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释义 | 〔calycine〕Of, relating to, or resembling a calyx.花萼状的:花萼的,与之相关的,或相似的〔brainsick〕Of, relating to, or induced by a mental disorder; insane or mad.疯狂的:精神紊乱的、与之相关或引起之的;精神错乱的或疯狂的〔Capetian〕Of or relating to the French dynasty founded by Hugh Capet.卡佩王朝的:由雨果·卡佩所建立的法兰西王朝的或与之相关的〔microcap〕Of or relating to companies with very small capitalizations, especially less than 250 million dollars.小资本公司的:资本额非常小公司的或与其相关的,特别是指资本额低于2亿5千万元者〔gyromagnetic〕Of, relating to, or resulting from the magnetic properties of a spinning, electrically charged particle.回转磁的:充电旋转粒子的磁性的,与之相关或由这种磁性产生的〔Columbian〕Of or relating to Christopher Columbus.哥伦布的:克利斯托弗·哥伦布的或与之相关的〔shakedown〕In 1969 a majority of the members of theAmerican Heritage Dictionary Usage Panel felt that the noun shakedown in the sense "extortion" and the related phrasal verb shake down were acceptable in writing, though both are now labeledslang. It would seem that certain usages take a while to attain respectability because of the company they keep.Shake and the verb phrase shake out of already meant "to steal" in Middle English. This usage ofshake is still found in the 19th and 20th centuries. Bothshake and shake out of in the sense "to steal" are clearly related to shake down, which is first recorded in 1872, shake down being glossed "to extort money from individuals.” This is a slang usage,probably occurring, as had the verbshake, largely in contexts having to do with criminal or corrupt behavior. As our Panel realized,the verb and the later nounshakedown (first recorded in 1902 in the United States) have now moved from the lingo of criminals, loan sharks, and politicians into wider currency. 1969年,大多数美国经典辞书 用法研究小组的成员认为名词 shakedown (意为“敲诈”)及相关的短语动词 shake down 在写作中是可接受的, 虽然现在两者均被标以俚语。 与之有关的意义似乎有些用法需要一些时间来获得社会的承认。在中世纪英语中,Shake 和 shake out of 已经意味着“偷盗” 。 shake 的这种用法仍见于19世纪和20世纪。 Shake 及 shake out of (意为“偷盗”)明显与 shake down (首次记载于1872年)有所联系。 shake down 被解释为“从个人处敲诈金钱”。 这是俚语用法,很可能如动词shake 一样,大量用于与犯罪或腐败行为有关的语境中。 正如我们的用法研究小组所意识到的,该动词及后来的名词shakedown (在美国最早记载于1902年)已从罪犯、高利贷者及政客的语汇发展到更广泛的使用领域 〔connote〕To have as a related or attendant condition:有…相关或附加条件:〔foscarnet〕An antiviral drug, CNa3O 5P, used in the treatment of several AIDS-related infections including cytomegalovirus retinitis. 磷碳钠:抗病毒药剂,用于治疗与艾滋病相关的几种传染病,包括巨细胞病毒视网膜炎CNa3O 5P 〔tuna〕Any of various often large scombroid marine food and game fishes of the genusThunnus and related genera, many of which, including T. thynnus and the albacore, are commercially important sources of canned fish. Also called tunny 金枪鱼:各种金枪鱼 属及相关科属的鲭亚鱼目大观赏鱼和食用鱼中的任意一种,这种鱼大多数,包括 金枪鱼 和白瞳鲔,是罐头装的鱼的重要来源,具商业价值 也作 tunny〔exocentric〕Of or relating to a compound word whose referent is not the same as the referents of any of its constituent parts. For example, the nounrazorback does not refer to a type of back, but to a type of hog (one having a sharply ridged back). 外向的,离心的:一个复合文字的或是与其相关的,该复合文字所指称的东西与其任一组成分子所指称的东西均不相同,举例而言,razorback(尖背野猪) 这个名词指的并非背脊的一种,而是公猪的一种(有着尖削背脊的一种公猪) 〔chub〕Any of various freshwater fishes of the family Cyprinidae related to the carps and minnows, especially a Eurasian species,Leuciscus cephalus. 白首鲤:一种相关于鲤鱼和鲦鱼的鲤科淡水鱼,尤指欧亚品种,圆鳍雅罗鱼 〔midship〕Of, relating to, or located in the middle of a ship.船身中部的:船身中部的、与船身中部相关的或位于船身中部的〔telencephalon〕The anterior portion of the forebrain, constituting the cerebral hemispheres and related parts. Also called endbrain 端脑:构成脑半球和相关部分的前脑前面部分 也作 endbrain〔carry〕To transfer (an account) to the next column, page, or book relating to the same account.转帐目到…:把(一个帐目)转到与它相关的下一栏、页或册上去〔syntactic〕Of or relating to the rules of syntax.