单词 | 现已 |
释义 | 〔Lawrence〕A city of northeast Massachusetts on the Merrimack River north-northeast of Lowell. Laid out as an industrial town in 1845, it soon became one of the world's greatest centers for woolen textiles. Many of the old mills have now been renovated. Population, 70,207.劳伦斯:美国马萨诸塞州东北部一城市,位于梅里马克河畔,洛威尔东北偏北部。1845年建立时是一个工业城镇,很快发展成为世界上最大的羊毛纺织中心。许多旧磨坊现已被修葺一新。人口70,207〔chagrin〕The ultimate etymology of the wordchagrin, which comes directly to us from French, is considered uncertain by many etymologists. At one timechagrin was thought to be the same word as shagreen, "a leather or skin with a rough surface,” derived from French chagrin. The reasoning wasthat in French the word for this rough material, which was used to smooth and polish things,was extended to the notion of troubles that fret and annoy a person.It was later decided, however,that the sense "rough leather" and the sense "sorrow" each belonged to a different French wordchagrin. Other etymologists have offered an alternative explanation,suggesting that the French wordchagrin, "sorrow,” is a loan translation of the German word Katzenjammer, "a morning-after-the-night-before feeling.” A loan translation is a type of borrowing from another languagein which the elements of a foreign word,as inKatzen, "cats,” and Jammer, "distress, seediness,” are assumed to be translated literally by corresponding elements in another language,in this case,chat, "cat,” and grigner, "to grimace.” The actual etymology is less colorful,with the word probably going back to a Germanic word,.gramī, meaning "sorrow, trouble.”Chagrin is first recorded in English in 1656 in the now obsolete sense "anxiety, melancholy.”我们从法语直接借用的词chagrin 的最终词源被许多词源学家认为是不能确定的。 Charin 曾经被认为和由法语词 chagrin 派生出来的 shagreen “有粗糙表面的皮革或皮肤”是同一个词。 理由是,这种粗糙材料是用来打磨和抛光物品用的,法语里的这个词被引申到有了使人懊恼和烦恼的意思。但后来才确定,“粗糙的皮革”的含义和“沮丧”的含义分属于一个不同的法语词chagrin 。 别的词源学家提出了另外一种解释,说法语词chagrin “沮丧”是借译于日耳曼语词 Katzenjammer “醉后的难受感”。 借译是借用另一种语言,即外语词的成分,如Katzen “猫”,和 Jammer “沮丧,不舒服”, 并照那种语言的对应成分直译过来,在这种情况下为chat “猫”和 grigner “做怪相”。 实际的语源没有这么富于趣味,这个词极可能要追溯到日耳曼语词grami , 意思为“愁苦,麻烦”。Chagrin 第一次出现在英语里有记载的时间是在1656年, 当时的含义“焦虑,忧郁”现已过时不用〔medusahead〕A grass (Taeniatherum caput-medusae) with long bristly awns that is native to Europe and has become naturalized in western North America. 海蛇头:一种草 (海蛇头) ,带有刚硬的芒刺,原产于欧洲,现已移植北美西部地区 〔Franciscan〕A member of a religious mendicant order founded by Saint Francis of Assisi in 1209 and now divided into three independent branches.圣方济各会修士或修女:1209年由圣方济各建立、现已分作三个独立分支的一宗教行乞修道团的成员〔grip〕a drowning swimmer now safely in the grip of a lifeguard.溺水的游泳者现已被救生员牢牢抓住〔trace〕Vestige refers to a surviving remnant of what once existed or is past: Vestige 用来指保存下来的曾经存在或现已消亡事物的残余: 〔Ossetia〕A region of the central Caucasus in southern European U.S.S.R. The area was annexed by Russia between 1801 and 1806 and is now split into an autonomous republic in the north and an autonomous oblast in the south.奥塞梯:苏联欧洲部分南部、高加索中部一地区。此地区于1801-1806年间被俄国兼并,现已分裂,在北方为一个自治共和国,在南方则为一个自治州〔placoderm〕Any of various extinct fishes of the Silurian and Devonian periods, characterized by bony plates of armor covering the head and flanks, hinged jaws, and paired fins.