应用于一些方式,其导致塞缪尔·理查森让他的小说帕美勒 中的人物说: “我确信,而且一直确信,柏拉图式的恋爱是柏拉图的胡言乱语”〔Puritan〕puritan One who lives in accordance with Protestant precepts, especially one who regards pleasure or luxury as sinful. puritan 清教徒似的人:尤指那些把快乐或奢侈看作罪恶的根据新教戒律生活的人〔paper〕Commercial documents that represent value and can be transferred from owner to owner; negotiable instruments considered as a group:票据,有价证券:代表价值并可以转让的商业文件;看作一组的可流通工具:〔equate〕To consider, treat, or depict as equal or equivalent:等同:把…看作、认为或描绘成相同或相等的:〔justification〕considered misgovernment to be a justification for revolution.See Synonyms at apology 把对国家治理不当看作是革命的正当理由 参见 apology〔realpolitik〕A usually expansionist national policy having as its sole principle advancement of the national interest.现实政治:常指一种扩张的国家政策,把国家利益看作是唯一的原则性进展〔flaunt〕For some time nowflaunt has been used in the sense "to show contempt for,” even by educated users of English.This usage is still widely seen as erroneousand is best avoided.很长一段时间以来flaunt 已被用作表示“对…表示蔑视,” 就连有教养的英国人也这样用。这种用法仍被普遍看作是错误的,最好避免使用〔blond〕It is usual in English to treatblond as if it required gender marking, as in French, spelling itblonde when referring to women and blond elsewhere. But this practice is in fact a relatively recent innovation,and some have suggested that it has sexist implicationsand that the formblond should be used for both sexes. There is certainly a measure of justice to the claim that the two forms are not used symmetrically.Since English does not normally mark adjectives according to the gender of the nouns they modify,it is natural to interpret the final-e as expressing some additional meaning, perhaps because it implies that hair color provides a primary category of classification for women but not men.This association of hair color and a particular perception of feminine identity is suggested in phrasessuch asdumb blonde and Is it true blondes have more fun? or in Susan Brownmiller's depiction of Hollywood's "pantheon of celebrated blondes who have fed the fantasies of men and fueled the aspirations of women.” The corresponding masculine formblond, by contrast, is not ordinarily used to refer to men in contexts in which hair color is not specifically at issue; there is something arch in a reference toLeslie Howard, Robert Redford, and other celebrated blonds. See Usage Note at brunette 在英语中,通常在使用blond 时似乎认为这个词需要性别标志。 正如在法语中,指女性时拼作blonde ,指其他时拼作 blond 。 但这实际上是较新的一种用法,一些人就曾认为这个词本身就带有性别的含义,而且blond 可同时用于两种性别。 两种形式并没有相应地使用的说法是有几分道理。因为英语中通常并不根据形容词修饰的名词的性而加以标明,很自然地就词尾的-e 看作附加的意思的表示, 这也许是由于它暗示头发的颜色是女性而不是男性提供了一个鉴别的首要类型。这种把头发颜色和女性鉴别的特殊方法联系在一起的作法,在如下的一些句子中有所体现,dump blonde(愚蠢的女人) 和 Is it true blondes have more fun?(金发女人真的更有情趣吗?) 或苏珊·布朗米勒的《好莱坞》中的描写的 "pantheon of celebrated blondes who have fed the fantasies of men and fueled the aspirations of women"(一些曾满足男人的幻想和勾起女人的野心的显赫女明星)。 不同的是相对应的男性的强调形式blond, 在行文中没有特别头发颜色的情况下通常并不专指男性; 如这句说法有调侃的意味的例句Leslie Howard, Robert Redford, and other celebrated blonds(莱斯利·霍华德,罗伯特·莱德佛拉和其他著名的金发明星中) 参见 brunette〔helicopter〕The origin of the wordhelicopter is apparent only upon due recognition of its Greek ancestors. Helicopter was borrowed from the French word hélicoptère, a word constructed from Greekheliko- and pteron, "wing.” Heliko- is a form of helix, "spiral,” that combines with other words and word forms to create new words.The consonant clusterpt in pteron begins many Greek words but relatively few English words,so English speakers who are unfamiliar with Greek do not think of the word's elements ashelico-pter. At least some English speakers have analyzed the word into the elementsheli-copter, as is shown by the clipped formcopter. Helicopter 一词的来源正好可以明显地在希腊语的古代词汇中找到相对应的词。 Helicopter 一词是从法语中的 helicoptere 借用过来的, 这个词义是由希腊词heliko 和 pteron (翅膀之意)组成的, 而Heliko 正好是 helix (螺旋)的另一种形式, 用于与其它单词相拼合而产生新的词汇。Pteron 中的辅音群 pt 作为字首在希腊语中是很多的, 但在英语词汇中就相对少得多,所以,那些不熟悉希腊语的英语使用者就不会把该词的成分看作是helico-pter 。 