单词 | 疾病 |
释义 | 〔fastigium〕The period of maximum severity or intensity of a disease or fever.高峰期:疾病或发烧最严重或最强烈的时期〔yield〕"I will be conquered;I will not capitulate [to illness] ” (Samuel Johnson). “我将被征服;我不会屈服”[于疾病] ” (塞缪尔·约翰逊)。〔poison〕A substance that causes injury, illness, or death, especially by chemical means.毒物:一种(尤其是通过化学作用)导致受伤、疾病或死亡的物质〔morbidity〕The rate of incidence of a disease.发病率:发生疾病的概率〔hale〕Free from infirmity or illness; sound.See Synonyms at healthy 健壮的:没有衰弱和疾病现象的;健康的 参见 healthy〔crapulence〕Sickness caused by excessive eating or drinking.暴饮暴食引起的疾病〔quarantine〕A period of time during which a vehicle, person, or material suspected of carrying a contagious disease is detained at a port of entry under enforced isolation to prevent disease from entering a country.检疫期,隔离期:当运输工具、人或材料被怀疑带有传染性疾病,被扣留在港口进行强行隔离的一段期限,以防止疾病传入某个国家〔distemper〕A similar viral disease of cats characterized by fever, vomiting, diarrhea leading to dehydration, and sometimes death. Also called feline distemper ,panleukopenia 猫细胞缺乏症,猫肠炎:发生猫身上的一种类似病毒引起的疾病,主要症状是,发烧,呕吐,腹泻导致脱水,而且有时会导致死亡 也作 feline distemper,panleukopenia〔helminthiasis〕A disease caused by infestation with parasitic worms.蠕虫病,肠虫病:由于寄生蠕虫侵扰而引起的疾病〔gynecology〕The branch of medicine dealing with the administration of health care to women, especially the diagnosis and treatment of disorders affecting the female reproductive organs.妇科:研究妇女医疗保健的,尤其是对女性生殖器官的疾病进行诊断和治疗的医药学分支〔bacterial〕a bacterial enzyme; bacterial diseases.细菌酶;细菌性疾病〔tacrine〕A drug that halts or reverses memory loss temporarily in some individuals with Alzheimer's disease, but does not alter the course of the disease.塔克宁:一种适用于某些阿滋海默症患者,可以暂时性阻止或改善其失忆症状恶化的药物,但是无法完全治愈此疾病〔contain〕Science sought an effective method of containing the disease.用科学方法探索出遏制这种疾病的有效手段〔seborrhea〕A disease of the sebaceous glands characterized by excessive secretion of sebum or an alteration in its quality, resulting in an oily coating, crusts, or scales on the skin.皮脂溢性皮炎:一种皮脂腺疾病,症状是皮脂分泌过度或其质量改变,结果会导致皮肤的油腻、裂层或皱纹〔trace〕trace the cause of a disease.查出一疾病的原因〔catastrophic〕a catastrophic illness.一场灾难性的疾病〔blackleg〕A bacterial or fungal disease of certain plants, such as the cabbage and potato, that causes the stems to turn black at the soil line.黑茎病:某些植物,如卷心菜和土豆的一种细菌或真菌疾病,引起茎干在与土接壤处变黑〔healthy〕 Healthy stresses the absence of disease and often implies energy and strength: Healthy 强调没有疾病的并通常暗示充满精力或力量的: 〔blastomycete〕Any of various yeastlike, budding fungi of the genusBlastomyces that cause diseases in humans and animals. 芽生菌:一种芽生菌 属的酵母状芽真菌,能引发人畜疾病 〔resistance〕The capacity of an organism to defend itself against a disease.抗性:某生物抑制自身某一疾病的能力〔dieback〕The gradual dying of plant shoots, starting at the tips, as a result of various diseases or climatic conditions.顶枯病:植物的嫩枝从顶部开始慢慢死亡。该病是由于不同的疾病或气候条件造成的〔neurofibromatosis〕A genetic disease characterized by the formation of neurofibromas, sometimes accompanied by physical deformation and a predisposition to brain tumors and various forms of cancer.