单词 | 由于 |
释义 | 〔inanition〕Exhaustion, as from lack of nourishment or vitality.缺乏营养:耗尽,由于缺乏营养或活力而造成的〔thrill〕To feel a sudden quiver of excitement or emotion.由于兴奋或激动而感到一种突然的颤动〔dingy〕Darkened with smoke and grime; dirty or discolored.黑暗的:由于烟与灰尘而阴暗的;肮脏的或褪色的〔haggard〕Wasted stresses frailness or enfeeblement such as results from prolonged illness or extreme hardship: Wasted 强调由于长期疾病或极端困苦而造成的体质脆弱或无力: 〔develop〕began with a good premise but developed it without imagination.由一个好的前提开始,却由于毫无想象力而将其变得越来越复杂〔ennui〕Listlessness and dissatisfaction resulting from lack of interest; boredom:厌倦,无聊:由于缺乏兴趣而产生的无聊及不满足;厌倦:〔exciton〕An electrically neutral excited state of an insulator or semiconductor, often regarded as a bound state of an electron and a hole.激子:由于吸收光子在固体中产生的可移动的束缚的电子-空子对〔delay〕The bus was delayed by a cloudburst.由于大暴雨,公共汽车来迟了。〔auxesis〕Growth resulting from increase in cell size without cell division.细胞增大:指由于细胞体积的增大而非细胞分裂而导致的生长〔sloppy〕Unkempt stresses dishevelment resulting from a neglectful lack of proper maintenance: Unkempt 强调由于忽视而缺少正确的维护而造成的凌乱: 〔Scopes〕American teacher who violated a state law by teaching the theory of evolution in a Tennessee high school. His trial (July 1925) was a highly publicized confrontation between defense attorney Clarence Darrow and the director of the prosecution William Jennings Bryan. Scopes was found guilty and fined a nominal sum, but his conviction was later reversed on technical grounds.斯科普斯,约翰·托马斯:(1900-1970) 美国一教师,因在田纳西州的一所中学里讲授进化论而违反了州法。对他的审判(1925年7月)是辩护律师克拉仑斯·达柔和原告律师长威廉·詹尼斯·布赖恩之间的公开的高度对抗。斯科普斯被确认为有罪而且被罚了一点微不足道的罚金,但对他的判决后果由于技术方面的理由后来得到平反〔Sato〕Japanese politician who served as prime minister (1964-1972). He won the 1974 Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts toward nuclear disarmament.佐藤,荣作:(1901-1975) 日本政治家,曾任首相(1964-1972年),由于他为核裁军做出的努力而获得1974年诺贝尔和平奖〔senile〕In earlier writings one finds phrases such as "asenile maturity of judgment" and "green and vigorous senility, ” demonstrating that these two words have not always been burdened with their current negative connotations. Senile and senility are examples of pejoration, the process by which a word's meaning changes for the worse over time.Even thoughsenile (first recorded in 1661) and senility (first recorded in 1778) initially had neutral senses such as "pertaining to old age,” it is probable that the weakness (in particular the mental weakness) that sometimes accompanies old age eventually caused negative senses to predominate.Certainly some pejorative associations were present in Latinsenīlis, "relating to an old man, aged,” the ultimate source of both words, and in related Latin words such assenēscere, which could mean "to deteriorate with age.” But it seems that pejorative associations have taken over these words in English through general usage,perhaps because average life expectancy has risen steadily over the years.