句子造句法规则的或与之相关的〔bronchial〕Of or relating to the bronchi, the bronchia, or the bronchioles.支气管的,小支气管的,细支气管的:支气管的、小支气管的或细支气管的或与之相关的〔hypsometry〕The measurement of elevation relative to sea level.测高术:与海拔相关的高度的测量〔paragenesis〕The order in which a formation of associated minerals is generated.共生次序:相关矿物生成时的顺序〔combinative〕Of, relating to, or resulting from combination.结合的:结合的或与之相关的,由之引起的〔superfamily〕A taxonomic category of related organisms ranking below an order or its subdivisions and above a family.总科:一种生物分类的类别,包括目或其分支以下和科以上的相关物质有机体〔unilinear〕Of or developing in a progressive sequence usually from the primitive to the advanced.分阶段发展的:通常从原始阶段向高级阶段发展的发展顺序的或有此相关的〔millenary〕Of or relating to a thousand, especially to a thousand years; millenarian.一千的:一千的或与之相关的,尤指一千年的;一千年的〔endocentric〕Of or relating to a group of syntactically related words, at least one of which is functionally equivalent to the function of the whole group. For example, the nountable in the noun phrase the old table is endocentric because it has the same grammatical function as the whole noun phrase. 向心的:造句上相关字语的,或与其相关的;至少其中有一字在机能上要与整体的机能一致。例如,在名词词组the old table(旧桌子) 中的名词 table 就是一个向心字语,因为其和整个名词词组具有相同的语法功能 〔Chippendale〕Of or relating to an 18th-century English style of furniture characterized by flowing lines and often rococo ornamentation.奇彭代尔式的:一种18世纪英国特征为优美的外廓并常有华丽的装饰家具样式或与之相关的〔ballistic〕Of or relating to the study of the dynamics of projectiles.弹道学的:射弹动力学研究的或与之相关的〔difference〕Distinction often means a difference in detail between like or related things, determinable only by close inspection: Distiaction 通常的意思为相似的或相关的事物间的细节差异,只能通过仔细的检查才能确定的: 〔tortuous〕Althoughtortuous and torturous both come from the Latin word torquēre, "to twist,” their primary meanings are distinct.Tortuous means "twisting" ( a tortuous road ) or by extension "complex" or "devious.” Torturous refers primarily to torture and the pain associated with it. However,torturous also can be used in the sense of "twisted" or "strained,” andtortured is an even stronger synonym: 尽管tortuous 和 torturous 都来自同一个拉丁词 torquere (“弯曲”), 但这两个词的基本意思完全不同。Tortuous 的意思是“弯曲的”( 一条蜿蜓的道路 )或引申为“复杂”或“迂回”的意思。 Torturous 主要指折磨、痛苦以及与之相关的意思。 不过,Torturous 同样也有“扭曲的”和“受压的”意思, 而tortured 是一个意思更为强烈的同义词: 〔prefrontal〕Of, relating to, or situated in the anterior part of the frontal lobe.额叶前部的:额叶前面部分的、与之相关的或位于之的〔connate〕Originating at the same time; related.同生的:同时产生的;相关的〔Sindhi〕Of or relating to Sind or its people, language, or culture.信德或其人民、语言或文化的或与之相关的〔inanimate〕Not having the qualities associated with active, living organisms; not animate.See Synonyms at dead 无活力的:不具备与活跃的、有生命的机体相关的一些特质的;无生气的 参见 dead〔symbolic〕Of, relating to, or expressed by means of symbols or a symbol.象征的:一个或多个象征手法的、与之相关的或由之表达的〔synaptic〕Of or relating to synapsis or a synapse:联合的,接合的,突触的:联合、接合或突触的或与之相关的:〔peroneal〕Of or relating to the fibula or to the outer portion of the leg.腓骨的,腓侧的:腓骨的或小腿外侧部位的,或与之相关的〔native〕The Ainu are indigenous to the northernmost islands of Japan. Somethingendemic is prevalent in or peculiar to a particular locality or people: 阿伊努族是日本最北部诸岛的本土人。 Endemic 是对于某一特定地点或人们相关的和特殊的: 〔English〕Of, relating to, or characteristic of England or its people or culture.英国的,英国人的:英格兰的,与英格兰人或文化相关的,或具有英格兰特性的〔woodcock〕Either of two related game birds,Scolopax rusticola of the Old World or Philohela minor of North America, having brownish plumage, short legs, and a long bill. 丘鹬,山鹬:欧亚大陆的欧洲丘鹬 或北美洲 美洲丘鹬 两种相关的猎禽中的一种,有淡褐色的羽毛、短脚和长嘴 〔airside〕The part of an airport directly involved in the arrival and departure of aircraft.机场侧边:直接与飞机到达和起飞相关的机场部分〔symbolist〕Often Symbolist Of or relating to the Symbolists. 常作 Symbolist 象征主义者的或与之相关的 |
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