神经纤维瘤病:遗传性疾病,其特点为具有多个神经纤维瘤,常伴随有身体畸变,易导致脑瘤及各种癌症〔aspergillosis〕An infection or a disease caused by fungi of the genusAspergillus. 黑麴菌病:由黑麴菌属 真菌引起的感染或疾病 〔get〕To become affected with (an illness, for example) by infection or exposure; catch:患上,染上:通过传染或暴露而传染上(例如,疾病);得了:〔easy〕"The diagnosis of disease is often easy, often difficult, and often impossible" (Peter M. Latham). “对疾病的诊断往往不严格、不容易且也不可能” (彼得·拉桑)。 〔communicate〕To spread (a disease, for example) to others; transmit:传染:扩散(例如疾病)到别人;传开:〔spirochete〕Any of various slender, spiral, motile bacteria of the order Spirochaetales, many of which are pathogenic, causing syphilis, relapsing fever, yaws, and other diseases.螺旋体:螺旋体目各种细长的、螺旋形的游走细菌,其中许多是病原性的,能引起梅毒、回归热,雅司病及其他疾病〔exanthema〕A disease, such as measles or scarlet fever, accompanied by a skin eruption.疹病:伴有皮疹的一种疾病,如麻疹、猩红热〔curl〕Any of various plant diseases in which the leaves roll up.卷叶病:任一种叶子呈卷曲状的植物疾病〔prognostic〕A sign or symptom indicating the future course of a disease.预后:显示疾病演变前景的现象或症状〔sporotrichosis〕A chronic infectious disease of domestic mammals and human beings, characterized by nodules or ulcers in the lymph nodes and skin and caused by a saprophytic or parasitic fungus of the genusSporothrix, especially S. schenckii, commonly found in soil and wood. 孢子丝菌病:一种驯养的哺乳动物和人类的慢性传染性疾病,其特征是淋巴节和皮肤上有结状物或溃疡,由侧孢 属的腐生菌或寄生菌引起,特别是 孢子丝菌 ,通常见于土壤或木材中 〔motherwort〕moder [womb (from its use in treating diseases of the uterus)] * see mother 1moder [子宫(因其在治疗子宫疾病中的用途而得名)] * 参见 mother1〔encephalopathy〕Any of various diseases of the brain.脑病:任何种类的大脑疾病〔coxsackievirus〕Any of a group of enteroviruses that can cause a disease resembling poliomyelitis but without paralysis.库克萨基病毒:任一种肠道病毒,能引起以脊髓灰质炎为特征的疾病,但不会导致瘫痪〔bot〕bots (used with a sing. or pl. verb)A disease of mammals, especially cattle and horses, caused by infestation of the stomach or intestines with botfly larvae. bots (与单数或复数动词连用)马胃肠蝇蛆,牛胃肠蝇蛆:哺乳动物(尤指牛或马)的疾病,由寄生于胃肠的马蝇卵所引起〔sickly〕Of, caused by, or associated with sickness:病态的:疾病的、由之引起的或与之相关的:〔cardiomyopathy〕A disease or disorder of the heart muscle, especially of unknown or obscure cause.心肌病:一种心肌疾病,尤指病因未知或难解的心肌疾病〔Paracelsus〕German-Swiss alchemist and physician who introduced the concept of disease to medicine. He held that illness was the result of external agents attacking the body rather than imbalances within the body and advocated the use of chemicals against disease-causing agents.帕拉塞尔苏斯,菲利浦斯·欧雷奥卢斯:(1493-1541) 德国瑞士籍炼金术士和医生,他把疾病这一概念引进医学,认为疾病是分割身体的外用药剂的结果,而不是体内失调,并主张使用药物抵抗致病药剂〔attack〕An episode or onset of a disease, especially an occurrence of a chronic disease:患病,突然发病:患病的经历或疾病的开始,尤指慢性疾病的发作:〔necrobiosis〕The natural death of cells or tissues through aging, as distinguished from necrosis or pathological death.进行性坏死:随着年龄的增长细胞或组织的正常死亡,有别于坏死或由于疾病的死亡 |
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