在较早的文学作品中人们可以找到形如“判断力Senile(老练) 成熟”和“精力旺盛的有魄力的 Senility(老态龙钟) ”的短语,表明这两个词一直没有表示他们流行的消极的含义。 Senile 和 senility 是词义转贬的范例, 即一个词的意思随时间变化变得越来越坏。尽管senile (首次记载于1661年)和 senility (首次记载于1778年)最初具有中性的意义,例如“关于老年的”, 可能是伴随老年出现的衰弱(特别是智力衰弱)最终导致了反面的意思居支配地位。当然有一些词义转贬的联系表现在拉丁文中的senilis (“关于老人的,老年的”),是这两个词的最早的词源, 和与之相关的拉丁词如senecer ,意为“随年纪恶化”。 但是看起来在英语中通过广泛的使用词义转贬的联系已经取代了这些词,可能是由于平均估计寿命随时代发展稳步上升〔tide〕Stress exerted on a body or part of a body by gravitational attraction of another:应力:由于另一物体的重力吸引而施加于某物体或物体某部分的力:〔Gallup〕American public-opinion analyst. Through his techniques of polling the public, he accurately predicted the outcome of the 1936 presidential election. Gallup polls have been used regularly ever since.盖洛普,乔治·贺拉斯:(1901-1984) 美国公众舆论分析家,由于他采用公众民意测验的方法,精确预估出1936年总统选举的结果。盖洛普民意测验法从那时起被正式使用〔Kuhn〕Austrian chemist. He won a 1938 Nobel Prize for research on carotenoids and vitamins but declined the award by order of the Nazi government.库恩,理查德:(1900-1967) 奥地利化学家,因在类胡萝卜素和维生素方面的研究而获得了1938年的诺贝尔奖,但由于纳粹政府的命令婉拒领奖〔Edelman〕American biochemist. He shared a 1972 Nobel Prize for research on the chemical structure and nature of antibodies.埃德尔曼,杰拉尔德·莫里斯:(生于 1929) 美国生物化学家,由于他对抗体的化学结构及性质的研究而与人共获1972年诺贝尔奖〔chuckle〕A quiet laugh of mild amusement or satisfaction.轻笑声:由于高兴或满意而轻笑〔cast〕A rigid dressing, usually made of gauze and plaster of Paris, used to immobilize an injured body part, as in a fracture or dislocation. Also called plaster cast 敷料,石膏模:一个僵直的敷料,通常由纱布和熟石膏制成,用来固定一个由于骨折或脱臼而受伤的身体部位 也作 plaster cast〔venerable〕Commanding respect by virtue of age, dignity, character, or position.See Synonyms at elderly 值得敬重的,令人崇敬的:由于年龄、德行、品质或职位而应受到尊敬的 参见 elderly〔ineligible〕Disqualified by law, rule, or provision:不合格的:由于不符法律、规章或制度的规定而不能入选的:〔snow〕The white specks on a television screen resulting from weak reception.雪花点:由于接收微弱,电视机屏幕上的白色斑点〔premiere〕In entertainment contextsthe verbpremiere has by now become the standard way of saying "to introduce to the public,” at least partly because of its ubiquitous use on television.Over the past 20 yearsthis use has won the sometimes grudging acceptance of the Usage Panel.The exampleThe Philharmonic will premiere works by two young Americans was acceptable to 51 percent of the Panelists in the most recent survey, up from 14 percent in 1969.But only 10 percent of the Panelists in the most recent survey accepted extension of the verb to nonentertainment contexts,as in Last fall the school premiered new degree programs in word processing and accounting. 在娱乐场合下,动词premiere 现在已经成为表示“介绍给公众”的标准说法, 这至少在某种程度上是由于它在电视上广泛地使用。在过去的二十年里,这一用法已经赢得了用法专题使用小组的有时勉强的接受。例句交响乐曲将让两个美国年轻人首次出演其作品 在最近的一次调查中已经被51%小组成员接受了, 比1969年的14%有所提高。但在这次调查中只有10%的成员接受将此用法扩展至非娱乐性场合,如去年秋天学校首次推出字处理和会计两门新的学位课程 〔thanks〕"our national good fortune in having avoided, thanks to the religion clauses of the First Amendment, the dismal possibilities of religious censorship"(Benno C. Schmidt, Jr.)“我们国家的已避免的好运,是由于第一修正案中的宗教条款,排除了宗教的可能性”(小本诺C.