盾皮鱼:各种现已灭绝的希留利亚纪和泥盆纪鱼类,特征是头部和两侧被多骨的甲壳盖住、有链的颚和成对的鳍〔intuit〕This lack of acceptance is often attributed to the verb's status as a back-formation fromintuition, but in fact the verb has existed as long as other back-formations, such asdiagnose and donate, that are now wholly acceptable. The source of the objections most likely lies in the fact that the verb is often used in reference to more trivial sorts of insight than would be permitted by a full appreciation of the traditional meaning ofintuition. In this connection, a somewhat greater percentage of the Panel, 46 percent,does acceptintuit in the sentence Mathematicians sometimes intuit the truth of a theorem long before they are able to prove it. See Usage Note at enthuse 这种观点上的差异通常归咎于这个动词作为源于intuition 的逆构词的地位, 但是事实上这个动词的存在时间与其他现已普遍接受的诸如diagnose 以及 donate 等逆构词的存在时间一样长。 反对的原因很可能在于这个动词常用以指“较差的洞察力”,而此意义是被intuition 传统意义的充分理解所禁止的。 在这方面,小组百分之四十六之多的人,确实接受intuit 用于句中 数学家们能在某些定理被证明以前凭直觉知道定理的正确性 参见 enthuse〔Egyptian〕The now extinct Afro-Asiatic language of the ancient Egyptians.古埃及语:现已消失的古埃及人的属闪含语系的语言〔calamite〕Any of various extinct, chiefly carboniferous trees of the genusCalamites, related to the modern-day herbaceous horsetails (Equisetum). 芦木:一种芦木 属主要生长于石炭纪的、现已灭绝的树木,与现代的草本马尾草 (芦木属) 有一定联系 〔DES〕A synthetic nonsteroidal substance, C18H 20O 2, having estrogenic properties and once used to treat menstrual disorders. It is no longer prescribed because of the incidence of certain vaginal cancers in the daughters of women so treated. 二乙基固醇:一种人造非类固醇物质,其组成为C18H 20O 2,具有雌性激素的特性,曾经用于治疗月经失调。但由于它可能会导致用过该药的妇女的女儿患阴道癌,现已不再使用 〔Sabaean〕An extinct Semitic language spoken in ancient Sheba.古示巴语:现已不存的古示巴闪语〔go〕old dress codes that have now gone by the board.现已过时的旧服饰式样〔Luwian〕An Indo-European language of the Anatolian family, attested in documents from the second millenniumb.c. and now extinct. 卢维语:小亚细亚语系中的一种印欧罗巴语,公元前 二千年见于史册,现已绝迹 〔Plainfield〕A city of northeast New Jersey southwest of Newark. Settled in 1684, it was formerly a residential town but has now become a trade and industrial center in a thickly populated area. Population, 46,567.普莱菲尔德:美国新泽西州东北部的一座城市,位于纽瓦克西南。1684年建立,原为居民城镇,现已变成人口密集的贸易和工业中心。人口46,567〔about〕This use has lately been extended to refer to the relation between various nonlinguistic entities and the things they make manifest,as inThe party was mostly about showing off their new offices or His designs are about the use of rough-textured materials. This practice probably originates with the expressionThat's what it's all about and may partly reflect implicit deference to the postmodern doctrine that every social artifact and activity can be regarded as a text subject to interpretation. But the usage is still too voguish to have won general acceptance;it is rejected by 59 percent of the Usage Panel in the example 这种用法现已被扩展到表示各种非语言作品和它所表现的事物之间的关系,比如在该政党大肆吹嘘他们的新官员 或 他的设计使用天然质地的原材料。 这种用法可能是源自这就是全部情况 的表示法,也许部分地反应了一种内在的区别:以后现代主义的观点来看,每一社会产物或活动都可视为需解释的一种主题。 但这种用法流行期太短暂而没有得到普遍的认可;百分之五十九的用法小组人员都认为下面的例子是不正确的: 〔spa〕The wordspa, taken from the name of the famous mineral springs in Spa, Belgium, has become a common noun denoting any place with a medicinal or mineral spring.Less well known is its regional sense, "soda fountain,”probably an allusion to the carbonated or "mineral" waterthat is a staple ingredient of many soda fountain concoctions.单词spa 是由比利时著名的矿泉胜地斯帕而来的, 现已成为一普通名词用来指任何有药泉或矿泉的地方。