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释义 | 〔zealot〕Zealot A member of a Jewish movement of the first centurya.d. that fought against Roman rule in Palestine as incompatible with strict monotheism. Zealot 坚贞信徒:公元 1世纪,在巴勒斯坦反抗罗马统治运动的犹太教派成员。因其统治与一严格的神教相冲突 〔Vansittart〕British diplomat whose early recognition of the threat of Nazism conflicted with Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain's policy of appeasement.范恩塔特,罗伯特·吉尔伯特:(1881-1957) 英国外交家,他对纳粹危胁的早期认识与首相内维尔·张伯伦的绥靖政策相冲突〔idealist〕One whose conduct is influenced by ideals that often conflict with practical considerations.理想主义者,理想家:行为受理想支配,常常与现实想法相冲突的人〔if〕With all deference to the traditional rules governing the use of the subjunctive,it should be noted that a survey of the prose of reputable writers over the past 200 years would reveal a persistent tendency to use the indicativewas where the traditional rule would require the subjunctive were. A sentence beginningIf I was the only boy in the world, while not strictly correct, is wholly unremarkable. But the corresponding practice of using the subjunctive in place of the indicative may be labeled a hypercorrection. ·In spoken Englishthere is a growing tendency to usewould have in place of the subjunctive in contrary-to-fact clauses, as inif I would have been the President, but this usage is still widely considered incorrect.See Usage Note at doubt ,should ,wish 在与指导虚拟语气使用方法的传统规则相冲突的一系列不同用法中,我们应注意到一项对过去200年散文作家的调查显示,在传统语法要求使用虚拟式的were 的情况下,有一种持久的使用直陈式 was 的趋势。 一句用假如我是世界上唯一的男孩 开头的句子不会引起人们的注意。 而一定要把其中的直陈式换成虚拟式就显得矫正过了头。在英语口语中,在与事实相反的从句中,使用would have 一词的趋势有所增加, 例如如果我会是总统, 但这种用法仍然被大多数人认为是不正确的 参见 doubt,should,wish〔incompatible〕Producing an undesirable effect when used in combination with a particular substance:相克的; 相冲突的:在与某些特殊成分混合在一起使用时会产生不理想的效果的: |
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