单词 | 直立 |
释义 | 〔parenthesis〕Either or both of the upright curved lines, ( or ), used to mark off explanatory or qualifying remarks in writing or printing or enclose a sum, product, or other expression considered or treated as a collective entity in a mathematical operation.圆括号,圆括弧:两个直立曲线或其中之一,(或),用于标出解释文字及书写或打印中的限定语或包含一个和、积或其它在数学运算中作为或被当作是一个集体的性质的表达式〔gallery〕A decorative upright trimming or molding along the edge of a table top, tray, or shelf.边缘装饰:在桌子顶部、托盘或书架边缘处的直立的装饰品或造型〔Oneida〕Oneida one· n yóte’ [erected stone, a village name] 奥奈达语 one· 名词 yote [直立的石头,村庄的名字] 〔roach〕To shave (the mane of a horse) to a short bristle.把(马鬈)剪短至直立状〔straight〕The straight part, as of a road:笔直的路:直立部分,如一条路的直立部分:〔nopal〕Any of several cacti of the genusNopalea, especially N. cochenillifera, found chiefly in Mexico and having reddish flowers with an erect perianth and long, exserted stamens. 胭脂仙人掌:胭脂仙人掌属 的一种仙人掌,尤指 胭脂仙人掌, 主要生长于墨西哥,有直立的花瓣和深红色的花朵及比花瓣长很多的雄蕊 〔radiator〕A heating device consisting of a series of connected pipes, typically inside an upright metal structure, through which steam or hot water is circulated so as to radiate heat into the surrounding space.散热器:一种由一系列连接的管道组成的加热器,尤用于直立的金属结构内,蒸汽或热水在其内部循环以向周围空间释放热量〔aggro〕"Nat was aggro . . . Not content to ride in a straight line across the wave's face, Nat was a pioneer of the vertical move"(Kem Nunn)“奈特真是新潮…不满足于在波浪上滑直线,他是直立移动动作的先锋”(凯姆·纳恩)〔erection〕The act of erecting.直立、竖立:直立或竖立的动作〔yoke〕Any of various emblems of subjugation, such as a structure made of two upright spears with a third laid across them, under which conquered enemies of ancient Rome were forced to march in subjection.服从的象征,隶属的标记:一种隶属的象征,如两根直立长矛加另一横矛穿在他们中组成的结构,古罗马被征服军队被迫进行臣服〔moulin〕A nearly vertical shaft or cavity worn in a glacier by surface or rock debris falling through a crack in the ice.冰川锅穴:冰川中近于直立的井穴或洞,系由冰面和岩石碎屑从冰缝中坍落而成〔stanchion〕A framework consisting usually of two vertical bars, used to secure cattle in a stall.栓牛枷:通常有两个直立木棍的枷子,用来拴牛棚中的牛〔broomcorn〕A variety of sorghum(Sorghum bicolor) having a stiff, erect, much-branched flower cluster, the stalks of which are used to make brooms. 高粱,蜀黍:一种高粱,有坚硬、直立、多分支的花簇(两色蜀黍 蜀黍属) ,其茎被用来做扫帚 〔upright〕Erect in posture or carriage:直立的,笔直的:挺直的姿势或姿态:〔rampike〕A standing dead tree or tree stump, especially one killed by fire.直立的死树:站立的死树或树桩,尤指被火烧死的(树或树桩)〔bristle〕To stand stiffly on end like bristles:象刚毛一样根部直立:〔gallows〕A device usually consisting of two upright posts supporting a crossbeam from which a noose is suspended and used for execution by hanging; a gallows tree.绞刑架:一种装置,通常包括支撑一根悬挂绞索的横梁的两根直立柱子,用于执行绞刑;绞刑架〔paling〕One of a row of upright, pointed sticks forming a fence; a pale.桩:做栅栏用的直立带尖的一排棍中的一个;柱子〔distant〕stāre [to stand] * see stā- stāre [站立,直立,起立] * 参见 stā- 〔gibbet〕An upright post with a crosspiece, forming a T-shaped structure from which executed criminals were formerly hung for public viewing.绞刑架:直立的有横档的杆,形成一种T形结构,可示众处死先前已悬挂着的罪犯〔porcupine〕Any of various rodents of the Old World family Hystricidae or the New World family Erethizontidae, having long, sharp, erectile quills interspersed with coarse hair.豪猪,箭猪:东半球的豪猪科和西半球的美洲豪猪科的各种啮齿类动物之一,其粗硬的毛发中分布着长而尖的直立刺〔saxony〕A woven carpet having a cut pile of dense, erect tufts.撒克逊毯:一种有密而直立丛毛的织毯〔stature〕from status [past participle of] stāre [to stand] * see stā- 源自 status stāre的过去分词 [直立] * 参见 stā- 〔statice〕from statos [standing] * see stā- 源自 statos [直立的] * 参见 stā- 〔lift〕A raised, high, or erect position, as of a part of the body:翘起:升高的、高的或直立的位置,如身体的某一部分:〔stand〕stand straight; stand to one side.直立;站立在一边〔stem〕The upright stroke of a typeface or letter.干线:字体或字母直立的笔划〔erect〕To raise to a rigid or upright condition.举起:抬到一个竖直、直立的位置〔up〕Standing; erect.站立的;直立的〔suricate〕A small, burrowing, carnivorous mammal(Suricata suricatta) of southern Africa, related to the mongoose and having grayish fur and a long tail, which it uses for balance when it stands on its hind legs. Also called sticktail 沼狸:南非洲一种小的穴居、食肉和哺乳动物,(灰沼狸 灵猫科) ,与獴有关,长有灰毛,长尾用于直立时平衡身体 也作 sticktail〔orthogonal〕ortho- [ortho-] ortho- [直立] 〔set〕To place in an upright position.直立:放于竖直位置〔pipe〕A vertical, cylindrical vein of ore.管状脉:直立的管状矿脉〔chamois〕An extremely agile goat antelope(Rupicapra rupicapra) of mountainous regions of Europe, having upright horns with backward-hooked tips. 岩羚羊:一种欧洲山区活动极为敏捷的小羚羊(岩羚羊) ,有顶端向后弯的直立角 〔pesade〕The act or position of a horse when rearing on its hind legs with its forelegs in the air.腾空:当马的前蹄跃起在空中而后腿直立的动作或姿势〔straight〕Erect; upright:直立的;垂直的:〔footboard〕An upright board across the foot of a bedstead.床踏板:穿过床架下端直立的板〔aerostat〕Greek statos [standing] * see stato- 希腊语 statos [直立的] * 参见 stato-〔motte〕A tuft of human or animal hair standing up on the head or body.直立于头上或身体上的一束人或者动物的毛发〔pillbox〕A woman's small hat with upright sides and a flat crown.筒状女帽:有直立的帽边和扁平冒顶的一种女式小帽 |
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