单词 | 的时刻 |
释义 | 〔horoscope〕The aspect of the planets and stars at a given moment, such as the moment of a person's birth, used by astrologers.星象:占星术需所用的,某一特定时刻(如一个人出生的时刻)的行星与恒星的位置〔crush〕A decisive or critical moment or situation.决定性关头,关键时刻:决定性或关键的时刻或状况〔demand〕When needed or asked for:有求必应:处于被需要或被请求的时刻:〔best〕The best is still to come. Let's get the best out of life.最好的时刻即将到来。让我们享受生命中的精华〔awkward〕 Awkward and clumsy, the least specific,are often interchangeable.Both emphasize lack of physical dexterity (an awkward dancer; clumsy fingers); both can also suggest embarrassment or lack of ease (several awkward moments in the discussion; offered a clumsy apology). Awkward 和 clumsy 无大的差别,经常是可互换的。两者都是强调缺少身体的灵活性( 不灵活的跳舞者;笨人); 两者也都暗示窘迫或不自在(讨论中一些令人窘迫的时刻;表示不安的歉意)。〔suppertime〕The time of day during which supper is usually eaten.晚饭时间:一天中通常用于吃晚饭的时刻〔epic〕"Here in the courtroom . . . there was more of that epic atmosphere, the extra amperage of a special moment"(Scott Turow)“这里是审判室…不仅仅有其庄严的气氛,而且在这一特殊的时刻有着更强烈的震撼”(斯科特·图罗)〔deceive〕"There is a moment of difficulty and danger at which flattery and falsehood can no longer deceive" (Letters of Junius).“在艰难和危险的时刻,奉承和欺骗不再能蒙蔽人” (朱尼厄斯的信)。〔wake〕The pairswake, waken and awake, awaken have formed a bewildering array since the Middle English period. All four words have similar meanings, though there are some differences in use.Onlywake is used in the sense "to be awake,” as in expressions likewaking (not wakening ) and sleeping, every waking hour. Wake is also more common than waken when used together with up; andawake and awaken never occur in this context: She woke up (rarely wakened up; never awakened up or awoke up ). Some writers have suggested thatwaken should be used only transitively and awaken only intransitively, but there is ample literary precedent for usages such asHe wakened early and They did not awaken her. In figurative sensesawake and awaken are more prevalent: wake,waken 和 awake,awaken 这两对词自中古英语以来就形成令人不解的一组词。 四个词有相似的意思,尽管在用法上有差异。只有wake 用于“保持清醒”的意义, 如在waking (而非 wakening ) and sleeping, every waking hour(清醒和睡眠,每一个醒着的时刻)。 Wake在与 up 一同用时也比 waken 更常用; 并且awake 和 awaken 从不出现在这种语言环境中: She woke up (很少用 wakened up ;从不用 awakened up 或 awoke up )。 有些作家指出waken 应只用作及物的而 awaken 只用作不及物的, 但有很多文学上的用法先例,如He wakened early(他醒得早) 和 They did not awaken her(他们没惊醒她)。 在比喻意义上awake 和 awaken 更普遍: 〔mirror〕"The city mirrors many of the greatest moments of Western culture"(Olivier Bernier)“这座城市反映了西方文明中许多最伟大的时刻”(奥利维耶·贝尼耶)〔poltroon〕"Every moment of the fashion industry's misery is richly deserved by the designers . . . and magazine poltroons who perpetuate this absurd creation"(Nina Totenberg)“时装工业每一个痛苦的时刻都是完全应该被时装设计师们…和那些使这种荒诞创造永久化的杂志懦夫领受”(尼娜·图腾伯格)〔Hellman〕American playwright whose works concern sensitive political and social issues, such as lesbianism inThe Children's Hour (1934) and interracial relations in Toys in the Attic (1960). 