这个词本来的意思“碳酸水”鲜为人知,可能暗指充满二氧化碳的水或“矿物”水,它是碳酸饮料的主要成份〔symbolize〕"Munich, the 1938 Hitler-Chamberlain meeting that now symbolizes the idea of appeasement"(Jonathan Alter)“慕尼黑,1938年希特勒与张伯伦的会晤现已为绥靖主义的象征”(乔纳森·奥尔特)〔where〕Whenwhere is used to refer to a point of origin, the prepositionfrom is required: Where did she come from? When it is used to refer to a point of destination,the prepositionto is generally superfluous: Where is she going? ( preferable toWhere is she going to? ). When it is used to refer to the place at which an event or a situation is located,the use ofat is widely regarded as regional or colloquial: Where is the station? (not Where is the station at? ). The idiomatic phrasewhere it's at, widely used in the 1960's to refer to "the current state of things,” is now largely pass?, except when used for stylistic effect: 当where 被用来指起源方面时, 介词from 就需要用上: 她从哪里来? 当它被用来指目的地时,介词to 就通常是多余的: 她要去哪里? ( 比起她要向哪里去? 更可取)。 当它被用来指事件所发生的场合或一种局面形势所处的地方时,使用at 则被广泛认作是地区性的或口语化的: 车站在哪里? (而不是 车站位于什么地方? )。 惯用语短语where it's at 在20世纪60年代广泛被用来指“事情的当前状态”,现已很大程度上过时了, 除非当我们用它来加强文体效果: 〔Australoid〕Of, relating to, or being a human racial classification traditionally distinguished by physical characteristics such as dark skin and dark curly hair, and including the aboriginal peoples of Australia along with various peoples of southeast Asia, especially Melanesia and the Malay Archipelago. No longer in scientific use.澳大利亚土著居民的:属于、关于或有着传统上以身体特征进行区别的人类种族分类的,如黑皮肤、深色卷发,包括澳洲土著居民、东南亚各民族,尤指美拉尼西亚和马来群岛的。现已不用于科学上〔chloroform〕A clear, colorless, heavy, sweet-smelling liquid, CHCl3, used in refrigerants, propellants, and resins, as a solvent, and sometimes as an anesthetic. Chloroform, once widely used in human and veterinary surgery, has generally been replaced by less toxic, more easily controlled agents. 三氯甲烷,氯仿:一种清澈、无色、比重大、有香味的液体,CHCl3,作为溶剂,有时作为麻醉剂而用于冷冻剂、推动剂和树脂。氯仿曾一度被广泛用于人类及兽医外科手术,现已普遍被低麻醉性且较易控制的药剂取代 〔bathysphere〕A reinforced spherical deep-diving chamber in which persons are lowered by a cable to study the oceans. The bathysphere, limited to depths of about 900 meters (3,000 feet), has been supplanted by the safer and more navigable bathyscaph.海潜球:一种坚固的球形深海潜水器,用缆绳把载人的球形舱降低以观测海洋。潜水深度限制在900米,现已被更安全、更能航行的深海潜测艇所代替〔Venetic〕An extinct Indo-European language known from short inscriptions in Veneto dating from the sixth to the first centuriesb.c. and possibly belonging to the Italic branch. 凡内提客语:现已消亡的印欧语言,从在威尼托发现的公元前 六至一世纪的简短碑铭中得知该语言的存在,可能属于古意大利语分支 〔Andersonville〕A village of southwest-central Georgia north-northeast of Americus. Its notorious Confederate prison, where more than 12,000 soldiers died during the Civil War, is now a national historic site.安德森维尔:位于乔治亚洲中部偏西南阿梅里克斯东北偏北的一个村庄。南北战争期间12,000多名士兵死在这里臭名昭著的邦联监狱里,现已成为国家历史遗址〔sulfathiazole〕A sulfa drug, C9H 9N 3O 2S 2, once widely used in the treatment of gonorrhea, bacterial pneumonia, and other bacterial infections. It has been replaced by less toxic sulfonamides. 磺胺噻唑:一种磺胺药品,C9H 9N 3O 2S 2,曾广泛用于对淋病、肺炎和其他细菌感染的治疗,现已被有低毒的磺胺药品取代 〔Oss〕A city of southern Netherlands southwest of Nijmegen. Chartered in 1399, it is an industrial and processing center. Population, 50,086.奥斯:荷兰南部城市,位于奈梅亨西南。1399年获特许状自治,现已成为工业及加工中心。人口50,086〔ichthyosaur〕Any of various extinct fishlike marine reptiles of the order Ichthyosauria of the Triassic Period to the Cretaceous Period, having a porpoiselike head and an elongated, toothed snout.鱼龙:三叠纪至白垩纪间的属于鱼龙目的水生爬行动物中的任一种,现已绝迹,该动物头象海豚,喙长,有牙〔Etruscan〕The extinct language of the Etruscans, of unknown linguistic affiliation.伊特鲁里亚语:现已消失的伊特鲁里亚语,这种语言的语缘关系尚不明〔Cumanagoto〕A member of an extinct South American Indian people of northeast Venezuela.库马纳戈托人:原居于委内瑞拉东北部,现已灭绝的南美印第安人〔crossopterygian〕A member of the Crossopterygii, a group of bony fishes with paired, rounded fins that are extinct except for the coelacanths and are regarded as ancestors of amphibians and other terrestrial vertebrates.