至少有的英语使用者已经把该词分析成了heli-copter , 正如缩写形式copter 所示那样 〔mannequin〕A department store mannequin is often not a man and often not little,yetmannequin goes back to the Middle Dutch word mannekijn, the diminutive form ofman. Of course we must consider the fact thatman in Dutch, as in English, has often been used to mean "person.” As for the size of a mannequin,the Middle Dutch word could mean "dwarf" but in Modern Dutch developed the specialized sense of "an artist's jointed model.”This was the sense in which we adopted the word (first recorded in 1570),another term likeeasel and landscape that was taken over from the terminology of Dutch painters of the time. The word borrowed from Dutch now has the formmanikin. We later adopted the French version of the Dutch word as well,giving Englishmannequin. Mannequinis considered to be first recorded in a dictionary published from 1730 to 1736 or in 1902,depending on whether one regards early forms showing French influence as variants ofmanikin or as representations of a new word. In any event,mannequin is now the form most commonly encountered and the one commonly used for a department store dummy as well as a live model.一个百货店的时装模特一般不用男子并且也不会太小,但mannequin 一词来源于中世纪时的荷兰语 mannekijn, 是man 的小词形式。 当然,我们应该考虑到在荷兰语和英语中,man 被用来指“一个人”。 至于人体模型的大小,这个中世纪荷兰词语可以表示“侏儒”,但在现代荷兰语中发展出一个特定的意思是“艺术家的关节活动的人体模型”。我们取的就是这个意思(最早记载于1570年),其它如easel 和 landscape 也是从当时荷兰画家所用术语中搬过来的。 从荷兰语来的这个词今天的形式是manikin 。 我们后来又接受了这个荷兰词的法语变体,英语词是manneqin 。 Mannequin一般认为最早记载于一本字典中, 出版于1730-1736年间或1902年,主要看是把该词的较早的形式看作是用法语影响的manikin 一词的变体还是看作是一个新词。 不论如何,mannequin 一词现在已经是最为常见的形式了, 通常用来表示百货商店里的人体模型或真人模特〔soldiery〕Soldiers considered as a group.军人(总称):看作是一个集体的所有军人〔account〕To consider as being; deem.See Synonyms at consider See Usage Note at as 1认为;看作。 参见 consider 参见 as1〔reckon〕To consider as being; regard as.See Synonyms at consider 认为:把……看作;视为 参见 consider〔Xmas〕Xmas has been used for hundreds of years in religious writing, where theX is understood to represent a Greek chi, the first letter of Χριστος, "Christ";in this use it is parallel to other forms likeXtian, "Christian.” But the letterX, or especially x, is nowadays more frequently interpreted as a mathematical variable than as a Greek letter, as indicated by the common pronunciation of the formXmas as (ĕksʹməs). Thus, while the word is etymologically innocent of the charge that it omits Christ from Christmas,it is now generally understood only as an informal shortening.In an earlier survey 88 percent of the Usage Panel rejected the use ofXmas in writing. Xmas 在宗教作品中已用了几百年, X 用来表示希腊字母chi, 是Χριστος的第一个字母,意为“耶稣”;在这种用法中,它与其他形式相似,如Xtian, “教会的”。 但是字母X, 尤其是 x, 现在更常见的是当作数学变量,而不是希腊字母, 因为该符号Xmas 发音已普遍为(ĕksʹməs)。 因此,当这个单词从词源学上把Christ从Christmas中省掉是合乎规则的,现在该词已被广泛看作一个非正式的缩写形式。在早期的调查问卷中,有百分之八十八的用法使用小组成员拒绝在作品中用Xmas 〔scuba〕To goscuba diving sounds much more desirable than to go self-contained underwater breathing apparatus diving. In talking about such an apparatus, first successfully tested in 1943, it must have seemed much simpler to sayscuba, taking the first letter of each word in the phrase and putting them together to form one word.Scuba, like other acronyms, as such words are called, has a vowel at a point that allows it to be pronounced like an English word.The word, first recorded in 1952, has been accepted to the extent that people probably rarely think of it as a collection of initials and furthermore have used it in forming other words, such asscuba-dive. In fact, a verbscuba was first recorded in 1973 and is still in use. 用scuba diving 要比用 self-contained underwater breathing apparatus diving 听起来更能令有接受。 当谈及这种首次在1943年试验成功的装置时,能不费力地说scruba , 把词组中每个单字的第一个字母都集合在一起形成一个单词。Scuba 与其它同样叫法的首字缩略词一样, 在某一点有一元音,这样使它在发音时听起来象一个英语单词。自从这个单词首次在1952年出现后,已经被人们广为使用,大概人们很少会把它看作是首字母的集合体,甚至人们把它还用于其它单词中,例如scuba-dive 。 事实上,动词scuba 是在1973年首次被记录,并一直延用至今 〔esteem〕esteemed it an honor to help them.把帮助他们看作是一种尊敬〔construe〕construed my smile as assent.See Synonyms at explain 把我的微笑看作赞同 参见 explain〔reify〕To regard or treat (an abstraction) as if it had concrete or material existence.使具体化:把(一个抽象的概念)看作或当作有具体的或物质的存在〔subversive〕"Sex and creativity are often seen by dictators as subversive activities"(Erica Jong)“性与创造常常被独裁者们看作是颠覆性的活动”(埃丽卡·荣)〔decry〕Some critics disparage psychoanalysis as being a pseudoscience. To 一些批评家轻蔑地把精神分析学看作是伪科学。 〔work〕works The output of a writer, an artist, or a musician considered or collected as a whole: works 作品:作家、画家或音乐家被收集为或看作一个整体的作品:〔wind〕Wind instruments or their players considered as a group.管乐器部:看作一个整体的管乐器或其演奏者




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