单词 | 的准备 |
释义 | 〔preprofessional〕Preparatory to the practice of a profession or to its specialized field of study.预备:就职前的准备,或专业学习之前的准备〔preparatory〕In preparation for. Used withto : 作为…的准备。与to 连用: 〔gird〕"Men still spoke of peace but girded more sternly for war"(W. Bruce Lincoln)“人类仍然谈论和平但却为战争作了更坚定的准备”(W.布鲁斯·林肯)〔choirboy〕"They're . . . choirboys—clean, scrubbed nothings—so there's no dramatic or psychological preparation for the explosion of killing"(Pauline Kael)“他们是…好青年——整洁、品行端正。所以对于突然发生的大屠杀没有任何心理上的准备”(保利娜·克尔)〔gaiety〕making preparations for the holiday gaieties.作好假日欢庆活动的准备〔arrangement〕Often arrangements A provision or plan made in preparation for an undertaking: 常作 arrangements 准备:为某项任务所做的准备或计划:〔crash〕a crash course on income-tax preparation; a crash diet.对所得税的准备不遗余力;决心要节食〔pretest〕A preliminary test given to determine whether students are sufficiently prepared for a more advanced course of studies.预先测试:为衡量学生是否已有足够的准备去进行更高一级的学习而举行的初步考试〔culminate〕The ceremony culminated a long week of preparation.经过长长一个星期的准备,典礼终于开始了〔Wavell〕British field marshal who routed Italian forces in North Africa (1940-1941) before being defeated by the Germans. As viceroy of India (1943-1947) he sought to prepare India for independence.韦弗尔,阿希巴尔德·珀希维尔:(1883-1950) 英国战地指挥官,在北非(1940-1941年)被德军击败之前他追击意大利军队。作为印度总督(1943-1947年),他寻求使印度做独立的准备〔forethought〕Preparation or thought for the future.See Synonyms at prudence 深谋远虑:对未来的准备或思虑 参见 prudence〔preparatory〕A thorough cleaning of the house took place preparatory to our departure.作为我们离开的准备,我们把屋子彻底打扫了一遍〔put〕To make final preparations for completing (a project).最后准备:为完成(一个项目)而做最后的准备〔paddock〕An area of an automobile racetrack where cars are prepared before a race.赛前停车场:汽车比赛跑道的一个地区,汽车在那儿进行比赛前的准备〔Lamaze〕Relating to or being a method of childbirth in which the expectant mother is prepared psychologically and physically to give birth without the use of drugs.心理助产法的:与一种生孩子方法有关的或这种方法的,在该法中怀孕的母亲不借助麻醉药而是在心理和身体上作充分的准备〔put〕To make final preparations for the printing of (a newspaper, for example).印刷前最后准备:为(例如报纸)的印刷而做最后的准备〔rely〕Prepare yourself thoroughly for the performance;then trust in your talent to carry you through.为演出作好充分的准备;然后相信自己的才华能克服一切困难。〔snug〕To prepare (a vessel) to weather a storm, as by taking in sail or securing movable gear.为(船)作好防备:使(船只)做好抗风暴的准备,如收帆或固定可移动的齿轮组〔launder〕To wash or prepare laundry.洗衣物或作洗涤前的准备〔defiance〕Intentionally contemptuous behavior or attitude; readiness to contend or resist.蔑视,藐视:故意表示轻视的行为或态度;做好抗争或反抗的准备 |
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