总鳍鱼:一种总鳍目鱼,长有成对的圆形鳍,除了空鳍鱼类的鱼之外现已全部灭绝,被认为是两栖纲动物和其它陆生脊椎动物的祖先〔Saransk〕A city of central European U.S.S.R. west of Ulyanovsk. Founded as a fort in the 1600's, it is a manufacturing and processing center. Population, 307,000.萨兰斯克:原苏联欧洲部分中部一城市,位于乌里扬诺夫斯克西部。它建于17世纪初叶,当时是一座城堡,现已是一个制造和加工业中心。人口307,000〔lobotomy〕Surgical incision into the frontal lobe of the brain to sever one or more nerve tracts, a technique formerly used to treat certain mental disorders but now rarely performed.脑白质切除术:一种外科手术,即切入脑部额叶切除一个或几个神经束。以前经常用于治疗精神混乱症,但现已废除〔creodont〕Any of various extinct carnivorous mammals of the suborder Creodonta, of the Paleocene Epoch to the Pliocene Epoch.肉齿类哺乳动物:任一种从古新世到上新世之间的属于肉齿亚目的多种现已灭绝的食肉哺乳动物〔oreodont〕Any of various extinct sheep-sized ruminant artiodactyls of the family Merycoidodontidae, widespread during the Eocene through the Miocene epochs in North America.岳齿兽:岳齿属中现已灭绝的多种体似绵羊的反刍性偶蹄动物中的任何一种,从始新世到中新世时期遍布于北美〔toady〕A toady is not a pleasant individual,and the origin of the word makes being a toady even less pleasant.Toady is obviously derived from the word toad. The-y suffix can have diminutive force, and the earliest recorded sense (around 1690) oftoady (now obsolete), "a little or young toad,” illustrates this force. The sense we know has nothing to do with baby toadsbut rather with the practice of certain quacks or charlatans who claimed that they could cast out poison.Toads were thought to be poisonous,so these charlatans would have an attendant eat a toad or pretend to eat oneand then remove the poison from the attendant.Such an attendant is obviously a type of person who would do anything,and thustoadeater (first recorded 1629) was the perfect name for a flattering, fawning parasite. Toadeater and the verb derived from it, toadeat, influenced the sense of the noun and verb toad and the noun toady, so that both nouns could mean "sycophant"and the verbtoady could mean "to act like a toady to someone.” 拍马者并不是一个讨人喜欢的人,这个词的来源使做拍马者这种作法更加不令人喜欢。Toady 很显然是从 toad 这个词衍生而来。 后缀-y 可以有一种指小的效力, Toady 这个词最早有记载(1690年左右)的含义“一只小或幼年蟾蜍”(现已废弃)正说明了这种效力。 我们现在知道的含义与年幼的蟾蜍没有什么关系,而与某些宣称能够驱毒的冒牌医生或江湖郎中的某些做法有关。当时人们认为蟾蜍有毒,所以这些江湖朗中会叫一个手下人吃下一只蟾蜍或假装吃下一只蟾蜍,然后把毒物从他的手下人身体中驱除出去。很明显,这样一个帮手是一种什么事都会做的人,这样,用toadeater (最早记载于1629年)这个词来称呼奉承拍马的寄生者是再合适不过了。 Toadeater 和从它衍生而来的动词 toadeat 影响了作为名词或动词的 toad 和作为名词 toady 的含义, 于是二个名词都可以理解为“拍马者”的意思,而动词toady 有“在某人面前象一个拍马者一样行动”的意思 〔trump〕The history of the wordtrump gives meaning to this seemingly nonsensical word and also relates to the history of the game of bridge.Trump is an alteration of the word triumph used in special senses that are now obsolete. These senses, first recorded in a sermon of 1529 by the English prelate Hugh Latimer, are "a card game" and "trump" as it is used in card games.In the same 1529 textone may find the first instances oftrump, used in the same two senses as triumph. Fromtrump and other games came the card game whist, which in turn developed into bridge.The termtrump survived even though the game of trump did not. trump 一词的历史赋予这一看似荒唐的词以意义, 同时它也与桥牌的历史相联系。在triump 的一些现已过时的特殊意义中 trump 可与之换用。 这些意义便是牌戏中所用的“牌戏”和“王牌”,它们首次记载于英格兰高级教士拉蒂默1529年的一篇布道中。在1529年的同一篇文章中,我们可找到trump 被用于 triump 的这两个意义的例子。 从trump 和其它游戏产生了牌戏, 而后又发展成为桥牌。尽管特拉普这一牌戏已不复存在,但trump 一词留存至今 〔ichthyornis〕Any of various extinct, toothed birds of the genusIchthyornis that existed during the Cretaceous Period. 鱼鸟:生存于白垩纪,现已灭绝的有牙齿的鱼鸟 属动物 |
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