施米特)〔Ohlin〕Swedish economist. He shared a 1977 Nobel Prize for contributions to the theories of international trade and finance.奥林,贝尔蒂尔·戈塔尔德:(1899-1979) 瑞典经济学家,由于其对国际贸易和金融理论做出的贡献,而获得了1977年诺贝尔奖〔dismay〕Appall implies a sense of helplessness caused by an awareness of the enormity of something: Appall 含有一种由于某事物的暴虐而造成的无助感: 〔spontaneous〕Arising from a natural inclination or impulse and not from external incitement or constraint.内在冲动的:由于自然倾向或冲动且非外部刺激或者强制而引起的〔chroma〕The aspect of color in the Munsell color system by which a sample appears to differ from a gray of the same lightness or brightness and that corresponds to saturation of the perceived color.色品,色度:曼塞尔色系中的色图,例如相同明度和亮度的灰色会由于可见色的饱和度不同而不一样〔virtue〕well off by virtue of a large inheritance.由于继承了大笔遗产而致富〔stick〕To become or remain attached or in close association by or as if by adhesion; cling:粘住:由于或似乎贴有粘着剂而变得或保持固定或紧密相连;绑缚:〔bloom〕A visible, colored area on the surface of bodies of water caused by excessive planktonic growth.水花区:由于浮游生物过度生长引起的水体表面显色的地段〔scar〕A mark, such as a dent, resulting from use or contact.斑痕:由于使用或接触产生的标记,如凹痕〔Nasser〕A lake of southeast Egypt and northern Sudan. It was formed in the 1960's by the construction of the Aswan High Dam on the Nile river. The rising waters of the lake submerged many historic sites.纳赛尔湖:埃及东南部和苏丹北部的一个湖。它是在20世纪60年代由于阿斯旺高水坝在尼罗河上的建设而形成的,湖水的高涨淹没了许多历史遗迹〔offload〕"He does come close to offloading some of the blame for the launch on . . . the dear old media"(Meg Greenfield)“他来确实是为推脱由于把昂贵的传播工具转向市场而受的某些谴责”(梅格·格林菲尔德)〔impractical〕Refloating the sunken ship proved impractical because of the great expense.打捞沉船由于费用巨大而显得不切实际〔satisfaction〕Compensation for injury or loss; reparation.补偿:由于受到伤害或损失得到的补偿;修复〔deformation〕An alteration of shape by pressure or stress.扭曲变形:由于压力或拉力导致的形状改变〔go〕Go has long been used to describe the production of nonlinguistic noises, as inThe train went "toot.” The cow goes "moo.” In recent years, however,younger speakers have extended this use ofgo to the report of speech, as inThen he goes, "You think you're real smart, don't you.” For speakers young enough to get away with it,this usage serves a useful purpose in informal spoken narrative as an explicit indicator of a direct quotation, particularly when the speaker wishes to mimic the accent or intonation of the original spoken source.Largely restricted to the "narrative present" used in vivid description,it is highly inappropriate in formal speech or writing.Go 很久以来用来描述非语言学上的发声, 如在火车发出“突突”声, 牛“哞哞”地叫。 然而,近些年来,年轻的演讲者把go 的这一用法运用到演讲报告中去了, 如在接着他说道,“你认为你 的确 聪明,是吗?” 。 由于年轻人太年轻了而被人们忽视了这一误用,这一用法在非正式口语中作为直接引语的明显的指示词起到十分有益的作用,尤其在说话者想模仿原口语材料的重音或语调时,这一作用更明显。主要用于生动形象的“描述”里,限于陈述句现在时中,在正式的演讲或书面语中十分不适用〔flap〕a flap in Congress over the defense budget.由于国防预算引起的国会慌乱〔pyroelectricity〕Generation of electric charge on a crystal by change of temperature.热电:由于温度的变化而在结晶体上发生的电流的产生 |
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