海尔曼,莉琏:(1905-1984) 美国剧作家,其作品关心敏感的政治及社会问题,如《孩子们的时刻》 (1934年)中的女同性恋主义及 《阁楼里的玩具》 (1960年)中的种族关系问题 〔inscape〕"Here is the inscape, the epiphany, the moment of truth. That stubborn spot has become an image of the agony of human life and death"(Madison Bell)“这是本质,是对真谛的顿悟,是真理的时刻。那倔强的一面已成为人类生命与死亡痛苦的形象”(麦迪逊·贝尔)〔reasonable〕arrive home at a reasonable hour.在一个还说得过去的时刻回到了家〔moment〕A particular period of importance, influence, or significance in a series of events or developments:关键的时刻;时机:对一系列事件和发展有重要影响或意义重大的某一特定时期:〔parting〕A point of divergence, especially one of great moment.转折点:分岔点,尤指需要作出重大决择的时刻〔piping〕"in this weak piping time of peace"(Shakespeare)“在这和平的柔弱而宁静的时刻”(莎士比亚)〔extremity〕A moment at which death or ruin is imminent.临死,临终:临死或毁灭的时刻〔moment〕A brief period of time that is characterized by a quality, such as excellence, suitability, or distinction:特殊价值的时刻:具有某一特性如卓越性、适合性或独特性的短暂的一段时间:〔unpropitious〕arrived at an unpropitious moment.在一个不利的时刻到达〔unearthly〕telephoned me at an unearthly hour.在一个反常的时刻打电话给我〔airtime〕The time at which a radio or television program is broadcast.开播时间:无线电或电视节目广播的时刻〔burnout〕The point at which this termination occurs.停烧时刻:这种时期发生的时刻〔moment〕A specific point in time, especially the present time:目前,现在:特定的时刻,尤指目前:〔watershed〕"a watershed in modern American history, a time that . . . forever changed American social attitudes"(Robert Reinhold)“现代美国历史的转折点,一个…永远改变了美国社会观念的时刻”(罗伯特·赖恩豪德)〔night〕A time or condition of gloom, obscurity, ignorance, or despair:幽暗,绝望的时刻:忧郁、沉闷、烦躁或绝望的时期或状况:〔gladsome〕a gladsome occasion; a gladsome smile.令人高兴的时刻;欢乐的微笑〔push〕At a point when or if all else has been taken into account and matters must be confronted, one way or another:在紧要关头:在如果或当任何其他因素都被考虑到了和所有事实都必需面对的时刻,不是以这种方式就是另一种方式:〔push〕"We extol the virtues of motherhood and bestow praise on the self-sacrificing homemaker but when push comes to shove, we give her little recognition for what she does"(Los Angeles Times)“我们赞美母性的美德和有自我牺牲精神的主妇们,但是当形势十分紧要的时刻,我们对她的所作所为却没有给予承认和认可”(洛杉矶时报)〔inflexible〕"Russia's final hour, it seemed, approached with inexorable certainty" (W. Bruce Lincoln).俄罗斯的最后时刻,好象到了最严峻的时刻 (W·布鲁斯·林肯)。〔hour〕A customary or fixed time:习惯的或固定的时刻:〔place〕A suitable setting or occasion:适当的时刻,合适的场合:〔touchdown〕The contact, or moment of contact, of a landing aircraft or spacecraft with the landing surface.触地、触地时刻:着陆的飞机或太空飞行器与着陆平面的接触或接触的时刻〔nervous〕nervous moments before takeoff.离去前不安的时刻〔quality〕"He settled in to read Edmund Wilson . . . It was quality time"(Margaret Truman)“他坐下来读爱德蒙·威尔逊的书…这是一个极其美妙的时刻”(玛格丽特·杜鲁门)〔time〕An appointed or fated moment, especially of death or giving birth:时限:一个指定或命中注定的时刻,尤指死亡或出生:〔laud〕The time appointed for this service.上述祈祷的时刻〔pregnant〕"It was a politically pregnant time in Poland"(New York)“这是波兰政治上极为重要的时刻”(纽约)〔winningest〕"It was one of America's winningest days for women"(Christian Science Monitor)“那是美国妇女最成功的时刻之一”(基督教科学箴言报)〔point〕A specific moment in time:时刻:时间上的一个特定的时刻: |
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